For the more expensive gift, a replica of the Podium *he* stood behind, complete with presidents seal, bowl of half-broken pieces of mint, crystal glass with ice cubes, and half-consumed bottle of drambuie.
The local Museum here. It doesn't look like one.. but it has a gift shop. About three (maybe it was four?) years ago, I bought a radiometer. Every once in a while, when exposed to enough radiant energy, it still does SOMETHING..
really cool though. It was enough for me to look up the explanation how it works..
radiation pressure on a white object does not explain it.. it's exactly the opposite..
we have a partial vacuum. Four vanes.. the black and white surfaces are transposed on the vanes..
the *real* explanation of what causes the gyration of the assembly is..
light hits the black side of the vanes.
the few molecules of gas that are there get very excited, and rush toward the white side. In doing so, a small amount of thrust is applied to the black side of the vanes as they depart..
everything happens at the edges of the vanes.
I wish the vpw memorial museum had something as interesting to offer..
Long gone are the days when twi spouted, "The life of the ministry is in the twig." Those snappy little one-liners and outreach programs have long faded into the sunset of the preservation society. The last man standing, the only man standing in the man who so deeply loved "his kids." While hundreds and hundreds of corps and clergy deserted the end, Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille ran his course in life, faithful to the end.
Ever notice the transition stages in twi?....
1970's......The life of the ministry is in the twig.
1980's......The life of the ministry is in the branch.
1990's......The life of the ministry is at the limb.
2000's......The life of the ministry is at hq.
At the request of hq, busloads of visitors were traveling to the sunday teachings to fill more rows
in the auditorium. "Come and see" had replaced the 1970's outreach of "Go and Tell."
Twi is guarding the victor paul wierwille copyrights via a small oligarchy of central power.
And, even though two of the wierwille offspring are mounting a charge that CFF is the true, rightful gatekeeper
of "The Word".......TWI has a vicegrip on the property, the wierwille farmhouse and now the VPW Auditorium.
In terms of wierwille preservation, does it really matter who's teaching scripture anymore?
and now as we leave Fantasyland, we hear the echoes of Roy Rogers singing"Happy Trails to You Until We Meet Again", or have we entered into Once Upon a Time with Roselie portraying Regina the evil Queen/Mayoress, and who is TWI's version of Emma Swann to save everyone from this nightmare, created by Rumpelstilkin/VPW(or is that LCM, CG, or Mr. Linder perhaps?). My name is Rod Serling and you have just entered the Twilight Zone(cue music). Or maybe I am Dan Curtis and this is Dark Shadows, with Wierwille portraying Barnabas Collins and Martindale is Quentin.
On 2/4/2012 at 8:26 AM, Thomas Loy Bumgarner said:
and now as we leave Fantasyland, we hear the echoes of Roy Rogers singing"Happy Trails to You Until We Meet Again", or have we entered into Once Upon a Time with Roselie portraying Regina the evil Queen/Mayoress, and who is TWI's version of Emma Swann to save everyone from this nightmare, created by Rumpelstilkin/VPW(or is that LCM, CG, or Mr. Linder perhaps?). My name is Rod Serling and you have just entered the Twilight Zone(cue music). Or maybe I am Dan Curtis and this is Dark Shadows, with Wierwille portraying Barnabas Collins and Martindale is Quentin.
Well done.
But I fear RosyLie is a far better seductive necromancing warlock than Regina could ever hope to be.
The last man standing, the only man standing in the man who so deeply loved "his kids." While hundreds and hundreds of corps and clergy deserted the end, Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille ran his course in life, faithful to the end.
Some 22,000 advanced class graduates deserted him.........yet, wierwille stood faithful to the end.
Some 3,000 way corps grads walked away from the mog.......yet, wierwille stood faithful to the end.
Some 525 clergy no longer stood with this apostle.........yet, wierwille stood faithful to the end.
Those closest to him know that Dr. Wierwille died from a "broken heart." <_<
George Jess mural near the entrance of the OSC Building.
Rosalie had that painted. The official story was it was too expensive to have it redone. I think the unofficial story is they probably ran off the talent to do it for free or cheap on the clock.
....."The timeliness of the theme was one of the only things that allowed Amityville Horror to become so successful in that most astonishing year for horror (from late 1978 to late 1979) — the year that included the releases of Halloween, Alien, Dawn of the Dead and Phantasm — rather than going the way of its other contemporaries, Nightwing and Prophecy."
.....The timeliness of pfal was one of the only things that spurred wierwille's twi to any small recognition
of notoriety at all. Other than that, twi would have been just another cornfield cult of personality.
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They should consider installing a curio shop in the museum (ahem, auditorium..).
There is a whole host of trinkets they could market, among which:
small replicas of the idol (ahem, statue) of the vicster, complete with key-ring.
For the medium-sized gift, snow-globes, encasing a prominent miniature antique gas pump..
The possibilities would be almost endless..
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In OSC lecture room.....replay old wierwille teachings continuously on weekends.
And, puppy kennels.....$1,000 - German short-hair retriever puppies
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For the more expensive gift, a replica of the Podium *he* stood behind, complete with presidents seal, bowl of half-broken pieces of mint, crystal glass with ice cubes, and half-consumed bottle of drambuie.
Some assembly required.
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$50/hr per hang out in wierwille's club house
$200 per picture -- a life-size wierwille cutout with his arm around you
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Will the P.A. be playing looped renditions of "24 Hours From Tulsa"?
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Twi's "Fine Arts and Historical Center" in Sidney, OH was our first glimpse of this.....but perhaps,
it was ahead of its time and too obvious.
But today, twi can full-throttle ahead as their assets and investments have increased considerably.
Plenty of websites from which to glean and plagairize ideas, too.
Tweak & Adapt - Click Here
Splinter Group Leaders Welcome - Click Here
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Last one out turn off the lights.
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Does anyone remember the fanfare and build-up to the 1979 Advanced Class in Athens, Ohio?
Prior to this live advanced class, twi organized a "Carry the Torch" run event from Rome City, Indiana campus to Athens, Ohio.....
symbolically representing "carrying the light of God's Word from Rome to Athens" to start the competition. Volunteer runners,
many corps of course, ran a section of the course as prescribed by twi. The route went thru wierwille's two towns where he
was the pastorate.....Paine, OH and Van Wert, OH.
I remember some of this, because I ran through the streets of Van Wert along with about 40 other runners. Wierwille wanted to
make a statement of his followers' support and the ministry he had built.
Now looking back.....was the 1979 Advanced Class about students' learning OR was it ABOUT WIERWILLE?
Everywhere you look......twi centered on WIERWILLE.
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Those of us out of the loop didn't get the memo.
The VPW Memorial Museum is OPEN for business. :B)
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Still selling over-priced trinkets, are they?
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The local Museum here. It doesn't look like one.. but it has a gift shop. About three (maybe it was four?) years ago, I bought a radiometer. Every once in a while, when exposed to enough radiant energy, it still does SOMETHING..
really cool though. It was enough for me to look up the explanation how it works..
radiation pressure on a white object does not explain it.. it's exactly the opposite..
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If you don't know what a radiometer is..
we have a partial vacuum. Four vanes.. the black and white surfaces are transposed on the vanes..
the *real* explanation of what causes the gyration of the assembly is..
light hits the black side of the vanes.
the few molecules of gas that are there get very excited, and rush toward the white side. In doing so, a small amount of thrust is applied to the black side of the vanes as they depart..
everything happens at the edges of the vanes.
I wish the vpw memorial museum had something as interesting to offer..
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The only *interesting* thing my way involvement produced.. was..
two offspring, and three (and who knows how many more) grandchildren..
I'm trying to figure out how how to motivate one set of parents to recite to their offspring the periodic table of elements..
but really.. now is the time. This kid could end up remembering every element on the table, along with atomic weights and numbers..
Max, what's Tellurium?
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Ever notice the transition stages in twi?....
1970's......The life of the ministry is in the twig.
1980's......The life of the ministry is in the branch.
1990's......The life of the ministry is at the limb.
2000's......The life of the ministry is at hq.
At the request of hq, busloads of visitors were traveling to the sunday teachings to fill more rows
in the auditorium. "Come and see" had replaced the 1970's outreach of "Go and Tell."
Twi is guarding the victor paul wierwille copyrights via a small oligarchy of central power.
And, even though two of the wierwille offspring are mounting a charge that CFF is the true, rightful gatekeeper
of "The Word".......TWI has a vicegrip on the property, the wierwille farmhouse and now the VPW Auditorium.
In terms of wierwille preservation, does it really matter who's teaching scripture anymore?
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
and now as we leave Fantasyland, we hear the echoes of Roy Rogers singing"Happy Trails to You Until We Meet Again", or have we entered into Once Upon a Time with Roselie portraying Regina the evil Queen/Mayoress, and who is TWI's version of Emma Swann to save everyone from this nightmare, created by Rumpelstilkin/VPW(or is that LCM, CG, or Mr. Linder perhaps?). My name is Rod Serling and you have just entered the Twilight Zone(cue music). Or maybe I am Dan Curtis and this is Dark Shadows, with Wierwille portraying Barnabas Collins and Martindale is Quentin.

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Of course not silly, it'll be 24 hour renditions of "Beautiful Ohio!"
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Hotel can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.
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Well done.
But I fear RosyLie is a far better seductive necromancing warlock than Regina could ever hope to be.
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Some 22,000 advanced class graduates deserted him.........yet, wierwille stood faithful to the end.
Some 3,000 way corps grads walked away from the mog.......yet, wierwille stood faithful to the end.
Some 525 clergy no longer stood with this apostle.........yet, wierwille stood faithful to the end.
Those closest to him know that Dr. Wierwille died from a "broken heart." <_<
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The pride of man desires to project his "greatness" to the world, to name buildings and streets after him.
At the Emporia campus......Wierwille Library, Uncle Harry Hall, Ermal Owens Hall, Allen Gymnasium, etc.
At hq, many of the access roads near the units are named after wierwille's siblings, trustee members, etc...
and then, there's the George Jess mural near the entrance of the OSC Building.
The doors are now open for the VPW Memorial Museum.....the sunday service is just part of the tour.
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The Way Choir starts to sing......
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:wacko: :blink:
I'm Sorry!
I'm Soorrrryyy!!!
It was just a case of temporary sanity.
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Rosalie had that painted. The official story was it was too expensive to have it redone. I think the unofficial story is they probably ran off the talent to do it for free or cheap on the clock.
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Twi ran off the talent in dozens of skilled labor professions.
Twi ran off good staffers in the '70s as corps upped the ranks.
Twi ran off corps grads by treating them like property slaves.
Twi is shredding any decency it has left....which ain't much.
But hey.....all sorts of places are memorialized. - click here
....."The timeliness of the theme was one of the only things that allowed Amityville Horror to become so successful in that most astonishing year for horror (from late 1978 to late 1979) — the year that included the releases of Halloween, Alien, Dawn of the Dead and Phantasm — rather than going the way of its other contemporaries, Nightwing and Prophecy."
.....The timeliness of pfal was one of the only things that spurred wierwille's twi to any small recognition
of notoriety at all. Other than that, twi would have been just another cornfield cult of personality.
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