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Camp Gunnison


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Thought some of you might enjoy this. Lovely location.

This looks like fun - if a lot of work for Snow Patrol.

Edited by Twinky
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It is a beautiful place. Too bad none of us will ever be allowed to step foot there again, even though our "donations" helped to build it.

When I clicked on the link, several other Way-related YouTube videos came up in the list on the right (including the infamous dance number spoofed on The Soup). I thought twi got that taken down. Perhaps they don't have enough clout.

There are other Way Prod song and "dance" videos posted there now, too. It looks like the choreography is done by a 1950s space movie robot. And there must have been a big sale on navy blue polyester for the Singing Ladies' wardrobes. Sad, just sad.

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I posted something else too.

Gunnison really does look superb. I never saw it in winter, only in spring for Family Camps. It was lovely then, too. I enjoyed my stay there, even though it was very busy and hard (fun) work. Lotsa happy memories.

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I posted something else too.

Gunnison really does look superb. I never saw it in winter, only in spring for Family Camps. It was lovely then, too. I enjoyed my stay there, even though it was very busy and hard (fun) work. Lotsa happy memories.

After being locked down there it became very ugly and mundane after a while. I did enjoy it at first. The day I left I felt as if I had been sprung from the joint.

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WG, you have no sense of fun. You don't like snowmen, snowballs, skiing?

Where were they doing the skiing anyway? On that hill that's covered by sage brush, behind the camp?

I remember standing out first thing in the morning on the top of the steps of one of those two storey log cabins - looking out over the length of the camp to some snow capped mountains on the horizon, and thinking, this is bliss. For some reason, there were hardly any other WC there - younger Corps arrived a couple of days later. But for a while - it was my private bliss.

It was release from my prison of HQ. Sorry you didn't like your time there, OS, and that you found it like a prison.

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Sorry, Twinky, it's just not my thing.

I do like boating, swimming, long walks, etc.

My second year if FLO, we had a particularly nasty winter with temperatures below 0 degrees F. for a couple of weeks. The lame-butt limb leader decided a night of frolicking in the snow was in order and had a couple of his minions track paths down a hill and then dump water on them. This of course froze and then we, having worked a full day at some secular job or other, were "invited" to slide on garbage bags down the hill. Someone took out a young peach tree Mr. Garden had planted the previous spring, sliding right into it and snapping it in half.

The next Saturday after a work day, the creek behind the limb HQ was also frozen and folks were playing ice hockey on it, sliding around with red half frozen faces. I chose to stay inside; and was dragged over the limb leader's office and REPROVED for not enjoying being outside freezing my bum off, and COMMANDED by the Man of God for the State of Ohio for that day and for that time and for that hour to GET OUT THERE AND ENJOY MYSELF!

Fortunately by the time I got all my winter outdoor clothes on the game was over and I could eat lunch and go home.

So I don't take very kindly to someone telling me I "have no sense of fun" because I don't like freezing my butt off. There are more ways than one to have fun, my friend.

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Hey, just joking around, WG, no offence meant. It's a far cry from Florida sunshine.

In Ohio, I found myself on Snow Clearance. Not so much fun at 5am when dragged out of a warm Founders Hall bed.

Was there a big Snow Clearance crew at Gunnison, first thing in the morning (5am) - or did that wait till a bit later in the day (after breakfast)?

What happened to the hosses and such?

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Fortunately for you, WG, you were on your way to other ventures by the time the blizzard of '78 had some of us snowbound at the complex, without power, for 3 straight days.

Sounds like a taste of hell to me.

It wasn't as if you had traveled to Florida in '78, that was when you came to Athens, OH. It wasn't as bad as further north, but it was still pretty bad. That was also when the workers at Ohio University went on strike and you and Mr. Garden had a bunch of college kids eating dinner in your living room every evening. We weren't without power like Waysider but we were still hunkered down. Remember Mr. Garden had to break through a picket line every morning to get you to work? That all happened at the same time.

I remember well eating your food in your living room. It's one of my favorite college memories.

Edited by Broken Arrow
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Awww...that's such a sweet memory. That was one time I felt like we got it right.

I thought we would have to stamp "toyota" or "Volkswagen" on somebody's rear end to get me to work.

We lived in that little apartment on top of a hill on Columbus Road and every morning we slid down to where we'd parked then drove in. The morning they closed OU, Mr. Garden had worked most of the night, couldn't get close to home and slept in the car on North Sandusky until the road crews made him move the car. It was not a fun time and probably sealed my dislike of winter weather for good.

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After being locked down there it became very ugly and mundane after a while. I did enjoy it at first. The day I left I felt as if I had been sprung from the joint.

Amen! The day we were packing up to go, one of my Corps brothers was singing, "Ding, dong, the wicked witch is dead!" in honor of our escaping @rlene and t0m j. I laughed and laughed.

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well doglover and i definitely agree

i had chosen this quote myself to respond to

After being locked down there it became very ugly and mundane after a while. I did enjoy it at first. The day I left I felt as if I had been sprung from the joint

i spent a couple of blocks there. what a shame such a lovely place could be ruined by the nutjobs that ran it

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The next Saturday after a work day, the creek behind the limb HQ was also frozen and folks were playing ice hockey on it, sliding around with red half frozen faces. I chose to stay inside; and was dragged over the limb leader's office and REPROVED for not enjoying being outside freezing my bum off, and COMMANDED by the Man of God for the State of Ohio for that day and for that time and for that hour to GET OUT THERE AND ENJOY MYSELF!


Been there, done that, got the T-shirt, I'm using it bas a dust rag.

For me it was when I was a WOW in Michigan. I didn't go to the class becaus eI had a person I was witnessing to coming to the WAy Home. He left, I fell asleep. The next thing I knew I had the Michigan limb leader yelling at me for not being at the class. After ripping me a new one for about a half hour, he went his merry way.

The next day, the branch leader suggested--and you know hoe they suggest--I should write the limb leader an apology. I politely told her to go jump. The guy wakes me out of a sound sleep and I'm supposed to write _him_ an apology.

Sure, whe $100 bills fly out my--


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It's a winter wonderland out here at the moment. Lots and lots of snow. Unseasonable.

No log cabins in sight.

I enjoyed a long and lovely walk on the frozen riverbank today. Glad to get inside at the end of it, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've never been to Camp Gunnison. Born and raised in Michigan, though. Routinely played outside in ten below as a child. Still like the feeling of cold air hitting my face...in moderation.

I work with a guy who regularly attends a TWI fellowship in Columbia, MO. St. Louis has been marked and avoided by TWI (so I've heard; how lucky can we be?) so the guy has to drive over 100 miles to be at this fellowship. He says he's blessed.

But he recently spent a week at Gunnison. Took pictures. Said it was a good time. He let me listen to 2 SNS CDs. They've gotten much kinder and gentler compared to the mid 90s, when LCM would yell for an hour: 20 minutes of bible teaching and 40 minutes of whining about whoever po'd him that week. Found out that the guy who kicked me and my family out of TWI is now the limb cordo of CT. Closure!

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