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So how did you pick your handle?


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Mine is obvious. It's from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

I was always a thinker (some people have even said I think to much). One day at work, somebody had commented: "Oh, I forgot, we work with so_crates today."

So I adapted it as my handle. The place holder is to convey the proper pronunciation.


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i picked T-Bone because i liked that character on SNL played by David Koechner....


...my favorite SNL skit with T-Bone was the one with Christopher Walken in the electric chair and T-Bone is the executioner....giving Walken a quick little zap, T-Bone hollers out "just testing"


......actually i named our dog that first - then a few years later joining Grease Spot i used the name again .....i know occasionally there's been some confusion over the authorship of a post - was that me or my dog?....not sure if i'm up for addressing another issue of plagiarism right now.

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I first got internet service in early April of 2000. I was with AOL and I couldn't use my real name in my email address because somebody else had it. In a fit of frustration I chose johnIMNOT as my email addy. So 2 weeks or so later when I signed up to post on Waydale I had to pick a user name, and johniam just seemed like the logical choice.

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A number of years ago, my entire world fell apart. I relocated and decided to get an internet account.

I was mending and saw myself as one of those caterpillars that eventually becomes the butterfly. I wanted to use the term "chrysalis" but somebody else had it. So - - I corrupted the spelling. Recently I shortened it to "krys". Since I've been changing and growing for a number of years, "krys" is the name that suits me better than my given name.

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I was watching a documentary about a battle early in the Vietnam War. An entire division got pinned down by the North Vietnamese and the Americans called in an airstrike. The code word was "Broken Arrow! Broken Arrow!" and the fighters came in with their ordinance. I thought it sounded cool.

Also, there was a movie called "Broken Arrow" with John Travolta and (I think) Nicholas Cage. The two are chasing bad guys who just stole a couple of nukes from an aresenal. Cage decides to fire a pistol at the bad guys. Travolta, who was driving, and just like a tour guide says, "Please do not fire at the thermo-nuclear weapons." Thought that was funny.

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From the late 80's movie, Pump Up The Volume:

Reporter #2: Is that box registered to a name?

Postal Clerk: Yes, of course that box is registered to a name, but I can't give it out to you.

Detective #1: [holds out his police badge] But you can to me.

Postal Clerk: Yes, sir, I can get it for you... instantly. That box is registered to a Mr. Charles U. Farley, 112 Crescent.

Reporter #2: But that's the address of the school!

Detective #1: Heh, Chuck U. Farley!

That's where my handle came from.

It offended some folks when I first signed on at Waydale... some folks loved it.

No matter, it fits my attitude about TWI at the time. It was my little piece of defiance after several years of being an "innie" and being shot to the curb.

Now it's more about not taking myself or life too seriously... it's only life afterall, yeah.

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Chas, could you explain that a bit further for the benefit of overseas Cafe patrons? Chuck U Farley?? CUF??

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  On 3/12/2011 at 10:53 AM, Twinky said:

Chas, could you explain that a bit further for the benefit of overseas Cafe patrons? Chuck U Farley?? CUF??


In order to understand the literal meaning according to colloquial usage, you need to juxtapose the ch and f and add a pesky little comma in the appropriate position to suggest that someone is being addressed.

(It's especially topical when viewed in light of the current "Sheen Shenanigans".)

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  On 3/14/2011 at 3:03 AM, tonyzamboni said:

My name is Tony and my room mates in a Way Home thought it was funny to call me "Tony Zamboni". I think simply because it rimed with the ice rink machine.

Well, at least they didn't call you "Hockey Puck". :biglaugh:

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  On 3/14/2011 at 2:15 AM, Watered Garden said:

"Broken Arrow" is the official military code for a missing nuclear warhead.

I learned that from Leroy Jethro Gibbs.

  On 3/14/2011 at 2:43 AM, waysider said:

I think I read somewhere that, in the picture language of some Native American peoples, the broken arrow symbolized a call for peace.

Okay, I'll take those. I didn't know this at the time I picked my handle. If only I were that clever.

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My cat was Twinkletoes. Called him "Twinky" for short.

Seemed a innocuous not-giving-much-away sort of a name to register on a site where I was afraid who I might "meet."


Besides, Twinky was a great comfort to me. Abandoned by TWI and in a total mess in my head, I knew I needed something to love but was incapable of anything (even feeding myself). A spider would have died of starvation, living in my flat, for all the care it would have got. But looking forward to visits from this kitten was the first stage to my post-TWI recovery.

This undemanding little kitten decided to "twinkle his toes" into my flat. Sometimes he visited, sometimes he didn't. I didn't have to care for him, feed him, do anything. But his occasional visits did give me something to look forward to.

He turned into a great big galumph of a cat, always curious, always fun-loving, and graduated from running up net curtains to running up ladders and getting stuck on the roof. Sadly he had a bad stroke a few years ago (he was, what, 11 or 12) and had to be put down. Thread in "In Memoriam."

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