You have Linux? I am still fumbling around with it.
But yes, I remember that prevailing thought that everything will go wrong with life after you leave TWI. When we left the limb coord called us up to tell us what we were doing to our kids.
I remember when I was an innie and driving, by myself, to see an "unbeliever" friend, who was definitely not an unbeliever but a non-Way believer. At that time the rants from lcm were so extreme about stepping out from God's protection that I thought the adversary could just kill me anytime because (1) I didn't have another Way believer in the car with me and (2) I was going to see a friend who wasn't in the ministry and therefore didn't have all of God's benefits and blessings. That was a horrible time for me. I hated the ministry for the fear it was putting me through, but I was too scared to leave. I also was very conflicted because I couldn't figure out why I thought I was better off before I got in the ministry than I was now, at that time. Of course now I know: I WAS!!
And let's talk about bad things happening to people: The worst things that have happened to me were when I was in the ministry and not out. My life was great until I went in. Of course I was only 20 and hadn't lived a lot of life by then. But when I was in the ministry some creep broke into my house and came into my room at night while I was sleeping. He was so quiet, yet I shot up in the bed--I know it was God or Jesus who woke me up (which The Way would take credit for in a heartbeat, but that's another topic)--but it freaked me out so bad to see someone at the foot of my bed in the middle of the night. I was terrified of the dark for months afterward. And then the other horrible thing was living life paranoid during the time I mentioned in the above paragraph.
Healthy, well-rounded people do not live terrified like I did then. That is not normal, very unhealthy, and detrimental. BTW, since I've left, I've never been scared of being victimized by another person or even the devil himself. Hmmm...I think I'm better off without the way's false sense of "protection."
I don't think that if they came my way I would move over for any of them. I've already closely tussled with two of them several years ago. These people would not let me leave TWI in peace. I am not kidding about this. I'm very sure others went through very much the same as I did.
I don't think that if they came my way I would move over for any of them. I've already closely tussled with two of them several years ago. These people would not let me leave TWI in peace. I am not kidding about this. I'm very sure others went through very much the same as I did.
Yes, well almost. It didn't come to blows. But it did get so bad I had to threaten two individuals with coming to their residence and calling them out just to keep off of my back about leaving TWI.
It got around and I was marked and avoided, which gave me a great sense of relief to be avoided.
If you just wanted peace, then mark and avoid worked in your favor. I saw another individual lose his temper with a TWI follower for "departing from the Word". I could almost sense by the look in his eyes, he could no longer take it. The one from TWI backed off and left. I'm not sure what has happened to him since.
Today, I feel terrible about threatening violence against those that harassed me. It wasn't exactly the best in Christian character. Perhaps the best solution was to move away where I couldn't be found and unlist my phone number.
We left of course long before LCM got really rolling, but we left in the middle of the night, and we spent the next few days on the road, literally terrified that GOD would strike us dead for leaving the ministry..this was in 83 by the way...
What kind of Ministry teaches you to be terrified of GOD, and that God would be so angry at us he would kill us for not being part of that ministry?
The most evil vile kind.
And before you say it, now, I wondser how I could have bought into that? But when that is what you are hearing,constantly, how could you not buy into it?
Free to be me should be my new moto LOL!
Once we left we just had a regular life, we are blessed and have been very happy, We have two beautiful successful Daughters we have our own home and we have fun together, and all out side the Way Ministry.
I never regret leaving and honostly, coming to Greasespot has helped me to see just how evil The Way International really is.
Edited to fix some of my errors(commas are so important) and to add Hubby was Corps and I was in charge of Childrens fellowship.. Not big wigs but leasreship none the less.
Today, I feel terrible about threatening violence against those that harassed me. It wasn't exactly the best in Christian character. Perhaps the best solution was to move away where I couldn't be found and unlist my phone number.
That's pretty much what we did - the last time we moved we just didn't leave a forwarding address. As for threatening violence, my husband says that sometimes there is a justifiable reason to push an old lady (Rosalie) down a flight of stairs.... but you still shouldn't do it. Sometimes we just have to do what we have to do to get away.
Today, I feel terrible about threatening violence against those that harassed me. It wasn't exactly the best in Christian character. Perhaps the best solution was to move away where I couldn't be found and unlist my phone number.
The way I feel about that is they don't own the city you live in. If they don't like it they can leave. If they harass me or my family I'll get a restraining order.
There is no possible way I'm going to let those clowns intimidate me to the point that I'd consider moving. They are the ones that are deluded, so let them be the ones that are intimidated.
They are the ones that are deluded, so let them be the ones that are intimidated.
I just refuse to be intimidated. Experience adrenaline dumps and deal with fight or flight responses all day long, but being intimidated is a choice based on what we think the are able to do. I refuse that as much as I am able. In fact building the courage to post here has been a major milestone in my life to relegate these paper tigers where they belong - irrelevancy.
I just refuse to be intimidated. Experience adrenaline dumps and deal with fight or flight responses all day long, but being intimidated is a choice based on what we think the are able to do. I refuse that as much as I am able. In fact building the courage to post here has been a major milestone in my life to relegate these paper tigers where they belong - irrelevancy.
Well here's one for you then, the adversary doesn't care about the TWI believers, They've insulated themselves from the rest of the world. Outsiders are too messed up to talk with. A TWI'er saying he witnessed is like the proverbial White kid saying some of his best friends are black. The adversary doesn't have to do much with TWI, They're a low-maintenance "christian" fringe group that does a pretty good job of causing itself it's own problems without his intervention, or that of any devil spirits....
A TWI'er saying he witnessed is like the proverbial White kid saying some of his best friends are black.<grin>
Ok, a little , but I was once told (by leadership) that the reason there weren't a lot of black people in twi is because black women are too domineering and not "sweet" (of course "sweet" in twi speak = submissive and quiet.)
Yup. That's what they said. Wonder what Rev. R0ya!e would say about that.
Ok, a little , but I was once told (by leadership) that the reason there weren't a lot of black people in twi is because black women are too domineering and not "sweet" (of course "sweet" in twi speak = submissive and quiet.)
. . .
I was told at HQ that the Word isn't growing in New England because of our standoffish culture . . . or something.
It's so easy to defeat da word, ain't it? If only there were a nation of marshmallows who would just believe . ..
I was told at HQ that the Word isn't growing in New England because of our standoffish culture . . . or something.
It's so easy to defeat da word, ain't it? If only there were a nation of marshmallows who would just believe . ..
So by natural extension of logic, the Word isn't growing in TWI because of the BOD's 'standoffish culture'. In other words, they never travel outside their little snake pits to 'bless' anyone, teach, visit, pray, etc. They hardly ever appear even at big events. When they do appear, they do stupid 'teachings' like Rosie lecturing people on how to write letters to the BOD properly one year, etc.
In other words, they never travel outside their little snake pits to 'bless' anyone, teach, visit, pray, etc. They hardly ever appear even at big events. When they do appear, they do stupid 'teachings' like Rosie lecturing people on how to write letters to the BOD properly one year, etc.
They really don't know how to do any of that stuff. It's better they stay confidential and private because otherwise more people would see the little people making all the big bad noises behind the curtain.
So by natural extension of logic, the Word isn't growing in TWI because of the BOD's 'standoffish culture'. In other words, they never travel outside their little snake pits to 'bless' anyone, teach, visit, pray, etc. They hardly ever appear even at big events. When they do appear, they do stupid 'teachings' like Rosie lecturing people on how to write letters to the BOD properly one year, etc.
Yeah.. That about sums up HQ and TWI BOD... Can't turn off their own light switch and instead has to get someone out of bed, drive over, and do it for them.. *shrugs*
Isn't there a scripture about that, like not even putting the spoon to their own mouth.. Yeah, ok, there I go spiritualizing something that doesn't need taken that far.. Old TWI habits take long to die.
Yeah.. That about sums up HQ and TWI BOD... Can't turn off their own light switch and instead has to get someone out of bed, drive over, and do it for them.. *shrugs*
Isn't there a scripture about that, like not even putting the spoon to their own mouth..
"there's a lion in the street!"------Proverbs 22:13
Proverbs 19:24 A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom, and will not so much as bring it to his mouth again.
Isn't there a scripture about that, like not even putting the spoon to their own mouth.. Yeah, ok, there I go spiritualizing something that doesn't need taken that far.. Old TWI habits take long to die.
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I think I have been out 6 or 7 years now.I have told many people that since leaving I finally feel like I am having the enjoyable life God intended people to have,my life has honestly never been bette
And every once in a while someone's lips get so tired they start growing a conscience. That's when it's time to leave.
OldSkool,com_docman/Itemid,29/task,doc_download/gid,29/ We are damned if we meet catastrophe and damned if we prosper. If something bad happens it's for le
What is this link, Donna? something with a .rm ending. What does it want, to open it? Is it worth opening? Precis, anyone?
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Its probably the rant about the brown's consequences to offspring due to lack of faithfulness or something..
my linux machine won't open it. But I think I've heard it before..
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It.s a .rm file which takes RealPlayer.
Ham, not sure which Linux distro you are using, on Ubuntu you have to use RP or install win32 codecs or use Helix Player.
Here's where I got the Donna file from with some more goodies.
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Fedora 10. I have the movie player installed.. it plays video from YouTube OK..
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This has an RPM link.
I've had mixed results with the real play packages before but today I set up the deb file and it works now.
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You have Linux? I am still fumbling around with it.
But yes, I remember that prevailing thought that everything will go wrong with life after you leave TWI. When we left the limb coord called us up to tell us what we were doing to our kids.
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Been using it since 1999 and love it. If you haven't try Ubuntu for user friendly. Otherwise, Fedora, SuSE very good too.
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What About It
I remember when I was an innie and driving, by myself, to see an "unbeliever" friend, who was definitely not an unbeliever but a non-Way believer. At that time the rants from lcm were so extreme about stepping out from God's protection that I thought the adversary could just kill me anytime because (1) I didn't have another Way believer in the car with me and (2) I was going to see a friend who wasn't in the ministry and therefore didn't have all of God's benefits and blessings. That was a horrible time for me. I hated the ministry for the fear it was putting me through, but I was too scared to leave. I also was very conflicted because I couldn't figure out why I thought I was better off before I got in the ministry than I was now, at that time. Of course now I know: I WAS!!
And let's talk about bad things happening to people: The worst things that have happened to me were when I was in the ministry and not out. My life was great until I went in. Of course I was only 20 and hadn't lived a lot of life by then. But when I was in the ministry some creep broke into my house and came into my room at night while I was sleeping. He was so quiet, yet I shot up in the bed--I know it was God or Jesus who woke me up (which The Way would take credit for in a heartbeat, but that's another topic)--but it freaked me out so bad to see someone at the foot of my bed in the middle of the night. I was terrified of the dark for months afterward. And then the other horrible thing was living life paranoid during the time I mentioned in the above paragraph.
Healthy, well-rounded people do not live terrified like I did then. That is not normal, very unhealthy, and detrimental. BTW, since I've left, I've never been scared of being victimized by another person or even the devil himself. Hmmm...I think I'm better off without the way's false sense of "protection."
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Christian mafia?
I don't think that if they came my way I would move over for any of them. I've already closely tussled with two of them several years ago. These people would not let me leave TWI in peace. I am not kidding about this. I'm very sure others went through very much the same as I did.
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how do you mean? Tussle in the literal sense??
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Yes, well almost. It didn't come to blows. But it did get so bad I had to threaten two individuals with coming to their residence and calling them out just to keep off of my back about leaving TWI.
It got around and I was marked and avoided, which gave me a great sense of relief to be avoided.
If you just wanted peace, then mark and avoid worked in your favor. I saw another individual lose his temper with a TWI follower for "departing from the Word". I could almost sense by the look in his eyes, he could no longer take it. The one from TWI backed off and left. I'm not sure what has happened to him since.
Today, I feel terrible about threatening violence against those that harassed me. It wasn't exactly the best in Christian character. Perhaps the best solution was to move away where I couldn't be found and unlist my phone number.
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We left of course long before LCM got really rolling, but we left in the middle of the night, and we spent the next few days on the road, literally terrified that GOD would strike us dead for leaving the ministry..this was in 83 by the way...
What kind of Ministry teaches you to be terrified of GOD, and that God would be so angry at us he would kill us for not being part of that ministry?
The most evil vile kind.
And before you say it, now, I wondser how I could have bought into that? But when that is what you are hearing,constantly, how could you not buy into it?
Free to be me should be my new moto LOL!
Once we left we just had a regular life, we are blessed and have been very happy, We have two beautiful successful Daughters we have our own home and we have fun together, and all out side the Way Ministry.
I never regret leaving and honostly, coming to Greasespot has helped me to see just how evil The Way International really is.
Edited to fix some of my errors(commas are so important) and to add Hubby was Corps and I was in charge of Childrens fellowship.. Not big wigs but leasreship none the less.
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That's pretty much what we did - the last time we moved we just didn't leave a forwarding address. As for threatening violence, my husband says that sometimes there is a justifiable reason to push an old lady (Rosalie) down a flight of stairs.... but you still shouldn't do it. Sometimes we just have to do what we have to do to get away.
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The way I feel about that is they don't own the city you live in. If they don't like it they can leave. If they harass me or my family I'll get a restraining order.
There is no possible way I'm going to let those clowns intimidate me to the point that I'd consider moving. They are the ones that are deluded, so let them be the ones that are intimidated.
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I just refuse to be intimidated. Experience adrenaline dumps and deal with fight or flight responses all day long, but being intimidated is a choice based on what we think the are able to do. I refuse that as much as I am able. In fact building the courage to post here has been a major milestone in my life to relegate these paper tigers where they belong - irrelevancy.
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Well here's one for you then, the adversary doesn't care about the TWI believers, They've insulated themselves from the rest of the world. Outsiders are too messed up to talk with. A TWI'er saying he witnessed is like the proverbial White kid saying some of his best friends are black. The adversary doesn't have to do much with TWI, They're a low-maintenance "christian" fringe group that does a pretty good job of causing itself it's own problems without his intervention, or that of any devil spirits....
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Ok, a little
, but I was once told (by leadership) that the reason there weren't a lot of black people in twi is because black women are too domineering and not "sweet" (of course "sweet" in twi speak = submissive and quiet.)
Yup. That's what they said. Wonder what Rev. R0ya!e would say about that.
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Well, I know what she did say. Most men in the way international are not strong enough to lead her. Heard it myself.
Right out of her mouth.
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I was told at HQ that the Word isn't growing in New England because of our standoffish culture . . . or something.
It's so easy to defeat da word, ain't it? If only there were a nation of marshmallows who would just believe . ..
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So by natural extension of logic, the Word isn't growing in TWI because of the BOD's 'standoffish culture'. In other words, they never travel outside their little snake pits to 'bless' anyone, teach, visit, pray, etc. They hardly ever appear even at big events. When they do appear, they do stupid 'teachings' like Rosie lecturing people on how to write letters to the BOD properly one year, etc.
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They really don't know how to do any of that stuff. It's better they stay confidential and private because otherwise more people would see the little people making all the big bad noises behind the curtain.
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Yeah.. That about sums up HQ and TWI BOD... Can't turn off their own light switch and instead has to get someone out of bed, drive over, and do it for them.. *shrugs*
Isn't there a scripture about that, like not even putting the spoon to their own mouth.. Yeah, ok, there I go spiritualizing something that doesn't need taken that far.. Old TWI habits take long to die.
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"there's a lion in the street!"------Proverbs 22:13
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Proverbs 19:24 A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom, and will not so much as bring it to his mouth again.
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