And be kind one to another, tenderhearted, FORGIVING ONE ANOTHER-AS CHRIST HAS FORGIVEN YOU.
It was also Jesus Christ who said "if you do not forgive-neither will you be forgiven".
After all you have been forgiven for, wouldnt it be wise to forgive him.
I feel sorry for you Rascal. What he did to you was many many years ago. He is dead and gone and you are allowing him to continue hurting you by living a life of anger and bitterness.
We won't get to judge him. So I guess this is just another one of those "just for fun" things that you like to do.
So, "just for fun" in the ridiculously absurd event that I were given the task of judging VPW,(or anyone else for that matter), I would simply ask God what the judgment should be -- and then go with that.
If God gives a thumbs up, then that's what it will be. If He give a thumbs down, then I'll go with that. And If God says, "Get a dull rusty knife." .... Well I probably won't have to look to hard to find one.
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
Dammit chwester,,I wish you would quit assigning emotions, atributes and attitudes that are not mine....let me repeat this for you ONE more time.....sigh *I* am NOT bitter OR angry...OR to be pitied...I simply DETEST this particular scum bag as I would ANY evil person who repeatedly hurt people whom I love...ain`t NUTHIN wrong with that!
Funny I am that way with my children too...fiercly protective....wanna see my fangs bared??? just TRY to hurt one of em.....Geeze I suppose he won`t forgive me for that either will he?
God is is sweet misery or bitterness...I CAN be angry and sin NOT ok?? FYI...we WERE told that we could do this IN the bible ...ok?
[This message was edited by rascal on February 08, 2004 at 10:27.]
Also...chweter...didn`t see jc buggin us about being tender hearted and forgiving of the people who were stealing from and hurting believers(specially the leaders)... seems like the consequences of their activities were at times rather brutal...
Shoot Forgive all you want if you are so moved...but get your finger of judgement and misapplied bible out of my face ok?? lol...cause I`m liabel to bite it right off...
[This message was edited by rascal on February 08, 2004 at 10:25.]
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I would reincarnate him as a red squirrel.
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If reincarnation were an option...I would make him young, beautifull, naive, female and 17 and place him back in time in his own sham of a ministry.
That not being allowed...I`d vote for castration preformed with a dull rusty knife..
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I guess so dan...he`d STILL be surrounded by lots of *nuts* eh?
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And be kind one to another, tenderhearted, FORGIVING ONE ANOTHER-AS CHRIST HAS FORGIVEN YOU.
It was also Jesus Christ who said "if you do not forgive-neither will you be forgiven".
After all you have been forgiven for, wouldnt it be wise to forgive him.
I feel sorry for you Rascal. What he did to you was many many years ago. He is dead and gone and you are allowing him to continue hurting you by living a life of anger and bitterness.
Proud to be an American
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2027 When judgement time comes, ain't none of us will be sitting in the judge's seat. Sorry, but that is the way it is (or rather -- will be)
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We won't get to judge him. So I guess this is just another one of those "just for fun" things that you like to do.
So, "just for fun" in the ridiculously absurd event that I were given the task of judging VPW,(or anyone else for that matter), I would simply ask God what the judgment should be -- and then go with that.
If God gives a thumbs up, then that's what it will be. If He give a thumbs down, then I'll go with that. And If God says, "Get a dull rusty knife." .... Well I probably won't have to look to hard to find one.
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
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Dammit chwester,,I wish you would quit assigning emotions, atributes and attitudes that are not mine....let me repeat this for you ONE more time.....sigh *I* am NOT bitter OR angry...OR to be pitied...I simply DETEST this particular scum bag as I would ANY evil person who repeatedly hurt people whom I love...ain`t NUTHIN wrong with that!
Funny I am that way with my children too...fiercly protective....wanna see my fangs bared??? just TRY to hurt one of em.....Geeze I suppose he won`t forgive me for that either will he?
God is is sweet misery or bitterness...I CAN be angry and sin NOT ok?? FYI...we WERE told that we could do this IN the bible ...ok?
[This message was edited by rascal on February 08, 2004 at 10:27.]
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Also...chweter...didn`t see jc buggin us about being tender hearted and forgiving of the people who were stealing from and hurting believers(specially the leaders)... seems like the consequences of their activities were at times rather brutal...
Shoot Forgive all you want if you are so moved...but get your finger of judgement and misapplied bible out of my face ok?? lol...cause I`m liabel to bite it right off...
[This message was edited by rascal on February 08, 2004 at 10:25.]
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Hi Dmiller
I not done a study on it One way or another but I see us as the jury
But this post was not writen to make you or me a judge but to get people to think
Some have prejudge him as evil and some have mark him by his fruis
But I have mark him by his way of life by fruits but he is dead and I have move on
This was a place to share feeling
with love Roy
Hi Goey
Yes this was just for fun but with hopes some would see they need to forget a dead man and move on
Now forgetting to a point that he is in their past but mark the feeling so you can help others forget this dead man and put him in their past
Now just for fun in a court room I bet there will be witneses for VPW and wittnesses against because nothing will be hide
But that just me having fun
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How bout we place him on a rotating spit over a THAT would be the ULTIMATE *weinie* roast;-) I`ll bring the marsh mellows.
(Guess *some* of us just won`t ever get it eh Roy?)
[This message was edited by rascal on February 08, 2004 at 15:41.]
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All this pleading for forgiveness for VPW that you're doing? Hhmmmm, now why isn't it that you aren't doing the same appeals for forgiveness for:
1) homosexuals,
2) liberals,
and 3) Bill & Hillary Clinton?
--> I mean, you roast them over the open pit in your posts as fierce as Rascal does Wierwille, doncha think?
My own secret sign-off ====v,
Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations.
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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Well.....if reincarnation were possible....
"I'd" come back as a flaming beauty and filthy rich.
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what if..............
you judge old vpw on your opinion of him, then God said, ok, you jump down and let old vpw judge you.
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