Oh please, come down off your self appointed pedestal already. What spirit stuff? Pretty damned vague when you think about it. Why do you ASSume any spirit stuff is important to anyone here? We are a diverse group with diverse beliefs. Most of us are long out and OVER TWI. You are the one who still seems to be stuck on Martindale and VPW, not us. And that's okay, everyone works through their stuff at their own speed. But don't project your issues on the rest of us.
WHAT spirit teaching stuff? Do you mean Christ in you the hope of glory? Do you mean the trinity? do you mean the tree spirits, sprites, angels, druids? Pretty much every person who posts here has different beliefs about different stuff. I tossed out darned near everything I was ever taught in TWI and started from scratch years and years ago. I am Jewish.
Cman has beliefs that differ from mine. Sunesis has beliefs that differ from Cman and from mine. Roy (2027) has yet a different set of beliefs. We may have cross over areas where we agree, but we also have difference. And we offer each other respect for our differences and learn from each other because of our differences. You cannot presume to know what one of us believes without asking. You assume we believe something, but you are mistaken.
Too cool, you are a Israelite, I can see now, why this desire of Yahweh's body, of which Yeshua the Messiah is the head of it, to be now, be free from that spirit stuff, could bring you down.
Hey waysider, no, I did not earn a bumper sticker; remember those, Honk if you believe in one god not three. That was a long time ago. Do not really know to muck about that, whatever it used be class?
Too cool, you are a Israelite, I can see now, why this desire of Yahweh's body, of which Yeshua the Messiah is the head of it, to be now, be free from that spirit stuff, could bring you down.
What exactly do you mean by the phrase "that spirit stuff"?
Their are different kinds of it; like a body of spirit, or a spirit life, or a spiritual existence glory, or the spirit talk to my spirit, or the fruits of the spirits and it goes on and on.
Hey waysider, no, I did not earn a bumper sticker; remember those, Honk if you believe in one god not three. That was a long time ago. Do not really know to muck about that, whatever it used be class?
Nope. Only bumper stickers I ever had were the green ones that sported The Way's logo and a little blip about Biblical research, etc.
I'm not really sure I understand how one can discuss The Way's stance on "Spirit teaching spirit" without referencing the class in which it was taught.
All you needed in them days was PFAL, it taught you to learn, how to learn. I stand in awe of how you work your computer stuff, like that Dr. Hook thing; the power from on high is like that, you just do it?
Their are different kinds of it; like a body of spirit, or a spirit life, or a spiritual existence glory, or the spirit talk to my spirit, or the fruits of the spirits and it goes on and on.
All you needed in them days was PFAL, it taught you to learn, how to learn.
This is where you and I disagree.
Before one actually took PFAL, the sales pitch IMPLIED that all you needed was PFAL. Once one finished PFAL, though, there was a seemingly endless array of classes that were needed for spiritual fulfillment. The granddaddy of them all was The Advanced Class. And, although these classes generated a healthy flow of revenue for Wierwille's Way, the purpose of them was to establish a dedicated core of followers who would consistently provide financial assistance to the organization. (abundant sharing)
Regarding "learning to learn.":
That's the primary function of college education, not the purpose of PLAF (The Wonder Class).
Doctrines of men creep into that announcement Paul made about the body of Yahweh of which Yeshua is it head. In John 5:26 For as the Father has life in himself, so has he given the son to have life in himself; when Yeshua was on the earth, he did not have that kind of life in him, when Yahweh raised Yeshua from among the dead, that is when Yeshua got that life that Yahweh has within himself.
Hey waysider, I learned to do the Rubik's cube one day; then one day I found a Rubik's revenge, it took me over 15 years to figure that thing out, and I still can only do it one out of 10 times, those bottom edge cubes are a trip. You got to just keep twisting away. I was never witnessed to, my roommate came home one day and said, this hot chick is teaching the bible at her house. She was hot too, but that woman laid a eye lock on me, has that ever happen to you, you know their is no fear of god, or man, or trouble, that eye lock, I knew I better fear that woman right there and now, I did.
Their are different kinds of it; like a body of spirit, or a spirit life, or a spiritual existence glory, or the spirit talk to my spirit, or the fruits of the spirits and it goes on and on.
So you think we should give up that spirit stuff that you assume we believe, yet you cannot even define. And then what, should we follow you? Is that your point? That the only way is your way? You are going to teach us now?
Just calling out, the body's leader's failed them any way; Martindale clones. The body has many members, each member needs to do their part. But you are a Israelite, I can see how this announcement that Paul made about the body Yahweh told to Paul of which Yeshua is it's head, could bring you down. Do you live in Israel?
You know next to nothing about me. There is nothing in the Bible, Old Testament or New Testament that "brings me down." What ticks me off, however, is the arrogance you display and the assumptions you make. You come in here first with posts that are so long and badly formatted (i.e. lacking paragraphs) that few can read tolerate trying to read them.
Then you start talking about Pawtucket as if you know something about him. Rambling on about how he is going to bring the body together, rambling about how he has a secret, as if you know the first thing about him.
Then you start a thread that appears to be little more than you making fun of Roy, as if you know something about him.
Then you start talking as if you know something about what any one of us believes, with all of your talk about how we need to be free from the spirit stuff that you still cannot define.
Now you want to speak as if you know something about me?
Projection, teachmevp, that is what that is called. I think you do protest too much and that it is really you who needs to let go of that spirit stuff you keep rambling on and on about.
Just calling out, the body's leader's failed them any way; Martindale clones. The body has many members, each member needs to do their part. But you are a Israelite, I can see how this announcement that Paul made about the body Yahweh told to Paul of which Yeshua is it's head, could bring you down. Do you live in Israel?
Oh and btw, VPW and Martindale were NEVER the body's leaders. They were con artists, frauds, rapists, aduterers, but they were not the body's leaders. By your own bible the only head of the body is Christ. So why do you call someone else the body's leader??????
Even the name you have chosen to post under speaks volumes about how stuck you are in that spirit stuff of TWI. Why not TeachmeJesus, TeachmeChrist, TeachmeGod???? Why do you put a man first? Why do you want to follow an imperfect human being?
I get it though, it is hard to undo the indoctrination of TWI. All of us have been there at some point in time. Your mistake is assuming we are still there. We aren't, you are. And that is okay, but it would be nice if you wouldn't put that upon the rest of us.
You have found your way to one of the few places where there is a gathering of people who get the TWI experience. A place where you can find friends. But, part of that process includes being a friend. It includes honestly, humility, respect, etc. etc. We can share our experiences, our varied opinions, knowledge and wisdom. But I don't think any of us wants to lead the body you speak of, that would be overstepping boundaries.
Good night, teachme. I am off to sleep. I hope you think about what I said. I think there is a place for you here, we do get the TWI stuff. Not trying to chase you off, just hoping you will put some thought into what you are saying and why. Hoping you will spend some time listening to others as well. You might check out the About the Way Forums. You will learn a lot about how totally corrupt TWI is. How corrupt VPW was. He stole what he taught from others, he didn't get it by revelation. That might be a good place to start reading, some of the threads on the plagarizing VPW did. Those forums are also a good place to vent some of the hurt and anger you may feel because of what happened to you in TWI.
No, Michael T. O'bucks grandfather put a gun to his head and pull the trigger, years later Michael T. O'buck found in his grandfathers bible why, the knowledge of that life Yahweh has within himself, the notes of it in that bible; just the ruff of it. Michael T. O'buck found that true meaning of the life Yahweh has within himself, and how Yeshua now has it in some kind of flesh and bone body. I was never ask by Yahweh to do any of this, I saw this is importane to the body, and I chased a dream. I chased that dream right here into the GreaseSpot Cafe, I thought pawtucket was the other half to this, and he is, he functions his function; but I have crazy believing as I was stubbing bubbling in here; but I had a lot of great folks that helped me out and woke me up, I am growing in this call thing, that I call out; it is not on me if no one wants heed this call; did I come here in a Martindale suite? I am a nothing of nothing, I just do what Martindale and Martindale clones of this body refuse to do, tell the body to get ready, be watchful.
Thank you, I just hope you understand I got to do what those Martindale clones refuse to do; I know it is crazy, I just got to put a Les Paul in this bodys face, their is only one way, their is only one way, to rock attitude, thank you for understanding the nuttiness.
Good night, teachme. I am off to sleep. I hope you think about what I said. I think there is a place for you here, we do get the TWI stuff. Not trying to chase you off, just hoping you will put some thought into what you are saying and why. Hoping you will spend some time listening to others as well. You might check out the About the Way Forums. You will learn a lot about how totally corrupt TWI is. How corrupt VPW was. He stole what he taught from others, he didn't get it by revelation. That might be a good place to start reading, some of the threads on the plagarizing VPW did. Those forums are also a good place to vent some of the hurt and anger you may feel because of what happened to you in TWI.
Just a note here, Abigail, , no doubt, but I think you are a beautiful peacemaker, a credit to the Israel of God.
A) Yahweh has a body, that is composed of a substance, of something called spirit.
B) Yahweh has some kind of life, that is within his body, that is composed of that substance called spirit.
C) Whatever that kind of life is, that Yahweh has within his body composed of spirit is, that kind of life generates uncontrollable light.
D) A body composed of a substance, of whatever spirit is, cannot contain that uncontrollable light, generated by whatever that life is, that Yahweh has within his body of spirit, that light just shines right through his body of spirit.
E) No way for a human to look at the face of Yahweh, uncontrollable light, would be way too much for a human to look at.
2) Yeshua
A) Yeshua has a new body, that is some kind of a flesh and bone body.
B) Yeshua has the same kind of life that Yahweh has, within whatever that flesh and bone body is.
C) Whatever that kind of life is, that Yeshua has within his body of whatever that flesh and bone body is, that kind of life generates uncontrollable light.
D) Whatever that flesh and bone body Yeshua has, can contain that uncontrollable light, somehow Yeshua can control, whatever that flesh and bone body is.
E) Yeshua can meet humans face to face, Yeshua can control that uncontrollable light, by controlling that flesh and bone body somehow.
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Oh please, come down off your self appointed pedestal already. What spirit stuff? Pretty damned vague when you think about it. Why do you ASSume any spirit stuff is important to anyone here? We are a diverse group with diverse beliefs. Most of us are long out and OVER TWI. You are the one who still seems to be stuck on Martindale and VPW, not us. And that's okay, everyone works through their stuff at their own speed. But don't project your issues on the rest of us.
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Help me understand, what your views are, on that spirit teaching stuff?
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WHAT spirit teaching stuff? Do you mean Christ in you the hope of glory? Do you mean the trinity? do you mean the tree spirits, sprites, angels, druids? Pretty much every person who posts here has different beliefs about different stuff. I tossed out darned near everything I was ever taught in TWI and started from scratch years and years ago. I am Jewish.
Cman has beliefs that differ from mine. Sunesis has beliefs that differ from Cman and from mine. Roy (2027) has yet a different set of beliefs. We may have cross over areas where we agree, but we also have difference. And we offer each other respect for our differences and learn from each other because of our differences. You cannot presume to know what one of us believes without asking. You assume we believe something, but you are mistaken.
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Do you mean "the revelation manifestations" as presented in Wierwille's Advanced Class on Power For Abundant Living?
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Too cool, you are a Israelite, I can see now, why this desire of Yahweh's body, of which Yeshua the Messiah is the head of it, to be now, be free from that spirit stuff, could bring you down.
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Hey waysider, no, I did not earn a bumper sticker; remember those, Honk if you believe in one god not three. That was a long time ago. Do not really know to muck about that, whatever it used be class?
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Steve Lortz
What exactly do you mean by the phrase "that spirit stuff"?
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Their are different kinds of it; like a body of spirit, or a spirit life, or a spiritual existence glory, or the spirit talk to my spirit, or the fruits of the spirits and it goes on and on.
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Nope. Only bumper stickers I ever had were the green ones that sported The Way's logo and a little blip about Biblical research, etc.
I'm not really sure I understand how one can discuss The Way's stance on "Spirit teaching spirit" without referencing the class in which it was taught.
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All you needed in them days was PFAL, it taught you to learn, how to learn. I stand in awe of how you work your computer stuff, like that Dr. Hook thing; the power from on high is like that, you just do it?
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Steve Lortz
Are these things bad?
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This is where you and I disagree.
Before one actually took PFAL, the sales pitch IMPLIED that all you needed was PFAL. Once one finished PFAL, though, there was a seemingly endless array of classes that were needed for spiritual fulfillment. The granddaddy of them all was The Advanced Class. And, although these classes generated a healthy flow of revenue for Wierwille's Way, the purpose of them was to establish a dedicated core of followers who would consistently provide financial assistance to the organization. (abundant sharing)
Regarding "learning to learn.":
That's the primary function of college education, not the purpose of PLAF (The Wonder Class).
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Doctrines of men creep into that announcement Paul made about the body of Yahweh of which Yeshua is it head. In John 5:26 For as the Father has life in himself, so has he given the son to have life in himself; when Yeshua was on the earth, he did not have that kind of life in him, when Yahweh raised Yeshua from among the dead, that is when Yeshua got that life that Yahweh has within himself.
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Hey waysider, I learned to do the Rubik's cube one day; then one day I found a Rubik's revenge, it took me over 15 years to figure that thing out, and I still can only do it one out of 10 times, those bottom edge cubes are a trip. You got to just keep twisting away. I was never witnessed to, my roommate came home one day and said, this hot chick is teaching the bible at her house. She was hot too, but that woman laid a eye lock on me, has that ever happen to you, you know their is no fear of god, or man, or trouble, that eye lock, I knew I better fear that woman right there and now, I did.
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So you think we should give up that spirit stuff that you assume we believe, yet you cannot even define. And then what, should we follow you? Is that your point? That the only way is your way? You are going to teach us now?
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Just calling out, the body's leader's failed them any way; Martindale clones. The body has many members, each member needs to do their part. But you are a Israelite, I can see how this announcement that Paul made about the body Yahweh told to Paul of which Yeshua is it's head, could bring you down. Do you live in Israel?
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You know next to nothing about me. There is nothing in the Bible, Old Testament or New Testament that "brings me down." What ticks me off, however, is the arrogance you display and the assumptions you make. You come in here first with posts that are so long and badly formatted (i.e. lacking paragraphs) that few can read tolerate trying to read them.
Then you start talking about Pawtucket as if you know something about him. Rambling on about how he is going to bring the body together, rambling about how he has a secret, as if you know the first thing about him.
Then you start a thread that appears to be little more than you making fun of Roy, as if you know something about him.
Then you start talking as if you know something about what any one of us believes, with all of your talk about how we need to be free from the spirit stuff that you still cannot define.
Now you want to speak as if you know something about me?
Projection, teachmevp, that is what that is called. I think you do protest too much and that it is really you who needs to let go of that spirit stuff you keep rambling on and on about.
Oh and btw, VPW and Martindale were NEVER the body's leaders. They were con artists, frauds, rapists, aduterers, but they were not the body's leaders. By your own bible the only head of the body is Christ. So why do you call someone else the body's leader??????
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Even the name you have chosen to post under speaks volumes about how stuck you are in that spirit stuff of TWI. Why not TeachmeJesus, TeachmeChrist, TeachmeGod???? Why do you put a man first? Why do you want to follow an imperfect human being?
I get it though, it is hard to undo the indoctrination of TWI. All of us have been there at some point in time. Your mistake is assuming we are still there. We aren't, you are. And that is okay, but it would be nice if you wouldn't put that upon the rest of us.
You have found your way to one of the few places where there is a gathering of people who get the TWI experience. A place where you can find friends. But, part of that process includes being a friend. It includes honestly, humility, respect, etc. etc. We can share our experiences, our varied opinions, knowledge and wisdom. But I don't think any of us wants to lead the body you speak of, that would be overstepping boundaries.
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Good night, teachme. I am off to sleep. I hope you think about what I said. I think there is a place for you here, we do get the TWI stuff. Not trying to chase you off, just hoping you will put some thought into what you are saying and why. Hoping you will spend some time listening to others as well. You might check out the About the Way Forums. You will learn a lot about how totally corrupt TWI is. How corrupt VPW was. He stole what he taught from others, he didn't get it by revelation. That might be a good place to start reading, some of the threads on the plagarizing VPW did. Those forums are also a good place to vent some of the hurt and anger you may feel because of what happened to you in TWI.
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No, Michael T. O'bucks grandfather put a gun to his head and pull the trigger, years later Michael T. O'buck found in his grandfathers bible why, the knowledge of that life Yahweh has within himself, the notes of it in that bible; just the ruff of it. Michael T. O'buck found that true meaning of the life Yahweh has within himself, and how Yeshua now has it in some kind of flesh and bone body. I was never ask by Yahweh to do any of this, I saw this is importane to the body, and I chased a dream. I chased that dream right here into the GreaseSpot Cafe, I thought pawtucket was the other half to this, and he is, he functions his function; but I have crazy believing as I was stubbing bubbling in here; but I had a lot of great folks that helped me out and woke me up, I am growing in this call thing, that I call out; it is not on me if no one wants heed this call; did I come here in a Martindale suite? I am a nothing of nothing, I just do what Martindale and Martindale clones of this body refuse to do, tell the body to get ready, be watchful.
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Thank you, I just hope you understand I got to do what those Martindale clones refuse to do; I know it is crazy, I just got to put a Les Paul in this bodys face, their is only one way, their is only one way, to rock attitude, thank you for understanding the nuttiness.
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Just a note here, Abigail,
, no doubt, but I think you are a beautiful peacemaker, a credit to the Israel of God.
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(((Tom)))) Thanks!
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1) Yahweh
A) Yahweh has a body, that is composed of a substance, of something called spirit.
B) Yahweh has some kind of life, that is within his body, that is composed of that substance called spirit.
C) Whatever that kind of life is, that Yahweh has within his body composed of spirit is, that kind of life generates uncontrollable light.
D) A body composed of a substance, of whatever spirit is, cannot contain that uncontrollable light, generated by whatever that life is, that Yahweh has within his body of spirit, that light just shines right through his body of spirit.
E) No way for a human to look at the face of Yahweh, uncontrollable light, would be way too much for a human to look at.
2) Yeshua
A) Yeshua has a new body, that is some kind of a flesh and bone body.
B) Yeshua has the same kind of life that Yahweh has, within whatever that flesh and bone body is.
C) Whatever that kind of life is, that Yeshua has within his body of whatever that flesh and bone body is, that kind of life generates uncontrollable light.
D) Whatever that flesh and bone body Yeshua has, can contain that uncontrollable light, somehow Yeshua can control, whatever that flesh and bone body is.
E) Yeshua can meet humans face to face, Yeshua can control that uncontrollable light, by controlling that flesh and bone body somehow.
We will be as Yeshua is?
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