As a father of a young child I can say that it really takes very little physical correction. An occasional whack on the behind is enough. There is no reason to use a spoon, beat with a belt, etc. Hitting a child in anger, multiple times is not necessary. My kid knows we love him and will listen to us because my wife and I spend time talking to him and explaining why we are correcting him.
it has taken a whole lot of therapy for me not to run to my car in tears and curl up in the fetal position when i see somebody "spank" a child, but that's just me and i don't understand the need for any adult to ever hit a child and nobody has ever been able to explain it to me successfully so i don't even try to discuss it, but i'm just saying. yah, i had to breathe, breathe, breathe for the opening scenes, but i knew jojo wasn't going to put up with it one second longer! i was right, too. :)
strange, if we beat children like this, many would say why not do it to the abusing adults? oh, assault and battery/torture charges against police, DA's, and judges. still doesn't make it right and yes I did hit my parents , teachers, and principal for spanking me and was threatened with jail time as a child but not them. 2 wrongs do not make it right. took anger management classes, something VPW, LCM, CG and others should have been required to do.
I was in the store the other day with my daughter who is now 21, and we happened to see wooden spoons among other cooking utensils. She remarked that one day she realized that wooden spoons were for cooking!
Thomas, don't you realize that LCM was spiritually angry? Not sure anger management classes can cope with spiritual ... truths trash. His version of it, anyway.
Thomas, don't you realize that LCM was spiritually angry? Not sure anger management classes can cope with spiritual ... truths trash. His version of it, anyway.
Oh good lord, I almost had forgotten about the "spiritual emotions" crap from the Adc. Class. What a croc. And leadership used to love to justify their lack of control by making it sound like it was God working in them to be a$$hol3s.
Thomas, don't you realize that LCM was spiritually angry? Not sure anger management classes can cope with spiritual ... truths trash. His version of it, anyway.
That's what we need, a Spiritual Anger Management Class...
Oh boy, Old Skool, you really missed a treat with LCM's "spiritual anger." Two years of being in rez with that to cope with...was a real treat.
But you get me thinking. He'd go on about being "spiritually angry" and he was "spiritually suspicious" of various people (usually accusing them of being homosexuals, homo fantasisers or homo sympathisers).
I have no recollection of emotions of "spiritual joy" or "spiritual excitement" or "spiritual delight" or anything that might be associated with "positive" emotions. Funny, that.
I do remember being quite excited about some event - Adv Class?? - and skipping down the corridor in joyful expectation. My Corps Coord at the time was really down on me and told me to stop being so emotional. By the time he'd finished lecturing me, I couldn't care less about the event.
it has taken a whole lot of therapy for me not to run to my car in tears and curl up in the fetal position when i see somebody "spank" a child, but that's just me and i don't understand the need for any adult to ever hit a child and nobody has ever been able to explain it to me successfully so i don't even try to discuss it, but i'm just saying. yah, i had to breathe, breathe, breathe for the opening scenes, but i knew jojo wasn't going to put up with it one second longer! i was right, too. :)
How about the bible? Spare the rod spoil the child. I don't condone hitting a child either but, I think using a rod (small plastic spoon, a piece of paper rolled up)as a tool [the bible too] for a persuasive means of giving the child a deterrent to worse behavior is valuable.
I have no recollection of emotions of "spiritual joy" or "spiritual excitement" or "spiritual delight" or anything that might be associated with "positive" emotions. Funny, that.
I did experience a lot of spiritual boredom in-residence.
teaches you how to have real peace in the midst of annoyance from "spiritual" leaders. reunion groups are formed after completing the course :wacko: :blink:
How about the bible? Spare the rod spoil the child. I don't condone hitting a child either but, I think using a rod (small plastic spoon, a piece of paper rolled up)as a tool [the bible too] for a persuasive means of giving the child a deterrent to worse behavior is valuable.
"the rod and the staff do comfort me." neither were ever supposed to be used for hitting the sheep at any time, but both were to be used as guidance and protection against predators. something i am learning as a baha'i is how very differently the western mind perceives things so simple as a rod and a staff, and how that different perception has served to turn god's guidance and protection into a theological topic of discussion that often ends up defending abuse (not saying that's what's happening here because you do say you don't condone hitting a child), intolerance of differences and hatred of thinking for ourselves. even in the baha'i faith these things have to be constantly weighed and looked at as we reach for the understanding that there is one god who is god, but as a baha'i it is a simpler thing to do because the translations are not in the hands of governments or ruling class priests or councils with something to gain so we get one translation and a better understanding. it's been like reading the rest of the story that was left out for one reason or another.
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As a father of a young child I can say that it really takes very little physical correction. An occasional whack on the behind is enough. There is no reason to use a spoon, beat with a belt, etc. Hitting a child in anger, multiple times is not necessary. My kid knows we love him and will listen to us because my wife and I spend time talking to him and explaining why we are correcting him.
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yeah i saw that and turned it off -- didn't know what happened -- thanks
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it has taken a whole lot of therapy for me not to run to my car in tears and curl up in the fetal position when i see somebody "spank" a child, but that's just me and i don't understand the need for any adult to ever hit a child and nobody has ever been able to explain it to me successfully so i don't even try to discuss it, but i'm just saying. yah, i had to breathe, breathe, breathe for the opening scenes, but i knew jojo wasn't going to put up with it one second longer! i was right, too. :)
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
strange, if we beat children like this, many would say why not do it to the abusing adults? oh, assault and battery/torture charges against police, DA's, and judges. still doesn't make it right and yes I did hit my parents , teachers, and principal for spanking me and was threatened with jail time as a child but not them. 2 wrongs do not make it right. took anger management classes, something VPW, LCM, CG and others should have been required to do.
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I was in the store the other day with my daughter who is now 21, and we happened to see wooden spoons among other cooking utensils. She remarked that one day she realized that wooden spoons were for cooking!
I guess you had to be there.
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Thomas, don't you realize that LCM was spiritually angry?
Not sure anger management classes can cope with spiritual ... truths trash. His version of it, anyway.
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Oh good lord, I almost had forgotten about the "spiritual emotions" crap from the Adc. Class. What a croc. And leadership used to love to justify their lack of control by making it sound like it was God working in them to be a$$hol3s.
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That's what we need, a Spiritual Anger Management Class...
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Oh boy, Old Skool, you really missed a treat with LCM's "spiritual anger." Two years of being in rez with that to cope with...was a real treat.
But you get me thinking. He'd go on about being "spiritually angry" and he was "spiritually suspicious" of various people (usually accusing them of being homosexuals, homo fantasisers or homo sympathisers).
I have no recollection of emotions of "spiritual joy" or "spiritual excitement" or "spiritual delight" or anything that might be associated with "positive" emotions. Funny, that.
I do remember being quite excited about some event - Adv Class?? - and skipping down the corridor in joyful expectation. My Corps Coord at the time was really down on me and told me to stop being so emotional. By the time he'd finished lecturing me, I couldn't care less about the event.
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
only $600 fee, please sign the pink card
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Human without the bean
How about the bible? Spare the rod spoil the child. I don't condone hitting a child either but, I think using a rod (small plastic spoon, a piece of paper rolled up)as a tool [the bible too] for a persuasive means of giving the child a deterrent to worse behavior is valuable.
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I did experience a lot of spiritual boredom in-residence.
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
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"the rod and the staff do comfort me." neither were ever supposed to be used for hitting the sheep at any time, but both were to be used as guidance and protection against predators. something i am learning as a baha'i is how very differently the western mind perceives things so simple as a rod and a staff, and how that different perception has served to turn god's guidance and protection into a theological topic of discussion that often ends up defending abuse (not saying that's what's happening here because you do say you don't condone hitting a child), intolerance of differences and hatred of thinking for ourselves. even in the baha'i faith these things have to be constantly weighed and looked at as we reach for the understanding that there is one god who is god, but as a baha'i it is a simpler thing to do because the translations are not in the hands of governments or ruling class priests or councils with something to gain so we get one translation and a better understanding. it's been like reading the rest of the story that was left out for one reason or another.
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