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TWI plunders individual sovereignty


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That was the decency in "dress code" in middle school here. The coke can rule. it only involved one.

I dunno..

another two glasses of cabernet, and maybe I can figure all of this out..


cmon. There has to be at least one or two Eunuchs there that can throw the "administratrix" over the wall..


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  • 5 years later...
  On 10/18/2011 at 1:57 PM, skyrider said:

TWI plunders individual sovereignty.....every class, every program.

Wierwille's pfal pitches a "stand on the word".....but really, the message is "stand with twi and against all others." Keep your distance from "worldly influences".....from secular learning, family associations, denominations, etc.

Further, in the Dealing with the Adversary class.....one of the FOUR FRONTS of the Devil is YOURSELF. Yeah, you are the culprit. You cannot trust your discernment, your critical thinking skills......you NEED wierwille/twi to do THAT for you.

You just surrendered your individual sovereignty.

Now......twi has power over you.

Classes, more classes......way homes, wow ambassador, fellowlaborers, corps, university of life.....all with the same goal: TWI ASCENDANCY. Every dollar, every hour of volunteer work, every day of witnessing for twi....was profit to the organization. Today, twi sits on some $52 MILLION.

Is there any wonder why twi targeted the youth? As youth are easily absorbed into groups, teams, clubs, gangs, they are more susceptible to groupthink and authority figures. Not adults. Generally speaking, most adults have experienced deception and scams and political/religious rhetoric to see the wolf in sheep's clothing.

The corps indoctrination had so violated individual sovereignty.....that it seemed like there was a corps cloning factory in Emporia.



How right you are. This thread and its thesis is really fundamental to understanding this particular cult. Hell, Wierwille wasn't even trying to hide it. Perhaps we just weren't mature enough in understanding of life 35-40 years ago to be able to effectively articulate this point. 

From a wiki article on self-ownership:


Discussion of the boundary of self with respect to ownership and responsibility has been explored by legal scholar Meir Dan-Cohen in his essays on The Value of Ownership and Responsibility and the Boundaries of the Self. The emphasis of this work is in illuminating the phenomenology of ownership and our common usage of personal pronouns to apply to both body and property; this serves as the folk basis for legal conceptions and debates about responsibility and ownership. Another view holds that labor is alienable, because it can be contracted out, thus alienating it from the self. In this view, the choice of a person to voluntarily sell oneself into slavery is also preserved by the principle of self-ownership.[3]

Like it or not, this issue/question plays out in societal power realms these days not exclusively limited to abusive cults.

How many times did Wierwille "teach" about the word "doulos?" Especially for the way corpse, It was ALL about delegating to him, and those to whom the "mantle of leadership" would pass after him, your responsibility to make choices about your own life.


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  On 10/18/2011 at 1:57 PM, skyrider said:

TWI plunders individual sovereignty.....every class, every program.

Wierwille's pfal pitches a "stand on the word".....but really, the message is "stand with twi and against all others." Keep your distance from "worldly influences".....from secular learning, family associations, denominations, etc.

Further, in the Dealing with the Adversary class.....one of the FOUR FRONTS of the Devil is YOURSELF. Yeah, you are the culprit. You cannot trust your discernment, your critical thinking skills......you NEED wierwille/twi to do THAT for you.

You just surrendered your individual sovereignty.

Now......twi has power over you...(SNIP)



Tremendous insight here, Skyrider !

What a false sense of security I had while in TWI. Trusting that wierwille/TWI had our best interests in mind by keeping us safe and secure from "worldly influences and the Adversary" – is like letting the fox guard the hen house.

Edited by T-Bone
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  • 2 months later...
  On 10/20/2011 at 2:42 PM, JavaJane said:

At the time in my life that I should have been developing self confidence, autonomy, independence, and a sense of self worth my family got involved in twi. I have had to fight since leaving to develop those qualities in myself. My entire identity and reality was all centered around how I was in relation to "The Household of God ™.". I never developed individual sovereignty at the time of life most normal people develop it.


JJ, I love reading your posts!  You sound like a no bullsheet woman to me!  I am so sorry that your family dragged you into the muck of TWI; it was bad enough that I got involved in it.  My family thought it was a lot of sheet, but they figured someday I would come to my senses, and I did.  It took me 10 years, but I finally left TWI.  I wish I had left sooner.  The mistakes we make in our youth.

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  On 10/20/2011 at 3:04 PM, OldSkool said:

Same here. I got involved with da cornfield cult in my early 20s. Needless to say leaving in my late 30s left me bouncing around quite a bit. I have stabilized somewhat since leaving and have new friends and new direction in life that I am happy with at the moment. I will say that my stint with TWI has left me very wary of organized religion. It will take some time before I become involved with any Christian group.


OS, the same for me.  If others want to attend Churches, Bible Fellowships, and things of that nature, fine.  But I am not interested at the moment in those things.

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  On 10/20/2011 at 10:30 PM, krys said:

Old school, I think many of us feel like that. And that is a shame.

Of course our opinions change as we grow....and at the moment, I don't think it matters to God what church we associate ourselves with, it, indeed we do gravitate to one special church. It's the life that we live, the love that we live and the way we live to glorify Him that's important.


Krys, yes!!  You nailed it!

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  On 10/20/2011 at 11:06 PM, Ham said:

If you don't mind me adding a comment: even if the life, the love, the way is SECULAR.

TWI. in its spiritual immaturity, has often time chosen to disdain the secular. You know, academic pursuits.. math, chemistry, physics, psychology..


Ham, you have hit on something about TWI that I never understood.  Why did TWI have such disdain for the pursuit of higher education?  Was it because if people developed critical thinking skills, they would see through the façade of TWI?

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  On 10/20/2011 at 11:23 PM, skyrider said:

Well...secular pursuits and academic pursuits are fine IF you're the cult leader or tyrant.

Hence....Doctor wierwille.

See......"It's good for ME, but not for THEE."


The big phony!  For years I thought he had an advanced degree; otherwise why would he be called "Dr.Wierwille?"  What a Con Man; I hope he rots in hell.

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  On 10/20/2011 at 11:37 PM, krys said:

I disagree about that Skyrider.

If Ham is observing the "rules" of walking in love as he teaches and disciplines his class in mathematics, he's teaching in a Godly way. He's working heartily unto the lord, showing no preference to anyone, encouraging and lifting up the weaker students and so on.....he is working in his profession in a Godly way. That's what God expects. We cannot all sit around thumping bibles all day....we need to work. Paul worked, Jesus worked. They had secular jobs.

Even the most-honorable-and-highly-elevated Corps were all working secular jobs.....putting out a magazine....food preparation, motor pool, housekeeping etc. Was vacuuming the auditorium and different from vacuuming ay home? I don't think so....a carpet is a carpet is a carpet.


Krys, good point!  I bet they worked their azzes off as leaders of God's people.

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  On 10/21/2011 at 12:01 AM, OldSkool said:

After Craig was ousted Rosalie stopped discouraging people who worked at HQ and were going to college at night. I guess they figured that the education was coming right back into HQ. However, I can what had not changed was the education and subsequent potential career was to stay in the back seat when it came to working at HQ or moving on the field. That has never changed to my knowledge.


OS, I understand what you said, but I never understood that aspect of TWI mentality. I got a college education to make my life better; in other words, I wanted a better job, with more money.  My understanding of TWI was that most of its employees were poorly-paid.  A few of course did very well financially, but most didn't.

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