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Revelations and three pigs!


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God first

Revelations and three pigs!


As I sat here in my body looking out from inside of my spirit I must help you to understand a book that a mystery for to many years now. So I take you to more mysteries with hope to give you some understanding. We begin with a mountain of belief were Christ said, “If you belief to removed this mountain” this mountain is the things holding you back your life.

Take a person that smokes and he or she stops smoking that can a mountain someone over comes or take person eats to must food which can be their mountain to over come by believing. That what Jesus Christ was talking about, the factor of self? Bringing God word to a personal as the reader is the person life

Lets read the three pigs story the way I have in my heart “the first pig build a house of straw and big bad wolf blow and blow and was eating.” The pig was the person and building the house was your first home and big bad wolf was the serpent of time and the blowing was the time you spend in your first home and the eating was the your birth. Otherwise you came out of womb you live for nine months kick and screaming inside but you did make sound until someone hit you.

“The second pig build a house made of wood and the big bad wolf blow and ate the second pig too.” The pig is you the person and the house made of wood is your flesh and big bad wolf is the serpent of time and the blowing is the up and down of your life and the eating of yourself is your fleshly death. Otherwise you came out the womb then you were born then you live outside the womb as a mirror of the person that gave you life until death overcame you in the end.

“The third pig build a house of brick and the big bad wolf came blow and blow but he not able to destroy the home.” You are the person that builds the house of brick which spirit and blowing is everlasting time and not being able to destroy your free from death. Otherwise you were in a womb then you got the womb to outside the womb and you became the womb of God too.

Now lets read a little of Revelation with me telling you the understanding of this book as we read it together.

Revelation 4

1After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter.

I looked to see spiritual eyes and behold to witness it spiritual a door the pathway was opened by Christ in heaven the place where God is: and the voice sound of truth which I heard spiritually was as it a trumpet a of shout joy talking with me fellowshipping with me; which said, Come up hither come spiritual, and I will show that which was your life is your life spiritual thee things your life which must be a fact hereafter your after your death.

You see things as they really are and are you a witness to your life because you were born, you live and will get up again you are heaven bond and you heard the truth which sounded out for you because it was a blessing to you because Christ came for you personally because you see all things as it was and will be in your life.

Tomorrow I will share verse two with you because this what you might need to hear because I love you personal. Hearing is nothing unless you understand because understanding is everything. I once did not understand and I still do not see it all but I try with love and a holy kiss Roy.

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God first

Read on Revelations!


As begins to unwind the story I tell you a truth I did not prepare to write but the holy spirit move me to write because as God ask me to do. Not that I am any greater than anyone other just that God is moving me to write as he may you or does you even if you do not know it. So lets finish what we have begun to read.

Revelation 4

2And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.

I saw spiritually with seeing with my eyes which the spirit right now the things my soul needed to hear and so I could understood what I saw a royal kingdom that was set for me to see and Christ as king if king.

Otherwise I understood with my mind the importance of what I saw in my heart of flesh that soon would understand more I understood the value of being free with Christ as the one ruled my heart as king.

3And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.

And Christ who sat upon perceives as truth but more than truth itself and there was the mark of victory about the kingdom in its view like spiritual truth.

Otherwise I saw the Christ of my heart as I perceive the truth that was I sow in my own heart with seal of prove I was a join heir with Christ and would be part of the kingdom I saw spiritual in my heart.

4And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.

Round as a never ending journey about the kingdom of God were the world with perfection that sat and upon the seats of the world I perceive spiritually as the new world with perfection the wise elders myself as I learn sat in front of myself clothed with God’s image in pure perfection without spot of any kind on it and we had our heads crown with the rightness of truth.

Otherwise the never ending journey had only began and I saw myself as part of God’s kingdom I perceive the world as it really was with perfection that I soon would enjoy with elders of time sitting with me and we were spirit kind and on own my head was crown of rightness of truth. I getting tired now I finish this later with love and a holy kiss Roy.

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God first

This old man play Nick Nat on

My shoe give this dog a bone and

Revelation God’s personal story!


Fairy tales tell a story, which makes us laugh, cry, repent, forgive and other things, which make a fairy tale seem real to us. This is how we learn God’s truth hiding mystery all around us because everything is a mystery to unfold, which can be told. From “Jack and bean stack” to “There was old woman that live a shoe” a fairy tale is a good to get points across to the reader.

Revelation KJV 4

5And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

From within, from the outside, and from between within the kingdom came from within spiritual lights and spiritual sounds as voices of joy and there was spiritual perfection of love burning in our hearts within and above the royal king which is the spiritual perfection of God’s image.

Otherwise it is within the heart outside pouring in our heart with spiritual light of truth and sound spiritual sounds and voices of spiritual joy and there was spiritual perfection of the soul with a heart spiritual teaching to the soul above the king which sat on the seed which is spiritual perfection which is teaching the soul of man from the seed of Christ of God’s Kind.

6And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.

And above and within the king seed the Christ seed there is and was fountain of living water the word of truth as if of a image unto above all crystal perception and the middle of the royal seed of an endless circle was the world of animal kind of the soul with were completely of sight, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting, and perceiving above and below and with in and with out the seed of the heart.

Otherwise before myself was the royal seed of self in within my heart was the word of truth sow in my heart in, between of the royal seed Christ everlasting truth for my soul because I have the seed of Christ in me were the world of fleshly of soul which every kind soul life know to man with my spiritual perceiving with spiritual sight above and within and below and without.

7And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.

And the unity of man was as a serpent of man and establishes a serpent man of the field and complete serpent man of the flesh, which the image like unto serpent man and world serpent man was seen as a serpent of the wind.

Otherwise the unity of man was establishes the man by his works of man, which completes man as image as sin and the world man lives by the air.

8And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

And the worldly man was divided by man’s breath within his body and the men were by man’s visions of perfection has his spiritual sight the new beginning of life within and without a beginning or end saying complete praise to God almighty which was and is and is and will be here.

Otherwise worldly man was divided from himself by his conceiving the seed of Christ in his soul heart of man’s breath within his complete perception of spiritual sight with never ending freedom from time itself saying complete praise of the Christ God almighty which was and is and will be forever.

9And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever,

And when those animal men of the field gave praise and worship with thankfulness to the Christ in themselves was the royal king who lives forever and ever.

Otherwise the man inside the man who had animal needs give praise and worship and thankfulness to the Christ who was the seed inside them who lives forever and ever.

10The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying,

The world and perfection of government order fell from within himself that was the seed of Christ planting in our hearts and worshiping the Christ seed as himself that lives as the seed for ever and ever and gave himself to be the seed which was make blood of endless truth before his self saying within his heart,

Otherwise the world of perfection of divine government order was inside the man himself that seed Christ of royal blood of truth and worship, his inner self who will live after death forever and ever and cast their rewards before the royal kingdom of God,

11Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

You are rightness before the Christ to get praise and respect and might for you have been made in God’s image for his God good pleasure and your seed was re-created by Christ.

Otherwise you are valuable to Christ to get praise and respect and strength from God and Christ your design was after pattern that God, and God’s because it was good pleasure to God and you were plant by Christ himself.

This took me long time to write with my poor written skills but I wanted to do it for you because it might help someone while God cannot give me the simplest form because God has to used my skills. I am a man like you are my friends with love and a holy kiss Roy.

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