Paw's not a "leader" of the board as stated by waysider. You really need to dis locate from preconceptions and what others tell you GS is and just check it out for awhile. Yeah, I'm telling you what you need to do, I'm a terrible bully. But if I'm wrong, let me know, you just read like you're not seeing what's actually happening online here. Course - maybe I'm not either, just as Paw may not be born again....if he ever was.....yeah.....yeah babee.
Paw - as a leader - does not do as you describe any a-hole Wayfer goombah doing - so if you want to make him your new leader you could do worse I'm sure. For that matter, I'm available too. Send your Time Chart reports and $$$ to the and I'll work with ya, bruh.
Here's what I've observed - when someone is an expert in a field or effort, they don't have to constantly climb over others to make it known they're good at what they do. The can be honest about it but they won't be compelled to beat their own drum all day everyday.
They don't have to denigrate others or puff and pump themselves up with pompous pontifications to prove they know what they're doing.
They just do it, or say it, or write it or whatever it is.
In fact -
When someone's an expert - they can afford to ease off the pedal a bit - they don't NEED constant gratification or verification to validate what they do. They can give a little room to someone else to do their thing, take some space, do some work.
You think of Jesus - the first will be last and the last first - the greatest will be servant - the meek inherit -
I guess what I'm trying to say is - when you have plenty to go around, you can afford to give a little to another. No skin off your nose if they ride the pony this time, it's cool.
When someone is 1. always knockng others down and 2. elevating themselves, you will certainly see bad leadership. Even if it's just youthful vigor and stupidity - still bad.
This is his house? So everybody in it must be in The Household? One thing about TWI that drove me crazy was all the LEADERS correcting me and the way I talked because if soemthing was off the Word then I would get "reproofed" for saying the wrong thing and I mean reamed out in front of everybody! But okay I won't say anything bad about the Leader here whoever he is becuase he has to stand before God one day and that will be there business. Anymore I mean.
I simply told you what I do and believe is bad on the other hand.... are free to behave as you wish.
Did I tell you that you could not say anything bad about the "leader" here? Did I say there was a leader here? That is all on you.
Personally, I don't want to be associated in any way with your comments about the owner of this site, I don't agree. Again....those comments are all yours.
Sorry TonYz, I guess my slip is showing. but geisha kinda says it for me there.
Apologies if I read rude or overbearing.
I'm just being honest and sometimes honesty is a dish best served cold, if you know what I mean.
No insult - but if I heard someone anywhere else talking about people being 'tripped out' on God - honestly, you'd get an "uh-yeah-so how about them Giants, hey?" It's just an odd statement to address a condition that if as you have stated yourself, represents serious questions and concerns - I'd never refer to it that way because there'a a lot at stake there. Right? So to put it such a way demeans the whole topic. IMO. Like calling a Christian a Jesus-Freak. You're going to get different reactions from different people.
If you'd like to discuss this here in a more specific way, what you see may be kinds of issues and problems that could be involved, and solutions - say on.
I guess it was just me knee jerk reaction to the sarcams I saw with one guy mocking the Bible about debbil spurts and other bold atheist attitudes. But I will not make mention of people in that way who have walked away from Jesus or who never did turn to Him really need to for Eternal Life anymore. God bless you ALL.! :)
I like these smiley things. There is even one showing a red foot! Haha!
So, what is someone who has known the glorious truths presented in PFAL...and rejected them...only to become a Christian later and identify with more orthodox beliefs like the trinity and the dead being alive right now? I don't even have a problem with raising my hands in worship or wearing a cross. I pray to Jesus....and I think He is worthy of worship. My husband and kids have been baptised. Oh, and I refuse to SIT as learned in PFAL. Won't do it.....I don't even think I can anymore.
Am I doomed or just misguided?
Neither. You're God's daughter. The daughter of our Heavenly Father, who is big enough and wise enough to look past the arms, be they upraised in the air or folded in the lap, who cares less about the water splashed than about what it means to those being splashed, and who sees the praise in our hearts whether or not expressed by the tongue in our language or any other.
A Father whose love reaches out across the divide, and who will bring all His children unto Him in the future with perfectly renewed minds to live powered by the love He showed us when He forgave our sins and allowed us to be born again in His son's name.
...Wierwille said, "If we get to Heaven and find out it isn't there, we will have had the best time going." The thing is, we didn't "have "the best time going". If we had, there would be no reason for a forum such as this...
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There used to be something on the frontpage stating that this was not a specifically christian site. There are a lot of christians here, some people of other faiths, and some people who are agnostic o
[it's a site with many Christians that is not specifically a "Christian" site. All are welcome here, especially those with twi history, for whom this site is meant. (Them and people seeking informat
Well, good. I've progressed from a wierwille apologist to a whipping boy to a polarity responder. That's encouraging. However, I still prefer son of God.
TZ - you're a good guy, or write like one IMO.
Paw's not a "leader" of the board as stated by waysider. You really need to dis locate from preconceptions and what others tell you GS is and just check it out for awhile. Yeah, I'm telling you what you need to do, I'm a terrible bully. But if I'm wrong, let me know, you just read like you're not seeing what's actually happening online here. Course - maybe I'm not either, just as Paw may not be born again....if he ever was.....yeah.....yeah babee.
Paw - as a leader - does not do as you describe any a-hole Wayfer goombah doing - so if you want to make him your new leader you could do worse I'm sure. For that matter, I'm available too. Send your Time Chart reports and $$$ to the and I'll work with ya, bruh.
Here's what I've observed - when someone is an expert in a field or effort, they don't have to constantly climb over others to make it known they're good at what they do. The can be honest about it but they won't be compelled to beat their own drum all day everyday.
They don't have to denigrate others or puff and pump themselves up with pompous pontifications to prove they know what they're doing.
They just do it, or say it, or write it or whatever it is.
In fact -
When someone's an expert - they can afford to ease off the pedal a bit - they don't NEED constant gratification or verification to validate what they do. They can give a little room to someone else to do their thing, take some space, do some work.
You think of Jesus - the first will be last and the last first - the greatest will be servant - the meek inherit -
I guess what I'm trying to say is - when you have plenty to go around, you can afford to give a little to another. No skin off your nose if they ride the pony this time, it's cool.
When someone is 1. always knockng others down and 2. elevating themselves, you will certainly see bad leadership. Even if it's just youthful vigor and stupidity - still bad.
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I simply told you what I do and believe is bad on the other hand.... are free to behave as you wish.
Did I tell you that you could not say anything bad about the "leader" here? Did I say there was a leader here? That is all on you.
Personally, I don't want to be associated in any way with your comments about the owner of this site, I don't agree. Again....those comments are all yours.
Take Care!
Edited by geisha779Link to comment
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Sorry TonYz, I guess my slip is showing. but geisha kinda says it for me there.
Apologies if I read rude or overbearing.
I'm just being honest and sometimes honesty is a dish best served cold, if you know what I mean.
No insult - but if I heard someone anywhere else talking about people being 'tripped out' on God - honestly, you'd get an "uh-yeah-so how about them Giants, hey?" It's just an odd statement to address a condition that if as you have stated yourself, represents serious questions and concerns - I'd never refer to it that way because there'a a lot at stake there. Right? So to put it such a way demeans the whole topic. IMO. Like calling a Christian a Jesus-Freak. You're going to get different reactions from different people.
If you'd like to discuss this here in a more specific way, what you see may be kinds of issues and problems that could be involved, and solutions - say on.
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I guess it was just me knee jerk reaction to the sarcams I saw with one guy mocking the Bible about debbil spurts and other bold atheist attitudes. But I will not make mention of people in that way who have walked away from Jesus or who never did turn to Him really need to for Eternal Life anymore. God bless you ALL.!
I like these smiley things. There is even one showing a red foot! Haha!
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A quick rundown, Tony.
A) Paw runs this site, which means it has a moderator (volunteer) staff who step in and
try to keep things from getting TOO far out of hand.
The rules for posting are here:
They are simple: be courteous, don't make it personal, don't harass people,
don't make personal attacks. If you can't do that, then don't do it HERE.
(There's also some understandings about not discussing people who don't
post here and have gone on with their lives post-twi. Those should be written up
Simple rules, but some people have pushed the limits or gone over the line. That's why
some people have earned warnings, heavier moderation, and "enforced vacations."
Some tone it down and return, most do not. Some people just need a "nudge" and they
calm down, but some won't behave unless forced to. (Reproof versus 1000 stripes.)
So long as the rules are followed, Paw leaves everyone alone.
Simply following the Golden Rule ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you")
and the Silver Rule ("what you don't want others to do, don't do to them")
pretty much ensure little need of moderation- at least of the posters who do that.
B) Rascal's a poster who didn't START trouble. Trouble followed Rascal around.
Rascal would post on horrible acts victor paul wierwille performed- rape, molestation,
making abortions customary when in the corps or on staff and so on-
and immediately a handful of posters would engage in personal attacks on her.
The posts were to accomplish 2 things- 1) to silence discussion on what a sleazebag
victor paul wierwille was, and the horrible things he did when the cameras were off
and most people didn't know and
2) to try to get people who exposed victor paul wierwille as a plagiarist, rapist,
molester, and general sleazebag to feel too pressured to continue posting and shut up.
For some reason, the guys who posted about how victor paul wierwille was a slave to his
own ego and a slave to his own lusts generally weren't attacked quite so harshly.
There was something about women speaking up and thinking for themselves and exposing
the immmoral, unBiblical, unChristian behavior and character of victor paul wierwille
that really cheesed off a handful of people who just can't deal with the reality.
It's bad enough that they were tricked, it's worse that people expect them to deal with
the reality that victor paul wierwille belonged in prison for various felonies and was
a poor Christian when they wanted to put him instead on a pedestal-
but a WOMAN was speaking about it. That just chafed their pants.
So, she'd post, they'd attack her posts, and others would rebut their attacks.
Thus, someone now called that "wars". That's a new term for it.
C) The GSC is a place where people can speak their minds in lots of directions
(so long as they don't do it abusively). There will occasionally be harsh words,
there will usually be disagreements on ANY subject.
Which would you rather have- a chance to say what you REALLY think,
or a place where all you're allowed to say is what's approved by the organization?
In most ex-twi circles, you only get the latter. Currently, only the GSC and Ex-way Vision
allow you to speak freely.
So, either can look a bit chaotic, tense, or argumentative.
That's the price for free speech.
(So long as it's not abusive.)
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Yeah--What WordWolf said.
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Neither. You're God's daughter. The daughter of our Heavenly Father, who is big enough and wise enough to look past the arms, be they upraised in the air or folded in the lap, who cares less about the water splashed than about what it means to those being splashed, and who sees the praise in our hearts whether or not expressed by the tongue in our language or any other.
A Father whose love reaches out across the divide, and who will bring all His children unto Him in the future with perfectly renewed minds to live powered by the love He showed us when He forgave our sins and allowed us to be born again in His son's name.
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Amen Chockfull!

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Word Up!
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