go out and get yourself laid will ya? you need too, desperately i think.
it'll give ya a little perspective on what you're really living for man. come down from your mountain and dwell among us mere mortals awhile.
and stop trying to make sense of all this bible bullsh1t.noone else has. if there was a god he would have come down here and set it straight him/herself. eh?
i gave up on it eons ago and my life is all the better for it.
stop thinkin' an' start drinkin roy. first rounds on me .
fnm, that was unnecessarily mean. Roy's good-hearted and never mean-spirited.
I may disagree with him at times, but not with his intentions.
Yes I am moving away this Greases spot Cape which this board you do not need more of my weak ability to sound out words. I think most of you understand my ability but this seem more cutting the Way ministry down to discovering the real reason we let ourselves get fool in the first place. I not talking any pushing their wants on you I am talking why you join the Way Ministry in the first place.
Nobody here NEEDS to have a great ability to sound out words. I think most of us who disagree
with you disagree with what you're saying but understand what you're saying. We just dissgree with it.
One important purpose on the GSC is to expose the way ministry, to "cut it down."
Another important purpose on the GSC is "how did we get there" and "how do people get there".
I never saw you really open up a discussion on "why did you join in the first place" to discuss.
Sometimes you have a point to make, but understand all points become part of a DISCUSSION.
If I have a horrible incident with Leader A and someone else has a fantastic time with Leader A,
we can talk about both without saying either person is wrong. Each person has different experiences,
so the answers to "why did you join?" may be very different. Some people looked for family, a sense
of belonging. Some wanted answers, some wanted other things. Those are all true answers, and are each
separate discussions if we want them to be. Not everyone would agree to ONE answer, but we might all
DISCUSS one answer as ONE answer and not ALL the answers.
Remember that disagreeing is a good thing in a discussion, so long as it's handled well. I'd rather
have interesting, civil disagreements than happy, smiling agreement on everything- we had enough of
that lie in twi.
Remember that people disagreeing with a point are not disagreeing with YOU, and people agreeing with
a point are not agreeing with YOU. I've agreed with posters I've disliked before.
This is beginning to be my God and I said in my heart I would never let another place that the place of God in my life. One member told me she was written to me because most treads went unread but I know that because I was written for you I was written for myself. I would try to get a post to fit in “about the Way” but it seems you only want to cut down the Way ministry.
If something's getting between you and God, I'd agree that's a bad thing. Revolving your life around
any one thing should be watched carefully.
As for threads "to fit in" About the Way, the threads aren't there because they're "made to fit in."
The threads that are there are about the way in one form or another. Most discussions of doctrines go
in Doctrinal, and discussions specifically about way doctrine that end up in About The Way do so because
we discuss the PRACTICES and what that meant more than what's "true doctrine" on the thread.
Just because a thread is LABELLED to be "About The Way" doesn't make it so. We've even had people show
up to post advertisements-which they labelled as being on-topic. That didn't change the subjects.
Yes I think that we have more pride than we need there pride for the Grease Spot café look how ungodly we have got even selling T-shirts in our early years. Just like the Way Ministry had those of “Dr VPW” that one could purchase for the movement the Way Ministry we had our for destruction of The Way ministry. Even the Roman Catholic Church had their idols that they place in view for all to see because they had pride more than they needed.
It's not sinful or harmful to "take pride" in something, but to "be prideful" can be a problem.
If you do a good job, you can "take pride" in it and others can say "well done".
You can be a fan of a sports team or even a person who's doing their best. Those aren't problems
in and of themselves.
As for the t-shirts, that wasn't a matter of being prideful as much as it was other things.
Honestly, I thought it was hysterical and loved getting one. I don't see something wrong with
someone having a sports team logo or something similar somewhere- and I don't follow sports.
We don't WORSHIP or VENERATE the GSC just as we don't WORSHIP or VENERATE our families, but we
care about our families and hopefully can "take a little pride" in them. That's a LOT different
from twi making ugly statues of vpw for their auditorium or for people's homes.
You see we have fears we must over come as we all have our idols one of first was God holy scripture another was the Way ministry. But I always come to myself I puff up my life above as I found myself doing Grease Spot Café otherwise I live for posting on it. When I wake up I saw it for what it was the cult controlling my future a false god.
Two things a lot of us needed to be delivered from was putting twi first, and reverencing it,
and putting the Bible to where we reverenced THAT rather than God Almighty. That was a hard pill
to swallow for many of us.
I like visiting the GSC all the time, but it's more of a hangout to me than an idol. It's not my
CHURCH, it's my CORNER BAR where everybody knows my screen-name.
("NORM!") Perhaps it wasn't so for you, and if not, it's good for you to change that like you are.
I am going keep good-bye simple while I need to leave because is my focus for living and life is valuable to be hung on one board.
Exactly. Live your life, stay in touch of visit as you see fit, and when God decides the time is right,
mean!?! i was'nt trying to be mean at all!! i like roy too!
when I read your post, I too thought it was mean. If I did, and WW did, then others likely did not find it as 'tongue in cheek'. Roy has always been a gentle soul trying to communicate as best he can in his situation.
Free the T-shirts Roy! But I bet ol' Paw gave away more than he sold. GS may be one of the best examples of a freebie on the web I've seen. I like the ads and sometimes I've wished GS would put the bucket out for a donation once or twice a year just to pay the rent and allow participants the kind of pride of ownership that would permit some serious abuse. Just kidding, but it wouldn't be a bad idea, really. Course I haven't ponied up any dinero's on my own so yeah. You can see where that's going.
I think I'd only put a ditto next to WW's post.
You might run your book by someone like an editor someday, just someone else that might have some experience - I think I suggested that before. Not so much for the grammar or words (and everyone - EVERYone benefits from an editor's second pair of eyes) but more to possibly condense sections of it to single chapters. I've got a book thing I've been working on for 3 years and it's not easy, I'll say that, although the first draft rolled out pretty easily. Didn't make any sense but it came out quickly.
It's just a suggestion not a criticism. If I remember right you go through a series of chapters that cover a lot about relationships, diet, and a lot of stuff and how those things affect who we are and how we think. DNA too right? It's insightful and might read easier if it were pulled together a little tighter. If it's important to you that you wrote it it might be good to do that.
Using the posting/thread format is tough for some things, works fine for others. I've always had a hard time with it to be honest. I don't post on any net boards but when it comes to ex-Way boards named GreaseSpot Cafe this is the one I choose. It's in fits and starts. Till the next fits...
I like the ads and sometimes I've wished GS would put the bucket out for a donation once or twice a year just to pay the rent and allow participants the kind of pride of ownership that would permit some serious abuse. Just kidding, but it wouldn't be a bad idea, really. Course I haven't ponied up any dinero's on my own so yeah. You can see where that's going.
We all have to do what we have to do to move on. Sometimes that includes "good - bye" Sometimes it is just a break for a season. Whatever you need to do, for you; do it. Only people who do not really love you or respect boundaries would try to force you to stay in something you choose to leave... And then, it is about THEM and not about you. Be healthy and stay sweet. Remember you have the right to walk away when something makes you uncomfortable, we learned that when we walked away from The Way. They started with "no membership" and ended up with an allegiance paper to FORCE you to commitment. When people start forcing you to stay, mock you, or run a polar opposite to what you ethically believe ~ these are RED flags ~ and it might be/is time to leave... I hope you find healthy fellowship wherever you go~
PS Roy, admittedly I have not been here, nor have I kept up with what is going on. I am not saying I agree with you regarding T-shirts or anything. I just read you were leaving and digested that you feel you had been mocked and I am responding to that. I gathered you have been to several sites and felt mistreated. Wherever you go ~ you are free to leave. We will miss your heart and holy kisses. Love always.
Best of everything to you Roy. You know I'm crazy about ya, if you never read it.
I wander in here about every 2 months or so, peek around and leave, usually. But that's me and that's cuz it's not a healthy place for me anymore, usually. Doesn't change how I feel about the people here.
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faith no more
so.... congratulations.i think.
you spend too much time in here anyway roy.
do yourself another favor man.
go out and get yourself laid
will ya? you need too, desperately i think.
it'll give ya a little perspective on what you're really living for man. come down from your mountain and dwell among us mere mortals awhile.

and stop trying to make sense of all this bible bullsh1t.noone else has. if there was a god he would have come down here and set it straight him/herself. eh?
i gave up on it eons ago and my life is all the better for it.
stop thinkin' an' start drinkin roy. first rounds on me
my opinion only, tongue in cheek.
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fnm, that was unnecessarily mean. Roy's good-hearted and never mean-spirited.
I may disagree with him at times, but not with his intentions.
Nobody here NEEDS to have a great ability to sound out words. I think most of us who disagree
with you disagree with what you're saying but understand what you're saying. We just dissgree with it.
One important purpose on the GSC is to expose the way ministry, to "cut it down."
Another important purpose on the GSC is "how did we get there" and "how do people get there".
I never saw you really open up a discussion on "why did you join in the first place" to discuss.
Sometimes you have a point to make, but understand all points become part of a DISCUSSION.
If I have a horrible incident with Leader A and someone else has a fantastic time with Leader A,
we can talk about both without saying either person is wrong. Each person has different experiences,
so the answers to "why did you join?" may be very different. Some people looked for family, a sense
of belonging. Some wanted answers, some wanted other things. Those are all true answers, and are each
separate discussions if we want them to be. Not everyone would agree to ONE answer, but we might all
DISCUSS one answer as ONE answer and not ALL the answers.
Remember that disagreeing is a good thing in a discussion, so long as it's handled well. I'd rather
have interesting, civil disagreements than happy, smiling agreement on everything- we had enough of
that lie in twi.
Remember that people disagreeing with a point are not disagreeing with YOU, and people agreeing with
a point are not agreeing with YOU. I've agreed with posters I've disliked before.
If something's getting between you and God, I'd agree that's a bad thing. Revolving your life around
any one thing should be watched carefully.
As for threads "to fit in" About the Way, the threads aren't there because they're "made to fit in."
The threads that are there are about the way in one form or another. Most discussions of doctrines go
in Doctrinal, and discussions specifically about way doctrine that end up in About The Way do so because
we discuss the PRACTICES and what that meant more than what's "true doctrine" on the thread.
Just because a thread is LABELLED to be "About The Way" doesn't make it so. We've even had people show
up to post advertisements-which they labelled as being on-topic. That didn't change the subjects.
It's not sinful or harmful to "take pride" in something, but to "be prideful" can be a problem.
If you do a good job, you can "take pride" in it and others can say "well done".
You can be a fan of a sports team or even a person who's doing their best. Those aren't problems
in and of themselves.
As for the t-shirts, that wasn't a matter of being prideful as much as it was other things.
Honestly, I thought it was hysterical and loved getting one. I don't see something wrong with
someone having a sports team logo or something similar somewhere- and I don't follow sports.
We don't WORSHIP or VENERATE the GSC just as we don't WORSHIP or VENERATE our families, but we
care about our families and hopefully can "take a little pride" in them. That's a LOT different
from twi making ugly statues of vpw for their auditorium or for people's homes.
Two things a lot of us needed to be delivered from was putting twi first, and reverencing it,
and putting the Bible to where we reverenced THAT rather than God Almighty. That was a hard pill
to swallow for many of us.
I like visiting the GSC all the time, but it's more of a hangout to me than an idol. It's not my
CHURCH, it's my CORNER BAR where everybody knows my screen-name.
("NORM!") Perhaps it wasn't so for you, and if not, it's good for you to change that like you are.
Exactly. Live your life, stay in touch of visit as you see fit, and when God decides the time is right,
we'll meet in person and maybe hang out.
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faith no more
mean!?! i was'nt trying to be mean at all!! i like roy too!
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when I read your post, I too thought it was mean. If I did, and WW did, then others likely did not find it as 'tongue in cheek'. Roy has always been a gentle soul trying to communicate as best he can in his situation.
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Free the T-shirts Roy! But I bet ol' Paw gave away more than he sold. GS may be one of the best examples of a freebie on the web I've seen. I like the ads and sometimes I've wished GS would put the bucket out for a donation once or twice a year just to pay the rent and allow participants the kind of pride of ownership that would permit some serious abuse.
Just kidding, but it wouldn't be a bad idea, really. Course I haven't ponied up any dinero's on my own so yeah. You can see where that's going.
I think I'd only put a ditto next to WW's post.
You might run your book by someone like an editor someday, just someone else that might have some experience - I think I suggested that before. Not so much for the grammar or words (and everyone - EVERYone benefits from an editor's second pair of eyes) but more to possibly condense sections of it to single chapters. I've got a book thing I've been working on for 3 years and it's not easy, I'll say that, although the first draft rolled out pretty easily. Didn't make any sense but it came out quickly.
It's just a suggestion not a criticism. If I remember right you go through a series of chapters that cover a lot about relationships, diet, and a lot of stuff and how those things affect who we are and how we think. DNA too right? It's insightful and might read easier if it were pulled together a little tighter. If it's important to you that you wrote it it might be good to do that.
Using the posting/thread format is tough for some things, works fine for others. I've always had a hard time with it to be honest. I don't post on any net boards but when it comes to ex-Way boards named GreaseSpot Cafe this is the one I choose. It's in fits and starts. Till the next fits...
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i would not mock you
you take care of yourself
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You have to do what it right for you, Roy.
I have always enjoyed our conversations.
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Human without the bean
I will miss you Roy. Take care.
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Roy, don't give up too early. I've never left any place until the kicked me out.
It's only happened here, except for once..
I came back once, and my posts, about a half a year later, and my posts were not miraculously moderated (subjected to review by divine authority)..
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hey socks- I will just point you to this page. check out the right side- http://www.greasespotcafe.com/main2/
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Yeah, like I said, you can see what that was going.
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Hey friend.. I've given this place up about a half dozen times..
welcome here, or welcome back ..
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Dot Matrix
We all have to do what we have to do to move on. Sometimes that includes "good - bye" Sometimes it is just a break for a season. Whatever you need to do, for you; do it. Only people who do not really love you or respect boundaries would try to force you to stay in something you choose to leave... And then, it is about THEM and not about you. Be healthy and stay sweet. Remember you have the right to walk away when something makes you uncomfortable, we learned that when we walked away from The Way. They started with "no membership" and ended up with an allegiance paper to FORCE you to commitment. When people start forcing you to stay, mock you, or run a polar opposite to what you ethically believe ~ these are RED flags ~ and it might be/is time to leave... I hope you find healthy fellowship wherever you go~
PS Roy, admittedly I have not been here, nor have I kept up with what is going on. I am not saying I agree with you regarding T-shirts or anything. I just read you were leaving and digested that you feel you had been mocked and I am responding to that. I gathered you have been to several sites and felt mistreated. Wherever you go ~ you are free to leave. We will miss your heart and holy kisses. Love always.
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Roy said he was going on 17 Feb...and hasn't been seen since.
Mind you, that is only just over a month. And this place is somewhat addictive.
Nice to see you, anyway, Dot.
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i would be gone if i wasn't a f uc ki n lonely loser
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Best of everything to you Roy. You know I'm crazy about ya, if you never read it.
I wander in here about every 2 months or so, peek around and leave, usually. But that's me and that's cuz it's not a healthy place for me anymore, usually. Doesn't change how I feel about the people here.
Take care of you and keep in touch will ya?
Shellon, Rick, Kelly and Samantha
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God first
thanks Shellon and excathedra and Twinky and Dot Matrix and Ham and socks and HAPe4me and Human without the bean and waysider
I will miss all of you people too
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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back atcha' (((((((roy)))))))
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God first
thanks excathedra
I love you too
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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