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your old way bible.


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A complete copy of the 62 page syllabus.

the customary use and usages of pneuma hagion..

dechomai, lambano. Not only limited to the english word translated "receive".

Pletho, pleroo..

usages of the genitive case, from Bullinger.

whole pages of pfal book materials. inserted in loose leaf pages, right next to scripture..

some of Bullinger's structures. Oh, the structures in Ephesians. Copied from forbidden way material, ill gotten notes from a poor sucker, intent on leadership in da ministry..

and what else.

figures of speech. Polysendeton.. asydenditon.. etc. etc..

so.. what was in YOUR bible?


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one of the first note-taking friendly Bibles i bought was some huge thing that had the note-taking margin in the center of the page running vertical top to bottom. I liked that - so i wasn't writing off the edges of the page. i had a leather cover made for it per my specs - the back sleeve of the cover had an extended flap so i could fold it over the front. it looked cool and protected the Bible in transit. and i stuck one of those round TWI stickers on it.

i was so excited over my new purchase - right after taking PFAL for the first time - that i failed to notice that this KJV had NO italicized words in it. Yikes!!! that's just not right! So my first Bible marking project was going thru the entire Bible "line by line and word by word" comparing it to the little KJV Bible i took the class with - and yup, you got it - i underlined every word that should have been italicized in my new leather covered beefy burrito of a Bible with the vast margins of notedom....alright, so i had nothing better to do....for weeks on end.

i used a ruler and different colored pens to transcribe numerous notes from way books, magazines plus in later years any really "heavy" teachings from sunday night tapes....when i went into the corps i bought a more typical wide margin bible and stored the incredible hulk.

this Bible was the first thing i got rid of at a garage sale shortly after we left TWI. I feel so bad now for the lady who bought it - like i should have cried out something like "let the buyer beware - toxic information inside".

oh, i kept the fancy schmancy leather cover - it fits perfectly over my Dake's Annotated Bible....removed the way sticker of course [you can still see the circular shape on the leather - like a ghostly cult orb :unsure: ].


it's funny nowadays - i'm still somewhat of a study bug - though not as much as i was a few years ago - and i have quite a variety of study Bibles and versions - offhand mmmm upwards of 45 on my shelves - and that doesn't include what i have on software - -


i will NOT jot a single note in any of them! and i don't use wide margin Bibles any more.if anything i might use a pencil or highlighter to draw a small arrow or star by an interesting note in a Bible - and i really don't have a whole lot of these Bibles marked up in anyway. now my commentaries, systematic theologies, etc. i mark up like crazy with cross-references, observations, etc....but for some reason i don't want to mark up Bibles anymore....guess i'm afraid of committing to a Bible margin a certain viewpoint....since my belief system has been in a state of flux since '86.

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T-Bone, you really didn't have anything much to do with your time, did you? All that time, effort!

I remember doing the "homework" of dechomai/lambano marking and the HS/hs stuff. Actually I thik some of the HS/hs marking might have been useful. Not so sure about D/L. I was never a huge marker-up. Just because it's relevant to the latest teaching session on XYZ doesn't mean it's relevant to the teaching session next month on PQR. I did sometimes write Bible cross-refs in that I'd found (for myself) that weren't annotated in margins or footnotes.

I still have the old Way Bible (a Companion) but never look at it.

I don't mark up Bibles any more. I do have a large selection of different versions of the Bible, and read bits through all of them. Compare translations. Some are better at bringing the text to life, making it more meaningful, by choice of an alternative word.

I'm quite keen on a Holman Bible that I got from a Christian bookshop. It seems quite well translated and "accurate" (as far as I can tell) with useful word-choices and nuances of tenses. It's not widely used, though; don't know why.

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most of the church epistles underlined for some reason-tons of words 'corrected' in the margins- lots of 'translations according to usage'- endless 'wayisms' and 'insightful' comments- a decaying way sticker on the cover-- as vp would say-'a great big wonderful mess'

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I still prefer wide margin bibles. Yes, I do mark them. I have every usage of lambano and dechomai marked, but not from the Holy Spirit Book which wasn't accurate and I have a slightly different definition of the two words from my working with them. I found it more interesting to mark the usages of logos and rhema, de (but/and) and kai (and) and alla (BUT). I don't mark up my bibles as much any more. I prefer to highlight verses that mean something to me. I might right a note next to a verse that says, something like. "remember this" or "That's me" Or something I want to remember if I'm teaching or sharing. My main study bible however is on my computer and every Greek and Hebrew word is marked and I put a lot more notes in this one, mainly because I can go back a correct my stuipid mistakes.

I do have all my old bibles and sometimes it fun to see how my thinking and understanding has changed since I used them.

Edited by Keith
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Way too f'ing much IMO. It was all part of the attitude of intellectual or spiritual superiority bred by TWI.

So I marked up what amounts to my own commentary in wide margins. Except none of it was mine - no original thoughts about the scripture, references, etc. like any of the men who did commentaries did. All it amounted to was a huge repetitious indelible means of indoctrination.

Now I prefer to read it as it stands, and use software to link in libraries of external reference material including multiple translations.

I really don't give a $htttttttttttt about whether the current green underlined verse was used in session 6 of the FNC or not. Or how many angels can dance on the head of Peter's denial. Or certainly not whether "owe no man anything" is in the category of verses which were Old Testament but carried forth into the New Testament and if not specifically changed there were still in effect. As I currently consider all those notes, interpretations, and efforts to be complete Boooooooooooooooolllllllllllllsssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just currently read my Bible and search things out due to specific interest at times and others just to maintain and enhance my relationship with my Savior.

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  On 3/12/2011 at 5:11 PM, chockfull said:

I just currently read my Bible and search things out due to specific interest at times and others just to maintain and enhance my relationship with my Savior.

Although you didn't offer it as such this is excellent advice. This is one of the best thing I ever did for myself post TWI...just read and search out things that interested me.

But.....it was a conscious effort to stop myself from twisting what the words were saying to fit how I wanted or thought they should be understood.

They speak just fine for themselves. Talk about freedom.

No more ignoring verses that didn't "fit" or reading them while assigning some really lame reasoning to them. It is nice to learn about Jesus...by His words, by His interactions with people and their reactions to Him, by His manner, by what made Him angry, what moved Him with compassion, and most of all by His tenderness....Maybe that is how we come to know God. Through Jesus.

Took a long time to pick up a bible again though....My Way bible creeped me out and I had some strange things in there....esoteric poems that must have meant something to me once....ridiculous and profane quotes by VP, LCM, JAL....same things from RTHST....and oddly...a quote by Thomas Jefferson about the trinity. Why I thought enough about Thomas Jefferson's grasp on the scriptures to quote him in my BIBLE, is beyond me now.

It went in the dumpster

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I recently decided to take the Roman Catholic classes at my husband's family's church this year... Mainly because we are "getting married again" (not renewing vows - we hold the whole mess they called a wedding ceremony in the Way as a bad memory and we want a new start without the Way as a basis- but that's another story altogether...)

Anyway... I also have been asking God to help me get rid of any negative attachments in my life. Lo and behold.. In a period of three days we found three different boxes of twi materials my husband and I didn't even know we still had. This included several marked up Bibles. Since trash day was a week away, I drove all of it to a remote dumpster and dumped it. Bibles and all. And it was hard for me to do, because I still have respect for the Bible.... But those books were no longer Bibles, no longer holy books. They were just like everything else in those boxes - Way Ministry indoctrination materials and therefore not holy at all.

It was freeing to get rid of that crap.

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I have everything lined and marked that was already mentioned plus more that I cant really remember. (Every use of ALSO was one of them :wacko: , odd poems, the WOW card i signed....

strange meaningless oneliners, things are crossed out..etc).

The cover has fallen off three or four times and I kept making new ones. I carved the new leather cover with a wow pin like symbol at some point.

I still have it, as it was a big part of my life for about ten years, but I couldnt even look at it for about 10 years after that

I still have a hard time reading it, there is just too much extraneous crap echoing out of its pages to get a clear read on anything.

If I get a hankering to read the bible I have plenty of crisp,clean, never written in bibles that are better.

I am not a big bible reader anymore but while we are on the subject I'd like to ask, did anyone else have trouble just reading the bible after wayworld?

I couldnt touch it and stay focussed for a good long time. Simple verses triggered entire way teachings before I would have chance to get to the next verse. Reading one verse would bring in a flood of old teachings and TWI style A.D.D. causing my mind to jump to 70 other verses before proceeding on.

Maybe it was me, but the programming was hard to break, as I said it took me a good 10 years just to be able to read it again with feeling that influence. The joy of just reading it which I once had has never been recovered.

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  On 3/12/2011 at 9:11 PM, mstar1 said:

I still have a hard time reading it, there is just too much extraneous crap echoing out of its pages to get a clear read on anything.

If I get a hankering to read the bible I have plenty of crisp,clean, never written in bibles that are better.

Ditto that.

Amazing....how that prized marked-up bible was such a part of my life for all those years and now, boxed away for the past 15 years.

I, too, have plenty of other bibles around the house.

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  On 3/12/2011 at 9:11 PM, mstar1 said:

I am not a big bible reader anymore but while we are on the subject I'd like to ask, did anyone else have trouble just reading the bible after wayworld?

I couldnt touch it and stay focussed for a good long time. Simple verses triggered entire way teachings before I would have chance to get to the next verse. Reading one verse would bring in a flood of old teachings and TWI style A.D.D. causing my mind to jump to 70 other verses before proceeding on.

Maybe it was me, but the programming was hard to break, as I said it took me a good 10 years just to be able to read it again with feeling that influence. The joy of just reading it which I once had has never been recovered.

I still have a hard time reading it (been out 5 years now, I think)... especially KJV. The more modern translations I am getting better with. At Ash Wednesday I went to church and they read the "Ambassadors for Christ" verse and my brain still went to Way Disciple, WOW land. But no PTSD flashback this time, so that was good.

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Too funny. I got one of the old ones out -- the one son Paul chewed out the center of page 255 (eph 2-4), notes smudged so I couldn't read them. Text smudged in eph mostly so much I couldn't read that either. Then I started to cry because I'd made such a mess of it, and I couldn't read anything. What a wreck! BUT I had the thing rebound once, and then I think it was within a week after getting it back from the Bookstore the dog who I had stayed up all night praying for and then he got better -- THAT dog chewed a hole in the newly bound leather Bible cover. So my Bible is a wreck. Some newer Bibles I have aren't such a wreck, but a lot of them are. I am just tought on Bibles I guess. Even the india ink notes I was careful to use instead of sinful ballpoint pen those notes bleeded and smudged beneath the tape the Bible binding people used to repair the ragged edges.

Generally it's only Ephesians that's ruined, if only I could take out Ephesians (and I guess the rest of the Epistles) the Bible would look pretty good.

SPECIALNOTE: Sharpie has these gel highlighters (pack of 4 at WalMart) that don't bleed on the paper.

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it's funny nowadays - i'm still somewhat of a study bug - though not as much as i was a few years ago - and i have quite a variety of study Bibles and versions - offhand mmmm upwards of 45 on my shelves - and that doesn't include what i have on software - -

Watch out! Count carefully and you will be amazed probably at how many you have. I read once that most people don't even have access to a Bible and we should donate the excess to those needy people (I think it was an American Bible Society mailer). I counted and it was terrible. And then I couldn't give any away, either. So I assuaged my conscience by donating cash to them. They probably wouldn't want any of my Bibles anyway and could buy some in other languages. (I do have a parrallel Bible in Chinese because I love Watchman Nee and I like to look at the words he would have been reading when he was conversing with the Lord.) I have given away a few Bibles that's why I was so amazed that I still have any left :)

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  On 3/12/2011 at 9:11 PM, mstar1 said:

I am not a big bible reader anymore but while we are on the subject I'd like to ask, did anyone else have trouble just reading the bible after wayworld?

Oh yeah, lots of trouble. Especially reading the KJV. So I try to read the Amplilified or the Contemporary English Version...that is, when I can even bring myself to read the Bible.

Marking the Also's was a nightmare...worse than all 385 holy spirit occurrences. All because LCM had some wild hair up his arse that the exact word had to be emphasized correctly. And the funny thing is, the emphasis in the Also booklet is actually not the correct emphasis in today's English. Today, "also" would be correctly placed immediately before the word to be emphasized, but in the Also booklet, it was placed immediately after. So all of us Way-bots had to mark our Bibles with incorrect emphasis all because of some stupid rant. No wonder I can hardly bring myself to read it anymore. I admire those of you who can.

Edited by What About It
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I've gone back and forth on the practice of extensive margin notes in the Bible. To me it was a practice of TWI to convince people they were more "hard core" Bible students, and yet in reality the effect was that TWI followers developed an elitism and arrogance not there in most Christians. Truly an embodiment of "knowledge puffs up, but love builds up".

I certainly can't condemn the overall practice as a whole, but I will say when coming across egotistical Christians with copious Bible margin notes, it turns me off completely.

I still have at least one old TWI Bible. It's not the one I read. I keep it as a relic more like certain other old photos and meaningful items. I can't completely erase my whole life from TWI, or vice versa as it was many years and I don't want my current existence to feel like I'm in a witness protection program. I just relegate the artifacts to the artifact storage location and throw out stuff that has or has had very negative emotional impact.

Anyway just a few more random thoughts on the topic.

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another thought.

How many drool marks are in your old bible? You know. da manogawd, or whoever it was.. droning on for hours about the great significance of the word "of"..

so dreadfully bored, not to tears, but to drool..


I'm really thinking of "da vey tree" class.

I think I had at least one page soaked..


what ever happened to that guy..

I hope he got a little excitement (beyond a few sexual *excursions*) in his life..


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oh yes..

little words that mean big things..

I was surprised though, with the *warning* to avoid subjects herrrrr manowagd did not peruse, and expound on first..

it's like.. were "bible studies" to be classified among "curious arts"?


I can't remember her name. Nor do I have the old syllabus in front of me.. It "graces" the bookshelf of some little known offshoot adherent somewhere..

when I die.. these frigging numbnuts will break out the old sylabi.. "this is ham's *heritage*.."

they did that to one guy here who I knew who died..

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It was taught by D@nn^ R^nd^ll, VP's personal secretary. I took it live. I have nothing against this poor lady, but, it seemed like she'd been roped into a "den mother assignment" that she dreaded like the plague.

I have the syllabus in front of me.



(Little Words With Big Jobs)

Eight pages to study the nuances of words like if, and, but, or, because, for, since, only, therefore, wherefore, likewise........

Sure those words are important. But, couldn't I have just as well learned about them in an English Lit. class instead of wasting my life in some two bit Bible scam?




How To Enjoy The Bible

"Buy the book---Read only what you've been taught in this class----it gets 'off The Word'."

(I hope that didn't sound too bitter.)

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