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i'll show you what's good about being alive


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did i already start this topic? it came up again when i typed it in

i am so angry

do you know that is what he said to kris when she came for COUNSELING?????

he meant BEING WITH HIM was a reason to feel good about being alive

can you believe this ?

as in being with him SEXUALLY


there are real human beings who have committed suicide or wanted to because of this

and HE THINKS this is a reason to feel good about being alive !!!!!!!!!!

how can people or offwayshooters excuse this ?

would you go to your minister or priest or shrink or camp counselor or teacher or anyone you hold in high esteem and expect that they would tell you having sex with them was the reason you should feel good about being alive?????

it's beyond my brain. he told me i would get healed from past abuse. he never told me that's why i would feel good about being alive! i hate his guts.

HOW DARE HE HURT LITTLE PEOPLE. this isn't about someone who was horny. this about a sick human being.

i even said somewhere recently when marsha was going through this torture there was someone else over on the other bed

can you understand how bad this is

of course he was a sick mean person

i can forgive him

but when people want to EXCUSE him i cannot ever ever do that

sorry i'm going so crazy today

i look to this basterd to help me through my childhood abuse and his answer is to you-know-what me\


if he did this to my son, i believe i would kill him

oh god


just think about it -- you need help -- you need counseling in an area which is so shameful to begin with --

and this is how you are treated ? from the frucking pope ? the man of god ?

it's just astrounging

i mean astounding

damn it


i am sqad


i can't type sorry

i am furious

a father in the word ? what the hell is that all about ?

a FATHER ? yeah, i had one of those too

i feel like spitting on him and others

you cannot trust anyone

well, there are nice people in this world

but oh should i even go on ? i'm making myself sick


i am throwing up

the arrogance. he's disgusting. i wish his other eye rotted out (god forgive me)




i'll tell you what's good about being alive -- surviving YOU!

how dare you use young girls. i don't even care if they worshipped your sick sorry azz

you're supposed to know better

did you start a ministry so you could have young firm ones? you make me SICK

if you even had ONE CLUE about god's love or the love of christ you would have -- i don't know -- left this planet lol or done something good with your life -- like being a farmer or whatever

you are your stupid motorcycles and planes and buses

and you taught others on top of it all


and frucking geer and martindale and all these popples who looked up to you and WALTER

what the hell are these people thinking

killing a soul is okay??????????????????????????????? yeah, right. i'm sure god/christ would agree with you

i'm done with you. i hope to meet you later

as far as donna and rosalie, i want to spit on them too. it doesn't take too much to realize the ungodliness of it all. sorry if that's out of your all's (:)) comfort zone

keep [playing your make-believe games. i thankfully believe you will somehow answer

you not only destroyed simple stupid followers like myself

but you destroyed your own children, your own selves

it's just very very sad and bad





okay, i feel a little bit better





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Yeshua is the head of the body, why were we not taught about what the head thought about; it seems we were put on a spirit junglegym, walking in the spirit, talking in the spirit, thinking in the spirit, and I can grab your butt for spirit journey? Their are lines that should not be crossed, but why did not anybody get in VeePee face about those lines; but what is sad, is the people that should have gotten in his face about them lines continued VeePee's way's, and kicked out the people that did get in their face about the matter, I heard Martindale say he was going to make change that would better the way, right; he kicked out the people that could have straighten out that matter, over 30 years ago that happen, Martindale making changes to better the way; then we read the hurt and pain of woman who is our sister, Martindale could have change it, but what was going through VeePee's head, wow, leave room for our Father's wrath?

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what's even more pathetic.. and that's an understatement..

those who named their own offspring after this monster, and painted a beautiful historical scene for him in ohio, long long ago, before the "bad people" took over..

with full knowledge of what gramps did..

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how can people or offwayshooters excuse this ?

The only possible reason I can think of: MONEY. Ex followers who've saved up their fifteen percent, and can't find a "worthy" place to give it..

along with sales of books, classes, etc. etc..

If this is not the motive for not publically condemning the founder of their religion.. maybe some offshoot representatives could show up and offer a reasonable explanation..

I think they should dedicate a little piece of their land for a urinal in the vicster's name..

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If you happened to be one of this pigs son, a daughter, a grandson, a granddaughter..

I pity you..

some of them had enough sense to run like hell from this nonsense

will you run, or will you not..

sorry its so hard here..

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What's there to go on about? Wierwille used the money to buy stuff and exert his control. It fits like a hand in a coin purse.

I thought he used words to exert control, to get the money . . ?

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What's there to go on about? Wierwille used the money to buy stuff and exert his control. It fits like a hand in a coin purse.

If.. his hand ever ends up in my coin purse.. at least post modernnally.. I'll slap him..


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i can forgive him

but when people want to EXCUSE him i cannot ever ever do that

This is very well put. I think that this conveys the feelings of a great number of people here.

Jesus taught us to forgive, forgive, forgive. But he never said excuse, excuse, excuse.

What's good about being alive, Ex? You overcame!



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Oh, exie!!!! I cannot even express how that makes me feel that you went hrough that. What an amazing strong woman you are to be able to express your story in writing.

George, well put!!

As for those offspring off VP who still fellowship with twi, I think acknowledging the truth of what really happened and how hurtful it was to others ( rapes, abuse, suicides) is too much of an emotional burden for them.

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a FATHER ? yeah, i had one of those too

I'm so sorry, Excie. I'm glad you survived and are still involved in life even throught the pain. We're all behind you.

how can people or offwayshooters excuse this ?

They don't believe it to be true. I was out for over a decade before I realized it, and that was when I read Kristin's book.

Edited by erkjohn
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If you happened to be one of this pigs son, a daughter, a grandson, a granddaughter..

I pity you..

Do you think there might be some little "VP's" around whose mother isn't "Dotsie?" You would think someone would have come forward by now if that were the case. But you never know. <_<

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Do you think there might be some little "VP's" around whose mother isn't "Dotsie?" You would think someone would have come forward by now if that were the case. But you never know. <_<

Maybe he was "clipped and curled". :wink2:

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Maybe he was "clipped and curled". :wink2:

Somehow I doubt that. We got a lot of crap from fellow wayfers about my husband's impending vasectomy and how bad it was for a guy to do that - like tubal ligations and abortions are problem-free.

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