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How many (fiction) shows can you name which prominently feature mystic artifacts or relics? About five come to my mind immediately. Also, I mean more than one artifact. A single, mystic sword doesn't count.

Here are a few:

Friday the 13th

Warehouse 13

Relic Hunter

Any more?


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Friday the 13th was the first I thought of.

Several have figured into "Charmed" over the seasons,

and at least one by the end of "Buffy".

The only other definite multiples one I thought of was

"Level Up."

Twilight Zone and Tales From the Crypt, of course,

have had single episodes around some mystical item.

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"Supernatural" often involves mystic relics.

"Lost Girl" also involves about one new artifact an episode.

I haven't watched ANY of the newer vampire/werewolf/monster shows, so I don't know if they fit.

I was also thinking of "Special Unit 2" and "The Chronicle," but they were more about the idea of goblins and trolls and urban legends being actually true than being about mystic artifacts.

If anyone else has some, pop in. Otherwise,I'll turn it over to WordWolf.


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There was at least one TV game show where contestants needed to identify song titles.

There were at least 2 TV game shows where contestants needed to fill in the words in songs.

That's 3 TV game shows-

name any TWO.

(The first one is old, the other 2 are a few years old.)

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Identifying song titles is easy: "Name That Tune".

I seem to remember one where the beginning of a line was given, and the contestant had to finish it correctly, but I can't remember the name of the show. I've done the "light lifting." If someone else gets the other part of WW's answer, he/she can go ahead with the next clue.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/6/2013 at 2:25 PM, GeorgeStGeorge said:

Identifying song titles is easy: "Name That Tune".

I seem to remember one where the beginning of a line was given, and the contestant had to finish it correctly, but I can't remember the name of the show. I've done the "light lifting." If someone else gets the other part of WW's answer, he/she can go ahead with the next clue.


I believe one of the other two shows was "Don't Forget the Lyrics"


Edited by GeorgeStGeorge
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/14/2013 at 9:31 PM, GeorgeStGeorge said:

I believe one of the other two shows was "Don't Forget the Lyrics"



The other was "the Singing Bee", and they premiered in the same season.

Low ratings cancelled them, which was a shame.

I liked them both- but I liked DFtL better.

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  On 1/24/2013 at 2:46 PM, GeorgeStGeorge said:

It had nothing to do with oil or gas recovery, but "frack" was a common expletive on this show.


You had me puzzled for a second.

But the expletive was in the comic book and novelizations, too.

Me, I preferred "felgercarb" which obviously was a noun expletive.

Looking back, it's pretty clever how they got something past the

censors. Back then, you couldn't make a regular character a

prostitute, but nobody sent letters because someone was a

"socialator." :)

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  On 1/25/2013 at 4:45 AM, WordWolf said:

An expletive is a curse-word, something the censors would bleep out.

Really. 33 years post graduation and I've finally learned something. It's a curious word isn't it. Expletive. Sounds like somethin you leave on your x's doorstep.

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  On 1/28/2013 at 12:38 PM, GeorgeStGeorge said:

"The Lone Ranger"?



although this one also had a feature movie,

there was NO radio show like the Lone Ranger.

However, there WAS a newspaper comic strip.

And a cool movie soundtrack.

And a video game, and a pinball machine.

But no formal sidekick among the ensemble.

And it was mentioned once, in passing, on "the Little Rascals."

(IIRC, that alone should narrow it down to 2 characters.)

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  On 1/28/2013 at 5:26 PM, GeorgeStGeorge said:

"Flash Gordon"?


It is indeed.

I remember the Little Rascals, when the kids were visiting Darla's house, and Mr Hood

was giving them dinner. The kids argued over whether Flash Gordon or Tarzan was stronger.

Mr Hood said that if they'd eat quietly, afterwards he'd tell them everything he knows

about "those Flash Tarzan and Gordon fellows."

You of course have seen part of the serial. I think most of us did at some point.

The movie was fun, the more recent TV show is best ignored.

The movie's soundtrack was fun, too.


Your turn!

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The Dick Van Dyke Show

But the ottoman tripping wasn't according to the year. Carl Reiner intended to mix the trip, non- trip week to week, thinking everyone would always be curious. he said he got tired of it after awhile, and they kind of forgot about it. It just seems like the tripping was early, and the side stepping was later. But even in the later episodes you can find an occasional trip.

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