I never got very far up the TWI corporate ladder so my experience in this category is limited. One thing I always hated as a class instructor, though, was having to chastise late arrivals. (And by Way standards, "late" was anything less than 15 minutes early.) I'm not a very confrontational person by nature so it was always difficult for me to confront people with honest to goodness, real, professional careers for only being 5 minutes early for class.
I never got very far up the TWI corporate ladder so my experience in this category is limited. One thing I always hated as a class instructor, though, was having to chastise late arrivals. (And by Way standards, "late" was anything less than 15 minutes early.) I'm not a very confrontational person by nature so it was always difficult for me to confront people with honest to goodness, real, professional careers for only being 5 minutes early for class.
I wonder how many times old VP showed up late to various functions and meetings. Better yet, there is one account here on GSC about how he and Howard Alien completely blew off a big public meeting and used the lame, old "snowed in" excuse when there wasn't even any snow. Who chastised THEM?
I never got very far up the TWI corporate ladder so my experience in this category is limited. One thing I always hated as a class instructor, though, was having to chastise late arrivals. (And by Way standards, "late" was anything less than 15 minutes early.) I'm not a very confrontational person by nature so it was always difficult for me to confront people with honest to goodness, real, professional careers for only being 5 minutes early for class.
On another note, during my way disciple tenures, a new student was booted from the very first session because he was a minute or so late due to traffic. The person was obviously frantic to make it and was just a little late. Never mind that the class schedule made it difficult for him to make it because of his work schedule. Never mind that we worked him over to sign up in spite of the obvious difficulties facing him due his schedule. The poor kid was out a hundred bucks just like that with no grace, mercy, long-suffering etc. In retrospect I think the class coordinator got his rocks off booting the poor guy.
I wonder how many times old VP showed up late to various functions and meetings. Better yet, there is one account here on GSC about how he and Howard Alien completely blew off a big public meeting and used the lame, old "snowed in" excuse when there wasn't even any snow. Who chastised THEM?
Something real spurrrtul musta came up. (read: strip poker in the WW home basement )
It occurred to me after leaving the way international, and clearing my head from being way corps, that one of the main functions of the way corps is law enforcement. I literally have lost count of the times, as way corps, I was told to enforce policy / law against the followers of the way international. I also lost count of the times that I altered the instructions given me so as not to be abusive to those I was sent after. I acted as a buffer so many times between the directors and the rank n' file! Anyways. As way corps we were also lectured that we needed to be the watchmen on the walls who keep the household clean. Now, that watchman job basically means spying out the believers to make sure they are all following the letter of the way international's twisted laws. And like any totalitarian regime when someone is breaking the laws then it reflects on the local leader because God would have told them there was a problem, etc....
Anyone else thought about this?
Yeah....saw this stuff in 1981.
At hq, another corps guy and I had several discussions on this very thing. He transferred from another department where an abusive leader had gained strength and authoritarian rule with docvic's nod of approval.
I know corps get a bad rap.........but I joined forces with MANY corps thru the years to "relieve the heavy burdens" from oppressors. So often, compassion towards others is simply looking at a situation from their point of view and adjusting accordingly.
It occurred to me after leaving the way international, and clearing my head from being way corps, that one of the main functions of the way corps is law enforcement. I literally have lost count of the times, as way corps, I was told to enforce policy / law against the followers of the way international. I also lost count of the times that I altered the instructions given me so as not to be abusive to those I was sent after. I acted as a buffer so many times between the directors and the rank n' file! Anyways. As way corps we were also lectured that we needed to be the watchmen on the walls who keep the household clean. Now, that watchman job basically means spying out the believers to make sure they are all following the letter of the way international's twisted laws. And like any totalitarian regime when someone is breaking the laws then it reflects on the local leader because God would have told them there was a problem, etc....
Anyone else thought about this?
Yes, absolutely. It is a diseased organization that instead of being able to genuinely help people pulls them in to a twisted little social circle that is sick. When Proverbs talks of those that wink with their eyes, scrape with their feet, and point with their fingers, it is talking about regimes such as this and the Way Corps. There are little private hidden messages communicated all the time to confront so and so, to take this action, to put together a report on this person. The level of control that is exerted over people is ridiculous. And the Way Corps are the enforcers. Now I basically functioned by teaching scriptures and allowing people to apply it in their lives as they saw fit by free will choice. However, I was an anomaly. Most set up little dictatorships, where they would present a smiling happy front to those above them and abuse those below them.
The mind games that are played at the top levels to keep people under their control, threaten them, keep them functioning "likeminded" is astounding when you start to hear stories.
When you think about it, what are the Way Corps trained to do? Obey. Follow without questioning. Carry out directives. To teach is all secondary. To "serve" means to carry out the bidding of those winking with the eyes, and communicating behind the scenes.
You see that is why they must keep people away from this web site and people like us at all costs. When people start learning the truth about what happens behind the Wizard of Oz's curtains, they lose respect for the organization, and leave. They stop sending money in. So they hide all of that behind the scenes. They cover over their evil acts with silence and will not speak of it. Just like a murderer many times murders to cover up their evil actions to keep the victim from telling their evil acts to authorities or the public, so these monsters use slander, libel, and blackball people, using tactics to get the "household" to shun people. They trade on their little titles, and use movement up and down the ladder to punish people and to reward the most fanatical leaders. Those that are most fanatical will do the most extreme things and are used to do the top leaders' dirty work so they can keep their hands clean and stay out of lawsuits.
i can relate to what you are saying OldSkool. in fact, i left the way partially because i was asked to keep silent (with reference to "regular believers" lol) regarding chris geer and craig and the lunacy that was going on in those days after vickster kicked the bucket. we came away from a "way corps meeting" at the limb HQ and the first thing we did was to start talking to our "regular believers" -- i guess we finally realized we were such a one ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
it was so tedious beforehand to keep secrets -- when all things became ridiculous (well, they were before, but we were too stupid) -- talking to people about what was really going on just seemed right and quite free-ing. so tired of being "in the know" of crap
i also wanted to be a minister to people -- not ever thinking it would be to minister to horny disgusting old men
You see that is why they must keep people away from this web site and people like us at all costs. When people start learning the truth about what happens behind the Wizard of Oz's curtains, they lose respect for the organization, and leave. They stop sending money in. So they hide all of that behind the scenes. They cover over their evil acts with silence and will not speak of it.
The gig is up.....and the wizard is no longer able to pull his levers and push buttons in secrecy.
Maybe some like to stay in their little social circles and eat cookies twice a week....but most cannot deny the pathetic existence of trying to pimp for the way international. For the past 15 years, class sign-ups and participation have been absolutely dismal. Yeah, the parents' kids are signed to take classes, but the new arrivals from witnessing jaunts ain't happening. Zilch...zero.
How many attended that hq advanced class last year....... 69 (?)
How many graduated from the corps program last year...... 7 (?)
And, if that isn't dismal enough......I tend to think that this struggling economy will suppress class participation and abs numbers even more. When discretionary spending is pinched in one's household fund, the practical issues have a way of squelching the fantasy of "following the yellow brick road."
Maybe some like to stay in their little social circles and eat cookies twice a week....but most cannot deny the pathetic existence of trying to pimp for the way international.
Well said...At this point I am tempted to say that anyone who follows twi is without excuse...the truth of this organization is public and available...
The top leaders of twi know that their day is over...they are only protecting the assets in order to provide a cushy retirement for themselves...
Well said...At this point I am tempted to say that anyone who follows twi is without excuse...the truth of this organization is public and available...
The top leaders of twi know that their day is over...they are only protecting the assets in order to provide a cushy retirement for themselves...
On another note, during my way disciple tenures, a new student was booted from the very first session because he was a minute or so late due to traffic. The person was obviously frantic to make it and was just a little late. Never mind that the class schedule made it difficult for him to make it because of his work schedule. Never mind that we worked him over to sign up in spite of the obvious difficulties facing him due his schedule. The poor kid was out a hundred bucks just like that with no grace, mercy, long-suffering etc. In retrospect I think the class coordinator got his rocks off booting the poor guy.
I was thinking about this shared incident, and I remember that happening a few times during my TWIt years. I think these guys wanted to seem like they had real integrity, and maybe even thought their tactics would encourage people to be at the "awesome" Bible class because they would never hear the Word like this anywhere else (yeah right).
However, I do believe it was a tactic that blew up in their own face. It alienated these people, and it proves what an EFFED UP ministry TWIt is. So much for showing mercy or even winning friends and influencing people.
TWIt was a bunch of talk and that's it. They will never amount to any more. Their exclusive appearance these days is only because they have a death grip on those who are too scared to dip their toes in the cold water to find out what real freedom feels like. Too bad.
Well said...At this point I am tempted to say that anyone who follows twi is without excuse...the truth of this organization is public and available...
I think you're absolutely correct here. Anyone who follows TWI is without excuse. Maybe an exception is a brand new recruit who is trusting.
Do the letters "ss" mean anything to you. That was what the corps was be groomed to be.
I refused to go along with the plan.
Hey, good for you! Wish I could say the same but I bought the whole enchilada in the name of the Lord. Then I discovered it didn't work in real life.
People went in to become "the best" for God and found out that the "lifetime commitment" wasn't to God but servitude to an organization
People went in to develop "gift ministries" and found out that they were being trained to be twig leaders
People went in to learn how to be twig leaders and found out that they were supposed to quit their jobs and abandon their careers and work full time as "ministers"
People went in to become "the best" for God and found out that the "lifetime commitment" wasn't to God but servitude to an organization
People went in to develop "gift ministries" and found out that they were being trained to be twig leaders
People went in to learn how to be twig leaders and found out that they were supposed to quit their jobs and abandon their careers and work full time as "ministers"
Yeah......moving target extraordinaire.
Signed on the line to become my best for God......and then, 3-months into inrez, the corps coordinators were yelling at us that "IF WE WEREN'T COMMITTED TO STANDING WITH TWI FOR A LIFETIME, THEN WE DIDN'T UNDERSTAND THE CORPS COMMITMENT."
The 1978-1982 era was filled with contraditions....corps numbers were soaring and the trustees were sending double signals, NOT ALL CORPS would be filling leadership spots and should delve into support services for twi. In other words, some of you will be good in business professions and will be huge supporters of wierwille and co. via your talents/money. Wierwille publically stated to the 7th/9th corps that he was waiting for the day when someone would donate one million dollars to twi.....which, obviously, spurred many to set out on that goal.
In retrospect, the corps program was too vague, too generic......ON PURPOSE.
Moving target is correct. So much about these idiots and the way the organization is managed is centered around the president. So it has all changed on the whim of the top cult leader at the time. Perhaps at one time, being in the way corps was a friendly experience where people supported one another. During Craig's reign of terror it seemed to morph into some semblance of a communist regime. Where today's informant becomes tomorrow's victim.
Rosie has tried to polish up the corpse with an air of legitimacy based on it no longer being en-vogue to yell and DFAC (dropped form active corps) folks. Perhaps the ole' hag realizes there isn't hardly anyone left to drop?
So somewhere in this shooting gallery of moving duckies law enforcement became one of the de facto functions of the corps. It would be interesting to see a time line. Of course there is always the possibility that the chief huckster, Victor Paul Wierwille, started to instill an executive branch function very early on in the game?
Now that's probably why I never went in da corpse. *whatever* they had to offer was never precisely, or even hazily defined. .
wow was pretty much(?) defined.. grow ten years spiritually(?) or something..
I saw a few people get favorable results. Besides being Hitler (ahem) vic youth, I did manage to acquire a few skills.. learn how to GET A JOB.. how to get along with people who weren't exactly the same as me.. though that really wasn't a *problem* before..
I could live on macaroni, peanut butter and tripe again, if I had to..
if they ran even THAT right.. they would have had some *serious* exit counseling.. i.e. whadda I do now..
"go back to school bub.. get a degree.. do something damned serious with your life.."
but instead.. I watched as they culled the *best* of the group for.. *drum-roll*....
way corps *training*..
very, very interesting, no?
I was sent to observe.. perhaps da way should inquire about the final draft here..before it is respectfully submitted..
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I never got very far up the TWI corporate ladder so my experience in this category is limited. One thing I always hated as a class instructor, though, was having to chastise late arrivals. (And by Way standards, "late" was anything less than 15 minutes early.) I'm not a very confrontational person by nature so it was always difficult for me to confront people with honest to goodness, real, professional careers for only being 5 minutes early for class.
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Case in point.
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I wonder how many times old VP showed up late to various functions and meetings. Better yet, there is one account here on GSC about how he and Howard Alien completely blew off a big public meeting and used the lame, old "snowed in" excuse when there wasn't even any snow. Who chastised THEM?
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On another note, during my way disciple tenures, a new student was booted from the very first session because he was a minute or so late due to traffic. The person was obviously frantic to make it and was just a little late. Never mind that the class schedule made it difficult for him to make it because of his work schedule. Never mind that we worked him over to sign up in spite of the obvious difficulties facing him due his schedule. The poor kid was out a hundred bucks just like that with no grace, mercy, long-suffering etc. In retrospect I think the class coordinator got his rocks off booting the poor guy.
Something real spurrrtul musta came up. (read: strip poker in the WW home basement
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Felt exactly this way.
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Yeah....saw this stuff in 1981.
At hq, another corps guy and I had several discussions on this very thing. He transferred from another department where an abusive leader had gained strength and authoritarian rule with docvic's nod of approval.
I know corps get a bad rap.........but I joined forces with MANY corps thru the years to "relieve the heavy burdens" from oppressors. So often, compassion towards others is simply looking at a situation from their point of view and adjusting accordingly.
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Yes, absolutely. It is a diseased organization that instead of being able to genuinely help people pulls them in to a twisted little social circle that is sick. When Proverbs talks of those that wink with their eyes, scrape with their feet, and point with their fingers, it is talking about regimes such as this and the Way Corps. There are little private hidden messages communicated all the time to confront so and so, to take this action, to put together a report on this person. The level of control that is exerted over people is ridiculous. And the Way Corps are the enforcers. Now I basically functioned by teaching scriptures and allowing people to apply it in their lives as they saw fit by free will choice. However, I was an anomaly. Most set up little dictatorships, where they would present a smiling happy front to those above them and abuse those below them.
The mind games that are played at the top levels to keep people under their control, threaten them, keep them functioning "likeminded" is astounding when you start to hear stories.
When you think about it, what are the Way Corps trained to do? Obey. Follow without questioning. Carry out directives. To teach is all secondary. To "serve" means to carry out the bidding of those winking with the eyes, and communicating behind the scenes.
You see that is why they must keep people away from this web site and people like us at all costs. When people start learning the truth about what happens behind the Wizard of Oz's curtains, they lose respect for the organization, and leave. They stop sending money in. So they hide all of that behind the scenes. They cover over their evil acts with silence and will not speak of it. Just like a murderer many times murders to cover up their evil actions to keep the victim from telling their evil acts to authorities or the public, so these monsters use slander, libel, and blackball people, using tactics to get the "household" to shun people. They trade on their little titles, and use movement up and down the ladder to punish people and to reward the most fanatical leaders. Those that are most fanatical will do the most extreme things and are used to do the top leaders' dirty work so they can keep their hands clean and stay out of lawsuits.
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I'll go a bit further........I acted as a buffer for the members in my fellowship when the WC leadership came down on me as a fellowship leader.
The Way Tree is straight from the you know where.....
And I've told that to many people who are in the split offs....if it's got the Way Tree system....it is going to go down eventually......
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i can relate to what you are saying OldSkool. in fact, i left the way partially because i was asked to keep silent (with reference to "regular believers" lol) regarding chris geer and craig and the lunacy that was going on in those days after vickster kicked the bucket. we came away from a "way corps meeting" at the limb HQ and the first thing we did was to start talking to our "regular believers" -- i guess we finally realized we were such a one ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
it was so tedious beforehand to keep secrets -- when all things became ridiculous (well, they were before, but we were too stupid) -- talking to people about what was really going on just seemed right and quite free-ing. so tired of being "in the know" of crap
i also wanted to be a minister to people -- not ever thinking it would be to minister to horny disgusting old men
live and learn lol
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The gig is up.....and the wizard is no longer able to pull his levers and push buttons in secrecy.
Maybe some like to stay in their little social circles and eat cookies twice a week....but most cannot deny the pathetic existence of trying to pimp for the way international. For the past 15 years, class sign-ups and participation have been absolutely dismal. Yeah, the parents' kids are signed to take classes, but the new arrivals from witnessing jaunts ain't happening. Zilch...zero.
How many attended that hq advanced class last year....... 69 (?)
How many graduated from the corps program last year...... 7 (?)
And, if that isn't dismal enough......I tend to think that this struggling economy will suppress class participation and abs numbers even more. When discretionary spending is pinched in one's household fund, the practical issues have a way of squelching the fantasy of "following the yellow brick road."
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Well said...At this point I am tempted to say that anyone who follows twi is without excuse...the truth of this organization is public and available...
The top leaders of twi know that their day is over...they are only protecting the assets in order to provide a cushy retirement for themselves...
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polar bear
Do the letters "ss" mean anything to you. That was what the corps was be groomed to be.
I refused to go along with the plan.
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I was thinking about this shared incident, and I remember that happening a few times during my TWIt years. I think these guys wanted to seem like they had real integrity, and maybe even thought their tactics would encourage people to be at the "awesome" Bible class because they would never hear the Word like this anywhere else (yeah right).
However, I do believe it was a tactic that blew up in their own face. It alienated these people, and it proves what an EFFED UP ministry TWIt is. So much for showing mercy or even winning friends and influencing people.
TWIt was a bunch of talk and that's it. They will never amount to any more. Their exclusive appearance these days is only because they have a death grip on those who are too scared to dip their toes in the cold water to find out what real freedom feels like. Too bad.
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Broken Arrow
I think you're absolutely correct here. Anyone who follows TWI is without excuse. Maybe an exception is a brand new recruit who is trusting.
Hey, good for you! Wish I could say the same but I bought the whole enchilada in the name of the Lord. Then I discovered it didn't work in real life.
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If you were actually taught this, did it not occur to anyone that the watchmen look OUT, not IN?
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I think what you're describing would probably be thought of as a sentry.
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No, in fact, because two of the adversaries fronts are yourself, and other people we were always to watch ourselves and each other.
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that leaves no one safe lol
omg maybe if someone looked at/to christ/god
perish the thought!
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An "outsider's" observation:
Your unspoken function was always a moving target. I know a few sincere folks, went in to become "da best" minister of Jesus Christ they could be..
so the "function" was supposed to be a minister..
then they pulled the "gift ministries" off the shelf..
then it turned into "twig coordinator" training..
which seemed to be exactly what you describe.
Then loy turned the "function" into that of unemployed meddlers and informants..
maybe to some degree it was that all the time..
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Moving target indeed...
People went in to become "the best" for God and found out that the "lifetime commitment" wasn't to God but servitude to an organization
People went in to develop "gift ministries" and found out that they were being trained to be twig leaders
People went in to learn how to be twig leaders and found out that they were supposed to quit their jobs and abandon their careers and work full time as "ministers"
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Yeah......moving target extraordinaire.
Signed on the line to become my best for God......and then, 3-months into inrez, the corps coordinators were yelling at us that "IF WE WEREN'T COMMITTED TO STANDING WITH TWI FOR A LIFETIME, THEN WE DIDN'T UNDERSTAND THE CORPS COMMITMENT."
The 1978-1982 era was filled with contraditions....corps numbers were soaring and the trustees were sending double signals, NOT ALL CORPS would be filling leadership spots and should delve into support services for twi. In other words, some of you will be good in business professions and will be huge supporters of wierwille and co. via your talents/money. Wierwille publically stated to the 7th/9th corps that he was waiting for the day when someone would donate one million dollars to twi.....which, obviously, spurred many to set out on that goal.
In retrospect, the corps program was too vague, too generic......ON PURPOSE.
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Moving target is correct. So much about these idiots and the way the organization is managed is centered around the president. So it has all changed on the whim of the top cult leader at the time. Perhaps at one time, being in the way corps was a friendly experience where people supported one another. During Craig's reign of terror it seemed to morph into some semblance of a communist regime. Where today's informant becomes tomorrow's victim.
Rosie has tried to polish up the corpse with an air of legitimacy based on it no longer being en-vogue to yell and DFAC (dropped form active corps) folks. Perhaps the ole' hag realizes there isn't hardly anyone left to drop?
So somewhere in this shooting gallery of moving duckies law enforcement became one of the de facto functions of the corps. It would be interesting to see a time line. Of course there is always the possibility that the chief huckster, Victor Paul Wierwille, started to instill an executive branch function very early on in the game?
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Now that's probably why I never went in da corpse. *whatever* they had to offer was never precisely, or even hazily defined. .
wow was pretty much(?) defined.. grow ten years spiritually(?) or something..
I saw a few people get favorable results. Besides being Hitler (ahem) vic youth, I did manage to acquire a few skills.. learn how to GET A JOB.. how to get along with people who weren't exactly the same as me.. though that really wasn't a *problem* before..
I could live on macaroni, peanut butter and tripe again, if I had to..
if they ran even THAT right.. they would have had some *serious* exit counseling.. i.e. whadda I do now..
"go back to school bub.. get a degree.. do something damned serious with your life.."
but instead.. I watched as they culled the *best* of the group for.. *drum-roll*....
way corps *training*..
very, very interesting, no?
I was sent to observe.. perhaps da way should inquire about the final draft here..before it is respectfully submitted..
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