The English teacher takes pfal and starts a new life. Signs up for the Family Corps and life starts anew. No WOW year. No building years "in the Word." Nope. No time to waste. Need to separate from the past and climb the corporate Go Corps. Go Staff. Never leave. Yeah......"teacher credentials" put her in the fast lane of twi.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... the thought of RFR on the WOW field. RFLMAO.
Was/is she FC the, not even regular WC?
Must be one ofthe few people whose "secular" qualifications actually bought her air-time in TWI and didn't condemn her to the bottom of the heap.
Twinky, I'm sure you meant no offense, but re: your comment, "not even regular Corps":
We in the Family Corps took the same classes, went to the same interminable meetings, did "bless patrol, worked our 4-hour-a-day jobs, did "skullery duty," strung stupid chairs,and took care of our kids on top of everything else.
I'm sure, however, Rosalie never did "clean the moat" duty and never helped dig ditches or pull weeds or slaughter chickens like the rest of us in the FC.
I believe I was told that older single folks would be relegated to the Family Corps. At the time...some of the physical standards were reduced for family corps.
So.........what qualifies her to spiritually oversee twi today?
Like so many others in positions of authority in TWI, they have no qualifications. I met and worked with so many inept leaders in da ministry. Scared to death to get in trouble, led by putting out the nearest fire identified as an irritant by Rosalie. I could go on, but to answer the question, she is not qualified. Except, she is a really good liar.
I believe I was told that older single folks would be relegated to the Family Corps. At the time...some of the physical standards were reduced for family corps.
That could have been at some point, Krys, but when I was in the Family Corps, people my parents' age (in their 60s at the time) did the same program the rest of us did, including hitching to LEAD and doing the rock climbing/hiking there.
VPW referred to the elderly members of the FC as the "Sunset Corps." I'll never forget Clarence Glatfe**er, who must have been 80 by the time he was in residence with us, doing yoga at 6:00 a.m. in the chapel at RC. The "lion" pose with Clarence's lack of teeth was particularly memorable. He was a real trouper.
Spirituality aside, what secular qualifications does she have that would enable her to run an organization of that size and worth?
Seriously? We have a guy founding a ministry that basically sent in a couple of Cheerio boxtops to a correspondence school to get a doctorate degree, a leadership training program with no credentialed teachers, top level officers who are completely uneducated in the positions they hold. Now a president who was a teacher. What does that produce? Someone who is trained in lesson plans, micromanagement, and stabbing other teachers in the back to get ahead.
Do they acknowledge this and fix it? Do they acknowledge ANY problems and fix them? No way. Why would you need to do that when you could draw an analogy of the 12 apostles, 11 of whom were uncredentialed? Funny though, by 2 Tim Paul's statements don't seem to indicate they were successful. But who cares about looking at the overall context of scriptures when you can just cherry-pick your own to prove whatever you want.
I never did see the attraction......but wierwille seemed taken in by it.
But then again.......wierwille gave promotional consideration to those who followed "his stripes" and deceptions. Most notably on the list was psycho geer. They shared in dog training, reading material, motorcoach privacies, elusive driving techniques, bullying tactics, and paranoia. Wierwille cried when he ordained geer in a BRC private ceremony in 1982.
What about Rosalie? Wierwille gave her fast-tracked promotions. Why? Could it be that they shared the "same stripes" of deception? Did wierwille recognize that Rosalie was strict, calculating, deceptive, impatient, assertive, non-empathetic.......just like him? Birds of a feather flock together. She didn't have to jump thru the regular hoops. Wierwille wanted her on "his team" and special perks were headed her way. Straight-up favortism.....or bribery.
And, here's my point........martindale, geer, rosalie were all the product of wierwille's making and HOW DID THAT TURN OUT? The case study of wierwille reveals inner-circle favortism of NOT having to abide by the same rules. The "top tier" around wierwille got a free-pass to sidestep twi's legalism. The hand-picked favorites were "above the law" sorta speak. Wierwille gave them cover and no one dare ask any pointed questions. Manipulation, intimidation and exploitation were part and parcel of the little peoples' world. The top dogs didn't live in that world.
Rosalie was hand-picked by wierwille. I sometimes think that she "had the goods on wierwille".....she found out something (sexual predation) that was so explosive that wierwille felt compelled to fast-track her to privileges TO SILENCE HER. Someone like rosalie, who'd been twice-divorced and had a background of some wealth AND 15 years older than many of us corps.......WAS NOT EASILY FOOLED.
Rosalie was ordained August 5, 1981.
Today's twi is a pittance of what twi was like back in 1981.
Rosalie was hand-picked by wierwille. I sometimes think that she "had the goods on wierwille".....she found out something (sexual predation) that was so explosive that wierwille felt compelled to fast-track her to privileges TO SILENCE HER. Someone like rosalie, who'd been twice-divorced and had a background of some wealth AND 15 years older than many of us corps.......WAS NOT EASILY FOOLED.
Rosalie was ordained August 5, 1981.
Wierwille was not a person of benevolent nature. (and that's a kind assessment) It's my opinion that he never gave anything away without an obligatory string or two attached. What strings were attached to Rosalie's ordination? Maybe she'll take that secret to the grave. Or, maybe someone will stumble upon it and expose the whole charade for all to see, once and for all. Even then, though, I suspect there will be those who simply won't accept it.
Wierwille was not a person of benevolent nature. (and that's a kind assessment) It's my opinion that he never gave anything away without an obligatory string or two attached. What strings were attached to Rosalie's ordination? Maybe she'll take that secret to the grave. Or, maybe someone will stumble upon it and expose the whole charade for all to see, once and for all. Even then, though, I suspect there will be those who simply won't accept it.
In my opinion.....those MOST committed to twi are those who have no where else to go or are distancing themselves from their past. Twi provides a whole new start.....and one can bathe in self-satisfaction of "serving God." Rosalie, obviously, was looking for a new life. Two failed marriages and teenage boys who were in trouble with the law (from what I heard).
Rosalie was primed for picking. She saw her opportunity.....and she took it.
The double-standard that exists in twi is NO WHERE NEAR COMPATIBLE with the scriptures........the adultery, sexual predation, plagairism, lies, deceit, arrogance, evil, idolatry, bewitching, etc. Sure, there are a few who will defend its "morality" to their graves, because that is what they've given their lives to. But, I believe, if the truth be known.....that many, in their heart of hearts KNOW twi is "clouds without rain." The legalism, the micro-management, the callousness, etc in twi just doesn't align with the scriptures. Kinda like when Jesus' words to the men standing around the woman caught in adultery......"He that is without sin let him cast the first stone." And, they started departing......THE ELDEST ONES FIRST. They knew the truth when it was spoken.
I believe that Rosalie KNOWS twi is rife with hypocrisy. Yet, she doesn't care. With deliberate steps and calculation, she moved up the twi ranks and waited for martindale's stumble. And, if she knew about Craig.....what about Don? What about Howard? Rosalie saw the day when she would arise above these "men" (and past divorced-men).....and be twi's first woman president. Twi's hypocrisy be d@mned. Christian morality be snubbed. This woman would stand on top of the mountain!!
I'm sure there are current TWI members reading this thread right now, looking down their nose at the "attacks of the adversary" to "bring up the past". What they don't realize is that people carry their past and habits with them after they come to TWI. It's not people bringing up their past failures that's the problem. It's that Rosalie carries them with her - her current antics with stealing away Craig's wife and their relationship is not Biblical. The fruit of her life currently is to split up marriages, to slander and blackball people, and to lie. So as much as you try to excuse it away, a zebra can't change it's stripes, neither can Rosalie change the fruit her life produces. And it is putrid fruit.
I'm sure there are current TWI members reading this thread right now, looking down their nose at the "attacks of the adversary" to "bring up the past". What they don't realize is that people carry their past and habits with them after they come to TWI. It's not people bringing up their past failures that's the problem. It's that Rosalie carries them with her - her current antics with stealing away Craig's wife and their relationship is not Biblical. The fruit of her life currently is to split up marriages, to slander and blackball people, and to lie. So as much as you try to excuse it away, a zebra can't change it's stripes, neither can Rosalie change the fruit her life produces. And it is putrid fruit.
"Attacks of the adversary" is twi's over-spiritualizing simple truths and facts.
While Chris Geer is attacking and attempting a power-grab from twi's then-trustees -- Craig, Don, and Howard.....Rosalie is sliding in the back door and spending more time with Donna. The martindale marriage was under assault and breaking apart. Of course, some could easily say that wierwille's alleged counsel to craig to have abundant sexual encounters with other women didn't help matters.
Interestingly, Rosalie made plans to begin building her new house in 1986. So, while the trustees are dealing with geer's "passing of a patriarch" attacks, and clergy are heading to Gartmore for spiritual correctness.......rosalie is tucked away into blueprint plans and fabrics and carpet samples. With some help from men like T3rry B@der, the Way Builder director.....Rosalie's new home will have the best as 2X6s upgrade the strength of this structure, rather than the usual 2X4s. Rosalie wants the best and has the money to pay for it.
Fast-forward to 1993, 1994, 1995.......twi was in the process of "sanctify the household." The homo-purge, the debt-purge, the unproductive evil-purge, the take-no-bribes-purge, the corps-no-pet-purge........AND ROSALIE IS SWIMMING IN HER POOL, WITH TWO LESBIANS LIVING IN HER BASEMENT BEDROOM AND A CAT NEAR THE POOL.
VPW set up the marriage between Donna and LCM. Maybe it was deliberate?
He knew that Donna was attracted to girls, so he said he'd help her get over that, but she didn't change. Because he was a father figure to such a young woman, I'm positive she bared her soul about her struggles. VPW encouraged Craig to sleep with all the women to 'become more spiritual' like him, and as a hook to keep Craig's adoration aka his PUPPET. It may be possible that VPW schemed that Donna, being a lesbian would not care one bit. It would mean that Craig would leave her alone... There would be a married PUPPET minister at the helm. just a thought.
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" Emeritus Woman of God of Our Day and France and Ireland" EWOGODAFI. Sounds like a mythical creature that lurks below in the dankness of the sewer system and preys upon unsuspecting empties
vpw had skill in manipulating people, and in preaching. He had experience in plagiarism, and in adultery, rape and molestation while covering his tracks. He lacked the capacity to actually CARE abou
Does she have a reason to leave Foxhaven and all the Staff perks? What worries me is the seating arrangements at the noon meal. Don't emeritus trustees/directors have their own kiddie tab
Sly, but not as smart as she thinks, and so out of touch she probably prefers candle light to light bulbs.
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Maybe she didn't want anyone to mistake her for the Shunamite woman in the Bible. I mean, they're so similar.
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Strike One -- first husband, Rivenbark
Strike Two -- second husband, Shumate
Strike Three -- Coming out of the closet with Donna
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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... the thought of RFR on the WOW field. RFLMAO.
Was/is she FC the, not even regular WC?
Must be one ofthe few people whose "secular" qualifications actually bought her air-time in TWI and didn't condemn her to the bottom of the heap.
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Isn't Rosalie-Family Corps an oxymoron?
No husband(s)
No kids in tow.
No family pictures.
No family relationships to note.
No acknowledgement of past family.
Rosalie Shumate.....and Donna, soulmate.
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what's her little story of pfal and deliverance ?
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Linda Z
Twinky, I'm sure you meant no offense, but re: your comment, "not even regular Corps":
We in the Family Corps took the same classes, went to the same interminable meetings, did "bless patrol, worked our 4-hour-a-day jobs, did "skullery duty," strung stupid chairs,and took care of our kids on top of everything else.
I'm sure, however, Rosalie never did "clean the moat" duty and never helped dig ditches or pull weeds or slaughter chickens like the rest of us in the FC.
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I believe I was told that older single folks would be relegated to the Family Corps. At the time...some of the physical standards were reduced for family corps.
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A twice-divorced English teacher in North Carolina takes pfal and sees her opportunity to dump her past
and start fast-tracking up twi's leadership ranks. No WOW year for siree. She's wasted too
much time as it is.
Signs on the line for the Family Corps....and after graduation, sweet-talks her way into positions of authority.
After all, she WAS an English teacher. Gee, didn't realize that a teacher's credentials carried that much weight,
but apparently it did for wierwille. Perhaps, it was that "right fit, right time" sorta thing....where wierwille
was looking for a University of Life program director or something? Anyhoo, someone thought that her southern drawl
would seem to entice High Country Caravan promotions (with Bob Wineg@rner) and other stuff.
I never did see the attraction......but wierwille seemed taken in by it.
And, when the fog-years settled into twi, I tend to think that Rosalie knew that it was only a matter of time. She
kept spending more time with Donna.....and became privy to Craig's extra-curricular predation activities. Still,
Didn't she know that this sin MUST be removed from the camp? Didn't she realize that Craig was sinning and, thus,
the devil had entre into his life AND THE MINISTRY?
Even in court filings, Rosalie under oath ADMITTED that she knew Craig was preying on women as early as 1995 (and,
several had come forward to state that she knew things back in the mid-80s about martindale).
So.........what qualifies her to spiritually oversee twi today?
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Like so many others in positions of authority in TWI, they have no qualifications. I met and worked with so many inept leaders in da ministry. Scared to death to get in trouble, led by putting out the nearest fire identified as an irritant by Rosalie. I could go on, but to answer the question, she is not qualified. Except, she is a really good liar.
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Linda Z
That could have been at some point, Krys, but when I was in the Family Corps, people my parents' age (in their 60s at the time) did the same program the rest of us did, including hitching to LEAD and doing the rock climbing/hiking there.
VPW referred to the elderly members of the FC as the "Sunset Corps." I'll never forget Clarence Glatfe**er, who must have been 80 by the time he was in residence with us, doing yoga at 6:00 a.m. in the chapel at RC. The "lion" pose with Clarence's lack of teeth was particularly memorable.
He was a real trouper.
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Spirituality aside, what secular qualifications does she have that would enable her to run an organization of that size and worth?
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Seriously? We have a guy founding a ministry that basically sent in a couple of Cheerio boxtops to a correspondence school to get a doctorate degree, a leadership training program with no credentialed teachers, top level officers who are completely uneducated in the positions they hold. Now a president who was a teacher. What does that produce? Someone who is trained in lesson plans, micromanagement, and stabbing other teachers in the back to get ahead.
Do they acknowledge this and fix it? Do they acknowledge ANY problems and fix them? No way. Why would you need to do that when you could draw an analogy of the 12 apostles, 11 of whom were uncredentialed? Funny though, by 2 Tim Paul's statements don't seem to indicate they were successful. But who cares about looking at the overall context of scriptures when you can just cherry-pick your own to prove whatever you want.
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Chockfull....with your assessment, I think we've come full circle with my original post.
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But then again.......wierwille gave promotional consideration to those who followed "his stripes" and deceptions. Most notably on the list was psycho geer. They shared in dog training, reading material, motorcoach privacies, elusive driving techniques, bullying tactics, and paranoia. Wierwille cried when he ordained geer in a BRC private ceremony in 1982.
What about Rosalie? Wierwille gave her fast-tracked promotions. Why? Could it be that they shared the "same stripes" of deception? Did wierwille recognize that Rosalie was strict, calculating, deceptive, impatient, assertive, non-empathetic.......just like him? Birds of a feather flock together. She didn't have to jump thru the regular hoops. Wierwille wanted her on "his team" and special perks were headed her way. Straight-up favortism.....or bribery.
And, here's my point........martindale, geer, rosalie were all the product of wierwille's making and HOW DID THAT TURN OUT? The case study of wierwille reveals inner-circle favortism of NOT having to abide by the same rules. The "top tier" around wierwille got a free-pass to sidestep twi's legalism. The hand-picked favorites were "above the law" sorta speak. Wierwille gave them cover and no one dare ask any pointed questions. Manipulation, intimidation and exploitation were part and parcel of the little peoples' world. The top dogs didn't live in that world.
Rosalie was hand-picked by wierwille. I sometimes think that she "had the goods on wierwille".....she found out something (sexual predation) that was so explosive that wierwille felt compelled to fast-track her to privileges TO SILENCE HER. Someone like rosalie, who'd been twice-divorced and had a background of some wealth AND 15 years older than many of us corps.......WAS NOT EASILY FOOLED.
Rosalie was ordained August 5, 1981.
Today's twi is a pittance of what twi was like back in 1981.
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Wierwille was not a person of benevolent nature. (and that's a kind assessment) It's my opinion that he never gave anything away without an obligatory string or two attached. What strings were attached to Rosalie's ordination? Maybe she'll take that secret to the grave. Or, maybe someone will stumble upon it and expose the whole charade for all to see, once and for all. Even then, though, I suspect there will be those who simply won't accept it.
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Ya, those few die hards who still follow the party line. Anything said against their dear leaders is accounted as an attack of the adversary.
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In my opinion.....those MOST committed to twi are those who have no where else to go or are distancing themselves from their past. Twi provides a whole new start.....and one can bathe in self-satisfaction of "serving God." Rosalie, obviously, was looking for a new life. Two failed marriages and teenage boys who were in trouble with the law (from what I heard).
Rosalie was primed for picking. She saw her opportunity.....and she took it.
The double-standard that exists in twi is NO WHERE NEAR COMPATIBLE with the scriptures........the adultery, sexual predation, plagairism, lies, deceit, arrogance, evil, idolatry, bewitching, etc. Sure, there are a few who will defend its "morality" to their graves, because that is what they've given their lives to. But, I believe, if the truth be known.....that many, in their heart of hearts KNOW twi is "clouds without rain." The legalism, the micro-management, the callousness, etc in twi just doesn't align with the scriptures. Kinda like when Jesus' words to the men standing around the woman caught in adultery......"He that is without sin let him cast the first stone." And, they started departing......THE ELDEST ONES FIRST. They knew the truth when it was spoken.
I believe that Rosalie KNOWS twi is rife with hypocrisy. Yet, she doesn't care. With deliberate steps and calculation, she moved up the twi ranks and waited for martindale's stumble. And, if she knew about Craig.....what about Don? What about Howard? Rosalie saw the day when she would arise above these "men" (and past divorced-men).....and be twi's first woman president. Twi's hypocrisy be d@mned. Christian morality be snubbed. This woman would stand on top of the mountain!!
Rosalie rules the day!
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Rules the day? Or maybe the sunset.. or night of twi..
dark night of the soul, or of the organization..
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maybe she gave some bigtime money to vp
or maybe he loved lesbians
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I'm sure there are current TWI members reading this thread right now, looking down their nose at the "attacks of the adversary" to "bring up the past". What they don't realize is that people carry their past and habits with them after they come to TWI. It's not people bringing up their past failures that's the problem. It's that Rosalie carries them with her - her current antics with stealing away Craig's wife and their relationship is not Biblical. The fruit of her life currently is to split up marriages, to slander and blackball people, and to lie. So as much as you try to excuse it away, a zebra can't change it's stripes, neither can Rosalie change the fruit her life produces. And it is putrid fruit.
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"Attacks of the adversary" is twi's over-spiritualizing simple truths and facts.
While Chris Geer is attacking and attempting a power-grab from twi's then-trustees -- Craig, Don, and Howard.....Rosalie is sliding in the back door and spending more time with Donna. The martindale marriage was under assault and breaking apart. Of course, some could easily say that wierwille's alleged counsel to craig to have abundant sexual encounters with other women didn't help matters.
Interestingly, Rosalie made plans to begin building her new house in 1986. So, while the trustees are dealing with geer's "passing of a patriarch" attacks, and clergy are heading to Gartmore for spiritual correctness.......rosalie is tucked away into blueprint plans and fabrics and carpet samples. With some help from men like T3rry B@der, the Way Builder director.....Rosalie's new home will have the best as 2X6s upgrade the strength of this structure, rather than the usual 2X4s. Rosalie wants the best and has the money to pay for it.
Fast-forward to 1993, 1994, 1995.......twi was in the process of "sanctify the household." The homo-purge, the debt-purge, the unproductive evil-purge, the take-no-bribes-purge, the corps-no-pet-purge........AND ROSALIE IS SWIMMING IN HER POOL, WITH TWO LESBIANS LIVING IN HER BASEMENT BEDROOM AND A CAT NEAR THE POOL.
The hypocrisy and double-standard in twi....

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VPW set up the marriage between Donna and LCM. Maybe it was deliberate?
He knew that Donna was attracted to girls, so he said he'd help her get over that, but she didn't change. Because he was a father figure to such a young woman, I'm positive she bared her soul about her struggles. VPW encouraged Craig to sleep with all the women to 'become more spiritual' like him, and as a hook to keep Craig's adoration aka his PUPPET. It may be possible that VPW schemed that Donna, being a lesbian would not care one bit. It would mean that Craig would leave her alone... There would be a married PUPPET minister at the helm. just a thought.
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