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Well, Doctor said.......


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but to stay on topic. He was a dirty doctor, wasn't he?


And it is a very interesting reaction one gets..

"dr. said."

"no, he wasn't a doctor.."

"that's not fair. He was cleansed by the blood of Jesus. "

His "credentials" were not holy, or honorable.

"what's that have to do with anything?"


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"Doctor" was not his name. His name was Victor Paul Wierwille. "Doctor" is a title that should be earned on one's own merit. The only title Wierwille earned on his own merit was "Predatory Pervert". Wierwille liked to think of himself as a general. The only military title Wierwille would have qualified for would have been "Martinet".



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  On 8/15/2011 at 9:14 PM, Steve Lortz said:

"Doctor" was not his name. His name was Victor Paul Wierwille. "Doctor" is a title that should be earned on one's own merit. The only title Wierwille earned on his own merit was "Predatory Pervert". Wierwille liked to think of himself as a general. The only military title Wierwille would have qualified for would have been "Martinet".



actually, he actually earned a Master's degree in some kind of theology..

I'll give him that much, no more..

He had delusions of grandeur..

I don't have the stamina to acquire a doctorate in mathematics.

well, maybe I do. But it would take about ten years or so..


What if.. I were to incorporate the first church of the Math Squirrel..

all of those old math books taught me what. I studied for decades..

"well kids. all those old books did was to teach me what OTHERS said about mathematics. Just steered me around da truth.."

"I took all of those math books, starting from Euclid, and deposited them in the local town Gehenna, where da fire never ceases.."


sure. Now I know math like it hasn't been known since da first century..

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  On 8/7/2011 at 6:02 AM, socks said:

Yes, I agree dabbob. The "name" became "Dr. Weirwille".

Doctor? I've posted before, on a practical level it meant nothing to someone like me, it didn't validate anything or make anything better or worse, righter or slighter. Why anyone today would, I don't know but I doubt I'd waste much time or money trying to choke it out of someone that he wasn't a really real doctor.....I dunno, I have a bad attitude all around though so don't listen to me, might get you into trouble. :biglaugh:

For many years I'd addressed Roman Catholic priests and nuns as "Father" and "Sister"....."Father Brennan"...."Sister Hyacintha"....yes, there was a nun that had that name....eventually those titles become meaningless, they're part of the multi syllable name someone has "FathahBrennan".

Why he wanted to be called Dr. is more telling I think. On the one hand he's got the attitude that theological training and education is a waste of time that turns the participant into a godless unbeliever with no faith..........but on the other, he wants to be the "Dr."..........who's he trying to impress? And is anyone being impressed?

To some extent California may have figured into that a little maybe a lot - when he came out here, first time I saw him it was clear that he wasn't West Coast Cool - in fact the fact that he didn't cater or kowtow to the clearly superior coolness of the Coast was endearing....here's a guy who doesn't give a crap what you think about how he looks, he's here to speak and teach and if you don't like it, don't listen. That was refreshing because in California between L.A. and San Francisco alone there were competing Coolness Cultures and the hierarchy of SF, Marin and North Coast alone could be confusing - in a really groovey way of course man - but ol' Dr. Weirwille wasn't on that radar or anywhere close.

To me, it was a non-issue. The title was boring and formal and unnecessary. But the idea that he was a dummy who didnt' have a grasp of how to count to 10 without taking off his shoes is wrong. But Dr.? ......over stating who you are is always going to be a problem, always.

Just Curious..

did you ever encounter a "father".. "priest".. etc.. worth their salt?

I almost encountered one, once..

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  On 8/16/2011 at 12:06 AM, Ham said:

Hey, Java Jane.. how are you doing?

Hi, Ham! Just lurking and reading and living the good life! Not much to add lately, I'm afraid.

If I come up with something of merit, or just a generally snarky comment, I'll chime in.

Carry on.

(You do know he wasn't a doctor, don't you?)

And how exactly does Jesus Christ's sacrifice give VP the title of doctor, anyway?

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When I was in college, one of my fraternity brothers was a big fan of the pulp fiction character, Doc Savage. So, I began to call him "Doc," and the name stuck. Later classes thought he was a pre-med, or something. :lol:

Does this have anything to do with this thread? I don't know. I'm just saying...


PS I AM a doctor, though I've never played one on television.

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GSG, were you a doctor at the time you were in TWI? And did anybody call you "doctor"?

We could call you "DocG" here if you like. Or even just "doctor" - tarnished though that title is.

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Wow, GSG, there was a real doctor in the house!

And yes, as a chemist, you would be a Ph.D-type doctor not a MD-type doctor, but you're a highly qualified man nonetheless and justly entitled to the accolade.

Bet DocVic never called you "Doctor" though.

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Didn't Wierwille get a doctorate? Yes, the "institution" that supposidely issued it was a joke. No, he didn't have to work very hard for it. The place was more of a degree granting mill, but didn't they give him a doctorate, and weren't they legally allowed to do so?

His "doctorate" is not in theology, it's in homiletics which, according to Wierwille, is the "art of preaching".

By the way, even if he earned his degree from Fuller, or some very prestigious institution it wouldn't change my opinion one iota. He was still wrong with or without a degree.

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  On 8/17/2011 at 6:14 PM, Broken Arrow said:

Didn't Wierwille get a doctorate? Yes, the "institution" that supposedly issued it was a joke. No, he didn't have to work very hard for it. The place was more of a degree granting mill, but didn't they give him a doctorate, and weren't they legally allowed to do so?

His "doctorate" is not in theology, it's in homiletics which, according to Wierwille, is the "art of preaching".

By the way, even if he earned his degree from Fuller, or some very prestigious institution it wouldn't change my opinion one iota. He was still wrong with or without a degree.

vpw was granted a doctorate from an UNACCREDITED INSTITUTION.

To paraphrase Al Franken on this subject, "They have as much authority to grant a degree

as Schlotsky's Deli does!"

Legally, they were ALLOWED to do so. And the title is worth the breath it takes to pronounce it.

legally, ANYONE can issue a Doctorate which is equally worthless.

That's why I have THREE Doctorates, all of which are equally worthless to vpw's, which, possibly,

makes me triple the "doctor" he ever was.

(For those who missed it some time ago, "Doctor WordWolf" has been granted Doctorates in the fields of

Theology, Bible Truths, and Using Boldface Type To Make His Posts Easier To Read.

That was all done at the GSC. And it's all just as legal as vpw's "doctorate" with no less

legal authority than his had.)

  On 8/18/2011 at 12:58 AM, nandon said:

did people ever get mad at people if they didn't call him "Dr" VPW?

vpw himself made a big deal if anyone called him "MISTER wierwille" despite that being

legally correct and proper.

I heard others typically call him "Doctor" as if that was his name, with no reference

as to which "Doctor", as if there's only one. It's like saying "Elvis" and expecting

everyone else to know you meant "Presley" and not, say, "Costello".

I called him "Doc" typically (which still supposed he had a PhD), and it seemed to offend

and shock QUITE a number of people.

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  On 8/18/2011 at 7:18 AM, johniam said:

Reminds me of Michael Moore repeatedly calling pres. Geo W Bush "Mr. Bush" at the oscars that one year. Pathetic.

It is grammatically correct to refer to former President Bush as Mr. Bush. It is not, however, grammatically correct to refer to Mr. Wierwille as Doctor Wierwille.

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  On 8/18/2011 at 7:18 AM, johniam said:

Reminds me of Michael Moore repeatedly calling pres. Geo W Bush "Mr. Bush" at the oscars that one year. Pathetic.

I think the word "pathetic" is a bit overly harsh.

I would agree that it's "tragic" or "sad."

Then again, we can't affect what reminds you of what, no matter how tragic or sad it is that

you're making unconnected connections in your head.

Confusing disrespect to a sitting US President-but still being grammatically correct-

is nothing like people freaking out because a man with an unaccredited degree isn't

addressed by his unofficial degree. It IS grammatically correct to refer to both as

"Mister", and is not incorrect. It is NOT required to insist on a title for either,

and unaccredited, unofficial titles don't count for most people in just about ANY


In fact, most LEGITIMATE PhDs are not pedantic about using their titles. In my high school,

all or almost all the teachers had PhDs, and only ONE out of the entire SCHOOL went around

calling himself "DOCTOR." And I remember another teacher pointedly referring to him

as "Mister." (Actually, there WAS a second, but he was retired, worked as a substitute

teacher, and seemed a touch senile.)

Edited by WordWolf
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  On 8/18/2011 at 5:34 PM, chockfull said:

It is grammatically correct to refer to the former President Bush as "W", and even more grammatically correct to pronounce it "Dubya" with a twang. It is also gramatically correct to refer to Wierwille as "Veepster the Creepster".

Is it grammatically correct to refer to former President Bill Clinton as "Bubba?"

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  On 8/18/2011 at 1:35 AM, WordWolf said:

I heard others typically call him "Doctor" as if that was his name, with no reference

as to which "Doctor", as if there's only one. It's like saying "Elvis" and expecting

everyone else to know you meant "Presley" and not, say, "Costello".

Hm. I would have assumed it was Elvis Stojko.



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