By the way, you got the right show (Woody Woodpecker) but the wrong specific cartoon. "If Woody had gone straight to the police..." was a different short. But yes, it was Woody Woodpecker. Aside from his laugh, Woody did not speak in the Dragnet spoof episode (featuring THE BAT!)
And of course, for some reason, no one mentioned Dark Shadows.
No. I just googled "vampire" "cop" "show" and found "Forever Knight," which is the one I had in mind.
I can't think of any vampire cartoons off the top of my head, unless Count Chockula got his own series. I know Casper featured Wendy the witch; maybe there was a vampire, too? I seem to remember a Frankenstein monster cartoon, where the monster was supposed to get "one drop of nice" but got a whole bottle, instead. He might have had a vampire friend. Batfink was a bat, but not a vampire.
Babylon 5 was essentially a space United Nations, where Minbari, Centauri, Narn, Vorlons, and Humans (among others) basically tried not to kill each other and eventually band together against "the Shadows." The CGI was state-of-the-art at the time. The last season seemed more of an afterthought, but it was well-written and well-acted. It was often compared with (also well-written and -acted) Deep Space 9, although the only real ties were that both occured in space and had integers lower than 10 in their titles.
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I'm not clear what your point is then. I don't think I'm much older than anyone here. I thought the whole point of this game was to stir memories ,and realize-'oh yeah-I do remember that show !' I'm
In the "Jump the Shark" episode of Batman B&B, they go through all of the ways to JTS listed on that website, including having Ted McGinley on! :lol: George
C) The DC/Fawcett character must be Captain Marvel, now known as Shazam. I think the show is Beat Shazam George
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A mainstay on FOX for a decade, the stars of this show have since gone on to star in "LA Dragnet," "Sons of Anarchy," and "Jesse."
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Human without the bean
Beauty and The Beast?
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No, but I almost forgot I left this hanging. Here are some hints:
Ed O'Neill starred in "LA Dragnet"
Katey Sagal starred (stars?) in "Sons of Anarchy"
Christina Applegate starred in "Jesse"
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Human without the bean
Oh, that's Married With Children
Here's one:
Jane Curtin
Kristen Johnston
French Stewart
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
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Let's not forget John Lithgow... ;)
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Human without the bean
I was going with the secondary cast here. Not pulling anything over you, am I George?
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It is, of course, "Third Rock from the Sun"
I don't remembere if I've already used this, but
They're altogether "ooky"...
I'll be out of pocket for a few days, so feel free to go ahead if you know this one.
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The Addams Family
"The story you are about to see is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent."
"The story you are about to see is a BIG FAT LIE! No names have been changed to protect ANYBODY!"
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The first is, of course, "Dragnet." I'm not sure about the second.
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The second was a Woody Woodpecker cartoon that spoofed Dragnet.
"If Woody had gone right to the police, this would never have happened."
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Then there was this line from the "Dragnet" movie with DAn Aykroyd:
The story you are about to see is true; the names have been changed to protect the innocent. For example: George Baker is now called "Sylvia Wiss."
WW, why don't you go?
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If the locals will forgive me for making a straight trivia question....
Name 4 (or more) shows that feature/feature at least one vampire in the regular cast.
(I'll accept analogues, where "we won't call it a vampire" applies.)
(I can name 8 without getting into analogs, all off the top of my head,
and most of them, I've never actually watched.)
Oh, and to be specific, they should all be LIVE-ACTION shows,
although I can name at least 2 cartoons as well.
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Five come to mind immediately:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Diaries
The Munsters
and a show whose name I can't think of right now starring a vampire cop (I think "Night" was in the title)
Let's see what others turn up.
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There's a lot more than either of us were thinking.
I wasn't even thinking of 2 shows that are currently in circulation.
(Not counting "The Vampire Diaries".) Then again, since they don't have
"vampire" in the title and I'm not watching them, that's not hard to do.
George, for fun, how many cartoons with vampires can you name?
I was thinking of two, there's at least one other I should have remembered.
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By the way, you got the right show (Woody Woodpecker) but the wrong specific cartoon. "If Woody had gone straight to the police..." was a different short. But yes, it was Woody Woodpecker. Aside from his laugh, Woody did not speak in the Dragnet spoof episode (featuring THE BAT!)
And of course, for some reason, no one mentioned Dark Shadows.
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George, are you thinking of The Night Stalker?
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No. I just googled "vampire" "cop" "show" and found "Forever Knight," which is the one I had in mind.
I can't think of any vampire cartoons off the top of my head, unless Count Chockula got his own series. I know Casper featured Wendy the witch; maybe there was a vampire, too? I seem to remember a Frankenstein monster cartoon, where the monster was supposed to get "one drop of nice" but got a whole bottle, instead. He might have had a vampire friend. Batfink was a bat, but not a vampire.
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I know "Drac Pack" was a bit too late for you,
but you don't remember "the Groovy Goolies?"
I'm thinking you at least HEARD of Count Duckula at some point.
With the movie, I thought "Dark Shadows" would have come up fast.
Any others spring to mind before we move on?
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"Count Duckula" and "Groovie Ghoulies" ring a bell, though I don't think I ever watched them.
And Raf did mention "Dark Shadows."
"Supernatural" routinely features vampires, especially the "alpha vampire," though they wouldn't be considered stars of the show.
I'm out.
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The ones I remembered that weren't mentioned were:
Kindred:the Embraced (I was a White Wolf Publishing reader, so that was an obvious show for me)
Right now, more or less, is a show called "the Gates", about a gated community with supernaturals.
I imagine it's interesting.
Then there's "Being Human", in UK and US flavors, with a vampire, a werewolf, and a ghost.
There was briefly "Moonlight", which looked like a cross between Forever Knight and Highlander.
Would you believe Count Duckula was the SECOND one of his type? Filmation made up "Quackula"
in 1979.
There's quite a few shows that had a vampire at some point- like Tales from the Crypt and so on.
I'll think up another question unless you want to take it.
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I'll go.
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The show was often compared with one of the Star Trek series, which debuted about the same time.
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I'll go with "Bablyon 5."
I was kind-of hoping for "Quark",but that was between the ST shows, AFAIK.
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"Babylon 5" is correct.
Babylon 5 was essentially a space United Nations, where Minbari, Centauri, Narn, Vorlons, and Humans (among others) basically tried not to kill each other and eventually band together against "the Shadows." The CGI was state-of-the-art at the time. The last season seemed more of an afterthought, but it was well-written and well-acted. It was often compared with (also well-written and -acted) Deep Space 9, although the only real ties were that both occured in space and had integers lower than 10 in their titles.
You're up, Wolfie!
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