You know (or "yanno" as Gen-2 would write), I remember watching Bishop Fulton Sheen's TV show, Life Is Worth Living, back in the 1950s. I've sometimes wondered whether Wierwille patterned PFAL's visual presentation after Life Is Worth Living. Now, here we see JAL going for it again, only on Youtube! Some things never change. He'd do better using his ears for awhile rather than his mouth.
You know (or "yanno" as Gen-2 would write), I remember watching Bishop Fulton Sheen's TV show, Life Is Worth Living, back in the 1950s. I've sometimes wondered whether Wierwille patterned PFAL's visual presentation after Life Is Worth Living. Now, here we see JAL going for it again, only on Youtube! Some things never change. He'd do better using his ears for awhile rather than his mouth.
Gimme a break Thomas, John's sitting in front of a >>>BOOKCASE<<<
A nice "Pie-Chart" would fit right in....
at least he has a laptop, although like Obama proably needs a teleprompter(something Wierwille could have used back i late 60's). :unsure: :wacko: :blink:
Speechless as in "how?", Shellon... as in "can't believe John's still telling the same old jokes?"... as in "when was the last time he actually thought about the words coming out of his mouth?"... as in "didn't he get fed up with this stuff about two cults ago?"
Was it Nike that was doing the slogan, "Just Do It"?
How long ago was that?
I think they came up with "Just Truth It" about the same time John was wearing all the "No Fear" accessories.
There was some discussion on another thread about how we all thought Wierwille was so wise because he was so much older than we were. I don't think today's young people could watch Lynn and stand in awe of his "sagacity".
Watching Lynn teach is like operating a Gestetner spirit duplicator!
JAL did a teaching on the 1994 Jan/ Feb (CES tape) called "Truthing It".
For those that are curious - - - The other five tapes from 1994 are titled:
The Art of Forgiveness;
A Biblical View of our Emotions;
The Manifestation of Prophecy;
Entrusting Yourself to God; (and)
In Defense of Obligation.
(edited to add - - - I did NOT take the time to see who taught the other tapes.
I haven't heard those tapes for (about 15 years now).
Why break a "winning streak, eh?)
Thanks for the info. My question was rhetorical, as in "For slogans he's hitch-hiking on an advertising campaign that's been obsolete for how many years?"
Thanks to you, we know the answer is about 15.
Lynn may as well have recorded his videos in black & white on beta cassettes.
Speechless as in "how?", Shellon... as in "can't believe John's still telling the same old jokes?"... as in "when was the last time he actually thought about the words coming out of his mouth?"... as in "didn't he get fed up with this stuff about two cults ago?"
How, Shellon?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Yes, Yes and again Yes Steve
I know John and I think he's trying to do something, I've always felt he was trying to do ........something.
I don't know that this is the something he ought be doing; maybe something else?
My grandma told me I have to say "God Bless 'em" if I say anything not so nice about someone.
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Is that a PFAL book I see in the bookcase behind him??

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((shakes head))
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Steve Lortz
You know (or "yanno" as Gen-2 would write), I remember watching Bishop Fulton Sheen's TV show, Life Is Worth Living, back in the 1950s. I've sometimes wondered whether Wierwille patterned PFAL's visual presentation after Life Is Worth Living. Now, here we see JAL going for it again, only on Youtube! Some things never change. He'd do better using his ears for awhile rather than his mouth.
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All he needs now is charts,... ... ... yanno?
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Gen, pie charts are so old it is powerpoint and media shout on plasma screens. get with it girl

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Gimme a break Thomas, John's sitting in front of a >>>BOOKCASE<<<
A nice "Pie-Chart" would fit right in....
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Instantly reminds me of YO GABBA GABBA of Nick Jr,(very clownish sounding! )
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Heeeerrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee's Johnny!
And Therrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee's the stop button on my YouTube player!
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
at least he has a laptop, although like Obama proably needs a teleprompter(something Wierwille could have used back i late 60's).

:unsure: :wacko:
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<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="
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Book 'em, Yanno!
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Watched some of the video's
Oh Wow, I am not often speechless
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Steve Lortz
Speechless as in "how?", Shellon... as in "can't believe John's still telling the same old jokes?"... as in "when was the last time he actually thought about the words coming out of his mouth?"... as in "didn't he get fed up with this stuff about two cults ago?"
How, Shellon?
Inquiring minds want to know!
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I can't even watch. JAL plays better off an actual audience. Same hair - didn't care for it then - still don't.
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Maybe he just figures that - If he doesn't Fold, he just can't Lose.........
He has an artificial smile that's disconcerting.
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what's with the hair?
doesn't his hair look like.. da way's representation of an open bible?
I've seen those curves before..
I wonder if he even knows what he is doing..
maybe he really is that contaminated..
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Steve Lortz
"Just Truth It"
Was it Nike that was doing the slogan, "Just Do It"?
How long ago was that?
I think they came up with "Just Truth It" about the same time John was wearing all the "No Fear" accessories.
There was some discussion on another thread about how we all thought Wierwille was so wise because he was so much older than we were. I don't think today's young people could watch Lynn and stand in awe of his "sagacity".
Watching Lynn teach is like operating a Gestetner spirit duplicator!
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Sorry - - - double post.
I thought my edit below would take the place of this one.
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JAL did a teaching on the 1994 Jan/ Feb (CES tape) called "Truthing It".
For those that are curious - - - The other five tapes from 1994 are titled:
The Art of Forgiveness;
A Biblical View of our Emotions;
The Manifestation of Prophecy;
Entrusting Yourself to God; (and)
In Defense of Obligation.
(edited to add - - - I did NOT take the time to see who taught the other tapes.
I haven't heard those tapes for (about 15 years now).
Why break a "winning streak, eh?)
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Steve Lortz
Thanks for the info. My question was rhetorical, as in "For slogans he's hitch-hiking on an advertising campaign that's been obsolete for how many years?"
Thanks to you, we know the answer is about 15.
Lynn may as well have recorded his videos in black & white on beta cassettes.
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His hand gestures are kind of bizarre. Try watching it with the sound turned off..
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You mean I was supposed to have it turned on?
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_Now_ I know what he's missing! He needs to bang his head---err, fists on the table! You know, Mussolini style.
It might not have more people sign his green card, but it'll keep more people from falling asleep. ((snicker))
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Yes, Yes and again Yes Steve
I know John and I think he's trying to do something, I've always felt he was trying to do ........something.
I don't know that this is the something he ought be doing; maybe something else?
My grandma told me I have to say "God Bless 'em" if I say anything not so nice about someone.
God Bless Him
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