Christian Educational Services (now known as STFI, not to be confused with STFU, which is what many would like them to do) ran a message board at the same time as Waydale. It was mostly doctrinal stuff. Then one day, they shut down. Too many people were openly debating and they didn't feel like being on the defensive all the time on their own board (understandable). So the board just disappeared one day. I went onto Waydale to find out if anyone knew about it.
The name of the topic was: "The CES board shut down"
The first post was, "Well, it looks like blah blah blah etc etc etc..."
At the moment I created the thread, the board hicced up. The only thing that showed up was the first word of the Topic and the first word of the post.
Then people started responding.
Then they wouldn't stop.
"The" spawned a second thread. Then a third. Then it migrated to GS.
For the last few years, it's been in a coma.
I debated whether to post a Funeral for The thread, but I was afraid it would only be a matter of three days and three nights before someone figured out how to resurrect it.
What other thread, EVER, had a poster who tallied the number of posts each poster posted on THE??????? HAD to be there to have experienced THE life-form that THE was, for me, the most wack thing ever on the internet. Maybe y'all have seen way weirder but THE was it for me...
Right Alfakat! It was as if we were making ourselves a little god....and it seemed to me.....there were parallels between him and twi!.
When else has anybody deliberately counted up to a "special" number like 2000....and then waited...held back, refreshing the screen as often as one could to see when to pounce to get that number. We had nightly races for special numbers.
We played games...adding segments to a story....and so on. And there is something to what you've hinted at....(wink wink) perhaps you really had to be there to understand and enjoy it for what it was....grownups "playing" a game on the internet.
I was looking around here earlier today, but I can't find any remnants of my Shaving Shack. One could not appear before THE unshaven [anywhere] Sure kept me busy it did. And I really miss my Prophet......the prophetta dabobbada my real true love.
Warms the cockles of me 'eart it does!
If it was to happen today...I know the best slogan for THE to recite......"I lift things up and put them down".
If I recall, the board that Waydale was using, EZ Board closed the thread. They opened it up just so we could conclude and the countdown was part of that. I think it was Zixar that figured out how to back up the thread so that we could save it for historical reasons.
The, the crummy beer are come into thine inheritance; thy holy refridge have they defiled; they have laid Waydale on heaps.
The dead empties of thy servants have they given to be returns unto thy beer discount outlet, the flesh of thy saints unto the outer reaches of their vast waistlines.
Their cheap brew have they drank like water round about Waydale; and they have not known a good dark ale.
We are become fat and drunk on the cheapest of .... to our neighbors, a scorn and derision to them that are buying a round of Guinness about us.
How long, The? wilt thine servant avoid thy finer ales?
Pour out thy Guinness upon us that have not known other than Schmitz, Schlitz and Black Label upon the kingdoms that have not called for a Guinness by name.
For they have devoured chicken wings and mozzarella sticks, and followed all with the swill of Americanized liquid Wonder bread.
O remember not against us, our former bad taste: let thy tender mercies speedily prevent us: for we are brought very low.
Help us, The, for the glory of thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our $8.50 a case excuse for real beer, for thy name's sake.
Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is their beer? let it be Guinness and among us in sight by opening the refrigerator of thy servants.
Let the burping of the prisoner come before thee; according to the greatness of thy natural carbonation.
He was an accident born of a computer glitch when ezboard took a crap while Rafael was transmiting a post to a thread.
This soon bacame known as the "Big Bungle," (or "Big Bung" for short.) and THE was born and became true Odd.
Yes, THE is probably one of the first true computer gods, after Bill Gates of course
Even though it happened in cyberspace on computers, scientists hate to acknowledge any kind of Odd and thusly have called it the "Big Bung Theory."
Of course, we THE faithful all know better.
You don't elect an Odd, they just are. You don't like this Odd, why the church across the minimall is quite willing to have you.
If you don't like that one, try a political party, or one of many fine cults, or a Bank. How about Greenpeace, your TV or a mirror. Yep, I keep getting better looking all THE time and have alway felt I was speshully Annoinkted.
Even though THE has re-panted after his sins, who but THE would be more perfect for the job of THEsearcher.
He has embarrassed his faceful peonies so we should keep him hidden until this "Schtuff" blows over. Maybe down in THE Holy Wine Cellar under THE Temple. He can write further THEsearch and great songs like "A Mighty THEsearher Is My Odd."
There is a really nice appartment is down there, built for the old wine steward who for some unknown reason had difficulty climbing the stairs.
We can concoct some story about how THE has been put on prostration and must prove himself and has been sent out to get a job.
Yeah, ... they'll buy that, and if anyone tries looking for him, they'll be looking elsewhere.
I've spent the last couple weeks reading THE 1 & 2. I thought posting a couple entrees from therein might amuse some of you.
THE has been watching the WayDale news too. THE finds it very interesting that The Way has gotten rid of its God. I think THE finds the possibility rather unnerving.
I think THE was thinking he had a job for life, which for an Odd can be an eternally long time. As he looked at the news with bloodshot eyes, he commented in amazement of it about how the God had remade The Way after his own self image, and they still kicked him out.
I told THE not to worry because he's a fun-loving Odd and enjoys his people, even if he does stiff them for restaurant checks and cheats at cards. And I would much rather my abundant sharing go for Guinness than $2 million offices. At least everyone can party with a keg.
THE appreciated that, but I noticed that he started stashing kegs of Guinness in his brass lamp, I would estimate about 200 kegs so far.
While THE was taking a rest break, he looked me straight in the eye, and with a shudder, told me he thought he had met Loy at a bar last night. THE was just setting at the bar nursing a Guinness and schmoozing with Elvis when this tall fat balding thing slithers up to the bar and crawls up on the seat between them. The stench of booze, slobber and other unknown awfuls permeated the atmosphere around him. Both Elvis and THE moved two seats further down the bar. The noticed Elvis was still turning blue.
The told him that he was one heck of a mess.
Elvis looked at him and told him that was one ugly white jumpsuit.
Loy , mumbling at the top of his lungs said something to the effect of, gimme a beer, my life is over, and ruined, I want to kill myself and can't succeed.
As Elvis was wiping stray spit off of his face, he said; "Come on man, you can succeed if you really try."
Loy moaned about how he had jumped in the river to drown himself. He was amazed to find that he was floating on top of the river. He even got up and walked the rest away across the river. At first he thought this was a sign from God that he was alright after all. Then he realized the river was the Cuyahoga.
It took him three days to scrub all the scum, filth and sludge off his body. Then it took another four days before any skunks would let him anywhere nearby them.
Elvis pulled out a pearl handled gold-plated Smith and Wesson .44 Magnum snub nose revolver and offered it to Loy.
Loy looked at Elvis and smiled sadly, shook his head and said; thank you but he had already tried that and it didn't work. The bullets ricocheted off his huge ego and then killed two presidential candidates. Unfortunately, neither of them were either Bush or Gore.
Elvis having had as much as he could take, headed to the men's room to regurgitate. As he was coming back, Loy cried;
"I am such a worm , I just wish I could go and crawl under a rock."
At this request, THE pulled out his wand and touched Loy on the shoulder. After a bright flash with a boom and lots of smoke, Godzilla is sitting at the bar where Loy used to be.
Getting up, Godzilla downs the last of his beer and goes off to wreak havoc on Tokyo once again.
Elvis saddles up next to THE and they both watched Godzilla recede into the distance.
Elvis looked at THE and asked if Loy didn't want to be turned into a worm.
THE just shook his head as he looked into his Guinness, and said, sometimes the wand just has to go with something that matches the personality.
Well, that's enough for tonight's badtime story, go to sleep now.
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I was Mr. Popularity
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And let us add, on the evening the CES board shut down, which was what I was trying to say in the THE thread int he first place.
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You probably need to explain what CES was
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I used to do all the shaving. Eventually, I stopped shaving everyone who came to me....and kept my blade sharpened for THE only.
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Yeah, yeah. Likely story. ... You THE starter.
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What the heck is THE?
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Christian Educational Services (now known as STFI, not to be confused with STFU, which is what many would like them to do) ran a message board at the same time as Waydale. It was mostly doctrinal stuff. Then one day, they shut down. Too many people were openly debating and they didn't feel like being on the defensive all the time on their own board (understandable). So the board just disappeared one day. I went onto Waydale to find out if anyone knew about it.
The name of the topic was: "The CES board shut down"
The first post was, "Well, it looks like blah blah blah etc etc etc..."
At the moment I created the thread, the board hicced up. The only thing that showed up was the first word of the Topic and the first word of the post.
Then people started responding.
Then they wouldn't stop.
"The" spawned a second thread. Then a third. Then it migrated to GS.
For the last few years, it's been in a coma.
I debated whether to post a Funeral for The thread, but I was afraid it would only be a matter of three days and three nights before someone figured out how to resurrect it.
So I declined.
And that is the story of The.
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I think you will be telling that story over and over.
"Grandpa O, tell us the story of THE again...."
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Oh yeah... the legend of THE will live on for decades, lol...
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What other thread, EVER, had a poster who tallied the number of posts each poster posted on THE??????? HAD to be there to have experienced THE life-form that THE was, for me, the most wack thing ever on the internet. Maybe y'all have seen way weirder but THE was it for me...
makes me smile thinking about it :) :B)

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Right Alfakat! It was as if we were making ourselves a little god....and it seemed to me.....there were parallels between him and twi!.
When else has anybody deliberately counted up to a "special" number like 2000....and then waited...held back, refreshing the screen as often as one could to see when to pounce to get that number. We had nightly races for special numbers.
We played games...adding segments to a story....and so on. And there is something to what you've hinted at....(wink wink) perhaps you really had to be there to understand and enjoy it for what it was....grownups "playing" a game on the internet.
I was looking around here earlier today, but I can't find any remnants of my Shaving Shack. One could not appear before THE unshaven [anywhere] Sure kept me busy it did. And I really miss my Prophet......the prophetta dabobbada my real true love.
Warms the cockles of me 'eart it does!
If it was to happen today...I know the best slogan for THE to recite......"I lift things up and put them down".
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Psalm 71 one
how 'bout some chocolate?
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If I recall, the board that Waydale was using, EZ Board closed the thread. They opened it up just so we could conclude and the countdown was part of that. I think it was Zixar that figured out how to back up the thread so that we could save it for historical reasons.
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I'm still laughing..
for some unknown reason? A wine steward?
difficulty climbing the stairs?
the "unknown" problem was because the wine was in the cellar..
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I've spent the last couple weeks reading THE 1 & 2. I thought posting a couple entrees from therein might amuse some of you.
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Guinness on the house and a toast to The Greasespot and to THE
:) DaPropheta
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