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Bologna Sandwiches & Tea

Kevin Fallon

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  On 8/20/2010 at 2:59 PM, Kevin Fallon said:

Yep - definitely late 70's. The thing that got me was that (in our area) unless you were Corps, or a BC or above, nothing was ever said. I was just a lowly TC, but I knew something was up. I even asked both the BC and AC about it - and they denied they were doing anything of the sort - while in their closet thay had bags/boxes of stuff they kept 'for emergencies' - the AC even had a rifle in there.

Ah...memories...although as I recall, the Way Corps were kind of thin in our neck o' the woods Kevin.
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Groucho said:

I believe what you are referring to was the "mal pack situation"...

This was a fabricated scenario that was devised for corps training...the 10th corps to be exact.

...the problem was that the training got outside of Emporia...other people on "the field" took it seriously as well. To this day, I still have my Keltny back pack.

Actually, I think it was prompted by information from one of VPW's right-wing conspiracy theory sources, more than just being contrived as a training exercise. I think it was believed that the "commies" were coming or something.

And it didn't just "get" outside Emporia, if you mean you think it just sort of leaked out. Specific instructions were sent to all the Corps on the field to buy storable food, fishing rods, wood stoves, etc.

I was a WOW team coordinator that year (79-80), so the WOWs in my city knew about it, too. It would have been pretty hard to explain buying a wood stove and flour mill and all the other stuff we were instructed to buy without their knowing.

We sold all the stuff at a garage sale at the end of the WOW year.

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Good Old VP and his LIberty Lobby white supremist tapes he listened too. That's why we all had to get the malpacks - the country was going to fall to the Russkies any minute!

Then, he called a meeting at HQ and told us to pray, it was about to happen.

When it didn't, well, he told us it was our prayers that saved the USA.

I always thought he was strange, and I never bought the whole USA was about to fall.

Afterwards, life went on as normal.

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  On 8/21/2010 at 2:01 PM, Linda Z said:

Groucho said:

Actually, I think it was prompted by information from one of VPW's right-wing conspiracy theory sources, more than just being contrived as a training exercise. I think it was believed that the "commies" were coming or something.

And it didn't just "get" outside Emporia, if you mean you think it just sort of leaked out. Specific instructions were sent to all the Corps on the field to buy storable food, fishing rods, wood stoves, etc.

I was a WOW team coordinator that year (79-80), so the WOWs in my city knew about it, too. It would have been pretty hard to explain buying a wood stove and flour mill and all the other stuff we were instructed to buy without their knowing.

We sold all the stuff at a garage sale at the end of the WOW year.

Yeah...You're probably right...I was sorta hoping that it was a contrived corps excercize because I didn't want to admit to myself that I was following a group of crackpots.

In hindsight, I know that they were a bunch of immoral hustlers...but I was kinda hoping

that I hadn't been following David Koresh or Jim Jones...maybe it was too much lsd?

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  On 8/21/2010 at 6:09 PM, GrouchoMarxJr said:

Yeah...You're probably right...I was sorta hoping that it was a contrived corps excercize because I didn't want to admit to myself that I was following a group of crackpots.

In hindsight, I know that they were a bunch of immoral hustlers...but I was kinda hoping

that I hadn't been following David Koresh or Jim Jones...maybe it was too much lsd?

Nah,... they were too busy bilking or boinking the believers to torch'em or have'em drink Kool Aid. They always were more of a "Hotels, Motels, ... and Holiday Inn" kind'a crowd.

Those with sense left when it got too silly and painfully stupid to keep going - the rest just got hurt.

... Some got hurt and left,... Some got hurt and never left,... never got free.

Just offhand - I can't think of anyone that really gained a "more than abundant life" ... by remaining In The Way International

Not even those who controlled the money,..... least none of them ever had a life I'd trade for.

That's how I see it - just my opinion

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  On 8/20/2010 at 2:59 PM, Kevin Fallon said:

Yep - definitely late 70's. The thing that got me was that (in our area) unless you were Corps, or a BC or above, nothing was ever said. I was just a lowly TC, but I knew something was up. I even asked both the BC and AC about it - and they denied they were doing anything of the sort - while in their closet thay had bags/boxes of stuff they kept 'for emergencies' - the AC even had a rifle in there. I guess if something did happen, TC's and average joe's were expendable. Elitism at it's finest.

When I was a WOW, my FC WAS a 'gas tank enforcer'. Since it was my car, I usually had to pay for the gas - even though others (FC especially, who did not have a car) could use it. More than once I got chewed out because I had less than half a tank when the FC used it. Do you think the FC would put gas in it then? NO! Those were the days......

Now that you mention it, that was supposed to just be for leadership. I recall the thinking was that "they" would go after the leadership. You were lied to. Shocked?

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  On 8/20/2010 at 4:46 PM, cheranne said:

French fries with brown gravey at Big Boys IF you had the money to splurge! :cryhug_1_:

Are you from the South by any chance? That sounds like a southern cuisine kind of thing. Sounds good too.

  On 8/20/2010 at 10:35 PM, GrouchoMarxJr said:

I believe what you are referring to was the "mal pack situation"...

This was a fabricated scenario that was devised for corps training...the 10th corps to be exact.

...the problem was that the training got outside of Emporia...other people on "the field" took it seriously as well. To this day, I still have my Keltny back pack.

11th Corps had it too. I don't think it was as heavily emphasized.

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Not even those who controlled the money,..... least none of them ever had a life I'd trade for.

Its more like the money controls(ed) them..

da way international pursued the high (low) calling of subjugation of human beings who deserved far better.. same as any "godless" corporation.. or even worse..

look at rosie. Give a hick (i.e. unqualified, uneducated buffoon.. even if the said buffoon HAPPENS to have a degree. Can't call that educated..) some money, a little authority, and see what happens..


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for that matter.. consider the loyster himself..

unqualified.. uneducated.. at least in terms that would qualify one for presidency of a legitimate outfit..

a buffoon, of the highest degree..

a "graduate" of a miracle two year program emphasizing blind obedience and mindless repetition..

the *interesting* thing here.. there are those who still feel *special* on account of two years of in depth instruction in blind obedience and mindless repetition..

so.. just pass me another Bologna sandwich and beer (ahem, tea)


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  On 8/21/2010 at 6:09 PM, GrouchoMarxJr said:

Yeah...You're probably right...I was sorta hoping that it was a contrived corps excercize because I didn't want to admit to myself that I was following a group of crackpots.

In hindsight, I know that they were a bunch of immoral hustlers...but I was kinda hoping

that I hadn't been following David Koresh or Jim Jones...maybe it was too much lsd?

LSD...Leadership Style Development? :wacko:

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  On 8/22/2010 at 1:06 AM, Ham said:

look at rosie. Give a hick (i.e. unqualified, uneducated buffoon.. even if the said buffoon HAPPENS to have a degree. Can't call that educated..) some money, a little authority, and see what happens..


Hey! Don't slam the hicks, dad nabbit! Most are just home lovin' hard workin' folks like yourself, just mis-pronounce a few words here and there, but shucks, that never hurt nobody.

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OK.. what shall we name her..


definitely not hard working..

honest? Naw..

Well.. I think the point is.. the past prezzes are unqualified. No different than many of their hard working, home loving, honest superiors..

Qualified to run a Big Corportion? No.. I'm not. At least I'm honest about it..


But take one of *me*.. run me through a *miracle* program..


so.. you takes one like that.. makes them feel special and all.. hand them a microphone.. and what can they do but sing(?)? In rosie's case i'd say not sing, but croak..

No offense intended to the honest god loving citizens here..

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We were still doing the MAL pack thing my first year in-residence with the 13th Corps ... they gave us the spiel, scared everyone to death, sent us to bed, then got us out of bed the next morning early with a Green Alert (all Corps to the Ambassador Room) and showed us Looney Tunes cartoons ... very much a mixed message ... should have been my first clue they were Looney Tunes about all that junk. We actually had to meet in Twigs in-residence and decide who would bring what book and where we would go. You were thought to be truly spiritual if you agreed to bring a heavy book like a concordance ... and no, I am NOT kidding. I remember it as clearly as if were yesterday. It is still hard for me to have less than a half a tank of gas in my car and I have been out of TWI for 14 years, and out of the Corps for 25.

I also clearly remember Pat Powell and Dave Bedard sharing the next day at meals about helpful things to do while being chased. Dave suggested always carrying cayenne pepper in your MAL pack so that when you wanted to have dogs lose your scent, you could urinate on a tree (guess this was just for guys), then sprinkle the urine-soaked tree with cayenne to mess up the dogs' noses. Pat Powell made several comments as to whether he would want you in his "boat" or not ... too bad he didn't realize it was a sinking ship sooner.

Edited by DogLover
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  On 8/22/2010 at 3:36 AM, DogLover said:

We actually had to meet in Twigs in-residence and decide who would bring what book and where we would go. You were thought to be truly spiritual if you agreed to bring a heavy book like a concordance ... and no, I am NOT kidding. I remember it as clearly as if were yesterday.

Holy Mackerel!!!

That's a scene straight out of Fahrenheit 451, which was published in 1953 as an expanded version of The Fireman (1951). In the scene, people are each assigned a book to memorize and recite so that the books will never be completely lost once they're burned. They then meet at a secret hiding place.

Plot summary:

"---- When he arrives at Faber's home, the old man tells Montag of vagabond book-lovers in the countryside. Montag then escapes to a local river, floats downstream and meets a group of older men who, to Montag's astonishment, have memorized entire books, preserving them orally until the law against books is overturned. They burn the books they read to prevent discovery, retaining the verbatim content (and possibly valid interpretations) in their minds."


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Foods I remember... Nothing to do with corps

but on my WOW year these are two dishes we had and I have to say they were delicious though I was not expecting them to be..

1 peanut butter and baloney sandwhiches... Thanks Mr. W.

2 a potato salad with tomatoes and cheese cubes in it.and pretty much anything else my wow brpther found in the fridge. Thanks Mr H.

From Rock of Ages

Dannon Cherry Yogurt. that granola trail miix they sold in the snack shack store 79-82

From my Wow Family switching to Whole wheat bread... best thing that happened to me that year.

My hubby still subscribes to not allowing the tank to go below 1/2 full... which is probably a good plan as we do live on the San Andreas Fault line Litterally only 1.5 miles from it.

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It's just plain old "good sense" to keep the gas tank as full as possible, and not let it get to empty.

And that doesn't even cover the "emergency" aspect of it.

#1 - - - you're "ready to go" (Do I hear a Ted Ferrell song here?) dance.gif

#2 - - - empty (or low) gas in a gas tank causes condensation (water), and that ends up in your gasoline.

#3 - - - water in your gas causes cr@ppy engine performance, so it takes a toll on your car, and you have to buy more gas.

#4 - - - for the "Northland" folks , (Geo - - - You can relate to this one I'm sure, eh?) spy.gif

You need a full tank so you can keep your car engine (and car heater) running at 40 below zero,

when you're shopping in the local grocery store in December, January, or February!! biglaugh.gif

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  On 8/25/2010 at 3:58 AM, dmiller said:

#4 - - - for the "Northland" folks , (Geo - - - You can relate to this one I'm sure, eh?)

You need a full tank so you can keep your car engine (and car heater) running at 40 below zero,

when you're shopping in the local grocery store in December, January, or February!!

Was sent WOW to ND - I can relate. But those of us with cars all bought plug-in engine heaters (usually for the lower radiator hose - but some got a heated dipstick). Pull up to the bank, turn it off and plug it in.

And some people wonder why I like NC so much.

Now, I keep gas in the tank so that I can run the A/C - hardly ever use the heater.

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  On 8/25/2010 at 3:58 AM, dmiller said:


#2 - - - empty (or low) gas in a gas tank causes condensation (water), and that ends up in your gasoline.

Well, maybe. If it's very warm and humid when you drive and much cooler later, you might get some condensation. It's probably a good idea to toss a can of de-icer (usually methanol or ethanol) in the tank when the weather turns cold, but it really shouldn't be a problem most of the time, especially, as Jim points out, since most gas sold these days has ethanol in it.

On the other hand, 20 gal of gasoline weighs about 140 lbs., so having a full tank is like carrying an extra passenger.


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