science says it not really blue that is only a illusion
with love and a holy kiss Roy
I was in the photo business for 20 years, a working knowledge of light comes with the territory.
The gases which make up what we call air are clear, odorless and colorless.
However, air also contains great amounts of other particles such as moisture from water and liquid evaporation.
It also contains dust, exhaust, smoke from wildfires, industry and homes, volcanic ash, and swamp gas and cow farts as well as many other fine particles.
White light is made up of all the colors of the rainbow in perfect balance. Water droplets in the air working as a lens or prism, divides the light in it's parts from the shortest wave length to the longest wavelengths, (From blue to red,) making a rainbow.
"Dust" and other solid particles in the air stop and reflect a certain amount of the light passing through it.
The first light waves affected are the shortest ones, the blue light reflects off the particles giving the blue appearance.
During midday when the light is only traveling through 60 to 150 miles of air the sky looks blue.
Towards sunset, the light is traveling through much more air, maybe 250 to 350 miles worth, and much more dust.
The blue light waves have all been reflected away and the greens, yellows, oranges, reds and purples of sunset each take their turns in being prominent at the sunset.
It is not an illusion, the blue lightwaves are reflecting off the dust particles in the air, and that is what we see.
they said it is a illusion we see and they which of illusion it was
I watched the program you linked to above and it said nothing of importance about light and nothing at all about sky.
Then I googled "the sky is red" and got red sky at night/morning, equals a sailor's delight/warning,
The Sky is Red is also some musical group, and there is an Italian book by that name.
Other than a number of references to sunsets, sunrises, bands and books, google refered to explanations of why the sky is blue,
which all were similiar to what I said.
If you do have something backing up the red sky science, please direct me to it. The history channel link was not it.
The human eye and brain is a remarkable thing. Once your brain knows what an object looks like color wise, it will alter what your eye sends back to a "normal" color balance so all colors appear as they should be.
A good example for you old fogies is color film. Normal color film is color balanced to shooting outdoors in mid day light. I'm sure those of you who had film cameras shot some pictures indoors without a flash. The results without flash would come back bright orage or green. The orange is the real color of incandescent light bulbs, the green is the real color of florescent tubes.
Your eye sees the orange or green but somewhere in your brain, it auto-whites the images back to what you expect to see as the normal color.
My old digital camera has an auto-white switch on it that does the same thing remarkably well. :)
it looks blue to me and then i look up a the clouds and ask god for signs - i beg him to smile on me - well, on my kid
Dearest Mz. Thedra,
I will be praying for your kid.
Jesus came to give hope to humankind and serve an eviction notice, but lucifer is still the god of this world. Satan is the destroyer; the father of all lies, confusion, misdirection, disease, pain and his ultimate nastiness: death.
But Jesus is coming back with a sword of righteousness and the combined armies of The True God to enforce the eviction.
In that time, God shall take away our weaknesses, and pains, and wipe the tears from our eyes.
((((((((excie)))))))) :wub:
As to the sky being blue, I'll go back to photo lab days. ( :P oh no, here we go again! )
First a necessary explanation: the primary colors of pigment is red, yellow and blue,
but the primary colors of light is red, green and blue.
In a gross oversimplification, color film is made of three distinct layers, one for each primary color of light, red, green and blue. Each layer only reacts to the color it is designed to. The red layer cannot absorb blue or green, the blue can't absorb red or green.
So, technically, if the sky were red, then the normal (outdoor) film could only record it as red. Film is not like human vision which brings what it sees back to "normal-white." As it is, normal film does record the sky as blue through midday and as red at sunset when it really is red.
Film, unlike the eye, can only record that which is it is exposed to.
I am not trying to refute you, I am only reporting the facts as I know them. I would love to see the addys to your sources, being as I myself am a science junkie. For years I have declared the sky to be green which in fact true. That beautiful baby blue sky we all so love is a color called cyan, and that is a combination of blue and green. (On the rainbow, you will see that green is right next to blue and goes to yellow. A careful look and you can kind of see sky blue right between blue and green.)
An optical illusion first described by the German physiologist Ludimar Hermann (1838–1914) in 1870. While reading a book on sound by the Irish physicist John Tyndall, Hermann saw gray spots in the intersections of spaces among the figures that Tyndall had arranged in a matrix. Despite the fact that the same intensity of light is reflected all the way along the white spaces in the Hermann grid, the intersections appear gray. To explain this, consider two regions of the retina. One region views an intersection of a white horizontal and vertical band, while the other views a white band between two intersections (the region going away from the intersection). Although the two regions themselves receive the same amount of light, the situation in their neighboring regions is different. At the intersection, light comes in from all four sides, but the white band that lies between the two intersections is surrounded by two dark sides. This leads to an effect called lateral inhibition, which causes a bright surround to an area appear darker and, conversely, a dark surround to an area appear lighter.
scintillating grid illusion
A similar but more powerful illusion, known as the Lingelbach illusion or the scintillating grid illusion, was discovered in 1994 by Elke Lingelbach, the wife of a German mathematics professor, and has not yet been fully explained.1 Curiously, the effect of the scintillation is lessened by tilting the head through 45°!
Blue Eyes Are Not Actually Blue
March 7, 2011 at 2:00 am Chad Upton 7 comments
By Chad Upton | Editor
The most common eye color is brown and the least common is green. Eye color is determined by a number of genes, the actual number of which is unknown. Using six known genes, scientists can predict eye color from brown to blue with 90% accuracy.
The darkness of brown eyes is determined by the amount of melanin (pigment) in them. Blue eyes have little or no melanin, making them translucent; they only appear blue because of an optical illusion known as the Tyndall effect.
The color we perceive something to be is usually due to their pigment, but somethings appear colored for other reasons. Structural colors are one classification of colors that occur not because of their pigment but because of the way light interacts with the matter.
Without getting too technical, different colors of light have different wavelengths. When those waves pass through matter, they can be filtered or scattered in different ways. The Tyndall effect occurs when a light scattering particulate is suspended in a light transmitting medium and the size of the individual particulate is slightly below or near that of the visible spectrum of light.
Some things that appear to be colored due to optical effects are: blue jay and peacock feathers, mother of pearl, butterfly wings, beetle shells, bubbles, oil slicks and one we see every day: the sky.
My mom, 'the world's greatest twig leader', used to say that "God loves you for what you are now, not for what you used to be in the past or what you will be in the future".
Though God has given us his perfect gift, we are still saddled in this imperfect body with the sin nature with all the weakness and corruption that comes with it.
When we are gathered together in the air, the sin nature will be left behind to trouble us or drag us down no more.
At that time is when we will be what God originally wanted us to be.
thank you again, dab
i want to be all he ever wanted me to be
maybe that's what my longing is for....
All my life, that is what my longing has been for.
The sky is the color of the one who looks up to it with the hope of the return of Christ in his heart. Everything beyond that is just another day and another sky.
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Evil rogue!
Through dispensing of spurts, I declare you possessed of Lucy in the Sky with Diamons.
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I was in the photo business for 20 years, a working knowledge of light comes with the territory.
The gases which make up what we call air are clear, odorless and colorless.
However, air also contains great amounts of other particles such as moisture from water and liquid evaporation.
It also contains dust, exhaust, smoke from wildfires, industry and homes, volcanic ash, and swamp gas and cow farts as well as many other fine particles.
White light is made up of all the colors of the rainbow in perfect balance. Water droplets in the air working as a lens or prism, divides the light in it's parts from the shortest wave length to the longest wavelengths, (From blue to red,) making a rainbow.
"Dust" and other solid particles in the air stop and reflect a certain amount of the light passing through it.
The first light waves affected are the shortest ones, the blue light reflects off the particles giving the blue appearance.
During midday when the light is only traveling through 60 to 150 miles of air the sky looks blue.
Towards sunset, the light is traveling through much more air, maybe 250 to 350 miles worth, and much more dust.
The blue light waves have all been reflected away and the greens, yellows, oranges, reds and purples of sunset each take their turns in being prominent at the sunset.
It is not an illusion, the blue lightwaves are reflecting off the dust particles in the air, and that is what we see.
I hope I have made this understandable. :blush:
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God first
thanks waysider and dabobbada
science has declared it is red
they said it is a illusion we see and they which of illusion it was
but I am like you understanding some things about light
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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Supernumerary Rainbow...Oh...My..God! :B)
you mean the illusions are true? :blink:
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God first
thanks Todd
that what science says blink
maybe it is God teaching the real tint of color blue maybe blue is really red
maybe our whole picture is out of focus
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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I watched the program you linked to above and it said nothing of importance about light and nothing at all about sky.
Then I googled "the sky is red" and got red sky at night/morning, equals a sailor's delight/warning,
The Sky is Red is also some musical group, and there is an Italian book by that name.
Other than a number of references to sunsets, sunrises, bands and books, google refered to explanations of why the sky is blue,
which all were similiar to what I said.
If you do have something backing up the red sky science, please direct me to it. The history channel link was not it.
The human eye and brain is a remarkable thing. Once your brain knows what an object looks like color wise, it will alter what your eye sends back to a "normal" color balance so all colors appear as they should be.
A good example for you old fogies is color film. Normal color film is color balanced to shooting outdoors in mid day light. I'm sure those of you who had film cameras shot some pictures indoors without a flash. The results without flash would come back bright orage or green. The orange is the real color of incandescent light bulbs, the green is the real color of florescent tubes.
Your eye sees the orange or green but somewhere in your brain, it auto-whites the images back to what you expect to see as the normal color.
My old digital camera has an auto-white switch on it that does the same thing remarkably well. :)
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it looks blue to me and then i look up a the clouds and ask god for signs - i beg him to smile on me - well, on my kid
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Dearest Mz. Thedra,
I will be praying for your kid.
Jesus came to give hope to humankind and serve an eviction notice, but lucifer is still the god of this world. Satan is the destroyer; the father of all lies, confusion, misdirection, disease, pain and his ultimate nastiness: death.
But Jesus is coming back with a sword of righteousness and the combined armies of The True God to enforce the eviction.
In that time, God shall take away our weaknesses, and pains, and wipe the tears from our eyes.
As to the sky being blue, I'll go back to photo lab days. (
:P oh no, here we go again! )
First a necessary explanation: the primary colors of pigment is red, yellow and blue,
but the primary colors of light is red, green and blue.
In a gross oversimplification, color film is made of three distinct layers, one for each primary color of light, red, green and blue. Each layer only reacts to the color it is designed to. The red layer cannot absorb blue or green, the blue can't absorb red or green.
So, technically, if the sky were red, then the normal (outdoor) film could only record it as red. Film is not like human vision which brings what it sees back to "normal-white." As it is, normal film does record the sky as blue through midday and as red at sunset when it really is red.
Film, unlike the eye, can only record that which is it is exposed to.
I am not trying to refute you, I am only reporting the facts as I know them. I would love to see the addys to your sources, being as I myself am a science junkie. For years I have declared the sky to be green which in fact true. That beautiful baby blue sky we all so love is a color called cyan, and that is a combination of blue and green. (On the rainbow, you will see that green is right next to blue and goes to yellow. A careful look and you can kind of see sky blue right between blue and green.)
Of course no one ever believes the sky is green.

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Maybe The Rolling Stones had it right all along.
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God first
thanks dabobbada and Waysider and excathedra
dabobbada - I do know which night because I stared watching about 6pm - 10 pm
love you too Excathedra
yes I like the rainbow waysider
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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Human without the bean
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God first
thanks Human without the bean
Tyndall illusion
Hermann grid illusion
An optical illusion first described by the German physiologist Ludimar Hermann (1838–1914) in 1870. While reading a book on sound by the Irish physicist John Tyndall, Hermann saw gray spots in the intersections of spaces among the figures that Tyndall had arranged in a matrix. Despite the fact that the same intensity of light is reflected all the way along the white spaces in the Hermann grid, the intersections appear gray. To explain this, consider two regions of the retina. One region views an intersection of a white horizontal and vertical band, while the other views a white band between two intersections (the region going away from the intersection). Although the two regions themselves receive the same amount of light, the situation in their neighboring regions is different. At the intersection, light comes in from all four sides, but the white band that lies between the two intersections is surrounded by two dark sides. This leads to an effect called lateral inhibition, which causes a bright surround to an area appear darker and, conversely, a dark surround to an area appear lighter.
scintillating grid illusion
A similar but more powerful illusion, known as the Lingelbach illusion or the scintillating grid illusion, was discovered in 1994 by Elke Lingelbach, the wife of a German mathematics professor, and has not yet been fully explained.1 Curiously, the effect of the scintillation is lessened by tilting the head through 45°!
Blue Eyes Are Not Actually Blue
March 7, 2011 at 2:00 am Chad Upton 7 comments
By Chad Upton | Editor
The most common eye color is brown and the least common is green. Eye color is determined by a number of genes, the actual number of which is unknown. Using six known genes, scientists can predict eye color from brown to blue with 90% accuracy.
The darkness of brown eyes is determined by the amount of melanin (pigment) in them. Blue eyes have little or no melanin, making them translucent; they only appear blue because of an optical illusion known as the Tyndall effect.
The color we perceive something to be is usually due to their pigment, but somethings appear colored for other reasons. Structural colors are one classification of colors that occur not because of their pigment but because of the way light interacts with the matter.
Without getting too technical, different colors of light have different wavelengths. When those waves pass through matter, they can be filtered or scattered in different ways. The Tyndall effect occurs when a light scattering particulate is suspended in a light transmitting medium and the size of the individual particulate is slightly below or near that of the visible spectrum of light.
Some things that appear to be colored due to optical effects are: blue jay and peacock feathers, mother of pearl, butterfly wings, beetle shells, bubbles, oil slicks and one we see every day: the sky.
Broken Secrets
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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(((((((( dabobbada ))))))) thank you so much. i have enough weaknesses, pain and tears that i think it's time for him to come back already
forgive me if i sound like a big cry baby woa is me, etc.
love you :wub:
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God first
thanks excathedra
thanks my friend
your not a crybaby I cry too we all do
it part of life
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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faith no more
god last
hey roy! good to see you back.
did you go out and do what i suggested?if so... details!
(knew you could'nt stay away)
oh! and the answer is: depending on the time of day and weather conditions.
but predominantly, blue.
hope this helps! hail satan!(we are all damned)
"i'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun.
and you know that only the good die young." -billy joel
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God first
thanks faith no more
my heath is at point where I cannot without pills to help it but every pill has a warning on it
so I am doing fine without it
life is too important to me right now
but you do has you see needs
yes science says it one color and I will believe them alone with God
but you believe how you want
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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Dear 2027,
Thanks for the references, they were fascinating reading, but still I missed the red sky gig. So I am satisfied and done with that.
Reading your sources and other interesting links I enjoyed finding:
-About blue eyes being pigmentless.
-The blue sky effect is done by just the nitrogen and oxygen molecules alone.
Dust and pollutants, when they get thick enough in the air are clearly visible as haze and smog.
-All the different ways there are to describe the way light is absorbed or reflected off of various surfaces.
-Ultimately, the simple explanation is,
A leaf is perceived as green because the leaf absorbs all colors of white light except for green which it reflect for all to see.
A red shirt absorbs all colors except for red which it reflects out for us to see.
-Other tidbits;
Women see much broader ranges of colors than men.
What I perceive as red may not be what you perceive as red.
When I look at you, I don't actually see you, I see the light that has reflected off you. (About 1/250,000,000 of a second ago,
(ancient history!) :P )
Finally, a disclaimer,
This is not to make or continue an argument, I'm just throwing in some fun facts I've learned over the years.
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The wounded soul cries out from it's innermost agonies: Lord come.
The god of this world is vicious and totally without mercy, it takes pleasure in all our pain.
But the Father of our Lord Jesus sees all and forgets no offense, and His Son is coming back.
In the fullness of times, He is coming back.
He will heal our wounds and dry our tears, He will exact justice against all offenses and evil.
All the bad that has been will be remembered no more, because every evil thing will have been burned away.
For His good pleasure and friendship He designed us,
For joy and rejoicing He desired us.
The time is soon coming when we will be what He always wanted us to be.
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thank you again, dab
i want to be all he ever wanted me to be
maybe that's what my longing is for....
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What makes you think you aren't already?
My mom, 'the world's greatest twig leader', used to say that "God loves you for what you are now, not for what you used to be in the past or what you will be in the future".
I sure do miss you, Mom. :(
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Though God has given us his perfect gift, we are still saddled in this imperfect body with the sin nature with all the weakness and corruption that comes with it.
When we are gathered together in the air, the sin nature will be left behind to trouble us or drag us down no more.
At that time is when we will be what God originally wanted us to be.
All my life, that is what my longing has been for.
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The sky is the color of the one who looks up to it with the hope of the return of Christ in his heart. Everything beyond that is just another day and another sky.
Bless those who have HOPE!
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