hard to think of donna that way as well. remember those comments about art poling's daughter? ohmygod
What Donna said about that sweet, brilliant young woman was beyond shameful. It was downright evil. Hearing the garbage that Donna spewed after Naomi's tragic death removed all traces of fondness and respect I once had for her (her being Donna, of course) before she became whatever the he|| it was she morphed into.
A twice-divorced English teacher in North Carolina takes pfal and sees her opportunity to dump her past
and start fast-tracking up twi's leadership ranks. No WOW year for her.....no siree. She's wasted too
much time as it is.
Signs on the line for the Family Corps....and after graduation, sweet-talks her way into positions of authority.
After all, she WAS an English teacher. Gee, didn't realize that a teacher's credentials carried that much weight,
but apparently it did for wierwille. Perhaps, it was that "right fit, right time" sorta thing....where wierwille
was looking for a University of Life program director or something? Anyhoo, someone thought that her southern drawl
would seem to entice High Country Caravan promotions (with Bob Wineg@rner) and other stuff.
I never did see the attraction......but wierwille seemed taken in by it.
And, when the fog-years settled into twi, I tend to think that Rosalie knew that it was only a matter of time. She
kept spending more time with Donna.....and became privy to Craig's extra-curricular predation activities. Still,
Didn't she know that this sin MUST be removed from the camp? Didn't she realize that Craig was sinning and, thus,
the devil had entre into his life AND THE MINISTRY?
Even in court filings, Rosalie under oath ADMITTED that she knew Craig was preying on women as early as 1995 (and,
several had come forward to state that she knew things back in the mid-80s about martindale).
So.........what qualifies her to spiritually oversee twi today?
Yeah-Martindale was doing one of my 12th Corps sisters while she was engaged to her husband. I would mention a name but that would not be very "kind". As far as the rest..why would Rosalie rat him out when she was scissor-sistering with Donna? That would have just been DUMB!
More background information on Rosalie F. Shumate......
Seems like someone KNOWS why Rosalie was able to climb-the-ranks
of wierwille's organization so quickly........revealed below!
Remember, EVERY ONE of the principal actors in twit then and now, were personally and directly involved with dictor and his moggyboy sex clubs. Donna was bangin' dictor and the twustees by 1973 already, her first year in da corpse. Rosie was right behind her having done the twustee pass-around sex dance with the twustees a year later in her first year in the 2nd family corpse. Within her first 2 months Rosie was already riveting herself into the hearts of vic, coward and da forehead with her freewheeling sex games. I was in-rez with the 2nd famy corpse. I have 4th corpse pals who told me all about how Rosie was in the sack. By the end of our 2nd month in-rez that year, 75-76, there were already 3 4th corpse guys who had enjoyed Rosie's MILF status she earned so quickly her first 8 weeks in-rez. Donna, who along with myself, helped run Rosie's first piffle at Christmount Camp in Black Mountain, NC, in August, 1974.
Donna had the New Bern, NC High School teacher in her back pocket right quick. Didn't take her long to have Rosie all hooked up in the twustees swinger's club real early in Rosie's twit career.
The Allen lawsuit was litigated 15 years after dictor's death. Da forehead, Coward, and Ding Don had been twustees that entire time. The charges and plea deals had nothing to do with vic or his classes and books. The three stooges had already removed and demoted vic from the center and face if twit. Vic and his legacy were far too damaging to them, and were increasingly well known, reported on in the media especially once the Internet got up and running, and increasingly embarrassing and legally troubling to twit. Da forehead had already cancelled the Rick and WOW programs. PFAL "error" was getting revised, and reversed daily. The twustees were making sure to clean up everything they could after dem fawg years. The loyalty oath letter from da twustees to the world in March, 1990 was the official beginning of the purge of the scourge, vic and geer and POP.....passing of a patriarch.....and the real facts about Vic's life and min-us-tray. Vic had become a total liability to Rosie and da Boyz. His perverted sexual pathologies sling with his criminal tax evasion, embezzlement, serial rape and sexual abuse of literally HUNDREDS of victims by just vic himself, let alone the other 3 criminals. Vic's alcoholism and Naziism were also widely known and proven. As I said, Vic's life and min-us-tray were a complete liability and disgrace to twit. The further they could remove him from twit the better. Da forehead was burying vic by 1990 already. So, the purposeful and rapid defamation and discarding of all things vic by Rosie and da Boyz was necessary because of the personal and direct involvement in the perverted serial sex and embezzlement schemes of vic by EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM....Da forehead, ding don, coward, Rosie and Donna. Vic never got caught while he was alive. The three musketeers and their 2 sluts, Donna and Rosie all got busted and are still trying to cover-up what the whole world already knows and has known since 1998. So yes, all association with vic and his life and min-us-try is a total liability for Tosie and twit today and has been since vic croaked in May, 1985. They would be committing corporate suicude to promote vic and his works like they used to back in the 80's. Like I said, they're even better off keeping da forehead's classes and garbage as their current "word" than bringing up vic at all. The copyrights in Vic's classes and books is gone. They're all public domain now. Open to whoever is dumb enough to value them. And, the old Boyz like "rev" gerry wrenn, and jalvis the all knowing and entertaining, and finnegan, and "Dr. Dale Sides, and SOWERS, and cummins and geer are all keeping vic alive so their only source of credibility and income keeps that almighty dollar rolling in for them. Rosie and her cult live off the $65 million and have nothing else, and the offshoots continue to beg for money to waste on themselves and their vic ordained retirement programs.
Thanks again DWBH.....for your 4th corps perspective as to what was happening back then
and for exposing the wierwille/donna/rosalie freewheeling sex romping 1973--> etc.
Perhaps, all this "background study" helped ole wierwille get
prepared for his christian family (cough, cough) and sex class?
Nothing like fast-tracking most favored females up the corporate ladder
by sexing their way to the top.
In some sully, sordid way....this all explains how twi has failed so miserably.
Thru the years, I observed how many strong and adept corps men and women were marginalized
and/or brushed aside for the "favored few insiders." Wierwille and ilk were stinking up
the place with sleaze buckets and sex predation.
The questions THAT I PONDERED FOR SO LONG.......have come to light.
Now, I no longer wonder how everything came crashing down so quickly.
Merry Christmas, Rosalie.
Was it all worth it?
What about Rosalie? Wierwille gave her fast-tracked promotions. Why? Could it be that they shared the "same stripes" of deception? Did wierwille recognize that Rosalie was strict, calculating, deceptive, impatient, assertive, non-empathetic.......just like him? Birds of a feather flock together. She didn't have to jump thru the regular hoops. Wierwille wanted her on "his team" and special perks were headed her way. Straight-up favortism.....or bribery.
And, here's my point........martindale, geer, rosalie were all the product of wierwille's making and HOW DID THAT TURN OUT? The case study of wierwille reveals inner-circle favortism of NOT having to abide by the same rules. The "top tier" around wierwille got a free-pass to sidestep twi's legalism. The hand-picked favorites were "above the law" sorta speak. Wierwille gave them cover and no one dare ask any pointed questions. Manipulation, intimidation and exploitation were part and parcel of the little peoples' world. The top dogs didn't live in that world.
Rosalie was hand-picked by wierwille. I sometimes think that she "had the goods on wierwille".....she found out something (sexual predation) that was so explosive that wierwille felt compelled to fast-track her to privileges TO SILENCE HER. Someone like rosalie, who'd been twice-divorced and had a background of some wealth AND 15 years older than many of us corps.......WAS NOT EASILY FOOLED.
Or was his behavior simply consistent with the culture and simply ignored?
The organization was multi-cultured. There was one culture that represented the average Joe B.Leever you were apt to cross paths with in the local fellowship. This was the mushroom culture. (Keep them in the dark and feed them "the stuff that mushroom's flourish on".) Then there was an intermediate culture that flourished in the various training programs. In this culture, it was revealed, in part, that Way life would not be all peaches and cream but it served to instill a sense of obligation and commitment. The true innermost workings of the organization were intentionally withheld from this group and replaced with a candy coated version that wasn't made known at the local level, either. Then, there was an inner, very select culture that was well aware of the organization's true nature and mechanisms. It was at this level that VP's behavior was consistantly normalized and ignored. This was the culture that was in the driver's seat, pushing on toward what would eventually result in a horrific crash and burn scenario. This is the culture that so many unfortunately refuse to acknowledge.
I was thinking of the larger culture, the "hippie culture", the atmosphere of the United States, of which The Way itself was within. Times change and previously accepted behaviors are later demonized.
I'm not sure what the candy-coated version was. The Way International I remember could scream at you in front of groups, rough you up a bit, and there would be no witnesses. Because everyone had that "delete button". The Eyes see, the Mind forgets, or does quite a bit of editing. Hard to stand on a moving surface.
This "inner sanctum", I read often. I don't deny there was a favored upper class, 0.01 % (not that I witnessed it, wait, yes I did, their offspring). It's relevance, so what? Things were bad on the bottom, and they always were.
. . .Then there was an intermediate culture that flourished in the various training programs. In this culture, it was revealed, in part, that Way life would not be all peaches and cream but it served to instill a sense of obligation and commitment.. . .
(as an aside)
This reminds me of how we were told we serve because we are thankful for The Word that was given to us.
We're Thankful because The Word says we are to Be Thankful.
We were given The Word, and we are to now share The Word to others.
We share The Word to others by serving.
Or something . . . I was still mentally working that out when someone handed me a weed-wacker and pointed a long fence along some field in Ohio.
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" Emeritus Woman of God of Our Day and France and Ireland" EWOGODAFI. Sounds like a mythical creature that lurks below in the dankness of the sewer system and preys upon unsuspecting empties
vpw had skill in manipulating people, and in preaching. He had experience in plagiarism, and in adultery, rape and molestation while covering his tracks. He lacked the capacity to actually CARE abou
Does she have a reason to leave Foxhaven and all the Staff perks? What worries me is the seating arrangements at the noon meal. Don't emeritus trustees/directors have their own kiddie tab
Rosalie Fox Shumate......you are now twi's example of leadership.
Stand up for the vows of MARRIAGE. <_<
Stand up for the joy of MOTHERHOOD. <_<
Or, hide behind the skirt of a cult ministry.
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Pffffftttttt - what a joke.
There's a big fail.
Or the joy of marking and avoiding your own children. What, no Mother's Day card?
There you go. Now that you have power, you can f up other people's lives like you've f'd up your own.
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i just can't even think of shumate as a mom
hard to think of donna that way as well. remember those comments about art poling's daughter? ohmygod
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Linda Z
What Donna said about that sweet, brilliant young woman was beyond shameful. It was downright evil. Hearing the garbage that Donna spewed after Naomi's tragic death removed all traces of fondness and respect I once had for her (her being Donna, of course) before she became whatever the he|| it was she morphed into.
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i couldn't agree more, linzee
what makes people so coldhearted and blind?
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Yeah-Martindale was doing one of my 12th Corps sisters while she was engaged to her husband. I would mention a name but that would not be very "kind". As far as the rest..why would Rosalie rat him out when she was scissor-sistering with Donna? That would have just been DUMB!
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:blink: :blink: :blink:
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wierwille enticed me onto the goddamn big bus by letting me go visit my fiance at another "root locale"
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On this March 1, 2013.......just wanted to say 'hi' to Rosa-lie.
Isn't her birthday coming up shortly?
Anyhoo.......there sure was ALOT of great threads in 2012.
Some twi would surely like to see buried.
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Oh, her birthday. Eeeks...let's all salaam to old bag. Here's my present:
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March 9th birthday? Whatever......
So Rosie.....your 74th birthday, right?
Perhaps, you should take a cue from Pope Emeritus Benedict.......and retire.
You could stay "hidden from the world" and go sailing on Lake St. Marys or something.
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Isn't it about time to give up the red shoes?
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Dang. In TWI you know you're screwed when the Pope retires and yet Rosalie still putters along microcontrolling everything at 74...
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And she's only getting slower.
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In her dreams.
Within the past 10 years, I've crossed paths with 'innies' and so-called friends who still are beholden
to twi's doctrine and local fellowships. And, in conversation, when they ask me why I left and I expose
the deception, fraud, and exploitation....nearly EVERY ENCOUNTER, they then say, "Well, I could CARE LESS
about what they do over there in Ohio. My local fellowship is where my 'needs are met."
It truly is laughable.
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Rosalie is the wicked witch and Linder is the Great wizard of OZ, both appearing on movie screens on March 8th
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More background information on Rosalie F. Shumate......
Seems like someone KNOWS why Rosalie was able to climb-the-ranks
of wierwille's organization so quickly........revealed below!
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For once we have a situation where a flow chart might actually help us understand the complexity of the situation.
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Thanks again DWBH.....for your 4th corps perspective as to what was happening back then
and for exposing the wierwille/donna/rosalie freewheeling sex romping 1973--> etc.
Perhaps, all this "background study" helped ole wierwille get
prepared for his christian family (cough, cough) and sex class?
Nothing like fast-tracking most favored females up the corporate ladder
by sexing their way to the top.
In some sully, sordid way....this all explains how twi has failed so miserably.
Thru the years, I observed how many strong and adept corps men and women were marginalized
and/or brushed aside for the "favored few insiders." Wierwille and ilk were stinking up
the place with sleaze buckets and sex predation.
The questions THAT I PONDERED FOR SO LONG.......have come to light.
Now, I no longer wonder how everything came crashing down so quickly.
Merry Christmas, Rosalie.
Was it all worth it?
Edited by skyriderLink to comment
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From above:
Or was his behavior simply consistent with the culture and simply ignored?
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The organization was multi-cultured. There was one culture that represented the average Joe B.Leever you were apt to cross paths with in the local fellowship. This was the mushroom culture. (Keep them in the dark and feed them "the stuff that mushroom's flourish on".) Then there was an intermediate culture that flourished in the various training programs. In this culture, it was revealed, in part, that Way life would not be all peaches and cream but it served to instill a sense of obligation and commitment. The true innermost workings of the organization were intentionally withheld from this group and replaced with a candy coated version that wasn't made known at the local level, either. Then, there was an inner, very select culture that was well aware of the organization's true nature and mechanisms. It was at this level that VP's behavior was consistantly normalized and ignored. This was the culture that was in the driver's seat, pushing on toward what would eventually result in a horrific crash and burn scenario. This is the culture that so many unfortunately refuse to acknowledge.
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I was thinking of the larger culture, the "hippie culture", the atmosphere of the United States, of which The Way itself was within. Times change and previously accepted behaviors are later demonized.
I'm not sure what the candy-coated version was. The Way International I remember could scream at you in front of groups, rough you up a bit, and there would be no witnesses. Because everyone had that "delete button". The Eyes see, the Mind forgets, or does quite a bit of editing. Hard to stand on a moving surface.
This "inner sanctum", I read often. I don't deny there was a favored upper class, 0.01 % (not that I witnessed it, wait, yes I did, their offspring). It's relevance, so what? Things were bad on the bottom, and they always were.
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(as an aside)
This reminds me of how we were told we serve because we are thankful for The Word that was given to us.
We're Thankful because The Word says we are to Be Thankful.
We were given The Word, and we are to now share The Word to others.
We share The Word to others by serving.
Or something . . . I was still mentally working that out when someone handed me a weed-wacker and pointed a long fence along some field in Ohio.
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