What they didn't take from us they subverted. By going on this offensive, they had us search our own selves to remove any traces of the blessings of Christmas remaining from our childhoods or at least pre twi days.
the thief doesn't come around except to kill, steal and destroy....so they got us to be their thieves.....
Thanks be to God.....that we have learned again....and are able to recognize and can be free of the lies. This is the best season of the year to be free and happy IMHO. We don't have to eat familla to be sanctified. We don't have to say HO HO HO to be loved by God. I'm so glad I can live a simple life!
Happy Household Holidays? D@mn, son, can you get any more vanilla Jesus than that?
Ho Ho relo was the one that used to really floor me. There I was in-residence waycorps, participating in the "greatest training on the planet " and we were making plans for ho ho relo. I mean in today's slang it could be confused with moving two hookers to a new corner. Ok, I've got jokes, they may suck but I still have a few.
Happy Household Holiday? WTF? I'd not heard that one during my two-year TWI stint. They took the false date of Christ's birth and made it a TWI celebration?
I swear, some of these things I hear I just don't believe people actually swallowed. But they did, apparently. At least for a while. Until the novocain wore off.
I'm almost afraid to ask what 'ho ho relo' means..
I'm almost afraid to ask what 'ho ho relo' means..
Household Holiday Relocation. It's in-rez corps jargon. It's a relocation because the way corps are always in training. During the relocations the trainees are simply training at another location where they can apply what they have "learned" during their previous block of training. The location has to be approved complete with extensive contact numbers. You also have to turn a detailed schedule of your planned whereabouts for the entire relocation. I'm getting the creeps typing this crap but it was not that bad, it was worse.
I mean in today's slang it could be confused with moving two hookers to a new corner
That pretty much is EXACTLY what it was. In fact, that's pretty much what placements were too. I'm certainly glad some of us got enough self-respect to leave our pimp and denounce the lifestyle
OldSkool, the detailed names, numbers, schedules, plans.... Ugh. I was never WC (and I thank God for that) but your description reminded me of a time I went to visit another believer in another state who was a mutual friend of my fellowship coordinator. I didn't leave my vacation plans (as specified above) because :
1. It was stupid, and I was starting to wake up.
2. My fellowship coordinator had my cell number.
3. My fellowship coordinator was close friends with the believer I was visiting.
4. I was gong to be attending the region fellowship while there (the region coordinator had invited me on the phone and I had said yes.)
Well after being there for a few hours I got a call from my fellowship coordinator yelling and screaming that I hadn't filled out the proper forms. I calmly asked "why do you need that information?". The answer? "Because if there was an emergency, how would I be able to get ahold of you?". My response - "how did you just get ahold of me?"
"And you know I am visiting our friend - you have her number."
"And Rev. ________ will see me twice before I leave. I know you have his number."
The final words from my fellowship coordinator were "This is not how we do things. I am going to speak with the Limb Coordinator and we will have a meeting when you get back."
No such meeting materialized. I was going Way D that year and I think they were afraid I would unvolunteer myself from that honor if they pushed too far.
More on topic: I still don't like Christmas much - I want to, don't get me wrong. But after being "raised in the word" and hearing the evils of "Christ-Mass" it is hard to change my thinking on it. It is probably one of the last bits of twi-think that needs to be eradicated from my brain. Although it was a Christmas Mass celebration at a Catholic church that is what set me to start thinking that there were people outside of twi that loved God. And that Mass ministered Gid's grace more to me than any twi fellowship had in over a decade.
I'm almost afraid to ask what 'ho ho relo' means..
Household Holiday Relocation. It's in-rez corps jargon. It's a relocation because the way corps are always in training. During the relocations the trainees are simply training at another location where they can apply what they have "learned" during their previous block of training. The location has to be approved complete with extensive contact numbers. You also have to turn a detailed schedule of your planned whereabouts for the entire relocation. I'm getting the creeps typing this crap but it was not that bad, it was worse.
As I remember it......HoHo Re-Lo was, initially, an inresidence corps reference to "a corps block relocation AFTER the holiday season." Back in 1978/79....when this term surfaced, there were FIVE corps campuses 1)HQ, 2)Emporia, 3)Rome City, 4)Camp Gunnison and 5) L.E.A.D. at Tinnie, New Mexico.
For example, at the Emporia, Kansas campus there were 320 first-year corps and some 150 second-year corps in 1978......and the first "block" of training ENDED at the holiday period. Thus, when corps returned AFTER christmas break, many would be "relocated" to ANOTHER CAMPUS......hence, HO HO ReLo.
The second "block" of training usually ended around April 1st or thereabouts......and many corps relocated again. But since "Ho Ho ReLo" had such a catchy stigma, it ruled the day. Besides, the "HoHo Re-Lo" period was quite significant in that many of the younger corps, having experienced 3-months of "training"....several would not return to the corps program December 30th. With wierwille's birthday on Dec. 31st, the corps coordinators wanted us back on campus on Dec. 30th.
Oldskool's version is also correct......just a later version of the original.
Oldskool's version is also correct......just a later version of the original.
ROFL! Yep, mine is the version they had to adapt after losing all the other campuses and the inrez corps numbers dwindling from several hundred to less than 15 at any given time.
ROFL! Yep, mine is the version they had to adapt after losing all the other campuses and the inrez corps numbers dwindling from several hundred to less than 15 at any given time.
Exactly!......always adapting, always re-writing history.
Which is just another example of my opening post......But it means also the ability to believe that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary. This demands a continuous alteration of the past, made possible by the system of thought which really embraces all the rest, and which is known in Newspeak as doublethink.........or, "renewing the mind."
I went to stay with an SP who'd been very good to me and supported me generously financially. I didn't know many people in the US and nobody invited me to stay with them. So I visited this SP. Nobody ever challenged me about it. But apparently he got it in the neck from someone higher up his part of the Way tree and he (not I) was told I should have gone to some other place (not specified) and stayed with other SPs (none of whom had invited me) and taught them what I had learned in rez.
HQ also told all the inrez corps they could not stay there over the hols and had to go out and share what they had learned in rez.
This is not a big help to International Corps, who can't return to home areas.
They didn't suggest who I should stay with nor offer "help" with who or where Internationals should go nor how Internationals should pay for travel to other areas.
I think, now, I'm glad they didn't tell me where to go (I might have reciprocated) ...
I forgot NY Eve is VPW's birthday. And there was the compulsory show, sort of variety performance, in the auditorium. I did enjoy some of the presentations.
Never quite got the "praying in the new year" stuff. Still don't. Since New Year is an arbitrary date (as to when it falls) shouldn't all dates be treated the same? A new year at sowing time in spring or after the harvest is gathered in, makes more sense.
Twi's subversion of words and thoughts is like holycrap........two contradicting entities.
Nice writeup sky.
Reflecting on all of the braintime and lifetime I spent on those moronic endeavors makes me want to invent a new type of "Newspeak" all centered around the word .....
....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... .....
Now it's time to go have a rum and eggnog or three, go attend a hardcore mass for Christ (in Latin of course), and go out singing Christmas carols with my neighbors, none of which being the retarded variations of Christmas carols bastardized by Wayspeak modifications.
Never quite got the "praying in the new year" stuff. Still don't.
Well, as I understand ancient way international headquarters history, during a new years eve party held at the OSC someone had too much to drink and plowed through the post and rail fence that is in front of the OSC. Thus the fellowships ensued. Really, most policies trace their way back to someone doing something that was unapproved of by one of the elitist pigs such as VPW, LCM, Rozilla, Donna Martindale, etc. So, being the high caliber ministers they are , the come up with a stupid policy that punishes the innocent instead of helping the person who messed something up.
Sometimes I dream that I am inrez in the Corps, and have just arrived at one of the campuses after a relocation, and nobody there yet knows that I no longer believe in PFAL. What to do? What to do? Lay low? Stand up and shout to every one that PFAL is a hoax and a fraud (which I HAVE done in some dreams)? Just try to get away and ease on down the road?
It's been 25 years since I left from in-residence corps training, and I had one of those dreams just a few days ago. It was a doozy.
I'm playing the bass guitar in the Grateful Dead. No, I can't play the bass, by no means..
I tell them as such. sorry, I'm just inhabiting this character's body. No, but I'll do my best here..
one of them says "so and so doesn't like this.." or something like that..
one of them then shows me a map of where they are at. It is a state map of Massachusetts. I look, and can see Boston Harbor prominently displayed on the map..
does anybody have even half a clue of what this means???
Well after being there for a few hours I got a call from my fellowship coordinator yelling and screaming that I hadn't filled out the proper forms. I calmly asked "why do you need that information?". The answer? "Because if there was an emergency, how would I be able to get a hold of you?".
Geeze. Why couldn't he "just reach into Daddy's cookie jar" like 'ol Doc (praise be his name) Wierdwilly taught us to do in the Advanced Crap?
does anybody have even half a clue of what this means???
I think it was a message from Gawd (You must be out of fellowship or he would have given you word of knowledge) that it would be in your best interest to consume a few of these.
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In its approach to Christmas and the holiday season, twi was vastly different AFTER the research publication
of Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed. Prior to this, twi seemed to be in a defensive mode as churches
joyously ramped up worship services, choirs, nativity scenes, caroling and festive events.
BUT......with JCOPS in hand, then twi went on the offensive.
Corps were instructed to get out there and show 'em the truth.....you know, the prophecies, the Christ bloodline, the constellations
and movement of the stars, the alignments, the dozens of Magi from the East, etc. etc.
Then, like all things corps.....it became another class to sit thru. Uugh.
Didn't twi know we could read?
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What they didn't take from us they subverted. By going on this offensive, they had us search our own selves to remove any traces of the blessings of Christmas remaining from our childhoods or at least pre twi days.
the thief doesn't come around except to kill, steal and destroy....so they got us to be their thieves.....
Thanks be to God.....that we have learned again....and are able to recognize and can be free of the lies. This is the best season of the year to be free and happy IMHO. We don't have to eat familla to be sanctified. We don't have to say HO HO HO to be loved by God. I'm so glad I can live a simple life!
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yes. And it still is their greatest fear..
this is so interesting..
twi is so small. a little nothing, in the corner of the universe..
we've been given.. a gift. Of what..
a lesson.. of the bigger scheme of things.. same friggin primitive business type mentality..
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They are frigging morons..
so to you my friend.. Merry Christmas..
Hope you have the best one that you can..
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Happy Household Holidays? D@mn, son, can you get any more vanilla Jesus than that?
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Ho Ho relo was the one that used to really floor me. There I was in-residence waycorps, participating in the "greatest training on the planet
" and we were making plans for ho ho relo. I mean in today's slang it could be confused with moving two hookers to a new corner.
Ok, I've got jokes, they may suck but I still have a few.
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Happy Household Holiday? WTF? I'd not heard that one during my two-year TWI stint. They took the false date of Christ's birth and made it a TWI celebration?
I swear, some of these things I hear I just don't believe people actually swallowed. But they did, apparently. At least for a while. Until the novocain wore off.
I'm almost afraid to ask what 'ho ho relo' means..
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Household Holiday Relocation. It's in-rez corps jargon. It's a relocation because the way corps are always in training. During the relocations the trainees are simply training at another location where they can apply what they have "learned" during their previous block of training. The location has to be approved complete with extensive contact numbers. You also have to turn a detailed schedule of your planned whereabouts for the entire relocation. I'm getting the creeps typing this crap but it was not that bad, it was worse.
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That pretty much is EXACTLY what it was. In fact, that's pretty much what placements were too. I'm certainly glad some of us got enough self-respect to leave our pimp and denounce the lifestyle
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OldSkool, the detailed names, numbers, schedules, plans.... Ugh. I was never WC (and I thank God for that) but your description reminded me of a time I went to visit another believer in another state who was a mutual friend of my fellowship coordinator. I didn't leave my vacation plans (as specified above) because :
1. It was stupid, and I was starting to wake up.
2. My fellowship coordinator had my cell number.
3. My fellowship coordinator was close friends with the believer I was visiting.
4. I was gong to be attending the region fellowship while there (the region coordinator had invited me on the phone and I had said yes.)
Well after being there for a few hours I got a call from my fellowship coordinator yelling and screaming that I hadn't filled out the proper forms. I calmly asked "why do you need that information?". The answer? "Because if there was an emergency, how would I be able to get ahold of you?". My response - "how did you just get ahold of me?"
"And you know I am visiting our friend - you have her number."
"And Rev. ________ will see me twice before I leave. I know you have his number."
The final words from my fellowship coordinator were "This is not how we do things. I am going to speak with the Limb Coordinator and we will have a meeting when you get back."
No such meeting materialized. I was going Way D that year and I think they were afraid I would unvolunteer myself from that honor if they pushed too far.
More on topic: I still don't like Christmas much - I want to, don't get me wrong. But after being "raised in the word" and hearing the evils of "Christ-Mass" it is hard to change my thinking on it. It is probably one of the last bits of twi-think that needs to be eradicated from my brain. Although it was a Christmas Mass celebration at a Catholic church that is what set me to start thinking that there were people outside of twi that loved God. And that Mass ministered Gid's grace more to me than any twi fellowship had in over a decade.
Merry Christmas.
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As I remember it......HoHo Re-Lo was, initially, an inresidence corps reference to "a corps block relocation AFTER the holiday season." Back in 1978/79....when this term surfaced, there were FIVE corps campuses 1)HQ, 2)Emporia, 3)Rome City, 4)Camp Gunnison and 5) L.E.A.D. at Tinnie, New Mexico.
For example, at the Emporia, Kansas campus there were 320 first-year corps and some 150 second-year corps in 1978......and the first "block" of training ENDED at the holiday period. Thus, when corps returned AFTER christmas break, many would be "relocated" to ANOTHER CAMPUS......hence, HO HO ReLo.
The second "block" of training usually ended around April 1st or thereabouts......and many corps relocated again. But since "Ho Ho ReLo" had such a catchy stigma, it ruled the day. Besides, the "HoHo Re-Lo" period was quite significant in that many of the younger corps, having experienced 3-months of "training"....several would not return to the corps program December 30th. With wierwille's birthday on Dec. 31st, the corps coordinators wanted us back on campus on Dec. 30th.
Oldskool's version is also correct......just a later version of the original.
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ROFL! Yep, mine is the version they had to adapt after losing all the other campuses and the inrez corps numbers dwindling from several hundred to less than 15 at any given time.
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Exactly!......always adapting, always re-writing history.
Which is just another example of my opening post......But it means also the ability to believe that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary. This demands a continuous alteration of the past, made possible by the system of thought which really embraces all the rest, and which is known in Newspeak as doublethink.........or, "renewing the mind."
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I went to stay with an SP who'd been very good to me and supported me generously financially. I didn't know many people in the US and nobody invited me to stay with them. So I visited this SP. Nobody ever challenged me about it. But apparently he got it in the neck from someone higher up his part of the Way tree and he (not I) was told I should have gone to some other place (not specified) and stayed with other SPs (none of whom had invited me) and taught them what I had learned in rez.
HQ also told all the inrez corps they could not stay there over the hols and had to go out and share what they had learned in rez.
This is not a big help to International Corps, who can't return to home areas.
They didn't suggest who I should stay with nor offer "help" with who or where Internationals should go nor how Internationals should pay for travel to other areas.
I think, now, I'm glad they didn't tell me where to go (I might have reciprocated) ...
I forgot NY Eve is VPW's birthday. And there was the compulsory show, sort of variety performance, in the auditorium. I did enjoy some of the presentations.
Never quite got the "praying in the new year" stuff. Still don't. Since New Year is an arbitrary date (as to when it falls) shouldn't all dates be treated the same? A new year at sowing time in spring or after the harvest is gathered in, makes more sense.
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And no, the irony of this is not lost on me either.
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Nice writeup sky.
Reflecting on all of the braintime and lifetime I spent on those moronic endeavors makes me want to invent a new type of "Newspeak" all centered around the word .....
....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... ..... ....ity ....ity .... .... .... .... a duck .... .....
Now it's time to go have a rum and eggnog or three, go attend a hardcore mass for Christ (in Latin of course), and go out singing Christmas carols with my neighbors, none of which being the retarded variations of Christmas carols bastardized by Wayspeak modifications.
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Well, as I understand ancient way international headquarters history, during a new years eve party held at the OSC someone had too much to drink and plowed through the post and rail fence that is in front of the OSC. Thus the fellowships ensued. Really, most policies trace their way back to someone doing something that was unapproved of by one of the elitist pigs such as VPW, LCM, Rozilla, Donna Martindale, etc. So, being the high caliber ministers they are
, the come up with a stupid policy that punishes the innocent instead of helping the person who messed something up. 
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Just wonder.. was that an attendee of said party?
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Steve Lortz
Sometimes I dream that I am inrez in the Corps, and have just arrived at one of the campuses after a relocation, and nobody there yet knows that I no longer believe in PFAL. What to do? What to do? Lay low? Stand up and shout to every one that PFAL is a hoax and a fraud (which I HAVE done in some dreams)? Just try to get away and ease on down the road?
It's been 25 years since I left from in-residence corps training, and I had one of those dreams just a few days ago. It was a doozy.
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I know this is off topic..
the last real "visual" dream I've had..
I'm playing the bass guitar in the Grateful Dead. No, I can't play the bass, by no means..
I tell them as such. sorry, I'm just inhabiting this character's body. No, but I'll do my best here..
one of them says "so and so doesn't like this.." or something like that..
one of them then shows me a map of where they are at. It is a state map of Massachusetts. I look, and can see Boston Harbor prominently displayed on the map..
does anybody have even half a clue of what this means???
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Maye this is the reason for one of their rotten (or "gone wrong") concerts..
Christ.. a dream like this.. has got to be recorded some place, even if it is in greasespot..
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Dear Friend (Belle) please forward this dream to the right person we know to forward it to..
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Geeze. Why couldn't he "just reach into Daddy's cookie jar" like 'ol Doc (praise be his name) Wierdwilly taught us to do in the Advanced Crap?
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I think it was a message from Gawd (You must be out of fellowship or he would have given you word of knowledge) that it would be in your best interest to consume a few of these.

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