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Reality.......with a THUD


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The "kinder-gentler" twi is no match for........REALITY.

Rosalie took the helm in 1998 and the results are the same.....people are STILL leaving. After years of "crossing over into the promised land" and all that jazz, the wierwillite tribe just ain't all that happy. Why are they leaving the land of puppydogs and rainbows?

1) Same old teachings with the same old people

2) No bang for the buck...abs, can kiss my a*s

3) getting older, getting bolder

4) deception, fraud and abuse.....going 'round and 'round

5) where have all the flowers gone?

6) the double-standards are everywhere

7) is donna still the privileged special assistant?

8) no more storage space for all the tapes

9) does anybody really care anymore?

REALITY........with a THUD

In 1998, martindale was caught in that advanced class sexcapade. Lots of folks found out and started exiting the doors. When martindale confessed to this "one-time affair" in april 2000.......a few months later, 7 Region leaders left twi.

Now, this Adam Hirschfeld situation erupts in Colorado.......uugh. Could there be another mini-exodus in the mix? If twi's leaders are so spiritually dull....another THUD to reality?

Hit the doors folks........jumpstart your NEW REALITY.

Happy Trails.


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TWI is like one of those old rock bands that has no original members but keeps on touring the world, using the same name.

Yeah.....go listen to them old tunes and reminisce of days gone by. Project things better than they were......focus on your favorites......and block out all else.

But when the event is over.....

......walk thru the MUD

....reality with a THUD

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TWI is like one of those old rock bands that has no original members but keeps on touring the world, using the same name.

or .....like the founder of the band was a guitarist who specialized in sampling music through 1 a Distortion Pedal 2 and any other band members played air-guitar in homage to him.



1: "through" as specified by the above guitarist may also mean "throughly"

2: the Distortion Pedal provided a twofold effect - besides masking the original tunes by well known musicians, it also put a unique mind-numbing twist on said plagiarized music, earning him the nickname "the mislead guitarist"

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