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Why is rosie STILL da prez?


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Yeah, too old, but not old enough.

Too old to remember..

Not old enough to drop the stupid smile with the proper kind of medication..


I mean, that is the question of a humble Squirrel.

Does she still have mental "alacrity" or some such?

or does the rest of the board just keep her "happy"? at whatever expense required.

just curious.

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  On 9/29/2011 at 10:26 PM, Ham said:

Does she still have mental "alacrity" or some such?

or does the rest of the board just keep her "happy"? at whatever expense required.

just curious.

She is REALLY out of touch with life in 2011 and she has surrounded herself with yes-ma'ams who, for fear of being demoted, do whatever she says. The don't come out and call her the woman of God but they sure treat her like one.

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does she(?) even have the Power to demote? I mean.. can't at least two vote her miserable hide off of "God's abundance" or some such?

I have about 100 or more some such questions..

in the old days.. ermal and harry could have voted the victoid off the property..

aren't the same bylaws present to today?

so we have two, or three, or four eunuchs, and da king(ess) ruling the kingdom..

It would not be the "fight" that they think it would be..

vote the grand(?) dam off..

what would she say..

ok fellas..

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what are they afraid of?

I mean..

if they want the organization to survive..

gotta do what you have to do.

I've put myself in an unfortunate position.

I've improved myself mentally and physically decade after decade.

I'll probably fail body wise, long before intellectually wise..

is that the same for "those who rule" in da way?

how long have they ruled..


really? for that long..

I love fiction.

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It's never pretty when a coup fails.

and why not? Why does it have to be, or not be pretty..

everything is or is not pretty..

  On 9/29/2011 at 11:31 PM, waysider said:

Maybe they have something to gain by keeping her in the big chair that isn't obvious to outsiders.


Its all about Power..

we have willful minions..but it is such a small universe. Does it have to shrink to that?

let's be honest here. I'm just sent to observe..

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  On 9/29/2011 at 11:20 PM, Ham said:

does she(?) even have the Power to demote? I mean.. can't at least two vote her miserable hide off of "God's abundance" or some such?

In theory they could, but they would have to get together and plan a coup. She senses when people start thinking for themselves and axes them immediately. One example - H@rv3 Pl@tig - he was demoted from VP. Probably Rpp and JYDlsle are paranoid enough they can't trust that if they would talk to each other about it that the other wouldn't go to Rosie behind their back and get them ousted.

It's a reign of paranoia and terror. I mean if you study history of Hitler and Stalin you see similar types of paranoia with Hitler and Stalin literally having political opponents murdered.

Rosie just has them kicked out, bum rushed out of their position, salary, HQ - has them blackballed and demoted to a position or put on "probation", and tarnishes their reputation labeling them as having "spiritual problems" such that none in the org will give them audience and they are mainly shunned. But it's the same MO and God will reward Rivenb@rk according to the evil within her. He is not mocked, and the voices from those affected cry out from all over the world.

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  On 9/29/2011 at 11:20 PM, Ham said:

does she(?) even have the Power to demote? I mean.. can't at least two vote her miserable hide off of "God's abundance" or some such?

I am not sure I know how to adequately express the level of fear in the top brass. Region, Cabinet, and board of directors. Rosie and Donna run the show. The rest do what they are told and are only told enough to do what they are supposed. Many times at the cabinet and region level the real reasons to carry a directive are masked in cliches. As for the board of dummies: Rosie has them on such a tight leash that she would know if one of them farted out of turn. Furthermore, they are spineless.

What Chock said is the truth. She has systematically axed anyone who has demonstrated an iota of independent thought. And from my personal experience, if you are not afraid then the gloves come off eventually. So it is a reign of psychological terror. Sounds dramatic but it's true. And scared of a little old lady? I dunno.....can't figure it myself but then I fought with them for a year and a half before getting my family out of there, at their expense of course.

Oh....all of the region, cabinet, board are on payroll. A lot of them know what it's like to bust their humps with secular and ministry work. They are all older. Getting kicked off the titty is something many are afraid of.

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quote: does she(?) even have the Power to demote? I mean.. can't at least two vote her miserable hide off of "God's abundance" or some such?

I have about 100 or more some such questions..

in the old days.. ermal and harry could have voted the victoid off the property..

aren't the same bylaws present to today?

so we have two, or three, or four eunuchs, and da king(ess) ruling the kingdom..

It would not be the "fight" that they think it would be..

vote the grand(?) dam off..

what would she say..

ok fellas..



what are they afraid of?

I mean..

if they want the organization to survive..

gotta do what you have to do.

This reminds me of that movie 'Hannibal'.

Kinda late in the movie that crippled guy who was plotting the whole time to capture and kill Hannibal had almost succeeded. Hannibal was down in a pit with wild animals approaching and the crippled guy was watching from 1 story higher. So Hannibal says to the crippled guy's servant, "Cordelle! Why don't you just push him down in here? The authorities will think I did it." It was done and it wasn't much of a fight.

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now stop talking common sense chockie

if she can take down craig (with donna going along), she can take down just about anyone i guess

god she is really something weird -- she destroyed my dear ex who has a heart of gold

she did not give one .... about people or wierwille or anybody

ask linda z

she's ugly evil and with a southern accent no less -- what a frikkin pity -- southerners are such beautiful people

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  On 10/1/2011 at 12:02 AM, excathedra said:

she's ugly evil and with a southern accent no less -- what a frikkin pity -- southerners are such beautiful people

And I have heard her brag about Fox being her maiden name, implying that she considers herself sly as a fox. Cloaks all that manipulative evil in southern hospitality.

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Chock-full has an interesting take....she hasn't raised up any leadership to take over. Right! There isn't any raw material to work with, save Donna. I believe Donna could be Pres....but I don't know any of the others there well enough to believe they could.

See - - If she kicks them off the teat to teach them.....it's gonna hut like hell! Can Ii get an amen?


Once you have eaten meat and drunk the wine at the king's table....who wants to go back to mils, apple juice and bowls of familla in February???

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  On 10/1/2011 at 3:28 PM, OldSkool said:

And I have heard her brag about Fox being her maiden name, implying that she considers herself sly as a fox. Cloaks all that manipulative evil in southern hospitality.

ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ahhh ha ha hah i didn't know or remember her maiden name is FOX

remember that fox looking peeking over the hill or something in one wierwille's classes he didn't know he was a prophet right then lol lol lol

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Rivenbark is actually Riversong/Melody Pond and will regenerate as Donna, a la Doctor Who( more like the Rani)

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