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New Book


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Hey everyone, It's been a long time since I've graced these hallowed cyber net waves. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am alive and well and have written a new book that kind of addresses the Way. It is my personal journey, short as it is. Some odd things have happened to me in the past year and I documented them in this book.

It all began with a series of flashbacks and nightmares and ended with a degree of understanding and sanity. This book does not document the horrors of the Way as a whole, only the worst of what I experienced in my little corner. It documents those things that caused me to live my life in fear and self-loathing. It's called "A Return to Sanity: The Hardest Journey" It can be purchased through Amazon.com (And I believe Paw still gets a kick back if you use Amazon not sure though you would have to ask him) It's also available off of my own website, www.teresamshafer.com for a bit cheaper and autographed if you want.

Please understand that I'm not here to simply sell books. I just know that some people are interested in the stories of others. This is part of my story. My autobiography will tell a great deal more but it will not be out for a while. It is damaging to far too many people that I still care about.

my website

Hope I did that right! :rolleyes:

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  On 3/12/2012 at 6:19 PM, Twinky said:

Hey, Teresa! Wondered what had happened to you! Good to see you.

It's good to see you too! I've been super busy with work and writing and football. It's all very exciting and very exhausting as well. How about you, what have you been up to?

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  On 3/13/2012 at 4:13 PM, Eyesopen said:

It's good to see you too! I've been super busy with work and writing and football. It's all very exciting and very exhausting as well. How about you, what have you been up to?

Been runninghalf marathons (well one anyway) - have a look at Beating the Feet in Open. There's a link to follow.

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  On 3/13/2012 at 6:57 PM, Twinky said:

Been runninghalf marathons (well one anyway) - have a look at Beating the Feet in Open. There's a link to follow.

Holy cow! Half a marathon is a whole lot more than I can run! More power to you my friend, that's awesome!! I'll trip over to the other thread tomorrow, still working nights so I'm off to work soon.

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  On 3/13/2012 at 11:19 PM, excathedra said:

it is really good to see you

and that's you on your website? you're so pretty

do/did you suffer from schizophrenia?

i want to get your book and your bio when that happens


It is nice to see you as well Exie. I often think of everyone here at GSC but seldom make the time to drop in. I have dropped in from time to time but never posted. I'm glad that this book afforded me an easier way to break the ice again.

That really is me on that website, and you are much too nice... but thanks!

I didnt actually suffer from schizophrenia at least not that I was diagnosed... then again you actually have to ask a doctor before they can diagnose you. Mostly I suffered from anger and fear and my mind often skipped to other times. It was very frightening especially when I was driving.

I do think that you would find my book interesting. I wrote it in the third person as if the person talking is just relaying the problems of my heroine Rebecca. It was odd just writing what came to mind as it came to mind. You know how you are thinking of one thing that leads to another thing and then to another? That's kind of how I wrote this I let it flow from one thought to another and worked through a lot of stuff. It was very therapudic and turned out to be a good read, it was an unintentional side benefit.

My bio is written completely differently. It is written in an almost sarcastic/comic tone. When I wrote it the sarcasm was my only defense. If I were to write it today it would be a different book because I no longer need a defense.

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  On 5/29/2012 at 3:52 PM, rascal said:

how do I order it through this site? I buy from amazon .com.....don't know how to link it through this site

I don't know if you can still buy it through this site but HERE is an Amazon link.


Edited by waysider
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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 5/31/2012 at 1:00 AM, waysider said:

I don't know if you can still buy it through this site but HERE is an Amazon link.


Thanks Waysider for helping Rascal out.

I got busy working with the local E.L.I. group (Every Life is Important). They work with families and individuals that are victims of abuse and are working towards changing legislation to add a National Abused Child registry and of course the corresponding registry for the abusers. Our football team has partnered with them and with any luck I will be personally partnering with them with one of my books. It's called "Veteran of The Silent War". It's about an abused little girl, how she grows up and how she deals with the abuse. In the end she wins but she has to go through hell to get there. She is helped by the Angel of her mother and a girl her own age and the girls parents... and a few unsavory types. But most of the battle is hers and hers alone.

Anyway, Thanks again for your comments and interest in "A Return to Sanity".

Dooj, when you gonna come to visit? I miss you!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay this is kind of related to my book so I will just post this information here. Since writing the book I really have found that things are much clearer to me now than they have been in a very long time. That being said I am selling my Way stuff. I have posted several things on ebay already but have yet to get around to much more. If anyone has any requests for stuff, mainly magazines, corps notes and I'm not sure what else is left but I have an entire shelf in my closet devoted to it. I want it gone. I no longer want to transport it from one house to another either physically or mentally. If you have a request or question please feel free to either post it here or contact me at my email addy: sherechita7@yahoo.com


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  On 7/7/2012 at 7:23 PM, excathedra said:

no thanks on the way stuff

i want to tell you something funny though. when you first started posting, i thought the avatar pic was really you

i don't know where i've been lol, but i realized after a bit

No problem on the Way stuff, just thought I would throw it out there cuz there are some that still collect it.

I wish that was a picture of me! :dance:

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  On 7/8/2012 at 3:54 PM, waysider said:


You mean I'm the only one who uses a real photo?

heheheeeehawhahhhaaa :eusa_clap:

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