Me neither, Roy. Something about beer disagrees with my digestion. Never sat well in there.
Minor point - I don't believe Zeena Lavey is the active "head" of the TOS FNM, not at this time anyway. Was though but that goes back a few years. Don't know the level of active involvement, they're a closed corporation kinda deal outside of the public facing material which is more educational, informational than exploratory. Have known a participant, at one time, and while there is an organizational structure it's difficult to get one to articulate it, maybe due to the nature of Setian (Sethian) philosophical tenets.
To come into one's own "divinity" is one way of describing the basic idea, to "come into being". "Xeper", which sounds like Khe-fer, which has always sounded like a sneeze to me. I posted to that topic, Xeper, a few years ago on a thread, forget what it was, I was exchanging some posts with sunesis on something. I think I remember another poster who had some long dissertations here in Doctrinal forum that referenced Egyptian mythologies and reference Horus and some other stuff (and Set figures into those mythologies), comparing it to something The Way taught, which seemed like a stretch to me but it wasn't a lengthy discussion.
Self realization in a time and space of one's own creation through "remanifesation" I think it's termed. There's a lot of what I'd call hooey that goes along with it but comparing it to say the ritual observances and disciplines of the Roman Catholic religion it all might not seem so far apart.
To be a "god"...I dunno, I won't pretend to speak for the actual TOS or the kinds of outcomes a member would pursue, (and they're a group I want nothing to do with) so having said that it seems that one pursuant might put it that way, another, no. I don't think it would include a sense of identity with the Jehovah, the God of the Bible or Jesus Christ as the son of God, which I think is the context Roy's speaking from. I don't think the religious view of "hell" would be included in the TOS's world either. But there's a lot I don't know about it, much much more than what I do. Maybe you could give some more detail what you're thinking there.
Man can change aspects of himself but he can't change who and what he is. We are what we are.
A true integral transformation of a person can't happen only in their "mind", by changing their perceived reality. I can't grow 12 inches taller because I think in my mind I'm 12 inches taller.
When you say you're the "god of yourself" you can only mean that you are in control of what you think about yourself and the actions that you can control with your mind and body. (and some would argue you don't control that much). But I'd be fine with saying you can think whatever you want about anything you want. I won't call that being a "god". It's just being you.
I don't think we're "gods", each of us and don't see how or why anyone would feel that way.
The claptrap of the "Church of Satan" is all b-s IMO. But it's not the beliefs you have to be concerned about there and you don't need a "church" to formalize a credo to do whatever you want. It's the people you gotta watch out for.
Socks - it is making it all real and nothing real otherwise its believing the lie to see the truth or its believing in something that not in this ream of world as we known a world that no this one
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faith no more
so roy, are you saying that you are your own god?
that is a fundimental belief of modern satanism.
ya know. that you are your own god.just read the manifesto of anton levey's daughter,who heads the temple of set.
(her videos on youtube)
cool!!welcome to hell roy! LOL!!!! see you there.
p.s. Whew!!good thing there is no god.
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Bartender says, "Gesundheit! So, what'll it be?"
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God first
thanks faith no more and socks
faith no more so way-like thinking let see you believe in hell but not a god what are you foolish thinking
socks I take tea because I do not like Beer
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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Me neither, Roy. Something about beer disagrees with my digestion. Never sat well in there.
Minor point - I don't believe Zeena Lavey is the active "head" of the TOS FNM, not at this time anyway. Was though but that goes back a few years. Don't know the level of active involvement, they're a closed corporation kinda deal outside of the public facing material which is more educational, informational than exploratory. Have known a participant, at one time, and while there is an organizational structure it's difficult to get one to articulate it, maybe due to the nature of Setian (Sethian) philosophical tenets.
To come into one's own "divinity" is one way of describing the basic idea, to "come into being". "Xeper", which sounds like Khe-fer, which has always sounded like a sneeze to me. I posted to that topic, Xeper, a few years ago on a thread, forget what it was, I was exchanging some posts with sunesis on something. I think I remember another poster who had some long dissertations here in Doctrinal forum that referenced Egyptian mythologies and reference Horus and some other stuff (and Set figures into those mythologies), comparing it to something The Way taught, which seemed like a stretch to me but it wasn't a lengthy discussion.
Self realization in a time and space of one's own creation through "remanifesation" I think it's termed. There's a lot of what I'd call hooey that goes along with it but comparing it to say the ritual observances and disciplines of the Roman Catholic religion it all might not seem so far apart.
To be a "god"...I dunno, I won't pretend to speak for the actual TOS or the kinds of outcomes a member would pursue, (and they're a group I want nothing to do with) so having said that it seems that one pursuant might put it that way, another, no. I don't think it would include a sense of identity with the Jehovah, the God of the Bible or Jesus Christ as the son of God, which I think is the context Roy's speaking from. I don't think the religious view of "hell" would be included in the TOS's world either. But there's a lot I don't know about it, much much more than what I do. Maybe you could give some more detail what you're thinking there.
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Is this anything like being "master of your domain"?
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I dunno. You (or a person) can't be the god of oneself..
then there the invitation..
welcome, my friend back to the show that cannot end..
Soon, the Gypsy Queen..
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God first
thanks socks and waysider and Ham
socks - yes our identity is spirit has we are becoming
waysider - one could call it master of self which is God of oneself - I enjoy the video
Ham - yes my friend
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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Man can change aspects of himself but he can't change who and what he is. We are what we are.
A true integral transformation of a person can't happen only in their "mind", by changing their perceived reality. I can't grow 12 inches taller because I think in my mind I'm 12 inches taller.
When you say you're the "god of yourself" you can only mean that you are in control of what you think about yourself and the actions that you can control with your mind and body. (and some would argue you don't control that much). But I'd be fine with saying you can think whatever you want about anything you want. I won't call that being a "god". It's just being you.
I don't think we're "gods", each of us and don't see how or why anyone would feel that way.
The claptrap of the "Church of Satan" is all b-s IMO. But it's not the beliefs you have to be concerned about there and you don't need a "church" to formalize a credo to do whatever you want. It's the people you gotta watch out for.
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God first
thanks socks and waysider
Socks - it is making it all real and nothing real otherwise its believing the lie to see the truth or its believing in something that not in this ream of world as we known a world that no this one
waysider - I sorry the link took me nowhere
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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