Another Easter thought is that this Easter/Passover season is an open portal for the goodness of God to flow especially. I know we all need it, and I am praying for the flood of the blood to flow freely over and through all of us for healing and protection.
Lots of jolly songs, some old, some new. People waving hands in the air. Invitations to do this or that - or just sit and enjoy being where you are.
Some of the younger church members wrapped in toilet paper to represent grave wrappings - which they then burst out of (sermon was on Lazarus - Jesus offers (1) promise; (2) words of comfort; (3) a new reality).
I wept for the freedom of it. To be able to rejoice. To express joy and rejoicing.
Thanks mstar! I'll print that out and hang it on my bulletin board - its beautiful!
Twinky - I feel a lot like you do today - thankful for the freedom to worship as I choose. Our service was lovely. The sanctuary was decked out with gorgeous Easter lilies, one of which I bought in memory of loved ones that have passed away. Twelve or so of our choir members (including my 14-year-old daughter) sang a lovely cantata that brought me to tears.
Our pastor taught on the similarities between the woman at the well, the centurion and the man who laid at the gate of the temple daily all his life and their brief conversations with Jesus and the huge changes in their lives with some people in our own congregation that in the past several months have had hands laid on them and were prayed for and their resulting healings - one guy was told by his doctors that he'd never walk again and 2 weeks ago about 35 of our congregation laid hands on him and prayed for him to be healed and last week HE WALKED from their van to the church!!! I praise GOD! I could tell more stories like that, but I think that makes the point.
We're seeing lots of really cool stuff happening here - we're experiencing revival in a huge way and it's not only safe to be Christian here, but I daresay downright fashionable!!! We're having a blast!!! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Sorry Apologies for the delay, I had to work today. It's how orthodox Greeks (and many other orthodox types) greet each other on Easter. One person will say "Christ is risen!" and the other person will respond "Truly He is risen!" I think it's great. Perfect strangers will say it to each other. Awesome! I've got Greece on the brain, I'm planning to vacation there in September, my fifth trip. Want to come?
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Happy Easter to you all, too. Rejoice!!!
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"Χριστός ἀνέστη!"
"Ἀληθῶς ἀνέστη!"
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Happy Easter Kit.
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Kit Sober
Another Easter thought is that this Easter/Passover season is an open portal for the goodness of God to flow especially. I know we all need it, and I am praying for the flood of the blood to flow freely over and through all of us for healing and protection.
Opera Buff: Translation please :)
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Went to church this morning.
Usual laid back stuff.
Lots of jolly songs, some old, some new. People waving hands in the air. Invitations to do this or that - or just sit and enjoy being where you are.
Some of the younger church members wrapped in toilet paper to represent grave wrappings - which they then burst out of (sermon was on Lazarus - Jesus offers (1) promise; (2) words of comfort; (3) a new reality).
I wept for the freedom of it. To be able to rejoice. To express joy and rejoicing.
Free indeed.
The Lord is RISEN.
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Translation please
"Χριστός ἀνέστη!"
Christ is risen.
"Ἀληθῶς ἀνέστη!"
Truly, He is risen.
(Russian/Slavic Easter greeting)
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Kit Sober
He is Risen is American greeting also.
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The Russian greeting is more of a "call and response"
Sorta like "How are you?"....."I'm fine."
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Kit Sober
We have Russian latkes, we should have "He is Risen" too.
And I received two or three of these "He is Risen" emails, and we had "He is Risen" a bunch of times in the Easter service, too.
God was so kind to give us His Son for our life's sunshine.
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Yum. Latkes and sour cream. I'll be right over.
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Kit Sober
Well, It will take some planning ahead. I don't have latkes, but Fred does, but he is going to church pretty soon.
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This was going to be my Easter card that I never got around to making so you all get it.
Happy Easter!

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Thanks mstar! I'll print that out and hang it on my bulletin board - its beautiful!
Twinky - I feel a lot like you do today - thankful for the freedom to worship as I choose. Our service was lovely. The sanctuary was decked out with gorgeous Easter lilies, one of which I bought in memory of loved ones that have passed away. Twelve or so of our choir members (including my 14-year-old daughter) sang a lovely cantata that brought me to tears.
Our pastor taught on the similarities between the woman at the well, the centurion and the man who laid at the gate of the temple daily all his life and their brief conversations with Jesus and the huge changes in their lives with some people in our own congregation that in the past several months have had hands laid on them and were prayed for and their resulting healings - one guy was told by his doctors that he'd never walk again and 2 weeks ago about 35 of our congregation laid hands on him and prayed for him to be healed and last week HE WALKED from their van to the church!!! I praise GOD! I could tell more stories like that, but I think that makes the point.
We're seeing lots of really cool stuff happening here - we're experiencing revival in a huge way and it's not only safe to be Christian here, but I daresay downright fashionable!!! We're having a blast!!! I can't wait to see what happens next!
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for years as a girl growing up i never spoke on good friday from 12 to 3 -- most times i did the stations of the cross and i cried
then i rejoiced
happy easter
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Happy Easter, Kit + all!! Love the Max Lucado piece - I've actually only previously read his children's books, which are awesome!!!
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Sorry Apologies for the delay, I had to work today. It's how orthodox Greeks (and many other orthodox types) greet each other on Easter. One person will say "Christ is risen!" and the other person will respond "Truly He is risen!" I think it's great. Perfect strangers will say it to each other. Awesome! I've got Greece on the brain, I'm planning to vacation there in September, my fifth trip. Want to come?
Edited it for clarity..
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed, alleluia! The peace of the risen Christ be with you! And also with you.
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