I have not posted on the ol greasespot in years, but now i smell blood, and i love it. i have to be the greedy wolf and get my face bloody, too. the corporation which is The Way is bleeding like a geyser, and are falling to their knees in desperation with an actual open letter to greasespot from Harve. (he should have stuck to playing guitar, instead of writing) This single act actually authenticates the power of greasespot and the weight this site wields to dispel ignorance about "fellowshipping" with the way. Much respect to Paw and all those who keep this site going.
what seems to be lacking is the unified front the wierwille family needs to establish to finally defeat the thing that made their name familiar to thousands around the world. it seems mrs. wierwille will be the sacrificial lamb, how ironic that she will be the downfall of something she help build from nothing, maybe she will be the one laughing last...
and why is it, that mrs. wierwille now has all the care she needs, assests and all of this, and did not have all that back in february when jp first inquired about her health care at the way? it would seem, since the way hightly regards her as an esteemed househould member, that living her "sunset years" at home would be the only logical choice. it seems completely insane that mrs. wierwille will spend her final days away from her home of so long, while outsiders and cultists continue to infect the wierwille land like a plague.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."
"We find it highly regrettable that you have converted what should have been a private family matter into a public attack"
Harvey, you mean kinda like the many times that I have heard inappropriate public attacks against good hearted people who stood with The Way for years?
Here is but one example. I was in the audience when this was taught. I was astounded when it was basically said that Rev. Art P and his wife killed their own daughter, Naomi, by leaving the Way Ministry. It is clearly implied that THEY were the cause of their daughter being in a plane crash. (Therefore they killed everyone by that logic):
When I first heard in the 70s that Victor Wierwille was going to deed over his family property to the Way International, I thought that was a bad idea. I told the person that I heard it from that this was a bad idea. The gist of what he said in response was that this is what was decided for right or for wrong. However, I do recall getting a small concession that perhaps I was correct in my judgement. Even a cursory reading of the bible shows the importance of ones inheritance both materially and spiritually. In fact, the only families among the tribes of Israel that were not alloted an inheritance of actual physical land were the Levites.
Now today perhaps the Way leaders think of themselves as present day Levites. However, I don't see any blood on their garments from the sacrifice of bulls and other animals. If they think of themselves as the equivalent of Levites perhaps they should all retire and get real jobs. The reason is that, in case they have forgotten, Jesus Christ was the sacrifice for all eternity and that the function of Levite was no longer necessary because of his sacrifice.
Oldiesman does make a good point, however. I wonder how many of the current TWI Board of Trustees own land? Perhaps, they also should make the ultimate religious sacrifice and also deed their land over to that wonderful religious organization that so wonderfully takes care of their old and sick loved ones. (Ha ha ha.) I mean they expect this kind of sacrifice from the Wierwille family right? And we know they would never want to be considered hypocrites? Oh, God forbid. Harve and Rosalie, my good friends, does your family have any property that you can also donate?
[This message was edited by Mark Sanguinetti on October 28, 2003 at 15:48.]
You backbiting bag of farts. You was our limb leader when we left twi and not having ever met us you smeared our good name for everyone to hear at a limb meeting.
How could I possibly beleive anything you say when you talk sh!t about people you don't even know.
To me you are a disgrace to God and humanity. What comes around goes around and you WILL get your cummuppance one day, you just wait.
I hope I'm around them so I can laugh my a$$ off whe you are at the other end of someones wrath.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
it seems to me, that mrs. w. is finally getting the proper medical, physical, emotional, and possibly spiritual care that we all lacked in twi. i'm glad to be free!
Oakspear, Laleo and a few others have touched on this subject and reminded me of that book the Subtle Power of Spiritual abuse.
Simply put, when someone has a problem with spiritual abusers and take the problem to them, the abusers always turn that person into the problem. Read the open letter again, Harv could have saved us a lot of time by just saying JP is the problem.
If you have not read that book, get your hands on a copy!
much people might know about this and other problems within TWI. Legal action might be taken against them for this move with DW and this is one method of seeing if there will be others who might pipe up about being shafted out of promises of support. TWI would not post
please understand i have never been good at word battles... well i should say i have never been good at humiliation battles... so as soon as you attack me..... my mind goes blank
that's part of my way experience
and one reason i'm still torn up and keep posting and going back and forth back and forth back and forth here
in my mind, if you treat a person like sh!t, you are a sh!t....
Don't worry Ex. Harve would have a difficult time posting here on Grease Spot Cafe. I would sure hate to scare him off, but it would be something along the lines of Custer at the Little Big Horn.
Harve buddy, can you come out and play now? Us nice Grease Spot Cafe posters are waiting for you. God what entertainment that would be. It would be like dying and going directly to heaven. Harve, I promise to try to be nice and not insult you to much.
Hey Mark, greets, maybe we can clarify a point you mentioned on the Weirwille property being deeded to the Way. It was deeded over to the Way in 1957 if memory serves. When their father died in 1956, there were two family farms that were divided into inheritances in the will. One of the farms went to two sisters. The 147 acre farm we all know as "The Way International" was left to four Weirwille's, Reuben, Harry, Victor and a nephew Charles. They had it appraised and Reuben and Charles both cashed out. Harry and Victor at that time then took their 1/4's and Reuben and Charle's parts and deeded it to the Way in 1957.
VPW resigned his church pastorage in 1957 then lived in Van Wert. By that time "The Way" owned the property but they didn't move in for about 4 years while they got the property ready.
Thanks Socks. I sure did not know that the family property had been deaded, er I mean deeded that early. Thanks for the clarification. Like I said, that was a big mistake. The two brothers should have leased the property to the Way International with conditions instead. Even a 50 year lease that could be renewed or not after its expiration would have been better than what they have now. Then 4 years from now the vagabonds could have been out of there.
One final note today. I definitely can not post tomorrow. God I sound like a Grease Spot Cafe addict don't I? The reason is that I have a lot of work to do with my distribution business tomorrow. So until I return, please play nicely and don't get into to much trouble.
Ha Ha Ha.
Oh and give my love to our buddy Harve. What does that old boy do anyway at the Way Corporation? I mean besides kissing Rosalie's butt. Is he one of the Trustees also? Or is he just there main gofer? Have a nice day all. And you to Harve.
[This message was edited by Mark Sanguinetti on October 29, 2003 at 2:44.]
Cool Mark. Early 70's California stuff might have been dealing with the incorporation of the Way West into the Way Int'l. Although there were no hard assets to speak of (that I knew of) the big asset of interest to the Way Nash was the ABS coming in, and what was done with it. 2 scenarios - 1, California remains independent, collects ABS and uses it at it's own discretion and sends what it wants on to New Knoxville. 2, All ABS goes directly to New Knoxville and they send back a part to the state to support salaries, rents, expenses, etc. In 1 California is it's own boss. In 2, N.K is and California personnel become basically employees. You know the drill on that period.
I think a plan such as you describe would have been wise, too. Something that would have allowed for the fact that both of them knew that someday they'd be turning it over to other people and that there should be an opportunity to review how it was being used, as well as by whom. Today these goombah's can live off the past comfortably and do nothing with it beyond fulfill the past vision of it as a "place where the Word will live". How to do that today is something they should consider.
They make a big deal about their tax exempt status too, but if I remember right, it's an educational exemption, not a religious one. When the Way was running two corp's at once, plus camps and classes year round onsite plus developing classes yearly I could see that as legit. Now it seems like much ado over next to nothing. They could easily do with a smaller allocation of resources to their current activities and possibly do something worthwhile with the land. Giving a portion of it back to the family members might sound part dementia/part fantasy, but given the way things have rolled out over the last 15 years or so, it would be a reasonable recognition of all interests. Again, they'd have nothing if the original family members hadn't developed it and supported it.
To any Way-Boss Guys or Gals reading this, if you are, that idea's a freebie. Feel free to use it, no credit necessary.
practice makes perfect
sense when it comes to love...
>Michael Franks
[This message was edited by socks on October 29, 2003 at 0:02.]
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George, maybe it's becaue Mrs. W. couldn't "work" for the Way anymore. Which begs the question, just what does an 8 hour day of Harvey's "work" consist of? What do ANY of them do for "work"? I've bee
jp decided to do that site and before that.... it was on here.... ?
I have not posted on the ol greasespot in years, but now i smell blood, and i love it. i have to be the greedy wolf and get my face bloody, too. the corporation which is The Way is bleeding like a geyser, and are falling to their knees in desperation with an actual open letter to greasespot from Harve. (he should have stuck to playing guitar, instead of writing) This single act actually authenticates the power of greasespot and the weight this site wields to dispel ignorance about "fellowshipping" with the way. Much respect to Paw and all those who keep this site going.
what seems to be lacking is the unified front the wierwille family needs to establish to finally defeat the thing that made their name familiar to thousands around the world. it seems mrs. wierwille will be the sacrificial lamb, how ironic that she will be the downfall of something she help build from nothing, maybe she will be the one laughing last...
and why is it, that mrs. wierwille now has all the care she needs, assests and all of this, and did not have all that back in february when jp first inquired about her health care at the way? it would seem, since the way hightly regards her as an esteemed househould member, that living her "sunset years" at home would be the only logical choice. it seems completely insane that mrs. wierwille will spend her final days away from her home of so long, while outsiders and cultists continue to infect the wierwille land like a plague.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."
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Tom Strange
I remember when Harvey used to dress up in his ballet clothes at Emporia...
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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harvey, mrs. rivenbark and third fellow, how could you let anyone but THE HOUSEHOLD care for mrs. w.
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"We find it highly regrettable that you have converted what should have been a private family matter into a public attack"
Harvey, you mean kinda like the many times that I have heard inappropriate public attacks against good hearted people who stood with The Way for years?
Here is but one example. I was in the audience when this was taught. I was astounded when it was basically said that Rev. Art P and his wife killed their own daughter, Naomi, by leaving the Way Ministry. It is clearly implied that THEY were the cause of their daughter being in a plane crash. (Therefore they killed everyone by that logic):
Ron Brown & Naomi P
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Mark Sanguinetti
When I first heard in the 70s that Victor Wierwille was going to deed over his family property to the Way International, I thought that was a bad idea. I told the person that I heard it from that this was a bad idea. The gist of what he said in response was that this is what was decided for right or for wrong. However, I do recall getting a small concession that perhaps I was correct in my judgement. Even a cursory reading of the bible shows the importance of ones inheritance both materially and spiritually. In fact, the only families among the tribes of Israel that were not alloted an inheritance of actual physical land were the Levites.
Now today perhaps the Way leaders think of themselves as present day Levites. However, I don't see any blood on their garments from the sacrifice of bulls and other animals. If they think of themselves as the equivalent of Levites perhaps they should all retire and get real jobs. The reason is that, in case they have forgotten, Jesus Christ was the sacrifice for all eternity and that the function of Levite was no longer necessary because of his sacrifice.
Oldiesman does make a good point, however. I wonder how many of the current TWI Board of Trustees own land? Perhaps, they also should make the ultimate religious sacrifice and also deed their land over to that wonderful religious organization that so wonderfully takes care of their old and sick loved ones. (Ha ha ha.) I mean they expect this kind of sacrifice from the Wierwille family right? And we know they would never want to be considered hypocrites? Oh, God forbid. Harve and Rosalie, my good friends, does your family have any property that you can also donate?
[This message was edited by Mark Sanguinetti on October 28, 2003 at 15:48.]
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that does seem like the proper thing, especially for the leading example, the president
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Harve, Harve, Harve
You backbiting bag of farts. You was our limb leader when we left twi and not having ever met us you smeared our good name for everyone to hear at a limb meeting.
How could I possibly beleive anything you say when you talk sh!t about people you don't even know.
To me you are a disgrace to God and humanity. What comes around goes around and you WILL get your cummuppance one day, you just wait.
I hope I'm around them so I can laugh my a$$ off whe you are at the other end of someones wrath.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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rags leroux
I've heard Roz owns some primo future golf course land in naaatth caaalaaaayna
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deed it over rivenbark and bless the ministry that saved you
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cc ray
it seems to me, that mrs. w. is finally getting the proper medical, physical, emotional, and possibly spiritual care that we all lacked in twi. i'm glad to be free!
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Oakspear, Laleo and a few others have touched on this subject and reminded me of that book the Subtle Power of Spiritual abuse.
Simply put, when someone has a problem with spiritual abusers and take the problem to them, the abusers always turn that person into the problem. Read the open letter again, Harv could have saved us a lot of time by just saying JP is the problem.
If you have not read that book, get your hands on a copy!
God Bless America; SIZE>
Grizz SIZE>
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In my opinion the posting of the letter here
suggests that they are looking to see how
much people might know about this and other problems within TWI. Legal action might be taken against them for this move with DW and this is one method of seeing if there will be others who might pipe up about being shafted out of promises of support. TWI would not post
a letter here just to show that they are standup
guys - no way thats gonna happen. They are up
to something.
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(no disrespect for those who don't agree)
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please understand i have never been good at word battles... well i should say i have never been good at humiliation battles... so as soon as you attack me..... my mind goes blank
that's part of my way experience
and one reason i'm still torn up and keep posting and going back and forth back and forth back and forth here
in my mind, if you treat a person like sh!t, you are a sh!t....
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ps. if you think this is pathetic, okay....
under my senior picture just before i got witnessed to...
my motto or what i wanted to be known for.... was....
i think it's still a good motto
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but now that i'm not a senior in high school
i do want to say one thing
***** you phuckers
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Mark Sanguinetti
Don't worry Ex. Harve would have a difficult time posting here on Grease Spot Cafe. I would sure hate to scare him off, but it would be something along the lines of Custer at the Little Big Horn.
Harve buddy, can you come out and play now? Us nice Grease Spot Cafe posters are waiting for you. God what entertainment that would be. It would be like dying and going directly to heaven. Harve, I promise to try to be nice and not insult you to much.
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Perhaps longterm assocation with the Way causes dementia.
Hope I got out soon enough!
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Hey Mark, greets, maybe we can clarify a point you mentioned on the Weirwille property being deeded to the Way. It was deeded over to the Way in 1957 if memory serves. When their father died in 1956, there were two family farms that were divided into inheritances in the will. One of the farms went to two sisters. The 147 acre farm we all know as "The Way International" was left to four Weirwille's, Reuben, Harry, Victor and a nephew Charles. They had it appraised and Reuben and Charles both cashed out. Harry and Victor at that time then took their 1/4's and Reuben and Charle's parts and deeded it to the Way in 1957.
VPW resigned his church pastorage in 1957 then lived in Van Wert. By that time "The Way" owned the property but they didn't move in for about 4 years while they got the property ready.
practice makes perfect
sense when it comes to love...
>Michael Franks
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Mark Sanguinetti
Thanks Socks. I sure did not know that the family property had been deaded, er I mean deeded that early. Thanks for the clarification. Like I said, that was a big mistake. The two brothers should have leased the property to the Way International with conditions instead. Even a 50 year lease that could be renewed or not after its expiration would have been better than what they have now. Then 4 years from now the vagabonds could have been out of there.
One final note today. I definitely can not post tomorrow. God I sound like a Grease Spot Cafe addict don't I? The reason is that I have a lot of work to do with my distribution business tomorrow. So until I return, please play nicely and don't get into to much trouble.
Ha Ha Ha.
Oh and give my love to our buddy Harve. What does that old boy do anyway at the Way Corporation? I mean besides kissing Rosalie's butt. Is he one of the Trustees also? Or is he just there main gofer? Have a nice day all. And you to Harve.
[This message was edited by Mark Sanguinetti on October 29, 2003 at 2:44.]
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Oh Mr Linder any thought's? I know it is killing you to have to keep silence in the church. Oh wait that's for the wives of somebody.tehehe
WAY Who?
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Cool Mark. Early 70's California stuff might have been dealing with the incorporation of the Way West into the Way Int'l. Although there were no hard assets to speak of (that I knew of) the big asset of interest to the Way Nash was the ABS coming in, and what was done with it. 2 scenarios - 1, California remains independent, collects ABS and uses it at it's own discretion and sends what it wants on to New Knoxville. 2, All ABS goes directly to New Knoxville and they send back a part to the state to support salaries, rents, expenses, etc. In 1 California is it's own boss. In 2, N.K is and California personnel become basically employees. You know the drill on that period.
I think a plan such as you describe would have been wise, too. Something that would have allowed for the fact that both of them knew that someday they'd be turning it over to other people and that there should be an opportunity to review how it was being used, as well as by whom. Today these goombah's can live off the past comfortably and do nothing with it beyond fulfill the past vision of it as a "place where the Word will live". How to do that today is something they should consider.
They make a big deal about their tax exempt status too, but if I remember right, it's an educational exemption, not a religious one. When the Way was running two corp's at once, plus camps and classes year round onsite plus developing classes yearly I could see that as legit. Now it seems like much ado over next to nothing. They could easily do with a smaller allocation of resources to their current activities and possibly do something worthwhile with the land. Giving a portion of it back to the family members might sound part dementia/part fantasy, but given the way things have rolled out over the last 15 years or so, it would be a reasonable recognition of all interests. Again, they'd have nothing if the original family members hadn't developed it and supported it.
To any Way-Boss Guys or Gals reading this, if you are, that idea's a freebie. Feel free to use it, no credit necessary.
practice makes perfect
sense when it comes to love...
>Michael Franks
[This message was edited by socks on October 29, 2003 at 0:02.]
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your motto to blieve the best about everybody sure beats everbody is the enemy out to get ya !
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yeah you're right mj
maybe i missed it, but did JP wierwille's website have multiple links to greasespotcafe ??
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