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The Doctrine of Yelling?


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As a word of warning, a cautionery tale if you will - VPW's proclivity to anger and his willingness to express it publicly is one of the most damaging influences of his life. I've expressed it before in the past here and other places, and it applies to anyone at any time. Because the Way was populated with young people under 30 for so many years it had a major impact on the dynamics of working with and around him.

Many dealt with it, accepted it but there's a factor of "lost opportunity" that comes into play - anger from a person of authority is threatening and reduces the participation of those who are threatened. How much more and better work would have been done where the environment was constructive and supportive? Never knowing when the next outburst will occur produces a nasty dynamic, like sorting through a mine field. Anger blows up and demands "changes" - there's not a lot of work invested in that kind of approach. "My way or the highway" is the demand of the lazy.

"Pride comes before a fall"....put another way, when anyone sets themselves apart and above others in their close working and family relationships they disconnect from the benefit of their relationships and the balance that influences of equal strength can have on a forward moving subject - like yourself. In effect, constraints provide balance by providing tethers. Through the process of internal and external examination our range and reach of motion and action can become deliberate and planned, considering outcomes we may never consider ourselves or at first blush.

Splashes of emotion fill our lives that color it, good and bad. Too much paint thrown down without thought dries slowly and unevenly. It's the well mixed colors, applied with deliberate and thoughtful craft that produce long lasting results we will look at years later and admire while remembering the process and time that produced it.

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Just the thought of a gun in the bible teaching, wow; I heard on a teaching tape on the rock of ages, that the FBI came to a rock, and VeePee call them out, or something like that?

The government got nervous.

twi had (and has) some gun nuts.

twi used to have a "gun safety" program administered by the state of KANSAS (IIRC)

at the Emporia site. They encouraged sll the on-site Corps to take it.

Take that piece of information, then add the conspiracy theories about a secret

world government and the breakdown of civilization and the MAL packs so we could

head for the hills well-prepared, and it's small wonder the government wanted

to check tbings out.

So, PROBABLY, they sent some people on-grounds during an ROA.

I say PROBABLY because I saw no evidence they ever appeared at the ROA

except vpw saying they did. He lied so often and so freely- especially

about government and conspiracies- that I'd EXPECT him to lie about this.

What he said was that he knew they were around and were looking for guns,

if they'd asked, he would have had them shown around, that twi didn't

have guns, and didn't need them-they needed God.

Which sounded pious, but was obviously a disconnect from the other stuff,

like the MAL packs and recommending the Corps learn to shoot and so on....

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thanks socksie 'tis true

people get too big for their britches and i found i didn't want to try to fill those britches -- i'm not sure if i'm saying this correctly, but you know what i mean


also, with the my way or the highway --

i was an employee of one of the big 8's then big whatevers in new york

they let our manager/department head go. a lot of people really loved her

the major managing partner over us came to have a meeting and told us they let her go for philosophical differences

some people were crying and starting to raise their hands, etc.

and he said, "if you're not with us, you're against us and there's the door"

oh how lovely -- after that i just aspired to be a loyal employee forever lol

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thanks socksie 'tis true

people get too big for their britches and i found i didn't want to try to fill those britches -- i'm not sure if i'm saying this correctly, but you know what i mean


also, with the my way or the highway --

i was an employee of one of the big 8's then big whatevers in new york

they let our manager/department head go. a lot of people really loved her

the major managing partner over us came to have a meeting and told us they let her go for philosophical differences

some people were crying and starting to raise their hands, etc.

and he said, "if you're not with us, you're against us and there's the door"

oh how lovely -- after that i just aspired to be a loyal employee forever lol

So in other words, it was wrongful firing, they knew it, and they could not defend it. So they fell back on the fact that they were the ones that really had the power. So they forced everyone back in line by saying, in essence, "You need us, we don't need you." Makes you wonder why they even held the meeting at all. Why didn't they just issue a memo? That's a rhetorical question, by the way. The reason is, of course, they wanted to give an image of actually caring, but, oops! the employees weren't the sheep they thought they were, and (gasp!) they had questions.

Even more to the point, one wonders just what the "philosophical differences" were? Just what philosophy did she not "agree to" and with whom? I'm just sayin'.

Oh, and socks! Great post, well said!

Edited by Broken Arrow
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