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Gulping Down the Indoctrination


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Even though I went into the Way Corps.....I think that, deep inside, there was a part of me that was not receptive to drinking the koolaide.

Rather than gulping down the indoctrination.....I searched the scriptures and was specifically drawn to the teachings, example, and sacrifice on the cross found in the gospels. Yet, twi seems to skip past the Matthew-Mark-Luke-John truths and highlight the epistles playground.....and even then, the teachings were selective and slanted.

I know, I know......I should have left when I got a whiff of this indoctrinated agenda. Yet, I really thought that, in time, leadership would rise above the "fundamentals" and we'd take the high Christian road. Simply put, I thought that we'd put away "childish things" and move towards the greater things of God.

I refused to believe that "This was it?"

Yeah, training......yeah, some discipline.....okay, okay......but where's the beef? Where's these manifestations of the spirit IN ACTION?

On the WOW field, I saw several signs, healings, and a few small miracles. I prayed for my WOW sister, who had immense back pain from falling down the stairs....and she was instantly healed. While out witnessing, I prayed for an elderly lady with cataracs.....and, she instantaeously could SEE CLEARLY. She cried and cried and thanked me about ten times.

Yet, I never saw one healing while inresidence......nor did I ever see one healing at hq. None. Nada. Zilch.

The epicenter of spirituality was NOT at hq.

That was obvious.

But, with some.....I think that indoctrination is permanent.

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” – “Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.” - Vladimir Lenin

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Yet, I never saw one healing while inresidence......nor did I ever see one healing at hq. None. Nada. Zilch.

I spent several years applying the way international's doctrines on healing for my child while I was at HQ. I never got anything in return except "ministers" basically blaming me for lack of results. Yet I put my whole heart into what I was supposed to do and got nothing in return except blame and encouragement to stay on the hamster wheel until I got my results. I got smart and left instead. Left behind all the condemnation they laid on me as well. They can keep it all. And I never saw anyone healed at HQ either. Saw lots of folks spend time in the hospital and healed by medicinal means. Of course TWI took credit for that as well. Anywho. :confused:

Oh, and while in-residence there were no healings as well. Couple of emergency surgeries and hospital stays but no miracles.

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And I never saw anyone healed at HQ either. Saw lots of folks spend time in the hospital and healed by medicinal means. Of course TWI took credit for that as well. Anywho. :confused:

Oh, and while in-residence there were no healings as well. Couple of emergency surgeries and hospital stays but no miracles.

And....wierwille dies. No healing. No deliverance.

So much for his "law of believing." Didn't work for saint or sinner.


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But, with some.....I think that indoctrination is permanent.

I think it was those who were groomed to assume positions of power..

look at jl. He's still looking for people who will just passively hand him loads of money..

just because he is there..

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I saw plenty of signs, miracles etc in my local twig area....in fact I did a few myself! It's not the physical ground you're standing on that energizes these things, it's the way you care about people and your knowledge of the Scriptures that permits these things. But, of course on home twi turf I don't think there was too much caring - genuine caring for people and there wasn't a full scope of Scripture taught there either.

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