They never allowed her to see her children. Im sure if she had voiced her biblical responsibilities to her overseer's they would of turned the word aroung to fit thier very need. Was it the word or the Way's best interest to keep her away from her children..Or did they remind her of Herstand in the HOUSEHOLD!!! It makes me sick!!! Im a mom and it makes me sick!!!!!! Talking about putting God in a box!! Maybe now she can finally see her children..that makes me smile.
I'm still waiting for verification of this power of attorney. Either there IS a power of attorney held by Karen or Mary or there is NOT. Also, if there IS one, then Mrs. W had to have signed it in soundness of mind before being diagnosed with alzheimers. I was at a CFF fellowship with Kevin G. and Sarah in 1997 in which Sarah said that Mrs. W. was free to visit all 4 non TWI children. Mrs. W. could have made POA arrangements without TWI even knowing about it until recently.
Also, there is a difference between power of attorney and a representative payee. Social security does not recognize power of attorney. It is possible for the same person to be both power of attorney AND representative payee, but it is not required. If Mrs. W. gets social security, it would be very unlikely for any of the non TWI children to be her representative payee. They don't live near her; they couldn't cash her checks. It is likely that Wanda is the RP. I assume she lives close to HQ. This whole thing could be more complicated than it looks.
But HP's letter was attacking JP's integrity; like calling his bluff. Verification of the POA would end a lot of speculation. Even mine.
Once again, I am left almost speechless by the complete DRIVEL sent out by a twi representative!!
Harve trying to decipher just what it was that JP was "disagreeing with" smacks of the same kind of self-serving smugness as qualifying what the word "is" means. The question, "How stupid do you think we are?" comes to mind, quickly followed by, "Scratch that... How stupid are you????"
But the comment that I don't believe has been mentioned yet in this thread that popped out as I was reading was this: ... While we cannot (and will not) use the ministry assets for such personal expenses, [ie Mrs W's nursing home costs] we will find a legal and viable solution to ensure that your mother's needs are satisfied.
FIND... they would find a way to pay... if and when it eventually becomes necessary because there is no other way to get things paid for...
They haven't FOUND a way, they aren't even LOOKING for a way right now... they are quite happy to use any other means available to cover this rather than to exert themselves to find a way THEY can pay for her needs right now.
Nope... not because they promised Vic, not because they owe her, not because it's simply the right thing to do... oh heavens NOT because they actually have emotional feelings for the woman!!!
If this were about someone I genuinely loved with all my heart (as they should feel for Mrs. W) I would be doing everything and anything to get around the obstacles, not sitting back at my desk shooting out letters stating why I couldn't do anything.
Yup, Harve... clearly states your heart and intent, your methods and your justifications... 'nuff said.
[This message was edited by TheHighWay on October 26, 2003 at 18:44.]
[This message was edited by TheHighWay on October 26, 2003 at 18:45.]
that's where the problem was and is. the kids were (are) not in the true household
it's hilarious (you know what i mean) that harvey and the way international are posting on greasespot. it's definitely for their benefit, well at least they think so....
Your a good man. I would not have posted Harve's letter.
I would have made him stand on his words on his own website.
Harve having to write to Greasespot is a major victory for former followers.
It is an admission that the former followers are getting attention and having a
postive impact on ending the abuses cased by twi.
The letter from Harve skips several major points made by JP and his website. Remember JP posted letters directly from twi, so he was not making up his story. Harve never denied that the letters were from TWI. JP states that MRS. W's condition became worst from twi's treatment and Harve never denied that. JP claims that they failed to give Mrs. W her medicine and Harve never denied that! Harve can argue all he wants about JP taking MRS. W. into his home, but he can't have it both ways.
1. She has a perfectly good home in New Knoxville. Why shouldn't she be allowed to stay their. Many churches in our area are now
offering day-care for elderly including those needing Alzheimers care. It is a shame to see the "secular" world out performing the ministry once again in yet another area.
2. JP was not allowed on grounds without permission. If the kids wanted to treat their mother in surroundings she was familiar with, it seems this was not an option! Why not!
Why should one of her children be required to minister to her outside her home when she has ministered to so many in the past in her home, including Way Corps recovering from operations and the like.
This is a sad day for The Way, but it really exposes so much of their lies. Those "lurking" should really consider all the teachings done by Craig in the past where he blasted the clergy that walked away from the ministry. He cursed them for not being
around to take care of Mrs. W* on many a corps night.
The first letter posted by JP has all four kids names on it! So much for them not being in agreement.
Just because they placed her in a nursing home after being in the hospital doesn't mean they had an option.
Picking no the inheritence issue was a very low blow. It is common knowledge that all the family assests below to TWI now.
I wonder if historic corps night tapes have been erased or if they are available for legal action?
how dare harvey say they could have taken her into their homes anytime they wished. what a buncha sheet. she wanted to be in HER home before she got sick, but unfortunately that's when "they" called the shots.
it's all circular bullsheet.
what a buncha whimp liars.
power of attorney ? so what ! mrs. w. didn't NEED it before she got ill (i don't care how long it's been in place). she knew she wanted to stay in her house and the older/younger kids could understand that.
all this legal crap now is just CYA (i think that's the right acronym rocky?)
silly silly silly crap
if harvey or rosie, donna or the other fellow had an ounce of honesty in their bones, they would.... i don't know.... not be in the way ministry.... i guess :)-->
and guess what ! i don't agree necessarily with JP (emotion wise i get where he's coming from) and i definitely didn't feel like giving buckaroos to any fund
but i still think the way board of dicktators are rats
is that too personal ? come on.... mark and avoid me already.... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
HP, I command you to show up on GreaseSpot and give an accounting of yourself, lo these last 15 years of descent into boot-licking, obsequious toady-ism.
..and, also, I command you to speak in tongues out loud for 5 straight minutes.... :D-->
Reverend Platig: You see full well your future at the hands of The Way International. Cancer, Alzheimer's, whatever the eventual affliction the Adversary may choose to visit upon you, you see the path laid out for you. You cannot be blind enough not to see it, since you now take responsibility for laying that path brick by brick.
quote:Mark 12:40: Which devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayers: these shall receive greater damnation.
It is common knowledge how legalistic you have allowed your ministry to become. Jesus' words to the similarly-minded Pharisees would give a normal man pause to regret his actions, lest the woe Christ spoke of fell upon him.
There is your path, sir. It is the Way that you have made.
I reread JP's letter and twi's alleged Harve P letter. The HP letter is a pack of lies. Paw, I would not have allowed twi to use GSpot to spew their vennomous attack on JPW.
JP addressed his letter "Dear Fellow Saints"
His stated purpose is
"I submit these documents on this web site to you with a view toward clearing up this confusion from my point of view...I expect you would like to know how she has been and how she is currently being cared for." -- JPW
TWI innies, get BOTH sides of the story. Read JPW's site and documents. Then read twi's HP letter.
TWI is trying to confuse and deceive their followers some more to save face and their income.
I posted earlier in a hurry. I agree with your assessment and your reading of the exchange. I think Harve completely missed the point. Or maybe he didn't miss it. Maybe he deliberately mis-stated J.P.'s position (which is very likely) in order to launch his character assassination. I think a fair reading of J.P.'s website would conclude otherwise.
Harve says:
1. You claim that you and other members of the Wierwille family opposed Mrs. Wierwille's admission into an Alzheimer's unit of a nearby nursing home and would prefer that she obtain 24-hour care in a home setting.
Circumstances at the Wierwille home being what they are, I have the distinct impression that J.P. believes that his mother is better off in the nursing home. What J.P. is communicating is that he would have hoped that circumstances would have allowed her to stay in her own home. But the nursing home is a better option to the care she was receiving at home.
2. You claim that The Way International has breached its ethical obligation to care for the needs of Mrs. Wierwille.
Well, yes. The February correspondence makes that clear. Harve, et. al., insisted that the Wierwille family absorb the legal costs (and, possibly, the nursing costs, if an attendant were to be added to the payroll) associated with finding a way for The Way to legally care for Mrs. Wierwille in her own home, rather than absorb those costs themselves. "Have your attorneys contact our attorneys." Oh, please.
3. You claim that Mrs. Wierwille's care prior to her admission into the nursing home was substandard.
Yes. And Harve agreed in his February correspondence that the many "volunteers" who were attending to Mrs. Wierwille were only adding to her confusion, yet he didn't make other arrangements for her (i.e. have the "volunteers" work an eight-hour shift so there would be fewer of them), but instead, left it up to the family to remedy the situation.
4. You claim that the Board of Directors has erroneously represented Wanda Wierwille as the spokesperson for the Wierwille family.
It sure sounded that way to me after reading Wanda's letter.
Oakspear: You said it best.
quote:This is good ol' TWI leadership at it's best. Confuse the issue, blame the victim, make it look like the person with the complaint is saying something that they are not really saying. Classic.
I forgot how destructively sneaky these people can be. Thanks for the reminder, Harve.
After rereading JP's website, I'm guessing that Karen Martin has the power of attorney, since the letter TWI sent to all 4 kids is c/o her. Power of attorney is a legal standard, the key word being power. It's not just CYA. The Allen lawsuit was not silly crap. Neither was Paul in Acts 16 proving to Phillipian authorities that he was a Roman citizen, thus abruptly reversing the death sentence they had in mind for him. Legal standards are not silly to those who have the power to enforce them.
While it may be slimy of TWI via HP to communicate with GSC only for the opportunistic purpose of attacking JPW's credibility and making him look like a fool, they DID do it, and they probably love seeing how many cages they've rattled by this thread.
If JP knew about the POA, why did he misrepresent it? If he didn't know about it, why not? He's got to respond to this.
IMHO, this stuff happens in families of all faiths, business's, mixed faith families, and rank unbelieving famillies. It's the same old story.
My recent experience is with my sister, 49 years old, single mom with a 18 year old daughter.
She gets AML, is now going for the stem cell transplant, (for the cure) and she is now inbetween insurance policies taking effect.
For three months, she will be without any income.
Then in Jan. 2004, social security kicks in.
How does our family, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc handle it? (just the finanes for this 3 month period)???
They all get together with my sisters precious 18 year old daughter and individually take their turns screaming, hollering, and demanding that she quit school, get a third job, move back home; and pay all her mothers bills.
Not even one discussion on how the so-called adults (in their 40's, 50's, and older) should handle the situation.
And to top it all off, my sister is constantly telling the relatives to "Trust in God"; and she is getting blown off as a raving idiot. Even when they are seeing miracles (in the financial realm happen in front of their very eyes) ei. Checks from unknown people being sent to my sister, Business's settling old debts with my sister and sending unexpected checks in the mail.
Man, it's all about the money, in every walk of life. TWI is no different.
Talk about backing off on stated committments.
When my sister got the word of AML, a family member inwhom my sister rents one of their properties, stated that everything would be OK. My sister could live rent free until she got back to work.
A month later the new command was: "You need to pay the rent". The following week, the command was: "You have to absolutely pay the rent".
Same old story: When the tough times come, people can really show their TRUE COLORS, their REAL
TWI, you just showed me and the whole world what you are really made of.....and twice establishes it.
Way to go Harve...You never cease to amaze me. Your letter still confirms that the hole in your head continues to recieve monkey turds which allows every word out of your mouth diarrhea. Looks like ****,,smells like ****,,IT IS ****...
Harve, just want you to know that I will continue to keep my innie friends informed about Ms. Wierwille. They knew about her long before you and your cultee mis-fits announced it to them. Sort of like LCM's encounters, they knew before you let them know. Also, they know some more going on in this area that has not been announced to them...When is the Peeler suit going to be announced to them????
Keep on truckin Harve so the innies can keep on leavin....
quote: Our Letter to The Way Corps stated ?Mrs. Wierwille?s children and Wanda Wierwille are in full agreement with the doctors? recommendations that this is the best way to care for Mrs. Wierwille. After considering the advice and counsel for medical professionals, this decision was made by her family.? You disagree ?with no equivocation? with this portion of our letter. We are puzzled to say the least
Puzzled to say the least??? I thought he made it very clear he did not agree with the nursing home? He specifically listed a reason of new surroundings being confusing as part of his main concern. He said 24 hour care in her known surrounding was what he wanted and his other family members.
by the very nature of the english language how could you misinterpret that Harve? When the Way international says it is a family decision they IMPLIED it involved their entire family. If they had wanted to they could have simply said it was a family decision based on those active with the TWI. Wouldn't that have clarified the actual truth? No TWI wanted to make it look like EVERYONE agreed to quiet the situation down. This is one of the "spiritual principles" don't you know --- don't tell all you know. If they were just forthright they would save themselves a lot of headache but that would be too simple.
quote:. . . While we cannot (and will not) use ministry assets for such personal expenses, we will find a legal and viable solution to ensure that your mother?s needs are satisfied. However, our concern is limited to your mother?s needs, not your potential inheritance.
Let me get this straight: Harvey is not for spending ministry assets covering Mrs. Wierwille's personal expenses, because he's afraid that will mean if they did, that eventually, Mrs. Wierwille's assets will eventually go to JP?
How bold and concerned Harvey is, to point out that ministry assets might be abused that way!
Then I'm sure Harvey will have no problem walking into his boss's office, and demand that she stop using ministry assets for her own personal needs, like cleaning her home, manicuring her lawn, cleaning her pool, etc. and all the other personal servicing that they get by with. Hell, they live like kings and millionaires.
Do I have that right or am I off base?
And why does sweet Rosalie still, even after all this time, own her own home?
Dr. & Mrs. Wierwille put everything in TWI's name, right? How about Rosalie?
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George, maybe it's becaue Mrs. W. couldn't "work" for the Way anymore. Which begs the question, just what does an 8 hour day of Harvey's "work" consist of? What do ANY of them do for "work"? I've bee
jp decided to do that site and before that.... it was on here.... ?
Ya know Im a mom.
They never allowed her to see her children. Im sure if she had voiced her biblical responsibilities to her overseer's they would of turned the word aroung to fit thier very need. Was it the word or the Way's best interest to keep her away from her children..Or did they remind her of Herstand in the HOUSEHOLD!!! It makes me sick!!! Im a mom and it makes me sick!!!!!! Talking about putting God in a box!! Maybe now she can finally see her children..that makes me smile.
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I'm still waiting for verification of this power of attorney. Either there IS a power of attorney held by Karen or Mary or there is NOT. Also, if there IS one, then Mrs. W had to have signed it in soundness of mind before being diagnosed with alzheimers. I was at a CFF fellowship with Kevin G. and Sarah in 1997 in which Sarah said that Mrs. W. was free to visit all 4 non TWI children. Mrs. W. could have made POA arrangements without TWI even knowing about it until recently.
Also, there is a difference between power of attorney and a representative payee. Social security does not recognize power of attorney. It is possible for the same person to be both power of attorney AND representative payee, but it is not required. If Mrs. W. gets social security, it would be very unlikely for any of the non TWI children to be her representative payee. They don't live near her; they couldn't cash her checks. It is likely that Wanda is the RP. I assume she lives close to HQ. This whole thing could be more complicated than it looks.
But HP's letter was attacking JP's integrity; like calling his bluff. Verification of the POA would end a lot of speculation. Even mine.
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Once again, I am left almost speechless by the complete DRIVEL sent out by a twi representative!!
Harve trying to decipher just what it was that JP was "disagreeing with" smacks of the same kind of self-serving smugness as qualifying what the word "is" means. The question, "How stupid do you think we are?" comes to mind, quickly followed by, "Scratch that... How stupid are you????"
But the comment that I don't believe has been mentioned yet in this thread that popped out as I was reading was this: ... While we cannot (and will not) use the ministry assets for such personal expenses, [ie Mrs W's nursing home costs] we will find a legal and viable solution to ensure that your mother's needs are satisfied.
FIND... they would find a way to pay... if and when it eventually becomes necessary because there is no other way to get things paid for...
They haven't FOUND a way, they aren't even LOOKING for a way right now... they are quite happy to use any other means available to cover this rather than to exert themselves to find a way THEY can pay for her needs right now.
Nope... not because they promised Vic, not because they owe her, not because it's simply the right thing to do... oh heavens NOT because they actually have emotional feelings for the woman!!!
If this were about someone I genuinely loved with all my heart (as they should feel for Mrs. W) I would be doing everything and anything to get around the obstacles, not sitting back at my desk shooting out letters stating why I couldn't do anything.
Yup, Harve... clearly states your heart and intent, your methods and your justifications... 'nuff said.
[This message was edited by TheHighWay on October 26, 2003 at 18:44.]
[This message was edited by TheHighWay on October 26, 2003 at 18:45.]
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if that darn JP would have just stood
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
that's where the problem was and is. the kids were (are) not in the true household
it's hilarious (you know what i mean) that harvey and the way international are posting on greasespot. it's definitely for their benefit, well at least they think so....
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Harve -
Don't hide in your rabbit hole.
Please respond.
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if that happens, someone better be ready to raise me from the dead
but it takes planning and reviewing and safety in a multitude of counselors (household and secular/natural man)
if harvey just wrote that from his heart, i will eat my holy spirit dove necklace
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LOL ex, I think your pretty safe on that one. I don't expect any answers either. Not there style.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Tumbleweed Kid
Your a good man. I would not have posted Harve's letter.
I would have made him stand on his words on his own website.
Harve having to write to Greasespot is a major victory for former followers.
It is an admission that the former followers are getting attention and having a
postive impact on ending the abuses cased by twi.
The letter from Harve skips several major points made by JP and his website. Remember JP posted letters directly from twi, so he was not making up his story. Harve never denied that the letters were from TWI. JP states that MRS. W's condition became worst from twi's treatment and Harve never denied that. JP claims that they failed to give Mrs. W her medicine and Harve never denied that! Harve can argue all he wants about JP taking MRS. W. into his home, but he can't have it both ways.
1. She has a perfectly good home in New Knoxville. Why shouldn't she be allowed to stay their. Many churches in our area are now
offering day-care for elderly including those needing Alzheimers care. It is a shame to see the "secular" world out performing the ministry once again in yet another area.
2. JP was not allowed on grounds without permission. If the kids wanted to treat their mother in surroundings she was familiar with, it seems this was not an option! Why not!
Why should one of her children be required to minister to her outside her home when she has ministered to so many in the past in her home, including Way Corps recovering from operations and the like.
This is a sad day for The Way, but it really exposes so much of their lies. Those "lurking" should really consider all the teachings done by Craig in the past where he blasted the clergy that walked away from the ministry. He cursed them for not being
around to take care of Mrs. W* on many a corps night.
The first letter posted by JP has all four kids names on it! So much for them not being in agreement.
Just because they placed her in a nursing home after being in the hospital doesn't mean they had an option.
Picking no the inheritence issue was a very low blow. It is common knowledge that all the family assests below to TWI now.
I wonder if historic corps night tapes have been erased or if they are available for legal action?
Loves Buffalo Wings and Hot Sauce!!!
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exactly !
how dare harvey say they could have taken her into their homes anytime they wished. what a buncha sheet. she wanted to be in HER home before she got sick, but unfortunately that's when "they" called the shots.
it's all circular bullsheet.
what a buncha whimp liars.
power of attorney ? so what ! mrs. w. didn't NEED it before she got ill (i don't care how long it's been in place). she knew she wanted to stay in her house and the older/younger kids could understand that.
all this legal crap now is just CYA (i think that's the right acronym rocky?)
silly silly silly crap
if harvey or rosie, donna or the other fellow had an ounce of honesty in their bones, they would.... i don't know.... not be in the way ministry.... i guess
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and guess what ! i don't agree necessarily with JP (emotion wise i get where he's coming from) and i definitely didn't feel like giving buckaroos to any fund
but i still think the way board of dicktators are rats
is that too personal ? come on.... mark and avoid me already.... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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excie, let's give it a try:
HP, I command you to show up on GreaseSpot and give an accounting of yourself, lo these last 15 years of descent into boot-licking, obsequious toady-ism.
..and, also, I command you to speak in tongues out loud for 5 straight minutes....
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and forgive me, weren't the older children always copouts (or had it easier than "we" did) except for main stage once a year ?
excuse me for speaking evil
but this soap opera is beyond me
(the whole thing is tragic and i haven't figured out all the agendas)
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Yep, Excie, that's the pertinent acronym.
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thanks rocky
i'm just wondering why vpw charged the way international with his wife's care and not his children ?
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Reverend Platig: You see full well your future at the hands of The Way International. Cancer, Alzheimer's, whatever the eventual affliction the Adversary may choose to visit upon you, you see the path laid out for you. You cannot be blind enough not to see it, since you now take responsibility for laying that path brick by brick.
It is common knowledge how legalistic you have allowed your ministry to become. Jesus' words to the similarly-minded Pharisees would give a normal man pause to regret his actions, lest the woe Christ spoke of fell upon him.There is your path, sir. It is the Way that you have made.
Bon voyage.
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I reread JP's letter and twi's alleged Harve P letter. The HP letter is a pack of lies. Paw, I would not have allowed twi to use GSpot to spew their vennomous attack on JPW.
JP addressed his letter "Dear Fellow Saints"
His stated purpose is
"I submit these documents on this web site to you with a view toward clearing up this confusion from my point of view...I expect you would like to know how she has been and how she is currently being cared for." -- JPW
TWI innies, get BOTH sides of the story. Read JPW's site and documents. Then read twi's HP letter.
TWI is trying to confuse and deceive their followers some more to save face and their income.
try this link
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I posted earlier in a hurry. I agree with your assessment and your reading of the exchange. I think Harve completely missed the point. Or maybe he didn't miss it. Maybe he deliberately mis-stated J.P.'s position (which is very likely) in order to launch his character assassination. I think a fair reading of J.P.'s website would conclude otherwise.
Harve says:
1. You claim that you and other members of the Wierwille family opposed Mrs. Wierwille's admission into an Alzheimer's unit of a nearby nursing home and would prefer that she obtain 24-hour care in a home setting.
Circumstances at the Wierwille home being what they are, I have the distinct impression that J.P. believes that his mother is better off in the nursing home. What J.P. is communicating is that he would have hoped that circumstances would have allowed her to stay in her own home. But the nursing home is a better option to the care she was receiving at home.
2. You claim that The Way International has breached its ethical obligation to care for the needs of Mrs. Wierwille.
Well, yes. The February correspondence makes that clear. Harve, et. al., insisted that the Wierwille family absorb the legal costs (and, possibly, the nursing costs, if an attendant were to be added to the payroll) associated with finding a way for The Way to legally care for Mrs. Wierwille in her own home, rather than absorb those costs themselves. "Have your attorneys contact our attorneys." Oh, please.
3. You claim that Mrs. Wierwille's care prior to her admission into the nursing home was substandard.
Yes. And Harve agreed in his February correspondence that the many "volunteers" who were attending to Mrs. Wierwille were only adding to her confusion, yet he didn't make other arrangements for her (i.e. have the "volunteers" work an eight-hour shift so there would be fewer of them), but instead, left it up to the family to remedy the situation.
4. You claim that the Board of Directors has erroneously represented Wanda Wierwille as the spokesperson for the Wierwille family.
It sure sounded that way to me after reading Wanda's letter.
Oakspear: You said it best.
I forgot how destructively sneaky these people can be. Thanks for the reminder, Harve.
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Nicely put, Laleo.
Any objective reading of JPW's website and Platig's letter should reveal who's being sincere and who's trying to muddy the waters.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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After rereading JP's website, I'm guessing that Karen Martin has the power of attorney, since the letter TWI sent to all 4 kids is c/o her. Power of attorney is a legal standard, the key word being power. It's not just CYA. The Allen lawsuit was not silly crap. Neither was Paul in Acts 16 proving to Phillipian authorities that he was a Roman citizen, thus abruptly reversing the death sentence they had in mind for him. Legal standards are not silly to those who have the power to enforce them.
While it may be slimy of TWI via HP to communicate with GSC only for the opportunistic purpose of attacking JPW's credibility and making him look like a fool, they DID do it, and they probably love seeing how many cages they've rattled by this thread.
If JP knew about the POA, why did he misrepresent it? If he didn't know about it, why not? He's got to respond to this.
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maybe the kids don't communicate
what cages rattled ?
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IMHO, this stuff happens in families of all faiths, business's, mixed faith families, and rank unbelieving famillies. It's the same old story.
My recent experience is with my sister, 49 years old, single mom with a 18 year old daughter.
She gets AML, is now going for the stem cell transplant, (for the cure) and she is now inbetween insurance policies taking effect.
For three months, she will be without any income.
Then in Jan. 2004, social security kicks in.
How does our family, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc handle it? (just the finanes for this 3 month period)???
They all get together with my sisters precious 18 year old daughter and individually take their turns screaming, hollering, and demanding that she quit school, get a third job, move back home; and pay all her mothers bills.
Not even one discussion on how the so-called adults (in their 40's, 50's, and older) should handle the situation.
And to top it all off, my sister is constantly telling the relatives to "Trust in God"; and she is getting blown off as a raving idiot. Even when they are seeing miracles (in the financial realm happen in front of their very eyes) ei. Checks from unknown people being sent to my sister, Business's settling old debts with my sister and sending unexpected checks in the mail.
Man, it's all about the money, in every walk of life. TWI is no different.
Talk about backing off on stated committments.
When my sister got the word of AML, a family member inwhom my sister rents one of their properties, stated that everything would be OK. My sister could live rent free until she got back to work.
A month later the new command was: "You need to pay the rent". The following week, the command was: "You have to absolutely pay the rent".
Same old story: When the tough times come, people can really show their TRUE COLORS, their REAL
TWI, you just showed me and the whole world what you are really made of.....and twice establishes it.
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Way to go Harve...You never cease to amaze me. Your letter still confirms that the hole in your head continues to recieve monkey turds which allows every word out of your mouth diarrhea. Looks like ****,,smells like ****,,IT IS ****...
Harve, just want you to know that I will continue to keep my innie friends informed about Ms. Wierwille. They knew about her long before you and your cultee mis-fits announced it to them. Sort of like LCM's encounters, they knew before you let them know. Also, they know some more going on in this area that has not been announced to them...When is the Peeler suit going to be announced to them????
Keep on truckin Harve so the innies can keep on leavin....
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Horse Called War
Puzzled to say the least??? I thought he made it very clear he did not agree with the nursing home? He specifically listed a reason of new surroundings being confusing as part of his main concern. He said 24 hour care in her known surrounding was what he wanted and his other family members.
by the very nature of the english language how could you misinterpret that Harve? When the Way international says it is a family decision they IMPLIED it involved their entire family. If they had wanted to they could have simply said it was a family decision based on those active with the TWI. Wouldn't that have clarified the actual truth? No TWI wanted to make it look like EVERYONE agreed to quiet the situation down. This is one of the "spiritual principles" don't you know --- don't tell all you know. If they were just forthright they would save themselves a lot of headache but that would be too simple.
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Harvey said:
Let me get this straight: Harvey is not for spending ministry assets covering Mrs. Wierwille's personal expenses, because he's afraid that will mean if they did, that eventually, Mrs. Wierwille's assets will eventually go to JP?
How bold and concerned Harvey is, to point out that ministry assets might be abused that way!
Then I'm sure Harvey will have no problem walking into his boss's office, and demand that she stop using ministry assets for her own personal needs, like cleaning her home, manicuring her lawn, cleaning her pool, etc. and all the other personal servicing that they get by with. Hell, they live like kings and millionaires.
Do I have that right or am I off base?
And why does sweet Rosalie still, even after all this time, own her own home?
Dr. & Mrs. Wierwille put everything in TWI's name, right? How about Rosalie?
Harvey, do you see the contradiction?
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