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If LEAD was spiritual........


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.....what does that make solo climbing?

No ropes, no harness, no safety gear......Alex Honnold fearlessly climbs.

Last night, 60 Minutes did an exclusive story on Alex's climbing ability. Yes, his feats have been known

for several years....and what he climbs is absolutely amazing.

Here is a link......

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LEAD was so spiritual that ken barden died on his way there

that sweet little 10th corps girl got raped on her way there and her hitch partner destroyed

rochelle never recovered from the accident

howard and others -- i don't know the extent of their injuries afterwards

some LEAD leaders were on the hunt sexually even when they were married

oh yes very spiritual

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Wierwille was very much aware of what was going on with the LEAD program. He knew that lives were being devastated and destroyed but, he let the program continue. This is the same guy who boasted of "reaching up in Daddy's cookie jar" and "listening to that small still voice". He was a charlatan, a quack, a con man. Still, there are people who continue to promote him as some sort of spiritual guru. Shame on them.

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  On 2/27/2012 at 5:37 PM, skyrider said:

If LEAD was spiritual.....what does that make solo climbing?

Wierwille and co. claimed that climbing rocks.....with LEAD staff coaching baby-rock climbing techniques, ropes, harnesses, partner support, team effort, etc.......taught spiritual truths to overcome fear and better walk with God. Wierwille's LEAD "campus" was an extended, time-of-proving-your-spiritual-elevation program PRIOR TO CORPS GRADUATION.


Hence......the comparison between wierwille's propaganda vs solo climbing is an absurdity twi will never admit. No, I wouldn't endorse solo climbing for my kids, but if "believing" is the standard.......you gotta admit, Alex Honnold is a GIANT BELIEVER among newborns.

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  On 2/28/2012 at 1:22 PM, skyrider said:

Wierwille and co. claimed that climbing rocks.....with LEAD staff coaching baby-rock climbing techniques, ropes, harnesses, partner support, team effort, etc.......taught spiritual truths to overcome fear and better walk with God. Wierwille's LEAD "campus" was an extended, time-of-proving-your-spiritual-elevation program PRIOR TO CORPS GRADUATION.


Hence......the comparison between wierwille's propaganda vs solo climbing is an absurdity twi will never admit. No, I wouldn't endorse solo climbing for my kids, but if "believing" is the standard.......you gotta admit, Alex Honnold is a GIANT BELIEVER among newborns.


Obey, follow rules, confrontation, etc.......and this "LEAD report" was put in their corps file.

The trustees would make assignment decisions based on this final, obey-with-good-attitude-when-roughing-it report.

Hence....."believing" was NOT the criteria.

Obedience was. <_<


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  On 2/28/2012 at 2:41 PM, skyrider said:

Then.....wierwille's "spiritual believing race" is deplorable compared to "non-christian types." <_<

LEAD was a joke ... trying to make something spiritual out of camping out and rock climbing and hiking is straining at a gnat while all the shenanigans at the Root locales were like swallowing the camel ... nothing gross intended ....

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skyrider, obviously you are obsessed with this comparison with some rock climber

i don't give a sht

i just know how much damaged was caused

i had an easy fine LEAD thing. i think i went twice. i just faked it till i maked it

but some serious dangtttttt happened

they did not care one fruck about people

so don't bother with comparing it to the actual rock climbing thing

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Obey, follow rules, confrontation, etc.......and this "LEAD report" was put in their corps file.

The trustees would make assignment decisions based on this final, obey-with-good-attitude-when-roughing-it report.

Hence....."believing" was NOT the criteria.

Obedience was.

okay, sorry, i get your point

corps files... . puke

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  On 2/28/2012 at 8:45 PM, DogLover said:

LEAD was a joke ... trying to make something spiritual out of camping out and rock climbing and hiking is straining at a gnat while all the shenanigans at the Root locales were like swallowing the camel ... nothing gross intended ....

Exactly! :eusa_clap:

People all over the world......campers, hikers, skiiers, backpackers, trackers, hunters, solo-climbers, etc.

are far more ADVANCED in these areas than wayfers. And, if twi considers its LEAD program "spiritual"......

they haven't a clue on reality. Crap......I never even saw wierwille build a d@mn campfire, or anything!

Oh, that's right.......that's what servants are for. :rolleyes:

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My corps didn't go lead. Thanks God!! Of course we were given some schpiel about God had already prepared us without needing lead...blah...blah. I still don't know the real reason why we didn't go, but I have never complained.

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  On 2/28/2012 at 10:33 PM, OldSkool said:

Well.....it looks like little jr. jr hasn't quite stepped up the terminology like twi did.

From S.O.W.E.R.S. participant:

Journal excerpt from the second day of my solo:

April 27, 2011

Wilderness outside of Goshen…

Life is just happening and I’m not doing anything to change it. It’s like Dr. Wierwille said, “solo. Man, if that ain’t the greatest time of your life you’ve missed the mountain.

Around 1979......"solo" was changed to "duo"

Reason: A solo is when you are alone. A duo is when there's two -- God and you.

C'mon, jr. jr..........you ain't teaching it like your grandpappy did. <_<


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  On 2/28/2012 at 10:50 PM, skyrider said:

“solo. Man, if that ain’t the greatest time of your life you’ve missed the mountain."[/i]

Around 1979......"solo" was changed to "duo"

Reason: A solo is when you are alone. A duo is when there's two -- God and you.

C'mon, jr. jr..........you ain't teaching it like your grandpappy did. <_<


And when did VPW ever go lead, or solo, or duo, or...etc, etc....when? So....did he "miss the mountain?"

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  On 2/28/2012 at 10:50 PM, OldSkool said:

My corps didn't go lead. Thanks God!! Of course we were given some schpiel about God had already prepared us without needing lead...blah...blah.

And, there you have it folks........LEAD is not needed.

For years, corps couldn't graduate WITHOUT it........and then, its not even needed!

Flip flop, flip flop......when is the hypocrisy gonna stop?

Through the years, twi has always had its "obedience projects"......the 6th corps had to hitchhike to Texas

and work on a potato farm. Many in the 7th corps went to work at Grand Log Homes in Colorado....and some

went for months of construction/electrical/plumbing aspects of the LEAD location.

Is there any wonder why corps, who were treated like slave labor, left decades ago?

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  On 3/1/2012 at 4:01 PM, chockfull said:

I guess it just goes to show you can't run a cult of personality without the personality.

And if you listen to Rozilla (which is ill advised) this is the reason they are no longer "considered" a cult. RIIIIIIIIGHT!

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  On 3/1/2012 at 4:10 PM, OldSkool said:

And if you listen to Rozilla (which is ill advised) this is the reason they are no longer "considered" a cult. RIIIIIIIIGHT!

So Rozilla openly admits that TWI is no longer considered a cult because she has the personality of a soap dish. Good :biglaugh: Glad the old girl is coming to terms with herself. The next step is where she admits that as a result of that, the STS teachings, all classes, magazine articles, and Way Productions also have the personality of a small soap dish. In fact, either "vanilla" or "elevator musack" could describe the resulting impact.

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Oh...."There's as much learning in hitchhiking as there is in studying Genesis; because it's gonna take a little believing." --- Vpig

HA ! HA ! when did that bastud hitch? same with that pathetic old lady running the show now

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