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Sexual Predators in TWI.....and elsewhere


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I find myself wondering if there is some connection between all the Penn State events and Wierwille's regular "hunting trips" to State College, Pa. Probably just a geographic coincidence but, weirdly ironic, any way you slice it.

I mean, if your interest is truly in hunting pheasant and quail, why would you ever leave the corn fields of Ohio and drive all the way to State College, Pa.?

Edited by waysider
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  On 11/15/2011 at 11:10 PM, excathedra said:

also, when i got on the coach with the cockroach geer and the slimy man of god, i am not sure what happened

i know i was drinking with veepee at a little table and the next thing i remember is seeing myself -- like i was floating on the ceiling -- and looking down at him and he was on top of me -- and we were in the back -- on his bed -- puke

i've always said it was like an out of body experience, but i don't know if it was because of drugs or because i went mentally bonkers -- not sure

i am sure about the next morning before arriving at new knoxville. somehow i had gotten over on the side of one of those pull-out little beds -- and he came over and stuck his (barf) in my face. i played possum

it was so awful

i should definitely point out there were quite a few "counseling" sessions before this when i talked to him about being sexually abused as a child -- he did say i needed to be loved the way god intended -- by a real man of god -- but i would book -- get out of there quick -- told him i could not handle it

man, that dark long lonely drive -- i also remember looking into these dead eyeballs (2) on top of me

what a friggin jerk

ExC, I love the courage you have to speak out and say it all. Some day I hope to have that kind of courage.

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what I wonder is.. why do we have *leaders* well aware of this nonsense and not blowing the whistle, in charge of offshoots?

Not all, I'm sure. but generally speaking, yes. geero, pan*re*llo, others..

isn't that not much unlike the rc's "relocating" offending bishops, priests, and the like?

just in this circumstance, twi cuts them off. They are free to go.. no longer a liability to da parent organization?

no public condemnation, no.. anything.. just that they are gone..

Honestly. That is why my first question to some of these numbnuts.

In the old organization, did you trade from your supposed spiritual authority, for sexual favors, from anyone under your charge, even once..

Sex is so far friggin over-rated..


Trade your eternal life, or in twi terms, rewards, for a few nights of pleasure..

I traded a lot, to raise a family..

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I dunno.. what about the others, born into this universal poverty..

it really sucks.

I have a job. so surreal..

when I was about five years old, or younger, I had a dream.. there was a mine of sand being exploited by whoever it was at the time..'

but there was machinery there, that I could operate.

there was a mountain of nickels, dimes, quarters there..

as much as I could carry off, nobody objected..

weird dream. It still for the best of words, haunts me.

I show up, at the end of the world here. There is no more real money to speak of..

the landlord here, would like to have his old old records of life and living, converted to a form that his offspring might have a chance to look at, even if the old records just go to the landfill..

so. There is as much material wealth, to haul away, as I wish. As much old records, to convert to a digital image, and place on a flash drive, as I wish..

what the hell is going on here..

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  On 11/15/2011 at 11:45 PM, Abigail said:

Thanks Skyrider. I sort of assumed you didn't fully understand what you were implying when you said those things. I pointed them out to you, because overall you seem a decent enough guy. Typically, I don't waste much time arguing with people like Johniam, because he either can't get it or refuses to. But I thought you would get it.

Yeah....rethinking what I said in my earlier post:

  On 11/13/2011 at 3:51 PM, skyrider said:

I believe there are several reasons why many of us didn't see the red flags. For one thing, a sexual predator targets a selected individual(s) on a basis of many factors.......proximity, promiscuous nature, availability, opportunity, etc.

....."proximity, promiscuous nature, availability, opportunity, etc" doesn't pinpoint it as well as vulnerability. When a sexual predator targets an individual and boundaries are moved, incrementally and seductively, the victim is vulnerable. The opportunity to strike is there, because the predator targeted the individual.

Time and time again, I've given voice that wierwille/twi systematically and seductively laid the groundwork for incrementalism and indoctrination. All who stayed in twi for any length of time had boundaries moved.

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oh thank you my darling friend abi -- you give me too much credit


waysider, i don't think the penn state psycho has anything to do with wierwille except for the proximity

wierwille and allen came to PA frequently to HUNT (ha!) when i was "getting into the word" (what a horrible way to disgrace god and his son jesus christ)\

PA was a lovely breeding ground for disfunctional gals i guess i don't know

but i don't get the connection with the pedophile except to say abuse is rampant in PA, but i think everywhere

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i have known girls with wierwille who loved it and girls with wierwille who we so f'd up from being abused that they didn't know which end was up

but i think i have to agree with my friend wordwolf that it's never really about judging the f'd upness of the victim -- a man/woman who is in a "godly" leadership counseling position is the one held accountable

in fact, one of my friends (rape victim) who left the way happened to get a shrink who also decided to pull rank

she almost died. she probably is dead mentally and spiritually because everywhere she goes for help the same thing happens

my mom says when we die, god says you don't have to go to hell you know or pergatory because that's where you just came from

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Animals can sense things about people, such as whether they're mean or cruel or friendly or caring, etc. I don't know how they do it. Maybe it's chemical or magnetic or electrical or whatever. I don't know. Neither do they. I've always had a problem with codependency. If a big storm blows shingles off my in-laws roof, guess who feels compelled to climb the ladder and fix it? I don't know how people sense it but they do. Some people, unfortunately, can sense it and exploit it. I think it's like that with sexual predators (just my opinion). Somehow, they sense a weakness in their prey and take advantage of it. I don't think it's a process that involves logic and reason. It must be similar to the ability animals have to sense things about people. And, the world is filled with animals.

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  On 11/21/2011 at 12:35 AM, waysider said:

Animals can sense things about people, such as whether they're mean or cruel or friendly or caring, etc. I don't know how they do it. Maybe it's chemical or magnetic or electrical or whatever. I don't know. Neither do they. I've always had a problem with codependency. If a big storm blows shingles off my in-laws roof, guess who feels compelled to climb the ladder and fix it? I don't know how people sense it but they do. Some people, unfortunately, can sense it and exploit it. I think it's like that with sexual predators (just my opinion). Somehow, they sense a weakness in their prey and take advantage of it. I don't think it's a process that involves logic and reason. It must be similar to the ability animals have to sense things about people. And, the world is filled with animals.

I am in complete agreement with you on this Waysider and can add to it. Statistically girls who are sexually assaulted before becoming adults are far more likely to be sexually assalted again as adults. I think part of that is boundaries. There are boundaries that are destroyed when that happens to someone so young and predators know how to read body language and facial expressions and they pick up on subtlies most of us don't see. The way one carries themself, whether you look someone in the eye with confidence or fear or distrust. There are variables and predators are expert at reading people and know who will be the most vulnerable target.

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This makes perfect sense to me. What I'm wondering, though, is if it is possible to learn to recognize these nuances in oneself and subsequently offset them. Or, does the predator also sense that the person is attempting to mask them? I'm not asking this casually. I would truly like to know.

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  On 11/21/2011 at 1:54 AM, waysider said:

This makes perfect sense to me. What I'm wondering, though, is if it is possible to learn to recognize these nuances in oneself and subsequently offset them. Or, does the predator also sense that the person is attempting to mask them? I'm not asking this casually. I would truly like to know.

There are self defense courses that teach you proper body language. How to hold your head high and look straight ahead. How to properly meet a strangers gaze and for how long - so you know when to look away, etc.

But, one of the problems is being assaulted by a stranger is far less common than being attacked by an aquaintance/friend/family member/spouse/authority figure. Often it isn't the stranger but someone you know. Its much harder to hide such vulnerabilities from someone you have regular contact with.

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  On 11/21/2011 at 12:29 PM, johniam said:

quote: All who stayed in twi for any length of time had boundaries moved.

Agreed. For example: Rom. 8:1 - There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus...

That and many other scriptures moved boundaries in my life. I'm thankful for it.

LOL. You are a master baiter Johniam. I'm glad your thankful your boundaries were moved. lol

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  On 11/21/2011 at 12:29 PM, johniam said:

quote: All who stayed in twi for any length of time had boundaries moved.

Agreed. For example: Rom. 8:1 - There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus...

That and many other scriptures moved boundaries in my life. I'm thankful for it.

"...who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." (see verse 4 if you don't like it here in verse 1).

There was a boundary Wierwille certainly rationalized away! Of course, he didn't need to walk after the flesh. He had a motorcoach for pursuing that!



Edited by Steve Lortz
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  On 11/21/2011 at 12:29 PM, johniam said:

quote: All who stayed in twi for any length of time had boundaries moved.

Agreed. For example: Rom. 8:1 - There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus...

That and many other scriptures moved boundaries in my life. I'm thankful for it.

Jesus wept.


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This reply may be so late, it's off topic, but I just wanted to add that , according to news reports last week, the guy who caught Sandusky in the shower with the boy didn't just turn around & run. He said he "put a stop to it" and then left. But alas, didn't call the police.

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LOL. You are a master baiter

i'm reminded of a guy/person who started emailing about my son when he broke his arm or hand or something (he's broken so many) lol

he kept asking me to send pictures of my kid and if he could get in touch with him

it was really really weird. he sent pictures of himself (snort) with a cast on. but none of the pictures showed his face

his name or email addy was chris bateson

i always thought it was chris BAIT SON

do you think i'm insane

don't answer that too fast lol

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