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God/man or beast of the field/the son of God Jesus

/Christ/my unbelief over my belief in Christ

A friend wrote to me


Thanks my friends from the cult Grease Spot Café

This should be a time of joy not grumbling ... reconciliation rather than remembering offenses and hurt feelings...a time of hope instead of doubt.

The words from a friend from another board on another subject but I think it fits here.

The reason I left is because of what was wrote by another poster here I was hurt deeply but I must go on.

The words that hurt me “Many of your posts go ignored and I think name held back and I were trying to make sure that didn't happen with this one. We were checking in with you.”

It made me feel like I was nothing and you were greater than me I cried who cares but this self-righteous had to save me. From what I knew not many were reading my words look they my U-tube tells how many view my post on U-tube and how many view it here.

I was hoping a few read them but that person was doing me a good deed just I wish one had done for me while I was in The Way a long time ago. But more I thought about I saw the same hateful way I escaped so many years in my passed.

So this is the reason I left you have turn into worse than the Way Ministry ever was and until you saw it one could not get any better.

So I am not here never will be again but I wanted to try to help others thank you with the love of God because God loves all even the self righteous Grease Spot Cape person even the rude atheist I see no different one from another and with a holy kiss of Christ from Roy.

God/man or beast of the field/the son of God Jesus

/Christ/my unbelief over my belief in Christ

Was Christ life an example of a dog?


Was Jesus Christ an example of a dog, which is the Cynicism philosophy in action know as Hellenism or Hyalinization? The act of open mocking the beliefs of mankind making the flesh the lower creature while making Christ the better kind to be. Jesus Christ was a Cynicism, Skepticism, Epicureanism, and Stoicism in his walk of life.

Jesus Christ was a dog when one thinks of the ways because Jesus Christ mocked mankind in his habits of the flesh. Always fearing death mankind does not enjoy the life mankind has so telling mankind there to fear but fear itself. Jesus Christ lived his life where he fear nothing so Christ live as a true Cynicism of the flesh life we had now pointing to a better life to come.

Jesus Christ was so Skepticism that he had faith in things that seem impossible to mankind even when mankind hung him on a cross to die. Jesus Christ was so Epicureanism that he never did one sin his nature was so pure that Christ never sin so chaos without sinning Christ never live as chaos of sin like normal mankind. Jesus Christ was so Stoicism that Christ had no religion while Christ became Christ who had no religion but became a temple of God himself where God’s religion lives or God’s truth lives in mankind his self.

So Christ evolving into a new creature mocked mankind fleshly life has we known it there was more to life than this one we were in. Making mankind back in God’s image forgiving the sin of mankind making it void of all trespasses mocking man’s fleshly image replace it with a greater image. So man was the beast of field which Christ mocked by getting up the third day has the Son of God.

When you look at philosophy study you find the basic concepts of the man Jesus Christ by examination the way a man acts or his action unto the branch of knowledge the man lives. The love that Christ taught us to live by walking in the newness of the new creature we hope to evolve into. The child that we hope to grow into some day, thank you with love and a holy kiss from Roy.

God/man or beast of the field/the son of God Jesus

/Christ/my unbelief over my belief in Christ

The magic of the truth that I battle with in my own life!


As I think about the things I battle with I come with the things I believe in and the unbelief I try to over come in my own life. I do not care how big you think you are no one can out run their own unbelief in their life. The best we can do is face it in our life the best we can do tell the truth about our self and God will do the rest.

Like the man that cry to Jesus help my unbelief this man was being honest about his inner self, holding nothing back. We must become like this man more was which was like Christ was teaching us to be the spirit of truth. Not the fleshly man we have become but the Christ we shall be in the future.

Mark 9:24 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.

This was a believer but this man knew that he was under sin and he needed Jesus help to free himself from own self. All man were born under sin it takes God being form in us as the life of Christ that is conceive by believing in Jesus. Like the first time you were born in the flesh you must begin as a seed to come out of the Christ you are.

The coming out of Christ is the return of Christ to God’s Spiritual world for we are now flesh but then we will be like God himself in kind only. We shall be like a god-kind, which is spirit but not the father himself, but a join heir like a child. Thank you with the love of God and a holy kiss of Christ unto us from God and Roy.

God/man or beast of the field/the son of God Jesus

/Christ/my unbelief over my belief in Christ

You must die like Jesus Christ so you can rise again.


One must die in their flesh be born into God-like image with life ever lasting that when Christ see you face to face. The day of your birth because one must be conceive has a seed of Christ and that why you find so many stories about Jesus planting seed. In Greek the word born has translated wrong that is why you find the word conceive has a possible word for born alone begat and others.

A person must be planted to be born and we are form in the womb of our mothers so why being form the womb of Christ. As the truth states we are form in Christ as we renew our hearts of our mind to the truth otherwise as our heart grows inside the Christ in us. How one dies does not matter but how one lives changes the place one is in Christ I think?

I am not written this not to show how wise I am but how foolish I can be because God did not call the wise person but the unwise to teach God’s love. I am the lowest of all men some even say I am crazy I cannot write where one can easy understand but write the best I can. But the bible was not wrote in today English nor is it easy to understand one must do word studies and others things to understand it.

But after reading it for many years one begins to talk like he was alive in the pages of what was wrote so many years before his time. One must be honest about his inner self one must declared he is that fool to understand it making him wise. One must even tell the truth about his inner feelings even if he was a antichrist even if he does not see he was a lot but some even if its only .01 percent he was against Christ.

God see everything so you mightiest not hide because reads the hearts of all person so nothing that you hide will stay hiding. As one learns the truth they are all ways changing what they understand as truth as my understanding gets sharper I renew my heart to be like Christ. Thank you with love of truth and a holy kiss of Christ unto you from Roy.

Edited by year2027
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I'm sorry you feel this way. We're all in the same boat together, each of us rowing, to try to make some headway. Not everyone has the same desire or ability to row. That's human nature. You'll find it in every sort of effort that has any degree of organization, whether it be the Cub Scouts, the PTA, the local soup kitchen or GSC. I wish you nothing but the best in your journey.

Peace, Brother.

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I wrote that Roy.....no need to hold my name back....I didn't say anything wrong.

I was trying to be kind. It was in response to you calling Socks prideful and then you called me prideful.......I think you also said Socks had gone "all Way ministry" then too. It was in response to you telling Socks it would be better if he didn't say anything at all. All because you didn't like the way he articulated his response. I was explaining to you why we initially posted. You put us on the defensive.

Now I think you are calling me hateful. Why do you make things so personal? Guess my feelings don't really matter, as long as you feel better coming here and calling me names.

I wasn't trying to save you but, have a conversation with you. I was trying to let you know I was thinking of you.

I am sorry your feelings got so hurt....but you simply could have asked me what I meant....on the forum or by PM.

Just to add Roy, I respect you enough to believe you are more than capable of being accountable for your words.

Edited by geisha779
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God first

thanks waysider

I hope you understand I am not going to spent a lot of time with you because I need to talk to geisha779 first

but I wanted to let you known I count you as my friend

thanks my friend

with love and a holy kiss Roy

thanks geisha779

I did try to ask you the best I could but MOD delete my tread

they wanted it to in private but it did not begin in private

when one hides one they have to hide another

Because I did not known what was wrong with this picture

but something bugged me

my rude atheist friend that wrote what his heart feel on how he was trying to handle his pain like you try to handle your pain the day you were kick out the Way ministry

rudeness is not that how we all handle things

I still love and I all ways will

This should be a time of joy not grumbling ... reconciliation rather than remembering offenses and hurt feelings...a time of hope instead of doubt.

otherwise we should spent time fighting but listen to every man heart

because we listen to others how can we ever help one person

remember apostle Paul time he spent in jail that he almost saved one person

your pride got in your way my pride got in my way

the rude person pride got in his way

but you and me did not try to help him by listen first to him first

this is not a recovering place

because if the Mod do not like it is moved to doctrine or deleted

true recovering should have doctrine alone with un-doctrine

one must cover everything

the unbelief I receive from being in the Way alone the beliefs I gained

so this a worse cult than I started with

while I love you geisha779 I am still human and no one wants to feel that they have been mock

that why I told you today and forgiven you as my way putting in the pass

can you forgive me because no is without blame I did wrong too

because I was letting my pride hold me back and were letting your pride no see the value in saying one heart and listening to him

we are not without sin

we are not without pride

we are the antichrist every time we let pride get in our way

with love and a holy kiss Roy

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I left the Way on my own, I wasn't kicked out......and one of the things I will never do again is pretend to agree to something or feign respect for a POV I don't respect. Why should I....I don't actually believe that is loving.

I read it....listened....gave it due consideration because that is respectful....and then I disagreed. You can't force me or shame me into accepting or respecting your atheist friend's POV.....but, that doesn't mean I am hateful or rude.. I can think for myself now....I am free that way.

We don't have to agree......or consider all things equally valid. When we disagree......it doesn't mean the world is coming to an end.

I wasn't mocking you.....but, I don't think I will convince you of that unless I agree with you and confess to whatever it is you are looking for. It is not going to happen. I am finished defending myself.

I am also not going to apologize for having a voice. No one has to like it.....or agree, but I have found my voice after years and years of replacing it with group think. I guard it now.

Although you have called me hateful, prideful, and assumed several erroneous things about me.....called GSC a cult. . . . that still doesn't mean I harbor any ill will toward you or am angry with you in any way. I am truly not, so there is nothing to forgive from my perspective. You are entitled to think and believe what you will.

I truly am sorry your feelings were hurt, and I hope you work whatever it is out in your life that you need to. Come here or go...it is up to you, only you know what you need to do for yourself. But, when you put something out there for discussion Roy, it may get discussed.

Good luck brother.....I really wish you nothing but the best.

Edited by geisha779
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lol! i knew you could'nt stay away.year, i gotta ask. do you ever proof read your posts before puting them up?if not i would beseech you to start doing so.

they would be far easier to read and more effective in your intention to get your point accross.

jus' sayin'

'til then i'm hanging around! neck deep in devil spirits and loving it! :evildenk:

"i'd rather laugh with the sinners then cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun and only the good die young!!"

billy Joel

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God first

thanks faith no more

are you talking me saying "I am hateful some times isn't everybody?" that is what I wanted it to read

we all are humans with the weakness of the flesh

yes I spent hours written one tread

with love and a holy kiss Roy

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God first

thanks Dot Matrix

my E-mail is year2027@comcast.net

what is the truth?

there are flesh truths and spirit truths

the truth is we all be hateful and we can all be loving

both were wrong and both are right

have ever eastern customs by Bishop K.C. Pillai,

two children were fighting over small things lets say money the one wanted to receive knowing he could not repay

he said both were wrong

his words were you never ask because you did not a way to pay back to one child

his words were you should have given unto your brother knowing he did not have way to repay you

so is a right always right

Roy is hateful some times isn't everybody?

Geshia is hateful some times isn't everybody?

Dot Matrix is hateful some times isn't everybody?

I was trying to made peace

It does not matter who was right or who was wrong

my friend said "This should be a time of joy not grumbling ... reconciliation rather than remembering offenses and hurt feelings...a time of hope instead of doubt."

I was trying to fit it because right and wrong means nothing

but the love Roy has for Geshia does or the love Roy has for Dot does or even the love that Roy has for his atheist friend

with love and a holy kiss Roy

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  On 4/4/2012 at 6:06 AM, year2027 said:

I was trying to made peace

Really Roy? You make peace by calling me out to publicly humiliate me and by calling me hateful and self-righteous? I would really hate to see what you do when you are angry and vindictive. How much must you think of your own words to let a simple comment fester to the boiling point that we have to do this? You have broken almost every forum rule that is posted......you called Socks a liar, prideful, and a whole host of other personal slams.....you accused WW of letting religion get in his way because he defended Socks.....and now this.

Goal accomplished....I am so totally creeped out and so uncomfortable that I highly doubt I will even read here again....let alone post. You got me back good for saying many of your posts go ignored and I wanted to check in with you....you forgot that I also said it hurt my heart for you. By the way... you said so yourself!! It is not my fault people don't listen to your YouTubes or respond to many of your posts....now I know why.

Can you stop now? Just leave me out of your posts....I don't want anything to do with you....you have effectively chased me off the internet. You actually frighten me.

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