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The actors portraying the 18th century Scots did a sort of boot camp to learn Gaelic and make sure it was word perfect. Ironically the one person who knew how to speak Gaelic is one of the stars who plays a character who does not know how to speak it.

That same star, who was a ramp model before she ventured into acting, said in an interview that she is used to getting naked in front of 30 people and is confident in her body.  (Helpful, as there are a few love scenes in every season of the show.


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  On 12/21/2023 at 12:29 AM, WordWolf said:

I'm assuming this is  "Outlander."


A correct assumption.  A lot of the show takes place in mid-18th-century Scotland, so a lot of Gaelic is tossed around.  Catriona Balfe actually speaks Gaelic, but her character (time-traveling Englishwoman Clare Fraser) does not.


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"She's offered her body to science. Time and time again."

"I've gotten "Thank you" notes from people I said I'd never see again."

"I've eaten a river of liver and an ocean of fish! I've eaten so much fish, I'm ready to grow gills! I've eaten so much liver, I can only make love if I'm smothered in bacon and onions!"


"I'm reminded of a story, you've probably heard it. The king and queen of this country were playing golf with five clubs. Their son Jack remarked how strange it was that they only had two hearts between them. And just then his sister Little Deucey and her dog Trey started singing 'For Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend,' whereupon the whole family beat her to death and buried her with two spades."


"Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice."


"I have this peculiar metabolism. If I don't eat regularly, everything solid in my body turns to liquid. My shoes are full of water."


"When they came for me, I ran like a thief right into Grand Central Station. They trapped me in a pay toilet."   "Beautiful."   "Cost them four dollars in nickels to get me out."    "I love a volunteer."

Edited by WordWolf
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This show is part of a franchise that includes several movies.  In fact, one might say that it takes place after the 2nd movie and effectively "retcons" the third.

The show went only two seasons.  I'm sure it had nothing to do with one of the stars, who has appeared in MANY short run series.  Fans tried to get it revived for three years after its cancellation.


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This show is part of a franchise that includes several movies.  In fact, one might say that it takes place after the 2nd movie and effectively "retcons" the third.

The show went only two seasons.  I'm sure it had nothing to do with one of the stars, who has appeared in MANY short run series.  Fans tried to get it revived for three years after its cancellation.

FOX President Kevin Reilly canceled the show due to the show not doing well in the ratings as it was moved to Friday Nights and didn't do well in its new time slot.  (No surprise.  Friday night is where Sci-Fi shows go to die.)

Fans accused the star of the movies of killing the show because he wanted to make more movies in the series. The star wasn't involved with the show and the next movie didn't come out until 6 years after the show had ended. 


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This show is part of a franchise that includes several movies.  In fact, one might say that it takes place after the 2nd movie and effectively "retcons" the third.

The show went only two seasons.  I'm sure it had nothing to do with Summer Glau, who has appeared in MANY short run series.  Fans tried to get it revived for three years after its cancellation.  Glau got her part in the show, incidentally, because of her demonstration of fighting skills in the movie "Serenity."

FOX President Kevin Reilly canceled the show due to the show not doing well in the ratings as it was moved to Friday Nights and didn't do well in its new time slot.  (No surprise.  Friday night is where Sci-Fi shows go to die.)

Fans accused the star of the movies of killing the show because he wanted to make more movies in the series. The star wasn't involved with the show and the next movie didn't come out until 6 years after the show had ended. 


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