Oh, the "empties floating by" expression goes waaaaaay back. People were already using that when I "got in" in 1972. Yeah, "unbelievers" were viewed as empty clay vessels, devoid of any life, except for they breath-life they exhibited. The "empties floating by" expression was used to conjure up images of empty bottles being carried down the river, at the mercy of the current.
(It's a bastardization of the scripture that says "We have this treasure in earthen vessels.")
Oh, the "empties floating by" expression goes waaaaaay back. People were already using that when I "got in" in 1972. Yeah, "unbelievers" were viewed as empty clay vessels, devoid of any life, except for they breath-life they exhibited. The "empties floating by" expression was used to conjure up images of empty bottles being carried down the river, at the mercy of the current.
(It's a bastardization of the scripture that says "We have this treasure in...yada, yada..."
What a hardhearted picture.
I had a friend who used to tell others when introducing me that I had undershepherded her, and I would say no, I just liked you. It hadn't been work to be pleased to see her, and I had an idea that undershepherding was hard (that old broken bread business}. I hadn't thought about the farm animal aspect of it. It's all so odd. We would be told not to rely on experience, but so much that became defined and limited to a manual or in how it was passed down was based on others' experiences, and then we would think that was how it should be done. And it would often end up with us thinking, or forcing ourselves into thinking, that we had an order from God to annoy someone else.
PS Happy Saint (I've no reason not think he was one) Patrick's (and he did exist) Day!
I have learned to closely listen to those, who seem to be here only to annoy me..
I truly think Donnie F. believed that what he was doing was beneficial. Hell, there was a time when WE believed that what WE were doing was beneficial. I think he got conned like the rest of us. But, he seemed to be genuinely concerned with really helping people. Not like a certain guy who pretended to be a "Dr.", who was more interested in helping himself.
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Oh, the "empties floating by" expression goes waaaaaay back. People were already using that when I "got in" in 1972. Yeah, "unbelievers" were viewed as empty clay vessels, devoid of any life, except for they breath-life they exhibited. The "empties floating by" expression was used to conjure up images of empty bottles being carried down the river, at the mercy of the current.
(It's a bastardization of the scripture that says "We have this treasure in earthen vessels.")
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instead of being an earthen vessel.. one was an empty soda pop or even worse, a discarded beer can?
honestly.. my thoughts here are.
*they* are stalled animals, in the devils barn. Why can't we have *them* in *our* barn?
maybe I'm over thinking this..
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what troubles me is the categorization of human beings..
I dunno. One has to consider.. the clueless empty sliding by.. has the same brain weight as you do..
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What a hardhearted picture.
I had a friend who used to tell others when introducing me that I had undershepherded her, and I would say no, I just liked you. It hadn't been work to be pleased to see her, and I had an idea that undershepherding was hard (that old broken bread business}. I hadn't thought about the farm animal aspect of it. It's all so odd. We would be told not to rely on experience, but so much that became defined and limited to a manual or in how it was passed down was based on others' experiences, and then we would think that was how it should be done. And it would often end up with us thinking, or forcing ourselves into thinking, that we had an order from God to annoy someone else.
PS Happy Saint (I've no reason not think he was one) Patrick's (and he did exist) Day!
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God bless you friend. Maybe that is the whole point here..
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but wasn't that the whole purpose of undershepherding?
to bring all of *us* into the vicster's barn?
answer a question with a question..
*they* don't know what *we* represent, yet..
I'm sorry about fugit. I think he sold out..
to a god (wienerville) that wasn't a god to begin with..
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What, you mean the point of the Cafe is to annoy people! Ha, ha. Your
made me laugh.
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it is my destiny..
I have learned to closely listen to those, who seem to be here only to annoy me..
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I truly think Donnie F. believed that what he was doing was beneficial. Hell, there was a time when WE believed that what WE were doing was beneficial. I think he got conned like the rest of us. But, he seemed to be genuinely concerned with really helping people. Not like a certain guy who pretended to be a "Dr.", who was more interested in helping himself.
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I wish he didn't sell out to the what was it..
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An impossible dream........not unlike Don Quixote.
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whatever happened to Terry Cath..
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The only Terry Kath I'm familiar with is THIS one.
I remember Tommy Crabb, though.
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a pretty lady looked at me and said her diamond watch had stopped cold dead..
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Does anybody really know what time it is?
(Does anybody really care?)
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The sixth song on the album says everything..
I wonder how much James William Guercio's voice is in this.. you know.. "shoes for industry".. is in this..
The next featured feature is free form guitar. It was a 100 percent Terry Cath.. I think anyway..
after today.. I dunno.
"will you please come to Chicago"..
has become.. "will you please come to Michigan.."..
the whole world is watching..
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Yeah.. it was pretty mild.. but first blood has been shed..
I'm worried about the second, third and fourth blood..
one of the kids said something like.. "this is how we spend spring break"..
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Any volunteer may be dismissed at any time and/or program cancelled at sole discretion of those charged with oversight.
If you wait long enough, the other shoe eventually drops.
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So asinine I had to makes sure it was here twice.
You know, to make sure it's established and all
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S.O.W.E.R.S. Theme Song
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There is too much here to consider..
sorry. It really blows my mind.. even in the Keysian sense..
there are "young adults" that defend my right? no that isn't it..
the concept that I should be allowed enumeration, past poverty wages.. to torture them with mathematical equations, algebra, and such..
at this point, it isn't my voice being spoken..
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