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My self and their self and his self and inner self!


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God first

My self and their self and his self and inner self!


As I see my self I also see their self and his self and my inner self as a mirror of truth. The illusion is almost real as I see my foolish self who is the light of my heart without greed or any malice. The light sparks the current of electrical wire and light glows without a fire.

The temple of Christ body which the true light of self which is God in Christ which the self of my inner self the temple of my love. Christ is the spark that Conceive me out of my belief that awake my inner self from my inner self.

I no longer have the greed of self because I have been set free from foolish my greed that I not longer had. I am the temple Christ one body of God in unity as one and all together with God and Christ as one.

I no longer see as many bodies but as one God with many light rays from only one spark the Lord Jesus Christ. In him we stand in unity of love and perfect heart of love and a holy kiss Roy.

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God first

with love and a holy kiss Roy

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God first

thanks Everybody

I got message from friend you might enjoy

remember my words but can skip my start with Sandy answer

God first

My self and their self and his self and inner self!


As I see my self I also see their self and his self and my inner self as a mirror of truth. The illusion is almost real as I see my foolish self who is the light of my heart without greed or any malice. The light sparks the current of electrical wire and light glows without a fire.

The temple of Christ body which the true light of self which is God in Christ which the self of my inner self the temple of my love. Christ is the spark that Conceive me out of my belief that awake my inner self from my inner self.

I no longer have the greed of self because I have been set free from foolish my greed that I not longer had. I am the temple Christ one body of God in unity as one and all together with God and Christ as one.

I no longer see as many bodies but as one God with many light rays from only one spark the Lord Jesus Christ. In him we stand in unity of love and perfect heart of love and a holy kiss Roy.


now my friend words

I keep re-reading that post you wrote here almost everytime I come in here since you posted it. I am not sure why entirely. Except I find it most interesting. And tonight when I just read it again, I have a question to ask you that just occurred to me, which deals with the light.

As I see it, the light is the Spirit of Christ that resides within one. So perhaps that light or Spirit that dwells within us, makes up the fire that does burn up the dross or sin in our lives of course. Meaning we do have a fire burning within us. But it isn't there to consume us either, but only to consume the sin.

Meaning check out scriptures that do speak of fire, and see what you do come up with. I know there are several in Romans I believe, as well as speaking of fire when the first ones received the baptism with the Holy Ghost in Acts 2:1-4. OK?

I will also add, that fire I am speaking of here that does this IMHO is HIS precious love he fills us up with. I think there is a scripture that points to that being true somewhere in Romans. If you have a Concordance, might check them out by checking out the phrase fire. If not, I will do so later, and give you the scirpture I am thinking of. Just let me know if you need for me to, please.

Thanks for shareing all of that too.

Luv In Christ


Stop eating dirt, and instead, study the word with an open heart to receive from the Lord personally. For if you do, Truth Will Always Prevail. (Rev. 3:20-22)


my answer to Sandy

God first

thanks Sandy

It blesses me that you enjoy that

I have a Concordance but your look for your self because that will make more real

but please share us what ever you find

i love you my friend

with love and a holy kiss Roy


but Sandy has answer me again

Oh ok. Will do so again. As it has been a while since I did look at the issue of fire, in regards to agape, or the love of God that we receive when we are filled With His spirit that is.

I do remember my seeing it as what does burn up what is my self or the body of flesh that still has to be destroyed according to Rm. 6:6 anyway. Thinking that is what the fire that comes with that baptism is for.

And I have checked out which scripture it is that gave me the idea that Gods fire is His love dwelling within us by what it does say in Rm. 12:

29: Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire (love) on his head.

And that is because of what it does say about those that are walking in this love written about and happening according to what is written before this, back in Rm. 5:

5: And hope maketh not ashamed; because of the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost wich is given unto us.

Which is why I said what I have about this. As well as saying that this kind of miraculous love doesn't come from ourselves at all, but is what God provides for us to walk in.

But the scripture in verse 12 also seems to indicate it is the fire that does burn up self within us also. And as we give it to others, it possibly will end up doing the same eventually in their lives too, if that one does accept His Spirit fully of course. Since it is not something that man is capable of doing themselves either. But requires God to make the change in our lives thru HIS SPIRIT in order for us to walk in it. But it is also still the fire that burns up all unrighteousness as well within our own lives amazingly too. I cannot help but think about the song as well as the following words regarding this Roy. Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. And that is the truth for all of us that are his children for sure. For we are in and of ourselves, most wretched, but with HIM we can walk in His wonderfulrighteousness as do submit our lives unto Him, allowing Him to live and move in our lives ultimately.

What a wonderful miracle God has truly done thru the cross for all those that do find the way to it, I truly beleive

And that is what I have found by looking at this again. We are nothing, but He is everything.

Is it that, that Jesus meant one must find written in Mt. 7:14????? I believe it is at least part if not most of what He was saying there possibly.

Luv In Christ


Stop eating dirt, and instead, study the word with an open heart to receive from the Lord personally. For if you do, Truth Will Always Prevail. (Rev. 3:20-22)

with love and a holy kiss Roy

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