That correcting habit sure has taken working on to get rid of. I think it's ok now for me. I find myself reading a Bible, a commentary, or other Christian literature book and just enjoy what the translator or author is saying -- seeing their perspective and getting blessed by the face of the Lord they are giving (rather than correcting and trying to get everything into "my way" of thinking). What a blessing that is for me to be able to do. It is for me a real note of separation of myself from cult mentalty.
That correcting habit sure has taken working on to get rid of. I think it's ok now for me. I find myself reading a Bible, a commentary, or other Christian literature book and just enjoy what the translator or author is saying -- seeing their perspective and getting blessed by the face of the Lord they are giving (rather than correcting and trying to get everything into "my way" of thinking). What a blessing that is for me to be able to do. It is for me a real note of separation of myself from cult mentalty.
I know where I left it, and I didn't mean to leave it there. I wish I had it not because of the markings I made in the text, but for the notes that I made in the front and back in the lined and unlined pages. Those were really priceless, but I can't prove it since I don't have it. :(
A funny Holy Spirit note on "proper emphasis." I was so worried about the way to pronounce "Jesus" because someone impressed upon me that devil spirits used the name Jesus and I could be calling in demons if I didn't say it correctly. . . anyway there was a box of
and the Holy Spirit said,"it rhymes with that."
The reason I posted this here is because I was thinking about the "little words that do a big job." (something like that)
I really loved that class. Took it a few times, at least once live. I thought the little words were like me. though apparently insignificant, yet a part of the Body of Christ, I am important. Those little words though small do matter, each one to the Lord Who put them there.
T-Bone, thanks for sharing that, I've had a rough few days and you made me laugh out loud with your story about the italics, I really needed that.
My first Bible was the one I bought to use at my first twig and my first PFAL, I have it here in front of me, a World Publishing Company KJV, red letter edition for the hard of hearing.
I used to carry it to twig in a brown paper bag, so nobody could see me walk down the public sidewalks carrying a Bible. It has a few notes scribbled here and there, but not many.
My first way bible was the Cambridge cameo wide-margin, black leather, the prototype wow bible of the 1970s, complete today with the ghostly outline of an old round way sticker with the Aramaic writing. It contains various definitions (gospel, sin/sins, born again), the names used for the devil, the 14 benefits of SIT with many large exclamation points abounding, how to believe, the words used for baptism, the events of the month of Nisan, each occurrence of dechomai and lambano marked with a d or an l, and many many words crossed out in ink.
The first page of each book has a note of the name for Jesus Christ that's used within it, the red thread. Gothrum (sp?) was it called?
Each occurrence of 'holy ghost' is tabulated and identified by number (1 thru 9d) from a hand-written list od definitions copied from RTHST, a hand-written list of all the Greek words used for "to speak".
Last year I went through this Bible-buying jag, I now have about a dozen but I haven't written in any of them yet. I will likely start writing in my new Note Taker's Bible, it's a bargain at only $55, I really like it. Here's a review of it and ordering info if you're interested:
....Last year I went through this Bible-buying jag, I now have about a dozen but I haven't written in any of them yet. I will likely start writing in my new Note Taker's Bible, it's a bargain at only $55, I really like it. Here's a review of it and ordering info if you're interested:
i like the layout of the Note Taker's Bible - i think that's perfect for study bugs to make notes in the Bible [or as my son used to say when he'd see my Bible notes he called them "writing on purpose" - i don't know why he called them that unless maybe he asked me one time why i wrote in THE HOLY BIBLE and that's what he got out of my answer]. i said in my post - i don't make many notes in the various Bibles i have - and i think it's just that i've found a way that works best for me. if i used only one Bible i'd probably would cram it full of notes - and it would be The Note Taker's Bible for sure!
and i'm not big on using Bible software stuff either - partly due to me being old school [not THE OldSkool of Grease Spot fame] and i'm so used to finding an old note or something underlined in a book i have - and can usually remember where to find it than going thru a software thing of trying to remember a key word or something - well, first have to turn the computer on....or the software just locked up....or some technical glitch.
...i do use Bible software some - [having various translations, language tools, and commentaries on them] and will also draft Word documents i draft on specific Bible studies [yes i do use a computer for that - so i can revise or update the study - but i always print them out and will first make revision notes in pencil on the printout - until i have enough updates to justify revising the Word doc and printing it again.
~ ~
another thing that i do which "takes the place of the absent Bible note" is draft one page docs for various purposes. i print these out and will tuck them in the front of the Bible by my night stand. This portability feature allows me to transfer them to whatever Bible i happen to be using.
These one page docs are under frequent revision and cover things like:
short and long term goals or priorities
critical thinking
favorite passages
some interpretation principles of the Bible along with favorite topics
some key chapters of the Bible
one sheet i titled "A Day's Journey" - which is a compilation of statements about my faith, mission statements [both personal and career-wise], attitudes & habits that are important to me - this sheet was inspired by something i read in Covey's book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
one sheet i titled "Reflective Thinking" - which is at present a series of 10 questions i ask myself - designed for either a quiet moment in the morning or evening to help me focus my day or to evaluate things at the end of my day
~ ~
....i don't refer to these sheets on a consistent basis....i just have them there to give me a jump start sometimes if i am dwelling on a problem or issue, looking for something to study at our family Bible fellowship.....or if i'm bored, doing nothing and there's nothing good on TV
what else was in this old bible (now in a landfill somewhere)..
I had little notes along side of every verse quoted in pfal, all of the books, classes I had taken. They looked something like this:
I Timothy 2:15
Luke 24:49
what these meant. These were verses quoted in pfal. the verse quoted was the one the note was next to, the previous verse quoted was the first reference (I timothy 2:15), the next verse quoted was the one following (Luke 24.49).
I said I had a complete 62 page pfal expanded sylabus transcribed in the loose leaf sections at the end?
every note bullinger had for "also"..
half of the figures of speech book.
the acrostic psalms and writings.. ps 119 was far from the only acrostic composition..
dechomai, lambano. Not only limited to the english word translated "receive".
Pletho, pleroo..
usages of the genitive case, from Bullinger.
whole pages of pfal book materials. inserted in loose leaf pages, right next to scripture..
some of Bullinger's structures. Oh, the structures in Ephesians. Copied from forbidden way material, ill gotten notes from a poor sucker, intent on leadership in da ministry..
and what else.
figures of speech. Polysendeton.. asydenditon.. etc. etc..
so.. what was in YOUR bible?
While looking through mine, prompted by this post, I discovered some things on the inside cover pages, though, that brought back some weird memories:
I pasted a small scrap of paper listing the 5 Corps principles.
Also is a yearly calendar (stick-on kind), and nother scrap of paper with James 1:17 on it. "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning." I have no idea why I chose that verse.
On the next inside page, I taped a sheet titled, "Keys to Walking in the Spirit." Looks like its from the Advanced Class. It's printed with decorations in the corners so I guess we were given it during the class. Each "tip" has at least one verse to substantiate it, from all over the N.T. and some from the O.T, which raises some issues ...but that's another topic.
On the next page I stuck another stick-on sheet which is about 1/2 page, titled, "God's Word Speaks of Five Crowns of Highest Award for Believers. They are...(then it lists and defines them.) No verses were given for each one but I wrote them in ink in the margin.
Then I have the phone number of the Rome City campus for some odd reason. And a list of 4 attributes of what "twigs are: Positive, Teaching, Fellowship, Ministering.
Then a statement: The Way Tree is a white oak tree.
The next inside page (there were many, how come?) has another stick on page with "Biblical Truths we Must Adhere to as Workmen" and some other tips on "letting the Bible interpret itself." All lifted from Bullinger, I'm sure.
Then there is the note to self: Inherent means "from within," Inerrant means "without error."
Interesting that, more than 25 years later, "inerrant" has now become part of my research on fundamentalism.... I've got to "move on!"
---Given all these cheat-sheet helpful hints, who needs to turn the pages and actually read the Bible? With all that "accurate" help, I can't for the life of me figure out why I left!!
A funny Holy Spirit note on "proper emphasis." I was so worried about the way to pronounce "Jesus" because someone impressed upon me that devil spirits used the name Jesus and I could be calling in demons if I didn't say it correctly. . .
If you don't pronouce the word "Jesus" correctly you're calling in demons? Now that's just plain stupid! Talk about straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel! Geesh!
What did Christendom ever do before TWI came along? Why, even saying the word "Jesus" wrong was getting us possessed. Forget the fact that different countries pronounce the name "Jesus" differently. I guess they way we pronounce it in English must have been the right one, huh? Everyone else on the planet is getting possessed, right?
Yes, that's right. 306,141 people in the United States, alone, will never know the joy that comes from studying the deep spiritual significance of the word "IF" for countless hours on end. It's heartbreaking, to say the least.
Yes, that's right. 306,141 people in the United States, alone, will never know the joy that comes from studying the deep spiritual significance of the word "IF" for countless hours on end. It's heartbreaking, to say the least.
Cheer up Waysider! Those of us that know the truth about "if" must take the word "if" over the world. Presto! You now have a purpose that has nothing to do with your own needs, desires, or dreams. How freeing that is, "if" you know what I mean.
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Kit Sober
That correcting habit sure has taken working on to get rid of. I think it's ok now for me. I find myself reading a Bible, a commentary, or other Christian literature book and just enjoy what the translator or author is saying -- seeing their perspective and getting blessed by the face of the Lord they are giving (rather than correcting and trying to get everything into "my way" of thinking). What a blessing that is for me to be able to do. It is for me a real note of separation of myself from cult mentalty.
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Me too Kit.
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I like the dark sayings..
the older we get.. the more we can spiritually "mature". No, not in way terminology. they live in perpetual spring time, or so they think..
like giddy teenagers. They don't have a clue.. what does one do, when ones youth fails, ones teeth fall out, and the money fails..
It's like.. sitting around the campfire.. and telling ghost stories that may be true..
the "elders" of "da way" have been deprived of this. Or when the end comes, they are forced to spin their yarns somewhere else..
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Broken Arrow
How about two out of three?
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I know where I left it, and I didn't mean to leave it there. I wish I had it not because of the markings I made in the text, but for the notes that I made in the front and back in the lined and unlined pages. Those were really priceless, but I can't prove it since I don't have it. :(
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I had an Oxford loose leaf bible. I know where I left it.. it had notes from every class I had attended.
the rest of my way materials are "housed" at an offshoot leader's house. They think it some kind of treasure..
when I leave this evistence.. they will be exhumed..
so pathetic.. but both of my kids know how I feel..
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Kit Sober
A funny Holy Spirit note on "proper emphasis." I was so worried about the way to pronounce "Jesus" because someone impressed upon me that devil spirits used the name Jesus and I could be calling in demons if I didn't say it correctly. . . anyway there was a box of
and the Holy Spirit said,"it rhymes with that."
The reason I posted this here is because I was thinking about the "little words that do a big job." (something like that)
I really loved that class. Took it a few times, at least once live. I thought the little words were like me. though apparently insignificant, yet a part of the Body of Christ, I am important. Those little words though small do matter, each one to the Lord Who put them there.
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T-Bone, thanks for sharing that, I've had a rough few days and you made me laugh out loud with your story about the italics, I really needed that.
My first Bible was the one I bought to use at my first twig and my first PFAL, I have it here in front of me, a World Publishing Company KJV, red letter edition for the hard of hearing.
I used to carry it to twig in a brown paper bag, so nobody could see me walk down the public sidewalks carrying a Bible. It has a few notes scribbled here and there, but not many.
My first way bible was the Cambridge cameo wide-margin, black leather, the prototype wow bible of the 1970s, complete today with the ghostly outline of an old round way sticker with the Aramaic writing. It contains various definitions (gospel, sin/sins, born again), the names used for the devil, the 14 benefits of SIT with many large exclamation points abounding, how to believe, the words used for baptism, the events of the month of Nisan, each occurrence of dechomai and lambano marked with a d or an l, and many many words crossed out in ink.
The first page of each book has a note of the name for Jesus Christ that's used within it, the red thread. Gothrum (sp?) was it called?
Each occurrence of 'holy ghost' is tabulated and identified by number (1 thru 9d) from a hand-written list od definitions copied from RTHST, a hand-written list of all the Greek words used for "to speak".
Last year I went through this Bible-buying jag, I now have about a dozen but I haven't written in any of them yet. I will likely start writing in my new Note Taker's Bible, it's a bargain at only $55, I really like it. Here's a review of it and ordering info if you're interested:
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Hi OperaBuff,
i like the layout of the Note Taker's Bible - i think that's perfect for study bugs to make notes in the Bible [or as my son used to say when he'd see my Bible notes he called them "writing on purpose" - i don't know why he called them that unless maybe he asked me one time why i wrote in THE HOLY BIBLE and that's what he got out of my answer]. i said in my post - i don't make many notes in the various Bibles i have - and i think it's just that i've found a way that works best for me. if i used only one Bible i'd probably would cram it full of notes - and it would be The Note Taker's Bible for sure!
and i'm not big on using Bible software stuff either - partly due to me being old school [not THE OldSkool of Grease Spot fame] and i'm so used to finding an old note or something underlined in a book i have - and can usually remember where to find it than going thru a software thing of trying to remember a key word or something - well, first have to turn the computer on....or the software just locked up....or some technical glitch.
...i do use Bible software some - [having various translations, language tools, and commentaries on them] and will also draft Word documents i draft on specific Bible studies [yes i do use a computer for that - so i can revise or update the study - but i always print them out and will first make revision notes in pencil on the printout - until i have enough updates to justify revising the Word doc and printing it again.
~ ~
another thing that i do which "takes the place of the absent Bible note"
is draft one page docs for various purposes. i print these out and will tuck them in the front of the Bible by my night stand. This portability feature allows me to transfer them to whatever Bible i happen to be using.
These one page docs are under frequent revision and cover things like:
short and long term goals or priorities
critical thinking
favorite passages
some interpretation principles of the Bible along with favorite topics
some key chapters of the Bible
one sheet i titled "A Day's Journey" - which is a compilation of statements about my faith, mission statements [both personal and career-wise], attitudes & habits that are important to me - this sheet was inspired by something i read in Covey's book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
one sheet i titled "Reflective Thinking" - which is at present a series of 10 questions i ask myself - designed for either a quiet moment in the morning or evening to help me focus my day or to evaluate things at the end of my day
~ ~
....i don't refer to these sheets on a consistent basis....i just have them there to give me a jump start sometimes if i am dwelling on a problem or issue, looking for something to study at our family Bible fellowship.....or if i'm bored, doing nothing and there's nothing good on TV
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what else was in this old bible (now in a landfill somewhere)..
I had little notes along side of every verse quoted in pfal, all of the books, classes I had taken. They looked something like this:
I Timothy 2:15
Luke 24:49
what these meant. These were verses quoted in pfal. the verse quoted was the one the note was next to, the previous verse quoted was the first reference (I timothy 2:15), the next verse quoted was the one following (Luke 24.49).
I said I had a complete 62 page pfal expanded sylabus transcribed in the loose leaf sections at the end?
every note bullinger had for "also"..
half of the figures of speech book.
the acrostic psalms and writings.. ps 119 was far from the only acrostic composition..
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While looking through mine, prompted by this post, I discovered some things on the inside cover pages, though, that brought back some weird memories:
I pasted a small scrap of paper listing the 5 Corps principles.
Also is a yearly calendar (stick-on kind), and nother scrap of paper with James 1:17 on it. "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning." I have no idea why I chose that verse.
On the next inside page, I taped a sheet titled, "Keys to Walking in the Spirit." Looks like its from the Advanced Class. It's printed with decorations in the corners so I guess we were given it during the class. Each "tip" has at least one verse to substantiate it, from all over the N.T. and some from the O.T, which raises some issues ...but that's another topic.
On the next page I stuck another stick-on sheet which is about 1/2 page, titled, "God's Word Speaks of Five Crowns of Highest Award for Believers. They are...(then it lists and defines them.) No verses were given for each one but I wrote them in ink in the margin.
Then I have the phone number of the Rome City campus for some odd reason. And a list of 4 attributes of what "twigs are: Positive, Teaching, Fellowship, Ministering.
Then a statement: The Way Tree is a white oak tree.
The next inside page (there were many, how come?) has another stick on page with "Biblical Truths we Must Adhere to as Workmen" and some other tips on "letting the Bible interpret itself." All lifted from Bullinger, I'm sure.
Then there is the note to self: Inherent means "from within," Inerrant means "without error."
Interesting that, more than 25 years later, "inerrant" has now become part of my research on fundamentalism....
I've got to "move on!"
---Given all these cheat-sheet helpful hints, who needs to turn the pages and actually read the Bible? With all that "accurate" help, I can't for the life of me figure out why I left!!
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
The Way Tree is a white oak? and here all these years I thought it was a red maple
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It was a diseased Chestnut--couldve been a beauty but it had a catastrophically bad case of root rot--its nearly extinct now
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
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Broken Arrow
If you don't pronouce the word "Jesus" correctly you're calling in demons? Now that's just plain stupid! Talk about straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel! Geesh!
What did Christendom ever do before TWI came along? Why, even saying the word "Jesus" wrong was getting us possessed. Forget the fact that different countries pronounce the name "Jesus" differently. I guess they way we pronounce it in English must have been the right one, huh? Everyone else on the planet is getting possessed, right?
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they must have been spiritually and intellectually helpless and deprived of da "greatness"..
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"What did Christendom ever do before TWI came along?"
The literacy rate in the US is 99% of the total population
As of this minute the current population is 306,140,308
there is
One birth every.................................. 8 seconds
One death every.................................. 12 seconds
One international migrant every.................. 35 seconds
Net gain of one person every..................... 13 seconds
So that would mean 306,141 people in the US is illiterate
This is based on US census bureau data and the United Nations Development Programme.
Read more:
Yes, that's right. 306,141 people in the United States, alone, will never know the joy that comes from studying the deep spiritual significance of the word "IF" for countless hours on end. It's heartbreaking, to say the least.
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Broken Arrow
Cheer up Waysider! Those of us that know the truth about "if" must take the word "if" over the world. Presto! You now have a purpose that has nothing to do with your own needs, desires, or dreams. How freeing that is, "if" you know what I mean.
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Kit Sober
The void created by the reduction of twi influence has been partially filled by The Skit Guys. Here's their helpful information on the Bible.
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