I agree with Lightside and others... my take is that Harvey's trying to make it "all about the money" regardless of the prattle found elsewhere in "his" letter... it's about the money... and all of the "advisors" have assured them (the DOB) that there's enough ca$h to cover the expen$e$ between pension, Soc Security and ??? what ??? Harvey implies (my opinion) that there must be some savings somewhere stashed away to cover the expenses...
Why else would he attack JP's motives (inheritance) and how else would full time Alzheimer's care be "taken care of" by a pension plan and social security??? that aint gonna cut it usually...
What I get from the letter makes me think that the DOB translate VP's promises that she would be taken care of to "won't need any help from the kids"... rather than "TWI will take care of everything"....
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
We knew they were monitoring GSpot and trying to break into the log in of people. They tried to find out my identity but got busted. read that, innies? They tried to break into my log on? Is that a godly organization???
Oh, harve, harve, harve, I hope you have a plan b for when the foxy one wants you to take the fall for this. Did you think it would help?? Did you think you and twi wouldn't look stupid??
Innies who only lurk here have been talking about your letter to other innies who have never even looked here before. They're looking now.
What makes it worse is it's typical twi assault and attack with mis-information. You just look like a wounded wild animal who's been cornered.
Let's start with the basics:
you said,
quote: This letter is in response to your open letter published on your website with multiple links to GreaseSpotCafe.com
I looked and I don't see any links to GSpot on JPW's website. JP has his own website to air the information that he has. Why didn't you use your own website to do the same if you are insistent on "responding in the same forum"? I'm sure Paw would have gladly provided links to your website for us here. lie #1
you said:
quote:it is unprecedented for the Board of Directors to respond to attacks posted on the internet
Will you now respond to the other things said about twi? plagarism, doctrinal errors, molestation, breaking up of families, lock box, slavery, etc.
you said -
quote: it appears that you would put your mother?s health and well-being at risk in order to advance some personal agenda
How the he!! is he putting his mother's health and well-being at risk? That's nothing more than a personal, vicious attack, harvey. There's really no substance to this attack and no "profit" in it.
You mention that Mrs. VPW has been in a nursing home since September. JP's letter, scanned onto his website, SIGNED BY ALL 4 CHILDREN is dated FEBRUARY. They were asking for a full time nurse at that time so that she could stay in her home and get the care she needs and deserves.
You sent a letter on February 14 stating that you were thankful that they brought the need for better care to your attention. it shouldn't have come to that, harvey.
You mention that you can't pay for the personal care because it's considered "private benefit". Do your lawyers and the IRS know about the "private benefits" of personal assistants who cook and clean for you and your buddies? I'll bet the people on the field don't know how much the staff caters to the every whims of the bod and donna and the allens
Admit it, harve, the volunteers have declined because you're working them too hard again and you're too short handed. NOt enough hands to scrub the toilets 10 times a day anymore?
That Health Benefit Plan wasn't "initiated" until just a couple of years ago. It was only initiated after it became painfully obvious to staffers that you weren't going to take care of them in their 'sunset years'. Now we know the truth, don't we? ;)-->
You even admit in your letter scanned on JPs website that you discussed having a nurse care for her in her home, but you didn't recommend it because of the cost. You plainly state right here that you are not paying for what would be the best for her!!! It sounds like you aren't paying for sqwat regarding her care. It was discussed with wanda - not with the wierwille kids.
Gee, harvey, I have scanned letters on JPs website and nothing but words and attacks in your letter to compare. Hmmmmmm, the rhetoric isn't working anymore, harvey. You've lied too much to people. Things just don't add up. People are starting to open their eyes. I hope yours open soon.
Edited to clean up some HTML code
[This message was edited by pawtucket on October 27, 2003 at 14:58.]
IF this is a family affair ~ so much for the Household...
If this is a family affair, they could have shown discretion and left it alone ~ BUT NO ~ they are basically calling Mrs. Wierwille's daughter a liar... what else is new in twi, Harve?
If this is a family affair ~ they should have displayed self-control and left it up to the family to iron out what is happening with the Mom.
If this is a case where Mrs. Wierwille needed 24/7 professional care ~ and to move her away from a life-long home would render her more disoriented ~ then they CAN/COULD have brought in a professional home care staff WHERE SHE LIVED, to take the optimum care of here at home... managing her daily care.
Many people do this ~ it is common knowledge.
Her SS insurance would have provided much of this care. Then extra funds could have been provided, increasing the amount and quality of her care.
If they were concerned about using other assets, they could have protected those assets in a conservatorship/trust.
My guess is ~ this is a retalitory act by H.P...who hasn't the respect of the GS population anyway... because the hearts that have been hurting here were not addressed yet...it's a blatent display of rubbing someone's nose in 'something' and trying to one-up the ante...using the lowest cards...and crude manner...an attempt to humiliate or attack the credibility of a child of a parent one felt impotent in creating any change in the current situation because they were not given full access.
Many of us have seen the elderly passed over to the hands of strangers for care (not necessarily a bad thing in some cases) but that should be when all other aspects of constructive care options have been tried FIRST. It's usually a last resort.
Harve's taken the low road ~ attacking someone where they are vulnerable ~ their parents' personal business ~ attempting it's famed legalization and callousness for all manner of relating to affected people.
I feel, personally, (in opinion) that Mrs. Wierwille might have benefitted from 'in-home professional services'!
A professional staff of health care providers selected with expertise in the areas she requires to maintain/improve/treat her health situation.
This way, she can still relate to the familiar and the home she has lived in her entire life.
Proper trusts, like special needs, or a conservatorship to protect her assets, would have assisted in the access to medical (paid) svcs. and the benefits available to all seniors ~ and with the proper protection in her individual case, the extra money could have been delegated for use in providing the best care available to the Mother of TWI, over and above the average (or below) costs, which is allowed.
In "The Fountain of Age' by Betty Friedan, a woman's right activest (now senior activist), many alternatives for these situations are discussed in detail...as in other published works by people in the know.
Sadly, it appears TWI did not 'research' the 'doable' options, like keeping Mrs. W. home with a great home-care staff, employed from 'outside' their organization.
On the 'other side' of the coin, the best thing, in a way of speaking, is that they now have no control over her dail life.
I think this might be good if indeed this illness was inconvenient for them...and that makes it better off to be where people can provide the care the Way Int. may NOT want working on their grounds... which is pretty self-serving along with their dogma... in my opinion.
...but not in furthering along possible disorientation.
..in my opinion only...
But, in my feelings ~ Harv is behaving crudely ~ rude and it's socially unacceptable to address the personal family business of anothers' ~ even if they are befriended by certain websites...who care about her.
You could have let this go...
You, on the other hand, think so very little of GSCafe...or other serious issues here would have been addressed.
It's cowardly to take shots at someone deeply affected by the predicament of a loved one ~ especially when the medium they use to do it ~ is considered very low/unworthy to you ~ to answer any other charges.
Harve, get your head out of the clouds and look around... it is the Way Int. that could have (and should have) butted out of the first families business a LONG time ago, and every family before and since!
This is just the tip of the iceberg in relationship to the 'fall-outs' your legalistic and obsessive practices have created in the lives of many families.
Getting into the womans' face (way) here about what she says about her mothers situation is despicable... and even if she was misguided... do you need to be cruel with such manipulating at a time like this?
If you won't help, you are part of the problem, not the solution.
Ginger Tea
[This message was edited by Ginger Tea on October 27, 2003 at 14:31.]
I have just read the posting of H.P.'s responce to Mrs. W. being put into the care facility.
It seams like a smokescreen to help cover some of TWI's involvment in not wanting to give out the whole story.
Hey PAW. How about inviting J.P. and the other Wierwille kids, as many as want to, to respond to the letter that Harvey sent to GSC??? have them give as much of thier feelings on what was said and on what they think has been done by TWI with Mrs. Wierwille's care. And also if the WAY has been helping as much as they have said they are. It would be an interesting bit of information.
Also we all KNOW that the 'WAY' has also been known to protect thier a$$ets as much as they can.
As for J.P. and the other kids that were kicked out helping to decide on how Mrs. Wierwille was going to be taken care of, were they notified 1. In person? 2. By letter? 3. Called on the phone and told? 4. Given the chance to come 'ON GROUNDS' and have a disscussion of where and how she was to be taken care of???
Or was the decision just offered to the kids and then done???
I still think that if PAW can swing it, to get as many of the Wierwille kids to respond to harvey's letter. AND to give as much information as they can give to what was covered by TWI's responce.
And to use the information on the TWI website would be shear murder for the site and let ALL of the rank and file know that there is trouble in Mudville tonight.
Dante, please don't take this as critical or insulting, neither is intended whatsoever.
I'm pretty sure that had the Wierwille kids wanted to post here at Greasespot, they would have.
I'm also pretty sure that it's inappropriate to ask them to come here and perform for our entertainment.
This is a trying time in their lives.
And they, like you, have a right to their privacy.
Yes, JP has gone public, to some extent, but I think that he has gone as far as anyone should reasonably expect him to go.
Quite frankly, none of it is any of our business, really. It's between TWIt and the Wierwille kids. Of course, TWIt was very wrong in publicizing so much detail to their congregation, so in that regard they may have opened themselves up to legal action.
"Dear Rosalie, Harve, and Jean Yves" and signed it "Sincerely in Christ".
Evidently, the BOD did not reply as they should have.
Then JPW wrote "Dear Fellow Saints"
saying in that letter:
"The Board of Directors must respond in writing to their followers. They must rescind their presumptuous use of our family's endorsement of their actions toward our mother. If they are unable to find the courage to do so, they should provide me with a current mailing list so that I may inform our brothers and sisters of the truth and facts concerning these matters. I expect to share my thoughts with you on these and other issues in the coming days....God bless you....sincerely yours, J.P."
I recken these letters do what Matthew 18: 15-17 says.
"15 If your brother wrongs you, go and show him his fault, between you and him privately. If he listens to you, you have won back your brother.
16 But if he does not listen, take along with you one or two others, so that every word may be confirmed and upheld by the testimony of two or three witnesses.
17 If he pays no attention to them [refusing to listen and obey], tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a pagan and a tax collector."
The TWI BOD are as pagans (gentiles) and tax collectors (The IRS).
It hurts my heart to think people I call friends are still "standing" with the way. Anything that promotes twi, teaching for them, absing with them, bringing people to fellowships, is an endorsement of the treatment of Mrs. W.
TWI is always trying to turn their wrongdoing inside out and blame the victim. It has EVER been their modus operandi.
At one point, TWI was responsible for and AGREED to pay a hospital bill for an injury that occurred on THEIR property, due to their OWN negligence. B.T. agreed to turn it in to TWI's insurance agency.
Funny, but after I left TWI, they STOPPED paying the bill and the hospital eventually turned it over to a collection agency.
When I contacted B.T., the person who represented TWI and had agreed to pay the bill, I told him that because they had not paid the hospital bill, it had been referred to collections.
After B.T. hemmed and hawed and blew smoke up my skirt and tried to dance around TWI's legal responsibility, he in a very accusatory voice said, "I'd be interested in knowing WHY they turned YOU over to a COLLECTION AGENCY!" The inference was that I was the one who was in default on this bill, and he was calling my stewardship of my finances into question.
Then I had to remind him why I had called and that it was HE and TWI who had AGREED to pay the bill and THEY were the ones who weren't paying THEIR bill, NOT ME.
I had to threaten them with legal action before they finally paid the bill.
And, yes, they PAID the bill IN FULL. But ONLY when backed into a corner.
In some important ways, I only skimmed the surface of TWI during the seven years I was involved. My heart goes out to all of the friends I've made here at Greasespot, who were used so much more dispicably than I was. I just wanted to say I'm thankful for Greasespot, and I love you all.
If Harve Platig or another TWI representative reads this I have only this to say. You pride yourself on being a biblical research and teaching ministry. However, in actual depth of understanding and practical application you fall grossly short. If you were actually following the teachings of the bible, you would return the ancestral home of the Wierwille family back to the living Wierwille descendants. If you want scripture and verse I can provide this. However, judging from your previous standard of spiritual deceit and corruption the living scriptures would fall on deaf ears. This is your choice and rationalization. However, do not be deceived. Your cold hearted rationalization in not at least financially caring for, in the entirety, the wife of your founder will be evident to all. Especially considering that you have the Wierwille ancestral home which is not only of great monetary value, but also according to biblical custom should be for the offspring and the descendants of the Wierwille family.
People that hear of this matter will know intellectually, spiritually and morally that you are nothing but religious frauds and hypocrites. You wear this hat well actually and it becomes you. You have for many years, but with each misdeed this will be apparent to more and more. This however, is a misdeed of such sizable proportions that even people that were never with your organization will be appalled and feel your hypocrisy intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. At best you are now simply a corporation. However, to all that value love, goodness, kindness and brotherly charity you are nothing, but reprobate hypocrites with a rationalization for every evil deed and act.
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George, maybe it's becaue Mrs. W. couldn't "work" for the Way anymore. Which begs the question, just what does an 8 hour day of Harvey's "work" consist of? What do ANY of them do for "work"? I've bee
jp decided to do that site and before that.... it was on here.... ?
Orange Cat
Dear Harve,
Your tenderly written letter has completely won me over. Can I come back to HQ now? Can I have one of the trailers in the back, please? Pretty please?
Orange Cat color>
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excellent OC
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Tom Strange
I agree with Lightside and others... my take is that Harvey's trying to make it "all about the money" regardless of the prattle found elsewhere in "his" letter... it's about the money... and all of the "advisors" have assured them (the DOB) that there's enough ca$h to cover the expen$e$ between pension, Soc Security and ??? what ??? Harvey implies (my opinion) that there must be some savings somewhere stashed away to cover the expenses...
Why else would he attack JP's motives (inheritance) and how else would full time Alzheimer's care be "taken care of" by a pension plan and social security??? that aint gonna cut it usually...
What I get from the letter makes me think that the DOB translate VP's promises that she would be taken care of to "won't need any help from the kids"... rather than "TWI will take care of everything"....
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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We knew they were monitoring GSpot and trying to break into the log in of people. They tried to find out my identity but got busted. read that, innies? They tried to break into my log on? Is that a godly organization???
Oh, harve, harve, harve, I hope you have a plan b for when the foxy one wants you to take the fall for this. Did you think it would help?? Did you think you and twi wouldn't look stupid??
Innies who only lurk here have been talking about your letter to other innies who have never even looked here before. They're looking now.
What makes it worse is it's typical twi assault and attack with mis-information. You just look like a wounded wild animal who's been cornered.
Let's start with the basics:
you said,
I looked and I don't see any links to GSpot on JPW's website. JP has his own website to air the information that he has. Why didn't you use your own website to do the same if you are insistent on "responding in the same forum"? I'm sure Paw would have gladly provided links to your website for us here. lie #1
you said:
Will you now respond to the other things said about twi? plagarism, doctrinal errors, molestation, breaking up of families, lock box, slavery, etc.
you said -
How the he!! is he putting his mother's health and well-being at risk? That's nothing more than a personal, vicious attack, harvey. There's really no substance to this attack and no "profit" in it.
You mention that Mrs. VPW has been in a nursing home since September. JP's letter, scanned onto his website, SIGNED BY ALL 4 CHILDREN is dated FEBRUARY. They were asking for a full time nurse at that time so that she could stay in her home and get the care she needs and deserves.
You sent a letter on February 14 stating that you were thankful that they brought the need for better care to your attention. it shouldn't have come to that, harvey.
You mention that you can't pay for the personal care because it's considered "private benefit". Do your lawyers and the IRS know about the "private benefits" of personal assistants who cook and clean for you and your buddies? I'll bet the people on the field don't know how much the staff caters to the every whims of the bod and donna and the allens
Admit it, harve, the volunteers have declined because you're working them too hard again and you're too short handed. NOt enough hands to scrub the toilets 10 times a day anymore?
That Health Benefit Plan wasn't "initiated" until just a couple of years ago. It was only initiated after it became painfully obvious to staffers that you weren't going to take care of them in their 'sunset years'. Now we know the truth, don't we?
You even admit in your letter scanned on JPs website that you discussed having a nurse care for her in her home, but you didn't recommend it because of the cost. You plainly state right here that you are not paying for what would be the best for her!!! It sounds like you aren't paying for sqwat regarding her care. It was discussed with wanda - not with the wierwille kids.
Gee, harvey, I have scanned letters on JPs website and nothing but words and attacks in your letter to compare. Hmmmmmm, the rhetoric isn't working anymore, harvey. You've lied too much to people. Things just don't add up. People are starting to open their eyes. I hope yours open soon.
Edited to clean up some HTML code
[This message was edited by pawtucket on October 27, 2003 at 14:58.]
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Ginger Tea
IF this is a family affair ~ so much for the Household...
If this is a family affair, they could have shown discretion and left it alone ~ BUT NO ~ they are basically calling Mrs. Wierwille's daughter a liar... what else is new in twi, Harve?
If this is a family affair ~ they should have displayed self-control and left it up to the family to iron out what is happening with the Mom.
If this is a case where Mrs. Wierwille needed 24/7 professional care ~ and to move her away from a life-long home would render her more disoriented ~ then they CAN/COULD have brought in a professional home care staff WHERE SHE LIVED, to take the optimum care of here at home... managing her daily care.
Many people do this ~ it is common knowledge.
Her SS insurance would have provided much of this care. Then extra funds could have been provided, increasing the amount and quality of her care.
If they were concerned about using other assets, they could have protected those assets in a conservatorship/trust.
My guess is ~ this is a retalitory act by H.P...who hasn't the respect of the GS population anyway... because the hearts that have been hurting here were not addressed yet...it's a blatent display of rubbing someone's nose in 'something' and trying to one-up the ante...using the lowest cards...and crude manner...an attempt to humiliate or attack the credibility of a child of a parent one felt impotent in creating any change in the current situation because they were not given full access.
Many of us have seen the elderly passed over to the hands of strangers for care (not necessarily a bad thing in some cases) but that should be when all other aspects of constructive care options have been tried FIRST. It's usually a last resort.
Harve's taken the low road ~ attacking someone where they are vulnerable ~ their parents' personal business ~ attempting it's famed legalization and callousness for all manner of relating to affected people.
I feel, personally, (in opinion) that Mrs. Wierwille might have benefitted from 'in-home professional services'!
A professional staff of health care providers selected with expertise in the areas she requires to maintain/improve/treat her health situation.
This way, she can still relate to the familiar and the home she has lived in her entire life.
Proper trusts, like special needs, or a conservatorship to protect her assets, would have assisted in the access to medical (paid) svcs. and the benefits available to all seniors ~ and with the proper protection in her individual case, the extra money could have been delegated for use in providing the best care available to the Mother of TWI, over and above the average (or below) costs, which is allowed.
In "The Fountain of Age' by Betty Friedan, a woman's right activest (now senior activist), many alternatives for these situations are discussed in detail...as in other published works by people in the know.
Sadly, it appears TWI did not 'research' the 'doable' options, like keeping Mrs. W. home with a great home-care staff, employed from 'outside' their organization.
On the 'other side' of the coin, the best thing, in a way of speaking, is that they now have no control over her dail life.
I think this might be good if indeed this illness was inconvenient for them...and that makes it better off to be where people can provide the care the Way Int. may NOT want working on their grounds... which is pretty self-serving along with their dogma... in my opinion.
...but not in furthering along possible disorientation.
..in my opinion only...
But, in my feelings ~ Harv is behaving crudely ~ rude and it's socially unacceptable to address the personal family business of anothers' ~ even if they are befriended by certain websites...who care about her.
You could have let this go...
You, on the other hand, think so very little of GSCafe...or other serious issues here would have been addressed.
It's cowardly to take shots at someone deeply affected by the predicament of a loved one ~ especially when the medium they use to do it ~ is considered very low/unworthy to you ~ to answer any other charges.
Harve, get your head out of the clouds and look around... it is the Way Int. that could have (and should have) butted out of the first families business a LONG time ago, and every family before and since!
This is just the tip of the iceberg in relationship to the 'fall-outs' your legalistic and obsessive practices have created in the lives of many families.
Getting into the womans' face (way) here about what she says about her mothers situation is despicable... and even if she was misguided... do you need to be cruel with such manipulating at a time like this?
If you won't help, you are part of the problem, not the solution.
Ginger Tea
[This message was edited by Ginger Tea on October 27, 2003 at 14:31.]
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Tom Strange
well put GT...
... except you're wrong on one of your points... harvey's head is not "in the clouds"...
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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harvey, will you please re-read ginger tea's post
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Tom Strange
and then report to the 9th corps thread... you've got some 'splainin to do...
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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I have just read the posting of H.P.'s responce to Mrs. W. being put into the care facility.
It seams like a smokescreen to help cover some of TWI's involvment in not wanting to give out the whole story.
Hey PAW. How about inviting J.P. and the other Wierwille kids, as many as want to, to respond to the letter that Harvey sent to GSC??? have them give as much of thier feelings on what was said and on what they think has been done by TWI with Mrs. Wierwille's care. And also if the WAY has been helping as much as they have said they are. It would be an interesting bit of information.
Also we all KNOW that the 'WAY' has also been known to protect thier a$$ets as much as they can.
As for J.P. and the other kids that were kicked out helping to decide on how Mrs. Wierwille was going to be taken care of, were they notified 1. In person? 2. By letter? 3. Called on the phone and told? 4. Given the chance to come 'ON GROUNDS' and have a disscussion of where and how she was to be taken care of???
Or was the decision just offered to the kids and then done???
I still think that if PAW can swing it, to get as many of the Wierwille kids to respond to harvey's letter. AND to give as much information as they can give to what was covered by TWI's responce.
And to use the information on the TWI website would be shear murder for the site and let ALL of the rank and file know that there is trouble in Mudville tonight.
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Dante, please don't take this as critical or insulting, neither is intended whatsoever.
I'm pretty sure that had the Wierwille kids wanted to post here at Greasespot, they would have.
I'm also pretty sure that it's inappropriate to ask them to come here and perform for our entertainment.
This is a trying time in their lives.
And they, like you, have a right to their privacy.
Yes, JP has gone public, to some extent, but I think that he has gone as far as anyone should reasonably expect him to go.
Quite frankly, none of it is any of our business, really. It's between TWIt and the Wierwille kids. Of course, TWIt was very wrong in publicizing so much detail to their congregation, so in that regard they may have opened themselves up to legal action.
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JPW and his sisters wrote on Feb. 2, 2003:
"Dear Rosalie, Harve, and Jean Yves" and signed it "Sincerely in Christ".
Evidently, the BOD did not reply as they should have.
Then JPW wrote "Dear Fellow Saints"
saying in that letter:
"The Board of Directors must respond in writing to their followers. They must rescind their presumptuous use of our family's endorsement of their actions toward our mother. If they are unable to find the courage to do so, they should provide me with a current mailing list so that I may inform our brothers and sisters of the truth and facts concerning these matters. I expect to share my thoughts with you on these and other issues in the coming days....God bless you....sincerely yours, J.P."
I recken these letters do what Matthew 18: 15-17 says.
"15 If your brother wrongs you, go and show him his fault, between you and him privately. If he listens to you, you have won back your brother.
16 But if he does not listen, take along with you one or two others, so that every word may be confirmed and upheld by the testimony of two or three witnesses.
17 If he pays no attention to them [refusing to listen and obey], tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a pagan and a tax collector."
The TWI BOD are as pagans (gentiles) and tax collectors (The IRS).
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Golfie, that is a mean thing to say about the IRS.
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ditto to what Steve! said. It's really none of anybody's business what's going on with the W. kids and their mom.
I'm so sorry their private pain has been made so public. It's gotta hurt. The least we could do is be respectful of that.
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jp decided to do that site
and before that.... it was on here....
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yeah, you're right ex.
maybe it's the southern thing, but I always feel shy about buttin in to other's business.
However it doesn't seem to stop me from being extremely nosy...
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my darling sister, i can't even begin to tell you how confused i am about all of this
love you
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Tumbleweed Kid
It hurts my heart to think people I call friends are still "standing" with the way. Anything that promotes twi, teaching for them, absing with them, bringing people to fellowships, is an endorsement of the treatment of Mrs. W.
Loves Buffalo Wings and Hot Sauce!!!
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yeah it's pretty confusing alright. and maybe it will never really get sorted out in this lifetime. But that's ok? isn't it?
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yes it's okay, it will go on my loooooooong list
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TWI is always trying to turn their wrongdoing inside out and blame the victim. It has EVER been their modus operandi.
At one point, TWI was responsible for and AGREED to pay a hospital bill for an injury that occurred on THEIR property, due to their OWN negligence. B.T. agreed to turn it in to TWI's insurance agency.
Funny, but after I left TWI, they STOPPED paying the bill and the hospital eventually turned it over to a collection agency.
When I contacted B.T., the person who represented TWI and had agreed to pay the bill, I told him that because they had not paid the hospital bill, it had been referred to collections.
After B.T. hemmed and hawed and blew smoke up my skirt and tried to dance around TWI's legal responsibility, he in a very accusatory voice said, "I'd be interested in knowing WHY they turned YOU over to a COLLECTION AGENCY!" The inference was that I was the one who was in default on this bill, and he was calling my stewardship of my finances into question.
Then I had to remind him why I had called and that it was HE and TWI who had AGREED to pay the bill and THEY were the ones who weren't paying THEIR bill, NOT ME.
I had to threaten them with legal action before they finally paid the bill.
And, yes, they PAID the bill IN FULL. But ONLY when backed into a corner.
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well these are not nice people
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Steve Lortz
In some important ways, I only skimmed the surface of TWI during the seven years I was involved. My heart goes out to all of the friends I've made here at Greasespot, who were used so much more dispicably than I was. I just wanted to say I'm thankful for Greasespot, and I love you all.
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Mark Sanguinetti
If Harve Platig or another TWI representative reads this I have only this to say. You pride yourself on being a biblical research and teaching ministry. However, in actual depth of understanding and practical application you fall grossly short. If you were actually following the teachings of the bible, you would return the ancestral home of the Wierwille family back to the living Wierwille descendants. If you want scripture and verse I can provide this. However, judging from your previous standard of spiritual deceit and corruption the living scriptures would fall on deaf ears. This is your choice and rationalization. However, do not be deceived. Your cold hearted rationalization in not at least financially caring for, in the entirety, the wife of your founder will be evident to all. Especially considering that you have the Wierwille ancestral home which is not only of great monetary value, but also according to biblical custom should be for the offspring and the descendants of the Wierwille family.
People that hear of this matter will know intellectually, spiritually and morally that you are nothing but religious frauds and hypocrites. You wear this hat well actually and it becomes you. You have for many years, but with each misdeed this will be apparent to more and more. This however, is a misdeed of such sizable proportions that even people that were never with your organization will be appalled and feel your hypocrisy intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. At best you are now simply a corporation. However, to all that value love, goodness, kindness and brotherly charity you are nothing, but reprobate hypocrites with a rationalization for every evil deed and act.
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Gee Mark, tell us how you really feel lol
Very nicely put and dead on target. Well done!
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