King of the Hill; Martindale; they felt like a number; they became the unfortunate one's, rollin, rollin, rollin down the river, as they watched you waiting for that street corner girl!
In those days, the body was focused; but a king took over the hill, and took away the focus!
Narrow Gate; Martindale, you gave them a quarter, and told them to call, someone who cares; is there anybody in there, you took away their pudding, and eat their meat!
Deep Sleep; Martindale, a jutebox hero, with stars in your eyes, glorying in the lime light; but soon they saw, a shooting star, with a bottle of sleeping tablets, by his head!
In those days, the body was wide awake, if only it had been encouraged to be watchful, we are going to get that life!
Lost of intertest; MARTINDALE, this morning when you woke up, before you put on your makeup; they looked for the key, to their brand new pair of roller skates, they looked for helium, to fill their ninety nine red balloons!
Having; I guess, every Martindale has it's thorn, just like every night has it's dawn, just like every cowboy has a sad sad song, every Martindale has it's thorn!
In those days, the body having all it need; but it became a sad sad song!
Blundered; Martindale, they saw you receive that pencil, but you had to chew the easer off; they saw you put that child down, and step out of the sandbox!
In those days, the body would have gladly given up that spirit ?
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Woe unto ye Scribes, Lawyers and Martindales! Sing it, brother.
Railroad tracks; Martindale, but they were taken, around the world, on a crazy train!
The body at that time, it was on the right track; but the track got switched?
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Knife; I am woman, watch me grow; MARTINDALE!
The body in those days, Yahweh was the pruner, of the Olive Tree!
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Hustled; Saturday, in the park, I think it was the Fourth of July; a man selling ice cream; MARTINDALE!
In those days, the body would have enjoyed the richness of Yahweh knowledge; but it got ice cream!
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King of the Hill; Martindale; they felt like a number; they became the unfortunate one's, rollin, rollin, rollin down the river, as they watched you waiting for that street corner girl!
In those days, the body was focused; but a king took over the hill, and took away the focus!
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GI Joe, kung fu grip; MARTINDALE!
In those days, all the body needed, was the hand to be put forth; but the Eagle Claw?
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Widows; Henry the Eighth, I am, I am; REALLY; they saw your eyes stray to the widow next door!
In those days, all the helpers of the body; widows forgotten, as the body became a name tag!
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Narrow Gate; Martindale, you gave them a quarter, and told them to call, someone who cares; is there anybody in there, you took away their pudding, and eat their meat!
In those days, the body was on path, but ?.
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Sucking Up; Sit right here, son, and have a cigar; MARTINDALE!
The body in those days, some are still known by their fruits!
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Joy Ride; Martindale; you told them that the long black train, was the midnight train to Bangkok!
The body in those days, was on the right track, Yeshua being the engineer!
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Deep Sleep; Martindale, a jutebox hero, with stars in your eyes, glorying in the lime light; but soon they saw, a shooting star, with a bottle of sleeping tablets, by his head!
In those days, the body was wide awake, if only it had been encouraged to be watchful, we are going to get that life!
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Lost of intertest; MARTINDALE, this morning when you woke up, before you put on your makeup; they looked for the key, to their brand new pair of roller skates, they looked for helium, to fill their ninety nine red balloons!
The body in those days, were focused!
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Having; I guess, every Martindale has it's thorn, just like every night has it's dawn, just like every cowboy has a sad sad song, every Martindale has it's thorn!
In those days, the body having all it need; but it became a sad sad song!
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Way Corp; Martindale, they saw you make their dreams come true, the dreams they call the zoo?
In those days, the body so rich in leadership, but the heart got kicked out?
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Listening; O, were half way there, O, O, living on a prayer, take my hand, and we will make it I swear MARTINDALE!
The body in those days, took the hand of Yeshua the Messiah; but now, it's not even half way there!
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Day Dreaming; Girls were girls and men were men, we can use another man like Woodrow Wilson again MARTINDALE!
The body in those days, hoped; but ?!
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Greed; No time to take a rest, no room for second best, no time for sorrow; you got another thing comein MARTINDALE!
In those days, the body would have been listening, but now, it has to choose?
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Figures of speech in the tunes, therein is Martindale's Doctrine.
Robbed; Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me, I got, two tickets to paradise MARTIDALE!
In those days, that spirit teaching could have easily been removed; who started to remove it?
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High Heel Shoes; Shake it up, shake it up, dance all night, get real loose MARTINDALE!
In those days, the body would have understood, that VP started to take out that spirit teaching, but now ?
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Blundered; Martindale, they saw you receive that pencil, but you had to chew the easer off; they saw you put that child down, and step out of the sandbox!
In those days, the body would have gladly given up that spirit ?
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The Way; Dream maker, don't you go messin around with me, your a love taker MARTINDALE!
The body in those days, but the Martindale Effect?
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