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First Way Corps pictures


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For those interested, the following link leads to pictures of members of the First Way Corps

Best veiwed while listening to Barbara Streisand singing Memories:

Mmm. Mmm.

Memories, light the corners of my mind

Misty watercolor memories of the way we were.

Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind

smiles we give to one another

for the way we were.

Can it be that it was all so simple then

or has time rewritten every line?

If we had the chance to do it all again

tell me would we? Could we?

Memories, may be beautiful and yet

what's too painful to remember

we simply choose to forget

So it's the laughter we will remember

whenever we remember

the way we were.

First Way Corps pictures

Navigation at the bottom of the page for more pictures.


Edited by So_crates
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  On 3/12/2011 at 9:45 PM, mstar1 said:

I really didnt need to see that...

We need the VH1 special-

-after the great crash and burn---What are they doing now?

Do they still carry around bogus Rev. titles? are they on to other things?

I really didnt need to see that...

We need the VH1 special-

-after the great crash and burn---What are they doing now?

Do they still carry around bogus Rev. titles? are they on to other things?

Oh, wow, Heavy deja vu.

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lotta good people there....no offense anyone, but those folks have all been out of the way for 25 years, some more. Quit seeing them as a group --they're NOT. some still into veepster, some definitely not, some dead fer krap's sake. Del Duncan f-ed up just like the rest of os but he was one of the true-est men I have ever known. I am sorry if you never knew him. Let's finally get beyond stereo-typing and pigeon-holing people, shall we?

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  On 3/12/2011 at 11:40 PM, geisha779 said:

They all look so young and innocent.

I guess that's one of the sad things about looking at old photos.

I watch a lot of 50s and 60s TV. Usually I walk away with a similar feeling as what your expressing Geisha: What happened to us?


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  On 3/13/2011 at 12:33 AM, excathedra said:

alfie! i love you and have missed you!

love you madly, dear excie! check in rarely but still here....have you joined the FB version? I have, so you can always call me out over there and I will hear you....

sorry for derail....

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  On 3/12/2011 at 11:31 PM, alfakat said:

Let's finally get beyond stereo-typing and pigeon-holing people, shall we?

That wasn't my intent at all, and sometimes intent is lost in cyberspace. My point was aimed at Victor Paul Wierwille and how he drew in youth only to steal their years. That is exactly what the way international did to me, in my prime, which is lost.

By Victor's Kids, I could have explained, I mean we were all told we were the special, the called out, the chosen ones. Not that anyone who happened to be caught in Vicky's snare was goofy. I assume this is your complaint, and wanted to offer an apology in case we were misunderstood.

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  On 3/13/2011 at 1:00 AM, OldSkool said:

That wasn't my intent at all, and sometimes intent is lost in cyberspace. My point was aimed at Victor Paul Wierwille and how he drew in youth only to steal their years. That is exactly what the way international did to me, in my prime, which is lost.

By Victor's Kids, I could have explained, I mean we were all told we were the special, the called out, the chosen ones. Not that anyone who happened to be caught in Vicky's snare was goofy. I assume this is your complaint, and wanted to offer an apology in case we were misunderstood.

not so much what you said but a general drift I felt towards lumping them all still together today, which they certainly no longer are....even in the early 80s they were not a unit that thought alike or were 100% behind the vicster...

just a point worth noting cuz it's so easy to think it was all monolithic back then and it wasn't

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alfie, oh thank you, i'm afraid of facebook and i don't know why

i wish i knew del like you did. i feel the same way about jimmy because i got to really know him (in his dying year) -- screwed up and all and honest -- and i really loved him a lot

and karla was so kind to me when i did way marketing in north carolina

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  On 3/13/2011 at 1:00 AM, OldSkool said:

My point was aimed at Victor Paul Wierwille and how he drew in youth only to steal their years. That is exactly what the way international did to me, in my prime, which is lost.

I mean we were all told we were the special, the called out, the chosen ones.

I empathize, OS. That's my major beef with Saint Vic and his demented circus. I got in when I was 19 or 20, went WOW when I was 21, left the ministry when I was 37, and didn't really give up on the doctrine until recently.

Most of my life has been dedicated to TWI and the promise of "Wait until you see the life God has planned for you." I'm still waiting.

As I mentioned in a couple of other threads, the straw that broke the camels back came in the form of someone I had knew from twig. He was a little further up the Way food chains than I was, so I went to him to learn more about the bible.

Once I was in a steep depression. A depression so steep, people were saying they could see something was wrong. I went to him for answers, like where is all this abundance? Where is this great life promised.

His answer: "You got tricked."

Anybody who is still in the ministry reading this, make note of that. After all their promises and your sacrifices, their going to smile at you with shark teeth and say: "You got tricked."


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  On 3/13/2011 at 1:07 AM, alfakat said:

not so much what you said but a general drift I felt towards lumping them all still together today, which they certainly no longer are....even in the early 80s they were not a unit that thought alike or were 100% behind the vicster...

just a point worth noting cuz it's so easy to think it was all monolithic back then and it wasn't

It was the same way when I was in-residence, yet the pictures made us look so "blessed," and "together."

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i'm trying to digest that post about "being tricked" i despise that saying and every other way saying

right now i'm thinking of course i was tricked but not by the "devil" "adversary" whatever the helllllll -- wierwille (which means the way) tricked me because i was a young stupid azz

now i'm 54 years old

jesus, if an old man tried to "get me" now i would punch his lights out but he would not want me at 54 -- not just because i'm no longer young and firm -- because i actually am a bit smarter lol

i truly loved the people i was in the way corps in residence thing with

must have been because we spent so much time together in misery lol

but i mean it, i love them a lot

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  On 3/13/2011 at 1:25 AM, excathedra said:

i'm trying to digest that post about "being tricked" i despise that saying and every other way saying

I despise it but for a different reason: its an easy out.

Sure we promised you the windows of heaven would open and you'd get a blessing your storehouses wouldn't contain. Sure we said give and it'll be given onto you pressed down, shaken together and running over. Sure we belive in believing equals recieving (save the typing, I know its a misnomer). And sure we said God had an amazing life planned for you.

Where is it all?

Well, uh, uh, I'm getting nothin here. You must have gotten tricked. Yah, that's the ticket, that's the ticket.

You got tricked.


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  On 3/13/2011 at 1:36 AM, excathedra said:

i think i see what you mean

who tricked you though? and who is saying that?

The so called friend I knew from twig. I had previously went to his house a few times to study the bible. He of course was trying to get me into CES. I wasn't that interested.

Then this severe depression came on. The real evil of Way doctrine: when you do everything by the numbers and your life still doesn't click, they're at a loss to explain it.

I think he was implicating the truth. The whole ministry speil is a trick. Like when you play with your dog. You act like you throw the ball and the dog scampers off thinking its chasing the ball.

Same with the ministry, they had us scampering after the abundent life. When the only ones who got what they preached was them.


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  On 3/13/2011 at 1:43 AM, So_crates said:

When the only ones who got what they preached was them.


And how did they get it? By using and abusing people? That isn't an abundant life.....that is just sad.

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