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I wish you could see it in the original


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  On 11/6/2010 at 7:36 PM, waysider said:

It's funny you should mention it. That is pretty darn close to what he said in CF&S when he "revealed" the "original sin".

  On 11/6/2010 at 11:25 PM, spectrum49 said:

Great insight, sir! It's not as though the man was stupid enough to say in one breath that his desire was for us to see the originals, (indicating that he had somehow seen them himself) and then turn right around and teach us that there are no originals. At least I will give the man some credit for brains.

But the real point here is that he wanted us to believe that he DID have access to the originals - not the documents themselves, but from their SOURCE - because God spoke to him often.

It's funny also that, although he taught us that we should not put our trust in men, but in God, many times he did say, "Trust ME on this one." - like he did concerning the "original sin" in CF&S.

That's about as close as one would get to saying he was as God himself, without really saying it in so many words. We are supposed to hold God in awe and esteem, and certainly VP wanted that from his followers. (And he rather expected it from the Corps!)



i wouldn't take christian family and sex class because i had heard about the animal and anal sex promoted in that class and so i figured child sex wasn't too far behind since that was in practice "in the field" and no i didn't want any more "instruction in righteousness" than i already had in one of those things so i didn't know he came out and said outright "trust me on this one". very interesting, and very interesting that it was in that class. the man was literally bragging about what he was pulling off, but he was very careful to dredge his bragging with a good coating of "biblical teaching with mathematical exactness that fit like a hand in a glove". i don't think he really meant a hand in a glove though, but that's all he could legally get away with saying.

and going off topic here for just a second, but it's really on topic because it goes along with his idea that he had somehow connected to the original, this whole idea of "reaching up into daddy's cookie jar" just scritched on my very last nerve every time i heard it! looking at it now, outside of way international speak, he was saying, "i'm such a baaaaaad little boy, aren't i? and i get away with soooooooo much!" i mean there's a reason children are not allowed to just get into the cookie jar and take how much they want whenever they want it, and that reason is because children don't know better for themselves or for anybody else, so adults have to put limits out there for them. so what he was saying was that he was a special child that had no limits and no boundaries. he was so bragging about the .... he was getting away with!

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Thanks Waysider, I knew someone could sort out the mess I posted. I knew there was something behind it. Now, I'm confusing 2 stories.

One was Dr.E.E. Higgins which you showed, whom Juedes covered.

Now another was that Weirwille actually met either Bullinger's daughter or grandaughter 9close family friend who had the book rights?) at some point, which led to the printing rights in some fashion. I know the American Christian Press at one time had the rights to press "How to Enjoy the Bible". At any rate they used each other until she struck a deal with some publishing company, as she was interested in both E.W.'s legacy and her purse, while the Way was looking to legitimize it's "research".

In hindsight though, it's rather obvious that major sections of the class are simply reworked material from Bullinger's original works --- MINUS Bullinger's strong Trinitarian beliefs, and PLUS Weirwilles fake anctedotes of how he got the revelation.

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