Cool, Sunesis. Loramie was a cool lake alright. Very pretty.
I used to know a dozen or so ponds around New Knoxville, could get on to. Always kept my ultra-light rig and box in the trunk, and hit a spot here and there, early morning or evenings.
Sorry about Lake St. Mary's - never swam in it much but used to go out there with Buddy C and others, to catfish. Buddy was a black belt ninja-cat dude and in a view trips out there taught me the Fine Art of Catchin' (as opposed to "Fishing"... . Bob L. too, I really expanded my fresth water light weight know-how those years. We'd catch dozens of catfish, keep the good ones and do fish fries. The water in the 70's was pretty clean and there were a lot of pond catfish around too, and they tasted GREAT!, fried up.
Ahh... Those two names are a blast from the past Socks! I didn't know you were a fisher - and didn't know St. Mary's lake had catfish. Sounds like you had some fun times. Its always interesting, all the things staffers did, apart from their jobs, that HQ or leadership never knew about. Sounds like we both operated on the same principle (as taught to my by J# B#lt early in my corps training): Its easier to get forgiveness then to get permission.
Oh dear,.... It's so hard to find good help these days..... So The Way International needs staff? Whatever did they do with those loyal dedicated followers who staffed them before? Give them the staff.....?
Oh dear,.... It's so hard to find good help these days..... So The Way International needs staff? Whatever did they do with those loyal dedicated followers who staffed them before? Give them the staff.....?
Yep! And the "bum's rush" as well!
BTW - Glad to see you here again Gen2! Welcome back! We missed you.
Yeh, quite a few, and quite a few less after those years Sunesis. Yep, have always loved to fish, since a kidling. Spent a year in Indian prior to Ohio and got the freshwater bug there. Largemouth bass became the fish of choice. And it was always a blast to catch big bluegill from those Ohio ponds.
A lot of us fished, it was no secret. Bob, Steve, Buddy, quite a few others. For a couple years there a lot of the JN guys carried our gear with us, Skip, Mike W, Ken, myself. Fished in Minnesota, Michigan, California, Florida whenever there was a day off and we could squeeze it in. Paul C and Donnie G and I hit a little spot down in Miami one day a few hours before the Take a Stand Caravan that evening - great spot, sun was going down. Made it in and out on this boat pretty quick and as I recall we didn't catch but hey - it's always a fun time either way.
When you get into the depths of Ohio, it's a pretty hmmm....quiet lifestyle. Subtle. There's a lot to enjoy but you have to take advantage of it. Fishing is one sport that drives some people nuts but if you enjoy it there's a lot fo be said for the freshwater in Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana. I'm not a huge fan of endless fields of corn and soybeans but for a few years it was a unique look into that part of the country. A clear night in that area holds a completely different vibe than anywhere else. Course - California's home. The mountains, the deserts, lakes and of course the Pacific. Can't beat it.
Or maybe they just need them to fill up the shot used during the STS for the video?
I saw a facebook status update from a new staff member the other day - they were headed to the STS - and what a privilege it is to go! Only the spiritually mature can handle all that robotic repetitive monotonous bull poopy for that long. And even they are forced to attend!
If push comes to shove they can always hire unbelievers. Of course they would have to offer competitive wages, good benefits, a non-hostile workplace, no sexual harassment. Never mind, what was I thinking, that would never work....
If push comes to shove they can always hire unbelievers. Of course they would have to offer competitive wages, good benefits, a non-hostile workplace, no sexual harassment. Never mind, what was I thinking, that would never work....
I've heard they've considered hiring a landscaping company . . . might be cheaper . . . but yeah, who could they yell at?
I've heard they've considered hiring a landscaping company . . . might be cheaper . . . but yeah, who could they yell at?
I heard the same about Housekeeping... but they need the SPIRITUAL awareness of a believer to really make sure the toilets don't have poo poo crumbs in them. And the whole vacuuming the carpet without leaving lines behind.
Would that be right, though? Denying Gawd's Peeeeple of His blessings in favor of the vile heathens?
Yes they wouldn't want to pay people that aren't giving back at least 20% of the money they are being paid. That would just upset that fragile monetary balance.... and you might have to pay them. and then there's the minimum wage, and unemployment insurance,.... oh one of those people wouldn't be "too scared to file a claim" if they were hurt. It just sux that you can't tell unbelievers to "just Believe". Nope, nope, nope,..... they'll be off to some expensive doctor and maybe even sue you. How would the Way stnd up if OSHA came to call? No,... we wouldn't want to see that happen. Best off they use the TAMED believers. Hell we can threaten them with our newer - kinder mark and Avoid,.... er, which we've renamed to something else more subtle and ever-changing. After all "the secret to their success is the secrecy of their moves".
I've heard they've considered hiring a landscaping company . . . might be cheaper . . . but yeah, who could they yell at?
On 7/31/2010 at 12:55 AM, JavaJane said:
I heard the same about Housekeeping... but they need the SPIRITUAL awareness of a believer to really make sure the toilets don't have poo poo crumbs in them. And the whole vacuuming the carpet without leaving lines behind.
What next?.........Way Builders?
Ya know, the economy just ain't what it used to be and lots of companies are needing to downsize these days. Besides, with twi's abs shrinking....its time to cut staff and squirrel-hole that $54 million and 'believe God.'
Low man on the totem pole goes first.
Landscaping --- check.
Housekeeping -- check.
Way Builders -- check.
How about Guest Housing? Does twi have 'guests' overnight anymore?
Ya know, the economy just ain't what it used to be and lots of companies are needing to downsize these days. Besides, with twi's abs shrinking....its time to cut staff and squirrel-hole that $54 million and 'believe God.'
Low man on the totem pole goes first.
Landscaping --- check.
Housekeeping -- check.
Way Builders -- check.
How about Guest Housing? Does twi have 'guests' overnight anymore?
Way builders is a blast from the past. In its place is Mechanicals, Maintenance, Architecture and Engineering, and at least a couple "project managers." And they do a significant amount of outsourcing.
As for guests, after there have been 15 layers of approvals they are allowed. But only at the right times and only after the board of dummies give approval.
Ahhh I get it,... keep that resale value high. Only problem they have is Location, location, location. I guess they currently have enough MT space to open a clown training school in the OSC and Clown Branches in other spaces.
With a recent Way Corps of seven individuals, there must be plenty of room to house them,... If not, Gunnison has room for at least 2 of em ... eh?
There was a ton of empty dorm room in founders hall when I was there. Yet they still made people room together.
From what I've red from Bolshevick and you and others...? There's already a good start on Clown Memorabilia in the main lobby of Founder's Hall and elswhere. The clown idea tickles me. Clowns need amusement too. Clowns don't behave, are not reverent, and just love to fill up closed spaces with as many of them as they can. They might bring a little life and sanity to the old BRC. Maybe they can set up shop and write new Books to sell!
Really not sure what the difference would be,... oh well,... maybe they're Coulrophobic? There could be classes on overcoming the fear of clowns and a multitude of clowns in the cornfield could promote the possibility of excellor sessions after the class. Go ahead,... walk right up to a clown and show your lack of fear.
Maybe they would actually plant some danged corn? Clowns are funny like that.
Hey! They could re-do the Website! Maybe some sparkly, Zingy Zangy - Zany colors! LOL,.... they might even tell the truth! You just never know with Clowns!
Now I know that many of you might already be thinking that the place is already full of clowns, but they have no pizazz! no Raz-a-ma-tazz! Wigs and noses and appropriate attire could be introduced! and best yet,....... ...clowns always draw a crowd!
Ahhh I get it,... keep that resale value high. Only problem they have is Location, location, location.
Here's the deal.....
Twi takes that stewardship principle to the nth degree s-t-r-e-c-h-i-n-g every dollar, greasing every fitting, maintenance work on every trailer unit, black-topping roads, etc.
BUT......when it comes to stewarding the lives of staff/corps [the doulos slave teachings], The Way International is a dismal failure. Truth be told, when it comes to that adage of "People are to be loved, things are to be used".....twi LOVES their property and the money it represents, not people. Staffers are sacked like garbage.
Twi takes that stewardship principle to the nth degree s-t-r-e-c-h-i-n-g every dollar, greasing every fitting, maintenance work on every trailer unit, black-topping roads, etc.
BUT......when it comes to stewarding the lives of staff/corps [the doulos slave teachings], The Way International is a dismal failure. Truth be told, when it comes to that adage of "People are to be loved, things are to be used".....twi LOVES their property and the money it represents, not people. Staffers are sacked like garbage.
Yeah,... they have a lousy retirement plan, but that's okay! one stays areound on Staff long enough to collect on it. Poor B. Jess just worked till she couldn't. - and - we all saw how well Mrs Weirwille was treated in her golden widowed years.
It's sad indeed skyrider. And yeah,... I know how it goes for the most part. Fortunately not experientally. And there are people counted as followers that are too scared to leave for fear. Fear of what will become of their families they love - or out of the desperate fear that there is nothing out in the world for them. It irks me!
I'm venting, I know.
You're right about that old Love People - Use Things, and not vice-versa addage though. Wasn't there some proverb about the man that sat on his loot for fear that it might go a bye bye? He was too scared or lazy to get out and do anything. just like the people now running Bozo's New Knoxville Bigtop.
The Corps numbers are so low that they are outnumbered by Toilet Bowl Brushes now. They're losing everything. They're poor stewards whiting an MT seplechure, and quite paranoid. Those running the show say the show must go on. What do they care. they've squandered the opportunity to take care of their own people properly - as they could and are able to.
Yeah - It makes me mad.
So they need staff. and they are stingy. maybe they can hire illegal aliens? >snicker< with clown outfits (sorry, just had to go there again) :)
I've heard they've considered hiring a landscaping company . . . might be cheaper . . . but yeah, who could they yell at?
There is no possible way a landscaping company would be cheaper than paying grunts basically minimum wage to work grounds. Unless they would hire illegal aliens and pay them under the table.
Way builders is a blast from the past. In its place is Mechanicals, Maintenance, Architecture and Engineering, and at least a couple "project managers." And they do a significant amount of outsourcing.
Silly me.....of course, there is no BUILDING anything at twi. The place is stagnant and maintenance is the ongoing order of the day.
Keep it up, Rosalie. At this rate, twi will be able to serve meals in the BRC basement again for all staff soon.
There is no possible way a landscaping company would be cheaper than paying grunts basically minimum wage to work grounds. Unless they would hire illegal aliens and pay them under the table.
I don't know . . . they wouldn't have all the equipment to house and maintain. People use electricity, water, and sometimes they need to be fed.
That's just what they said (about hiring a company) . . . I think they actually said it like they thought it would be a threat to us.
I don't know . . . they wouldn't have all the equipment to house and maintain. People use electricity, water, and sometimes they need to be fed.
That's just what they said (about hiring a company) . . . I think they actually said it like they thought it would be a threat to us.
I'm sure that threatening you guys was the intent.
They already have invested capital in the equipment. They could not recoup that. They already have the storage facilities. Their only equipment costs they are really paying is new equipment (which they seldom purchase), and parts and materials for maintenance. Maybe electricity on the storage facilities. Really minimal ongoing costs.
Those costs are there including the cost for equipment in paying an outside contracting company. In the real world people have to recoup their costs on their equipment. Plus in rural Ohio I'm sure there's not a lot of companies that maintain grounds on that size facility.
Their ability to deliver on that threat is IMO very low. Housekeeping would actually be about all they could outsource.
With the people cost - they do as a corporation incur the meal cost of the noon meal for Staff every day. For other meals, they recoup cost by charging Staff, right? They charge rent, and have raised it after raising wages from minimum wage to just a little above.
No, I think TWI's Staff is about the least cost solution they could possibly find. In many of these areas. And I will guarantee you that BOD and others have researched these things. Finding poor unsuspecting dupes to fulfill slave labor positions is their least cost solution.
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Cool, Sunesis. Loramie was a cool lake alright. Very pretty. I used to know a dozen or so ponds around New Knoxville, could get on to. Always kept my ultra-light rig and box in the trunk, and hit a
Cool, Sunesis. Loramie was a cool lake alright. Very pretty.
I used to know a dozen or so ponds around New Knoxville, could get on to. Always kept my ultra-light rig and box in the trunk, and hit a spot here and there, early morning or evenings.
Sorry about Lake St. Mary's - never swam in it much but used to go out there with Buddy C and others, to catfish. Buddy was a black belt ninja-cat dude and in a view trips out there taught me the Fine Art of Catchin' (as opposed to "Fishing"... .
Bob L. too, I really expanded my fresth water light weight know-how those years. We'd catch dozens of catfish, keep the good ones and do fish fries. The water in the 70's was pretty clean and there were a lot of pond catfish around too, and they tasted GREAT!, fried up.
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Ahh... Those two names are a blast from the past Socks! I didn't know you were a fisher - and didn't know St. Mary's lake had catfish. Sounds like you had some fun times. Its always interesting, all the things staffers did, apart from their jobs, that HQ or leadership never knew about. Sounds like we both operated on the same principle (as taught to my by J# B#lt early in my corps training): Its easier to get forgiveness then to get permission.
I traveled a long ways on that proverb.
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Oh dear,.... It's so hard to find good help these days..... So The Way International needs staff? Whatever did they do with those loyal dedicated followers who staffed them before? Give them the staff.....?
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Yep! And the "bum's rush" as well!
BTW - Glad to see you here again Gen2! Welcome back! We missed you.
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Yeh, quite a few, and quite a few less after those years Sunesis. Yep, have always loved to fish, since a kidling. Spent a year in Indian prior to Ohio and got the freshwater bug there. Largemouth bass became the fish of choice. And it was always a blast to catch big bluegill from those Ohio ponds.
A lot of us fished, it was no secret. Bob, Steve, Buddy, quite a few others. For a couple years there a lot of the JN guys carried our gear with us, Skip, Mike W, Ken, myself. Fished in Minnesota, Michigan, California, Florida whenever there was a day off and we could squeeze it in. Paul C and Donnie G and I hit a little spot down in Miami one day a few hours before the Take a Stand Caravan that evening - great spot, sun was going down. Made it in and out on this boat pretty quick and as I recall we didn't catch but hey - it's always a fun time either way.
When you get into the depths of Ohio, it's a pretty hmmm....quiet lifestyle. Subtle. There's a lot to enjoy but you have to take advantage of it. Fishing is one sport that drives some people nuts but if you enjoy it there's a lot fo be said for the freshwater in Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana. I'm not a huge fan of endless fields of corn and soybeans but for a few years it was a unique look into that part of the country. A clear night in that area holds a completely different vibe than anywhere else. Course - California's home. The mountains, the deserts, lakes and of course the Pacific. Can't beat it.
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Reminds me of the song "Screen Door" by Rich Mullins and his Ragamuffin Band.
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="
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and the Staff need TWI like a hole in the head!!
Or maybe they just need them to fill up the shot used during the STS for the video?
I saw a facebook status update from a new staff member the other day - they were headed to the STS - and what a privilege it is to go! Only the spiritually mature can handle all that robotic repetitive monotonous bull poopy for that long. And even they are forced to attend!
Edited by JavaJaneLink to comment
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If push comes to shove they can always hire unbelievers. Of course they would have to offer competitive wages, good benefits, a non-hostile workplace, no sexual harassment. Never mind, what was I thinking, that would never work....
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I've heard they've considered hiring a landscaping company . . . might be cheaper . . . but yeah, who could they yell at?
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I heard the same about Housekeeping... but they need the SPIRITUAL awareness of a believer to really make sure the toilets don't have poo poo crumbs in them. And the whole vacuuming the carpet without leaving lines behind.
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Would that be right, though? Denying Gawd's Peeeeple of His blessings in favor of the vile heathens?
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Goodness, you're right!
. . . That just would not be the proper order of things.
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Yes they wouldn't want to pay people that aren't giving back at least 20% of the money they are being paid. That would just upset that fragile monetary balance.... and you might have to pay them. and then there's the minimum wage, and unemployment insurance,.... oh one of those people wouldn't be "too scared to file a claim" if they were hurt. It just sux that you can't tell unbelievers to "just Believe". Nope, nope, nope,..... they'll be off to some expensive doctor and maybe even sue you. How would the Way stnd up if OSHA came to call? No,... we wouldn't want to see that happen. Best off they use the TAMED believers. Hell we can threaten them with our newer - kinder mark and Avoid,.... er, which we've renamed to something else more subtle and ever-changing. After all "the secret to their success is the secrecy of their moves".
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What next?.........Way Builders?
Ya know, the economy just ain't what it used to be and lots of companies are needing to downsize these days. Besides, with twi's abs shrinking....its time to cut staff and squirrel-hole that $54 million and 'believe God.'
Low man on the totem pole goes first.
Landscaping --- check.
Housekeeping -- check.
Way Builders -- check.
How about Guest Housing? Does twi have 'guests' overnight anymore?
Edited by skyriderLink to comment
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Way builders is a blast from the past. In its place is Mechanicals, Maintenance, Architecture and Engineering, and at least a couple "project managers." And they do a significant amount of outsourcing.
As for guests, after there have been 15 layers of approvals they are allowed. But only at the right times and only after the board of dummies give approval.
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Ahhh I get it,... keep that resale value high. Only problem they have is Location, location, location. I guess they currently have enough MT space to open a clown training school in the OSC and Clown Branches in other spaces.
With a recent Way Corps of seven individuals, there must be plenty of room to house them,... If not, Gunnison has room for at least 2 of em ... eh?
So much extra room without all those people.
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There was a ton of empty dorm room in founders hall when I was there. Yet they still made people room together.
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From what I've red from Bolshevick and you and others...? There's already a good start on Clown Memorabilia in the main lobby of Founder's Hall and elswhere. The clown idea tickles me. Clowns need amusement too. Clowns don't behave, are not reverent, and just love to fill up closed spaces with as many of them as they can. They might bring a little life and sanity to the old BRC. Maybe they can set up shop and write new Books to sell!
Really not sure what the difference would be,... oh well,... maybe they're Coulrophobic? There could be classes on overcoming the fear of clowns and a multitude of clowns in the cornfield could promote the possibility of excellor sessions after the class. Go ahead,... walk right up to a clown and show your lack of fear.
Maybe they would actually plant some danged corn? Clowns are funny like that.
Hey! They could re-do the Website! Maybe some sparkly, Zingy Zangy - Zany colors! LOL,.... they might even tell the truth! You just never know with Clowns!
Now I know that many of you might already be thinking that the place is already full of clowns, but they have no pizazz! no Raz-a-ma-tazz! Wigs and noses and appropriate attire could be introduced! and best yet,....... ...clowns always draw a crowd!
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Here's the deal.....
Twi takes that stewardship principle to the nth degree s-t-r-e-c-h-i-n-g every dollar, greasing every fitting, maintenance work on every trailer unit, black-topping roads, etc.
BUT......when it comes to stewarding the lives of staff/corps [the doulos slave teachings], The Way International is a dismal failure. Truth be told, when it comes to that adage of "People are to be loved, things are to be used".....twi LOVES their property and the money it represents, not people. Staffers are sacked like garbage.
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Yeah,... they have a lousy retirement plan, but that's okay! one stays areound on Staff long enough to collect on it. Poor B. Jess just worked till she couldn't. - and - we all saw how well Mrs Weirwille was treated in her golden widowed years.
It's sad indeed skyrider. And yeah,... I know how it goes for the most part. Fortunately not experientally. And there are people counted as followers that are too scared to leave for fear. Fear of what will become of their families they love - or out of the desperate fear that there is nothing out in the world for them. It irks me!
I'm venting, I know.
You're right about that old Love People - Use Things, and not vice-versa addage though. Wasn't there some proverb about the man that sat on his loot for fear that it might go a bye bye? He was too scared or lazy to get out and do anything. just like the people now running Bozo's New Knoxville Bigtop.
The Corps numbers are so low that they are outnumbered by Toilet Bowl Brushes now. They're losing everything. They're poor stewards whiting an MT seplechure, and quite paranoid. Those running the show say the show must go on. What do they care. they've squandered the opportunity to take care of their own people properly - as they could and are able to.
Yeah - It makes me mad.
So they need staff. and they are stingy. maybe they can hire illegal aliens? >snicker< with clown outfits (sorry, just had to go there again) :)
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There is no possible way a landscaping company would be cheaper than paying grunts basically minimum wage to work grounds. Unless they would hire illegal aliens and pay them under the table.
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Silly me.....of course, there is no BUILDING anything at twi. The place is stagnant and maintenance is the ongoing order of the day.
Keep it up, Rosalie. At this rate, twi will be able to serve meals in the BRC basement again for all staff soon.
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I don't know . . . they wouldn't have all the equipment to house and maintain. People use electricity, water, and sometimes they need to be fed.
That's just what they said (about hiring a company) . . . I think they actually said it like they thought it would be a threat to us.
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I'm sure that threatening you guys was the intent.
They already have invested capital in the equipment. They could not recoup that. They already have the storage facilities. Their only equipment costs they are really paying is new equipment (which they seldom purchase), and parts and materials for maintenance. Maybe electricity on the storage facilities. Really minimal ongoing costs.
Those costs are there including the cost for equipment in paying an outside contracting company. In the real world people have to recoup their costs on their equipment. Plus in rural Ohio I'm sure there's not a lot of companies that maintain grounds on that size facility.
Their ability to deliver on that threat is IMO very low. Housekeeping would actually be about all they could outsource.
With the people cost - they do as a corporation incur the meal cost of the noon meal for Staff every day. For other meals, they recoup cost by charging Staff, right? They charge rent, and have raised it after raising wages from minimum wage to just a little above.
No, I think TWI's Staff is about the least cost solution they could possibly find. In many of these areas. And I will guarantee you that BOD and others have researched these things. Finding poor unsuspecting dupes to fulfill slave labor positions is their least cost solution.
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