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Leaving The Way International


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Thanks for sharing your story with us. I thought you offered a powerful analogy using ice. I'm going to go ahead and quote it here for everyone, since I think you illustrate how many of us felt as we tried to recover our spontaneous responses to life while shedding TWI's dogmas.

To some degree, I know I shut down my real, honest, individual responses to life's situations while under the influence of TWI indoctrination. When trying to shed those old TWI dogma-drenched thoughts (like the world was my enemy), I was also trying to regain my identity as I swam to reach the "exit cut in the ice above" as you put it:

You wrote:

"the feeling i felt after years of having left The Way was as if my

mind was under ice. such as to a victim who ice dives and the oxygen

cuts off,like a freak accident,the victim looks for an opening while

struggling to survive,and dependeing on the depth of the dive results

in whether he will make it to the exit cut in te ice above.

Under ice hypothermia can set in very easily if the conditionals are

at the slightest bit altered or tampered with causing the BODY

temperature to slow down but still function enough to survive in a

coma like state.

In this situation the victim may see the opening exit but,not be able

to get their because of hypothernmia."

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Thanks penworks. People are always asking me to explain or share with them what it was like being in a Cult and getting out. So I just though it would be easier

to just give them a link,and I don't have time either to answer questions,alot of parents wanted to know what happened to there college aged student who had goals

and the joined The Way International.

In 1992 I was watching a movie called Awakenings with Robin Williams and the intro was with Robert Denero getting sick as a little boy,the scene is a a lake and a kid asks What happens when the water freezes do the fish die?

Ofcourse I was thinking (Fish as in fishers of men)and that came about,I had and still do have some PTSD issues,but it used to be so bad like just taking a walk in the woods and seeing leaves gathered on the ground. I would just cry!

Writing became my therapy alone,not wanting to talk or even say the "word" Cult outloud,sitting on the back row at a church trying to unscrable the mess of the bible that The Way twisted. Until it was just too much.

I needed a therapist. That was in 1992. Today it is 2010 and I speak because I know there are those who can't.

Edited by cheranne
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Thanks for sharing your story with us. I thought you offered a powerful analogy using ice. I'm going to go ahead and quote it here for everyone, since I think you illustrate how many of us felt as we tried to recover our spontaneous responses to life while shedding TWI's dogmas.

To some degree, I know I shut down my real, honest, individual responses to life's situations while under the influence of TWI indoctrination. When trying to shed those old TWI dogma-drenched thoughts (like the world was my enemy), I was also trying to regain my identity as I swam to reach the "exit cut in the ice above" as you put it:

You wrote:

"the feeling i felt after years of having left The Way was as if my

mind was under ice. such as to a victim who ice dives and the oxygen

cuts off,like a freak accident,the victim looks for an opening while

struggling to survive,and dependeing on the depth of the dive results

in whether he will make it to the exit cut in te ice above.

Under ice hypothermia can set in very easily if the conditionals are

at the slightest bit altered or tampered with causing the BODY

temperature to slow down but still function enough to survive in a

coma like state.

In this situation the victim may see the opening exit but,not be able

to get their because of hypothernmia."

The Rest of the Story(of Ice Sculptures)


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