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Yahweh never made a covenant like the one he made with Abraham, with a gentile.

It is through Isaac that covenant is still alive; but Yahweh made covenant with what

came forth from Isaac, the Mosaic covenant. Along came a man, born flesh and bone,

but had pure blood, just like the pure blood Adam had; but people killed that man.

Yahweh raised that man from among the dead, Yeshua put his blood in Yahweh's tent

in heaven itself. Us Gentiles were without Yahweh and hope, but not no more. With

the gathering together getting close, I wonder what we will get to do to help our Father

and brother out? Seems we will be kinda tried, we will need those abiding places?

Edited by teachmevp
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What about the cats under my charge..

If they can't go.. neither do I..


actually, they would be easier to take care of than me..


sorry.. I mean what do we do? Send the pets of to some *eternal* "howliday" resort or something?


don't say they aren't souls..

There is not a single soul I've "kicked out" of my life so far..

can't say I haven't been obnoxious at times.. please forgive me if or when I have been..

"not one paw will be left behind.."

as long as I have some influence here..


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maybe it's a question.. "how big is YOUR god.."

I mean.. no room for *lesser* beings.. doesn't have the time..

what does that say about YOU?


I mean.. if I have to spell it all out.. you are less than "Him".. are you not?

today has been a "perfect" day..

there are days, and then there is today..

if this was the last one, I'd be satisfied..

ever have a day like that?

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I use to have a jackolop, but I moved out of Wyoming, and that jackolop kicked the bucket.

What about those white horses, maybe our Father will give us a white horses, that would be

too cool. Yahweh is a cool Father, I guess if I have to have a god, it would be Yahweh, our

Father is too cool?

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Naw.. they get to realize their dreams too..

Oh yes. Did you know cats dream?

it's proven.. of course in a grisly human way..

there is a portion of the brain that can shut down physical response during sleep. The cats which had that portion of their brain damaged.. they played out their dreams.. they went on hunting expeditions.. while asleep..

and this was physically observed..

of course.. I think anyone who would do something like that to a cat or any other living creature.. for an experiment.. dispicible..

but I can still read..

its a lesson one could learn in a different manner.. just ask the cat..

but we are so far divorced from the rest of creation.. we can't hear the answer..

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right now.. I have one cat "hunting" at the window..

wide awake..

ever hear them chatter?

there is a difference of opinion among cat observers..

some think they are imitating bird or mammal noises to attract prey..

others think the cats are in some kind of dream state, putting some kind of primordial "death bite" to the prey..

what do you think?

Only the cats seem to know..


acid? Too bad they quit making it.. something about a big bust a few years ago..

The Squirrel would accept donations..


Send about.. 5000 micrograms. to "Da Squirrel" New Knoxville, Ohio. They will know where it is supposed to go..


well.. it would be a lot nicer trip than a half a bottle or so of Cabernet..


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I heard of this tiger one time, this man lived in the tigers domine. One day

this man had a bad day hunting, as he was walking home, he saw this tiger

had a good day, so this man took some of that tigers food. The next day,

that tiger chewed up all the wooden things that man had outside of the cabin,

and waited for that man to come out. I guess this was a true story, who knows,

but don't take a cats food, or a cat bigger then you are food?

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these "miniature" versions..

yes, they would eat the hand of owner that feeds them..

but we (they and I) have an agreement..

Poor Sid Barret.. the light melted his head..

me, when all else is gone.. I have the connection of logic and mathematics..

its saved me more than once..


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and there it is. The Analyst in me..


consider the third heaven and earth..

so inconvenient..

with a horse, you have so many yearly tons of excrement to deal with..

how many kilograms of straw does that translate to..

now if one currently has a horse.. I'm sure you've got this figured out..

weigh this to the urinary output of a cat..


sorry friend.. I'm off the deep end tonight..

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My friends sent me on a wild cat chase one time, I found myself with a bag between my

legs, and hittings two rocks together yelling here snipe, here snipe. My friends ran off, but

they were surprised when I came back and that bag was moving. That is how I caught my

jack-o-lop? It was a cool partnership, until I moved from Wyoming, something about that Wyoming

air I guess.

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so... what are the ramifications of having a jackalope in the next heavens and earth..

doea it even want to be there..

so much urine.. where to put..


I hope the creator does not subject us to the same analysis..


what do you think..

Send about.. 5000 micrograms. to "Da Squirrel" New Knoxville, Ohio.

yeah.. I have about ten places it would go..


too bad.. I haven't gotten twenty hits of acid in the mail here.. just stupid dvd's of a group, da way long gone by..

cmon.. give me something I want.

I keep telling people.. the worst thing one can do for another.. is to give them exactly what it is they are asking for..


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