do you mean kris? there were such wonderful people around in spite of them being wayfers, you know?
but a heavy price to pay for some like me
ps. sunesis is here on this forum and she was a groovy christian -- same with my3cents but he doesn't come as often -- sunesis is here now. she is still groovy :) you should PM her if you like
This lady's husband was named David Doughty, I think that is how you spell that last name, they lived in Cheyenne Wyo, around 81-84 or something like that; great people, they could live that word, you always knew, things are ok, when your in the present of this groovy heart?
I knew a Mr. and Mrs Dougharty in Cheyenne, Wyo.; Mrs Dougharty showed me a Time Life picture of her on the cover, that was a trip, like you get to met a Time Life cover person everyday. I always knew her as Mrs. Doughaty, good people, she may have lost or dumped the Way, but I never lost the word, she taught me from her heart; Mr. and Mrs. Dougharty they were the real deal, not way deal, Yahweh real deal leaders.
do you mean kris? there were such wonderful people around in spite of them being wayfers, you know?
but a heavy price to pay for some like me
ps. sunesis is here on this forum and she was a groovy christian -- same with my3cents but he doesn't come as often -- sunesis is here now. she is still groovy :) you should PM her if you like
Earth to erkjohn: Sunesis is not a guy. Groovey or otherwise.
Garsh! I just love all this attention! I'm just going by the profile, listed as a male. Hey, "I didn't write the book, I'm just reading what's written!"
Remember the Saturday Night Live sketches about "Pat?"
I think it is safe to say that I've officially derailed this thread! I apologize TeachMe.
Let me know if there's anything else I can do, I'm off to another thread to spread my good cheer and insight. Oh, and Ham, that is a really old commercial you're quoting. It ends with, "Only her hairdresser knows for sure." At least that's what I thought it said as I was trying to adust the rabbit ears on top of the console T.V. during Spin and Marty.
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Chas - LOL!!!!! Actually, alas, I cannot show you my Girl Scout card because I got thrown out. Yes I did. I did earn quite a few merit badges though :) Teachme, I was at the fellowship where that
Its Peta Wilson who played Nikita from the tv series "La Femme Nikita." She's not looking too good these days though ...
Broken Arrow
Sunesis is a guy.
Do you mean THIS groovy lady?
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do you mean kris? there were such wonderful people around in spite of them being wayfers, you know?
but a heavy price to pay for some like me
ps. sunesis is here on this forum and she was a groovy christian -- same with my3cents but he doesn't come as often -- sunesis is here now. she is still groovy :) you should PM her if you like
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There were a *few* followers. I've met a few..
some of them have written.. "know you've got to run, know you've got to hide.."..
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This lady's husband was named David Doughty, I think that is how you spell that last name, they lived in Cheyenne Wyo, around 81-84 or something like that; great people, they could live that word, you always knew, things are ok, when your in the present of this groovy heart?
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I believe it's d-o-u-g-h-e-r-t-y
but anyway kristen skedgell has written a book
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I knew a Mr. and Mrs Dougharty in Cheyenne, Wyo.; Mrs Dougharty showed me a Time Life picture of her on the cover, that was a trip, like you get to met a Time Life cover person everyday. I always knew her as Mrs. Doughaty, good people, she may have lost or dumped the Way, but I never lost the word, she taught me from her heart; Mr. and Mrs. Dougharty they were the real deal, not way deal, Yahweh real deal leaders.
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that's great
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Broken Arrow
Sunesis is a guy.
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Earth to erkjohn: Sunesis is not a guy.
Groovey or otherwise.
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Broken Arrow
Garsh! I just love all this attention! I'm just going by the profile, listed as a male. Hey, "I didn't write the book, I'm just reading what's written!"
Remember the Saturday Night Live sketches about "Pat?"
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Socks is not "stretching the truth" (no elastic Socks here, right?)
Kris was our branch leader back in Indiana, in 1976. A wonderful lady.
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Just goes to show.... you can't always trust what is written..... in aramaic or otherwise.... ;)
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Ain't that the truth.
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Erkjohn, is there a problem?
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Hey Sunesis... prove you're not a guy, will ya? Show Erkjohn your....
Girl Scout Card....
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For a minute there I was afraid you were going to say Girl Scout cookie.
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Broken Arrow
No. No problem here. Well, you know, nothing that a slight power adjustment in my electro shock therapy won't fix.
How are you?
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awwww i loveyou erkjohn
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I can understand the sunesis what's the word..
we'll leave that to linguists I guess..
OK. If you are female.. the avatar is stunning..
if not.. it makes sense with your political.. what's the word..
lets leave that to linguists..
Is she or isn't he.. that is the question..
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To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
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Broken Arrow
I think it is safe to say that I've officially derailed this thread!
I apologize TeachMe.
Let me know if there's anything else I can do, I'm off to another thread to spread my good cheer and insight.
Oh, and Ham, that is a really old commercial you're quoting. It ends with, "Only her hairdresser knows for sure." At least that's what I thought it said as I was trying to adust the rabbit ears on top of the console T.V. during Spin and Marty.
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Broken Arrow
I always thought it was "sea of turtles". You know, "take arms against a sea of turtles".
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That's cool, Sunesis taught me so much, I will always be thankful just know a person of that stature.
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Broken Arrow
You are a nice man Teachme.
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