"Big Love" .....and not that i think polygamy is ok or anything but on the show the main character played by Bill Paxton showed genuine commitment, concern, support and care for his 3 wives.
Uh, excuse me, Bill Hendrickson just wanted sex and the more partners the merrier. He couldn't commit to just one person. He's sick and his commitment, concern, support and care only existed until he met the waitress.
Polygamy is about men who want sex (nothing wrong with that) but want HIS women to wait in line. Thank god for women's liberation!
while a debate over the motivation of a fictionalcharacter would be interesting - i think you've brought up a very good point to consider when addressing polygamy - and even though i'm a guy, for the record - i'd just like to say i think there's a lot of truth in your point.
Sex isn't the basis for a marital union or "consummation" - John 4 17-18, Jesus said to the woman, "You have correctly said, 'I have no husband'; for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; this you have said truly."
Marriage is described in the bible as a man and woman leaving their parents homes and authority if you will, committing to one another and together becoming "one". It's far less a metaphysical event or process and more a simple joining together of two different people into one common and committed relationship. If the intention is to proliferate and build upon each generation then there has to be continuity, and that comes from each generation moving along and forward.
Sex can't be the basis - although there are different interpretations of John 4 and the women, her "husbands", and the man she lived with at the time it's reasonable to assume that some sex would have been some part of the relationships. Yet, that's not the defining component of those relationships when Jesus speaks to this woman. Something else was going on there. If one was to keep to a strict definition of sex as the conumanater then Jesus was saying she's consummated 5 marriages but hadn't with her current man-dude.
Doesn't make sense. What'd that guy do so wrong he wasn't gettin' any? Maybe it was him Jesus should have been talking to then. Just sayin'.
Genesis - "be fruitful and multiply" - ol' Adam and Eve were a pair right out of the gate. Their job amongst others was to care and tend the flora and fauna, Planet Earth. And to have kids, children, offspring. That means sex. Lots and lots apparently if you look around today. Tough job but somebody had to do it and they got going soon enough I'd expect.
One record in John a doctrine doesn't make but overall there's some emphasis in the N.T. on the marriage relationship. A lot of that emphasis today is placed on sex, presumably because men do a lot of the sermonizing. But it's only one part of the relationship.
The Way had a lot of horny men and women it would seem but that's kind of a duh conclusion - everyone was young. Lots of uh, energy. But the idea of minsters who were working so hard and so long "on the road" away from their women that they needed a taste on a regular basis is ridiculous and anyone who would think of it for a minute would conclude - well, stay home more big guy. Build your family at home.
But there's just too much work to do, so little time and so much urgency to do it. Barely enough time to grab a burger, get some and then get back to doin' the Word. Cuz it's all about the Word, the Word, the Word.
Why these dumb@$$es need so much explanation to conclude that a single monagamous sexual relationship in a marriage is the standard for Christian behavior is completely beyond me.
Why these dumb@$es need so much explanation to conclude that a single monagamous sexual relationship in a marriage is the standard for Christian behavior is completely beyond me.
i think that's the nature of a cult mindset - a skewed definition of the Christian lifestyle becomes "the standard".
imho, the mindset acts like a house made of polarized bullet proof glass. From the inside, the person with a cult mindset views the world as it "appears" to align with their belief system. On the outside - there's NO getting through to that person no matter how strong your argument, your logic, your clear explanation.
i think the only solution to this dilemma is for the person to open up a window or door, work up the courage to first peek out with an unfiltered view - and then i guess slowly taking baby steps outside their polarized bullet proof glass house.
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while a debate over the motivation of a fictional character would be interesting - i think you've brought up a very good point to consider when addressing polygamy - and even though i'm a guy, for the record - i'd just like to say i think there's a lot of truth in your point.
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Well, if you were raping your wife it was a Godly act. Afterall, you body is no longer your own.
Just sayin
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Well, not trying to downplay the severity of the issue, but, yes, by Wierwille's definition, rape would be a spiritual event.
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Sex isn't the basis for a marital union or "consummation" - John 4 17-18, Jesus said to the woman, "You have correctly said, 'I have no husband'; for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; this you have said truly."
Marriage is described in the bible as a man and woman leaving their parents homes and authority if you will, committing to one another and together becoming "one". It's far less a metaphysical event or process and more a simple joining together of two different people into one common and committed relationship. If the intention is to proliferate and build upon each generation then there has to be continuity, and that comes from each generation moving along and forward.
Sex can't be the basis - although there are different interpretations of John 4 and the women, her "husbands", and the man she lived with at the time it's reasonable to assume that some sex would have been some part of the relationships. Yet, that's not the defining component of those relationships when Jesus speaks to this woman. Something else was going on there. If one was to keep to a strict definition of sex as the conumanater
then Jesus was saying she's consummated 5 marriages but hadn't with her current man-dude.
Doesn't make sense. What'd that guy do so wrong he wasn't gettin' any? Maybe it was him Jesus should have been talking to then. Just sayin'.
Genesis - "be fruitful and multiply" - ol' Adam and Eve were a pair right out of the gate. Their job amongst others was to care and tend the flora and fauna, Planet Earth. And to have kids, children, offspring. That means sex. Lots and lots apparently if you look around today. Tough job but somebody had to do it and they got going soon enough I'd expect.
One record in John a doctrine doesn't make but overall there's some emphasis in the N.T. on the marriage relationship. A lot of that emphasis today is placed on sex, presumably because men do a lot of the sermonizing. But it's only one part of the relationship.
The Way had a lot of horny men and women it would seem but that's kind of a duh conclusion - everyone was young. Lots of uh, energy. But the idea of minsters who were working so hard and so long "on the road" away from their women that they needed a taste on a regular basis is ridiculous and anyone who would think of it for a minute would conclude - well, stay home more big guy. Build your family at home.
But there's just too much work to do, so little time and so much urgency to do it. Barely enough time to grab a burger, get some and then get back to doin' the Word. Cuz it's all about the Word, the Word, the Word.
That is of course, b---s--t, plain and simple.
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Why these dumb@$$es need so much explanation to conclude that a single monagamous sexual relationship in a marriage is the standard for Christian behavior is completely beyond me.
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i think that's the nature of a cult mindset - a skewed definition of the Christian lifestyle becomes "the standard".
imho, the mindset acts like a house made of polarized bullet proof glass. From the inside, the person with a cult mindset views the world as it "appears" to align with their belief system. On the outside - there's NO getting through to that person no matter how strong your argument, your logic, your clear explanation.
i think the only solution to this dilemma is for the person to open up a window or door, work up the courage to first peek out with an unfiltered view - and then i guess slowly taking baby steps outside their polarized bullet proof glass house.
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