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God first

What is a Church?


I have search God word and outside God word to find out what a church means to the believer and the unbeliever to get true meaning. I have come to understand the truth is in the love of the people and not the control over the people. Controlling people because they do think as you do is wrong.

Burning people at the stack, cutting off their head, pointing fingers at people, casting them out, mark and avoiding them is wrong on top of wrong no matter which way you used to divided people from people their wrong. Somewhat someone is an atheist, homosexual, Christian, Jew, Muslims, or whatever label they call themselves their still people in that ball of water and dirt. Otherwise the label means nothing but the understanding means everything whether I believe God word or not it what I do with my life that gives its meaning.

I may call myself a Christian but if I do not have love for all mankind I am nothing it is what makes what I claim to be. Is an atheist wrong for calling himself an

atheist no he no more than me or the many other labels people use to label people. A label is a label and control is control and there no love in control with love and a holy kiss Roy.

God first

More on what a Church is!


As I search what a church is today and the past I must look the great man that taught us the word and others that try to stop its movement. Since Adam would be our starting point as most know we must see that there a different from Adam the first and Adam the second. Adam was man, that begin this mix and Jesus Christ was the Adam that frees us from this mix.

Jesus Christ taught us love where Adam only brought us into haven moral obligation to sin while free us from sin but I must began with my understanding. Martin Luther born November 10 1483 and he nail his Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 to the Roman Catholic Church door which begin everything or freedom from religious slavery. He was mark and avoided by his pope and he excommunication by the pope and condemnation as an outlaw by the emperor.

But he not first man that was mark as an outlaw John Huss was born in 1321 and he was the burn at the stake for his believes. Martin Luther was just the one they could not stop the freedom that he begin. In 1604 was work was begin 1611 bible because of the Hampton Court Conference where a new English version was conceived in response to the perceived problems of the earlier translations as detected by the Puritans, a faction within the Church of England.

But there were earlier bibles just not that England had control of what in them or what is not part of them. Which bible did Martin Luther take a part in is something in is something we can know. Martin Luther published booklets but no complete bible was ever published by Martin Luther ever otherwise what in the bible is God’s but one has no complete work of God in any book.

Gladys Aylward was born in London in 1904 she was not a missionary but she was parlormaid where she eared the money to go to China because she believe God needed her there. After about month work she eared enough money to travel to China where Jenny Lawson was a missionary of China.

Gladys Aylward receive d a new name in China "Ai-weh-deh," which means "Virtuous One" because her love for the people. In the spring of 1938, Japanese planes bombed the city of Yangcheng but she lead 100 children to safely over land and across rivers and mountains. Gladys Aylward did not free the bible but she free the children who could learn God word.

Dr Peter Marshall was born in Coatbridge (North Lanarkshire), Scotland May 27, 1902 and died January 26, 1949. But he was known as the America's greatest preachers and Pastor of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C., and Chaplain of the U.S. Senate. Were he told them “in God we trust was printed on the thin dine as well the dollar” them being the bankers.

Catherine Wood Marshall was born 27 September 1914 and died March 18, 1983 but she stood for woman right. She in said, “Woman would have to step down” because she given respect in bringing the Christ child if they wanted the same as men. Woman would lose man open a door because was above man but to be equal they would to step down to have equality with man.

After a lot deep thinking I came to see there more God word than what in a small book no matter what name we give it. From Martin Luther to Jesus Christ the word is in the heart of man or love he has for his brothers. Love is what in common with God and mankind making the two one kind because the image we share.

Because nothing is stronger than the love we have our God and our brothers who like ourselves are join heirs with Christ the first begotten from dead. We share in this glory has we know we will rise like Christ rose. Thank you with love and a holy kiss Roy.

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